S8264 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 21, 2017 (1) congratulates the University of Ne- (3) in 1969, was formally granted a name (4) is 1 of only 2 historically Black colleges braska-Lincoln volleyball team as the win- change by the Alabama State Board of Edu- and universities to produce a Rhodes scholar; ner of the 2017 National Collegiate Athletic cation and became Alabama State Univer- and Association Division I Volleyball Champion- sity; (5) has graduated a number of African- ship; Whereas notable figures of the civil rights American luminaries, including the Mayor of (2) commends the University of Nebraska era attended and graduated from Alabama Atlanta, Georgia, Maynard Jackson, film di- players, coaches, and staff for their hard State University, including the Reverend rector Spike Lee, and the Reverend Martin work and dedication; Ralph David Abernathy, attorney Fred Gray, Luther King, Jr.; (3) recognizes the students, alumni, and and the Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth; Whereas 2 current Members of Congress are loyal fans that supported the Cornhuskers on Whereas Barber-Scotia College— graduates of Morehouse College; their journey to win another Division I (1) in 1867, was founded as Scotia Seminary Whereas Morgan State University was Championship; and in Concord, North Carolina, by the Reverend founded in Baltimore, Maryland, as the Cen- (4) respectfully requests that the Secretary Luke Dorland; and tenary Biblical Institute in 1867 to train of the Senate prepare an official copy of this (2) in 1870, was chartered to educate newly former slaves and freedmen for the Meth- resolution for presentation to— freed female slaves; odist ministry; (A) the president of the University of Ne- Whereas Scotia Seminary— Whereas, the Centenary Biblical Insti- (1) was the first historically Black institu- braska; tute— tion of higher education for females estab- (1) in 1874, became coeducational; (B) the athletic director of the University lished in the United States; (2) in 1890, changed its name to Morgan of Nebraska-Lincoln; and (2) in 1916, was renamed as Scotia Women’s (C) the head coach of the University of Ne- College; and College in honor of one of its board members; braska-Lincoln volleyball team. (3) in 1930, merged with Barber Memorial and (3) in 1939, was purchased by the State of f College to become Barber-Scotia Junior Col- lege for women; Maryland to provide more academic opportu- SENATE RESOLUTION 366—HON- Whereas Barber-Scotia College became a 4- nities for black students and was renamed ORING THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS year college for women in 1946 and a coedu- Morgan State College; OF THE 9 HISTORICALLY BLACK cational institution in 1954; Whereas Morgan State College— COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Whereas one of the distinguished graduates (1) distinguished itself as a liberal arts col- of Barber-Scotia College was Mary McCleod lege; THAT CELEBRATED THEIR SES- (2) in 1975, was granted university status; QUICENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARIES Bethune, the founder of Bethune-Cookman College; and DURING THE WEEK OF SEP- Whereas Fayetteville State University was (3) has been designated as the preeminent TEMBER 24 THROUGH SEP- formed as the Howard School on November public research university in Maryland, as TEMBER 30, 2017 29, 1867, by 7 African-American men who paid well as a National Treasure by the National $136 for 2 lots on Gillespie Street in Fayette- Trust for Historic Preservation; Ms. HARRIS (for herself, Mr. Whereas, in 2004, the Morgan State Choir PERDUE, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. BROWN, Mrs. ville, North Carolina; Whereas the Howard School was formally was named ‘‘The Nation’s Best College GILLIBRAND, Mr. SCHUMER, and Mr. renamed Fayetteville State University in Choir’’ by Reader’s Digest and has performed BURR) submitted the following resolu- 1969; for audiences on 4 continents; tion; which was referred to the Com- Whereas Fayetteville State University Whereas Morgan State University— mittee on Health, Education, Labor, holds the distinction of being the second old- (1) has graduated a great number of promi- and Pensions: est public school in North Carolina; nent African-American leaders in politics, law, entertainment, and science; and S. RES. 366 Whereas Howard University— (1) was chartered by Congress on March 2, (2) has a list of alumni that includes Con- Whereas, in 1867, 9 historically Black col- 1867, in Washington, District of Columbia; gressmen Parren J. Mitchell and Kweisi leges and universities were established in 4 (2) stands today as the most comprehensive Mfume, Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals Southern States, Alabama, Georgia, Mary- historically Black college and university in of Maryland Robert M. Bell, novelist Zora land, and North Carolina, as well as in the the United States, in terms of undergraduate Neale Hurston, and Pulitzer-Prize winner District of Columbia, which constituted the and graduate programs of study; James Alan McPherson; largest number of historically Black Col- (3) has produced numerous Rhodes schol- Whereas St. Augustine’s University was leges and Universities founded in any single ars, Truman scholars, Fulbright scholars, founded in 1867 as the St. Augustine’s Nor- year before or after that date; and Picking fellows and a Marshall scholar mal School by prominent Episcopal clergy Whereas the 9 historically Black colleges during the history of the university; and for the education of freed slaves in Raleigh, and universities that celebrated their sesqui- (4) has graduated some of the most accom- North Carolina; centennial anniversaries during the week of plished African-Americans in history, in- Whereas St. Agnes Hospital and Training September 24 through September 30, 2017, cluding Justice of the Supreme Court of the School for Nurses, the first school of nursing trace their foundings to rather modest begin- United States Thurgood Marshall, author for African-American students in the state of nings but, in the course of a century and a Toni Morrison, and former United States North Carolina— half, have established records of significant Ambassador to the United Nations Andrew (1) was established by St. Augustine’s Nor- achievement and legacies of devotion to aca- Young; mal School in 1895; and demic excellence; Whereas 5 current Members of Congress are (2) was the only hospital in North Carolina Whereas the 9 institutions celebrating graduates of Howard University; that served African-Americans until 1960; their sesquicentennial anniversaries in- Whereas Johnson C. Smith University was Whereas St. Augustine’s University was clude— established on April 7, 1867, as the Biddle Me- the first historically Black college and uni- (1) Alabama State University in Marion, morial Institute by Reverend S.C. Alexander versity to own an on-campus commercial Alabama; and Reverend W.L. Miller in Charlotte, radio and television station; and (2) Barber-Scotia College in Concord, North Carolina; Whereas Talladega College— North Carolina; Whereas the first football game with Afri- (1) was founded by 3 former slaves in (3) Fayetteville State University in Fay- can-American players was played at Biddle Talladega, Alabama, in 1867; etteville, North Carolina; University in 1892, a game that today is (2) is the oldest, private historically Black (4) Howard University in Washington, Dis- called the ‘‘Commemorative Classic’’; college and university in the State of Ala- trict of Columbia; Whereas Johnson C. Smith University— bama; (5) Johnson C. Smith University in Char- (1) is the first historically Black college (3) was the first institution in the State of lotte, North Carolina; and university in the South to offer profes- Alabama to admit qualified persons of any (6) Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia; sional courses in education; and (7) Morgan State University in Baltimore, (2) has produced numerous politicians, in- race or ethnicity; and Maryland; cluding Eva Clayton, the first African-Amer- (4) has produced several African-American (8) St. Augustine’s University in Raleigh, ican to represent North Carolina in the ‘‘firsts’’, including— North Carolina; and House of Representatives since the 19th cen- (A) Wynona Lipman, the first African- (9) Talladega College in Talladega, Ala- tury; American woman elected to the Senate of bama; Whereas Morehouse College— the State of New Jersey; and Whereas Alabama State University was in- (1) in 1867, was founded by the Reverend (B) the Reverend Dr. Paul Smith, the corporated on July 17, 1867, as Lincoln Nor- William Jefferson White in Augusta, Geor- first African-American minister at the mal School in Marion, Alabama, by 9 freed gia; First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, slaves to educate Black children; (2) in 1879, was moved from Augusta, Geor- New York; Now, therefore, be it Whereas Lincoln Normal School— gia, to its current location in Atlanta, Geor- Resolved, That the Senate— (1) was founded with $500, which was used gia; (1) honors the accomplishments of— to purchase the land and lay the foundation; (3) is the largest college for men in the (A) the 9 historically Black colleges and (2) in 1928, was converted from a junior col- United States, enrolling more than 2,000 stu- universities that celebrated their sesqui- lege to a 4-year college; and dents; centennial anniversaries during the week of VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:29 Dec 22, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21DE6.047 S21DEPT1 December 21, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8265 September 24 through September 30, 2017; ‘‘(a) GRANT PROGRAM TO REDUCE INJURY forms of dementia, such
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