1£bittb iLnrally f nr «1lnlit iLnral «1nurragt SerVing 'Ihe Central Penquis 'llrea Vol. 4 , No.14 Thursday, April 8, 1965 Ten C M. H. S. Composition , , Winners et1 • AS A SPECIAL TREAT TO THE MANY, MANY "WEIRD' F IN OUR AREA, WE TAKE YOU ON A BEHIND-THE- SOL LOOKATTHAT"ONCE-A-WEEKWORLDOFMYTH, MO 'S1 AND MAYHEM": A JOURNEY TO "WEIRD" WITH EDDIE D COLL: First Place Winners: Front Row. L toR, L. Cunningham; A. Wharton; F. Wiley; S. Leavitt; S. Shepardson; 2nd Row, L to R ~ 1 . McDonald; L. Perham; J. Palmer; D. Clark; S. Sturtevant; E . Barriault; D. Campbell; 3rd Row, L to R, L. Ogden;B. Park­ man; J. Larouche; L. Artus; R. Noyes. Pictured above. are the young men and women who wrote the first prize winning essays in the English Essay Contest held at Milo Junior and Senior High School recently. There were seventeen $5. 00 first prizes and seventeen $2. 00 second prizes awarde.d. Taking part were the two seventh grade English classes , two eighth grades, four Freshman classes, three Sophomore classes and three English classes each in the J unior and Senior classes. The prize money was provided by the employees of the Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Company and the project was promoted by Mr. Kenneth Beals of Milo. So m uch interest has been shown by the people of Milo that a Community Higher Education Loan Fund has been established. The seventeen first prize winning essays will be published and Eddie Driscoll as "Krandel", your host on "Weird"; seen at ro--+rA ~- n~~~ ~ lirot on WLBZ- TV Channel 2 in Bangor, Maine. Page 2 THE TOW r CReport !rom o4uqu"ta THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday FROM SENATOR JOHN C. MC:D0T\JALD, DEilliY evening by the TOWN CRIER PUBLICATIONS. We hope to be· of help to the citizens of the towns CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE in our coverage through NEWS, INFORMATION, Part one of a two-part decision on the existence and powers a AND LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING. Executive Council was made when the House voted 79 to 63 in We accept no financial resp<;msibility for errors favor of doing away with the Council completely. It was almos1 in advertising but will gladly print corrections. Copies of most photos appearing in THE TOWN a straight party line vote with all the "no" votes Republican and CRIER may be obtained through our office. all but two of the"yes" votes Democratic. This issue has long If you have news or available photos of any sort been a bone of contention between the two parties and for man we urge you to call an editor or drop in. Dead­ years has been a plank in the pemoctatic platform. While a line will be Monday Noon but we· would appreciate majority of the House favored abolition, approval of two-thirds copy received earlier in the week. of the members present was needed for passage. The measure Classified ads 50 cent minimum including up to goes to the Senate this week where the Democrats hold sway b 12 words, 3 cents for each additional word. Dis­ 29 to 5. After it receives a two-thirds vote there it will be back play ad space by the column inch. in the House once again but it is unlikely that there will be any Editors -John & Joanne Brigham difference in the House vote. Milo 943-7384 Abolition of the Council is the most important measure in a Editor - Dorothy Monroe general concept of government held by the Democrats that the Milo 943-8837 office ofGovernorwhouldbe strengthened no matter which party happens to control the office. Fragmentation of the power of the chief executive is not a safeguard but a stumbling block in the path of efficient and effective action on his part in carrying out the program on which he campaigned. The need for inore authority for the Governor has been recog­ nized for more than 90 years. In 1875 a constitutional commiss­ ion of ten members headed by Edward Kent, a two-term gover­ nor and justice of the state supreme court, proposed that the Council be abolished. In 1957 a citizen's committee on state If you want to BUY, SELL, government recommended abolition and during his last term in RENT or SWAP, try "Town office the same recommendation was made by former attorney Crier" Classified. general Frank Hancock. In a series of articles on the Maine MILO Constitution Dr. Edward Dow, head of the Department of His tory The French Club of M. H. S. andGovernmentattheU. ofM. stated that abolition of the Coun­ ottage with 6 rooms and is having a basketball game at cil or reduction of its powers is the number one constitutional se · .~ in porch down and open the Milo Town Hall, Friday, issue facing the Legislature today. In the House debate on the eeping area upstairs. Gas & April 9 at 7 p.m. There will issue Republican House Floor Leader David Kennedy of Milbridge od stoves, modern kitchen, be two games, French Club stated the abolition of the Council would take government "further cellent condition. Water girls vs Milo J. V. BO)G and away from the people". Actually, nothing could be further from nt lot on Ebeeme West Pond. Faculty vs Senior Varsity. the truth. The Council bears little or no direct realtion to the atand motor included. Call Proceeds will be used for trip wishes of the voters. It is invariable a one-sided legislative mon­ S. Rolfe, 965-2723. to Quebec. keyclinging to any governor's back. The makeup of the Council The Past President Club of is always seven members of one party only so that it does not Jane Carver Sampson Tent # mirror either the overall enrollment of the state's voters or even ak Bedroom set consisting 18D. U. V. willmeetwith Mrs. the proportionate party makeup of the Legislature which elects bed, 5 drawer chest and Ida Donald, Friday, April 9. it. The Council seats are rotated among individual counties and "ty with rr:irror and bench. A 6 00 supper will proceed the only the legislators of the party controlling the Legislature vote ~ry good condition. Call943- meeting. for individual councilors--thus in some cases councilors are 50. selected by a vote of two or three legislators. Nor . does · the MILO Council represent the Legislature when it is not in session ERVICE The Piscataquis Lodge #44 since in the recent past it has happened several times that aRe­ aveler's Express Money A. F. & A.M. will meet on publican Council has waited only a few weeks after adjournment to elers available at Daggett's Friday, April 9. spend money on items that the Legislative specifically rejected. barmacy, Milo. The Aldworth Chapter # 39 If abolition of the Council is rejected, the next move will be 0. E. S. will meet Monday, consideration o{a measure to strip the Council of all the powers April12. SALE not in the Constitution. Reduction of the Council's powers was e wheel trailer, capacity The Neoteric Club will meet Tuesday, April13. recommended by two surveys of state government--one made in lbs. Reasonably prices. 1930 and another in 1956. This bill needs only a majority vote TheW. S.C. S. will meet on John Morrill, 943-2615 although it would still require a two-thirds vote if vetoed by the Tuesday, April13. Governor. Ifitpasses the only powers left to the Council would The Alumni Club and the be the constitution ones of (1) advice and consentongubernatorial ModernideaClub will meet on appointments(2) approval before any money can be withdrawn Wednesday, April14. from the treasury(3) advice and consent on reprieves, commu­ tations and pardons. Cont'd on Page 4 "HE TOW ::\ CRI E R Page 3 Specials .For .R p-i. I-'!-/~''"'';. - ~ TRETCH Your food Doll-r!i ~ ~ G-tAJs R xlfi•D tfo¥.611 £tN Smell$ 1 Dubuque Hea~y 'J)en11is WIIOJ.£ Cbteke11 New York Sirloin' ' Steak i.Jtye ~" 9~ 79c lb. H~.Xwe/1 £vse Ziti/i11t CtJflee 10 ~z. t!t~.PPee mJKei ~pH Banquet ·Frozen T.V. Dinners 39+ each THE TOWN CRIER PORT FROM AUGUSTA MAJOR DEBATE AHEAD nt'd from Page 2 As we mentioned last week a major debate on financing appear~ R CONSTITUTIONAL MEASURES in the offing. It was pushed a little further along last week when ted for debate and possible enactment Friday, April 9th is House Republicans caucused and voted unanimously to oppose - asure calling for annual legislative sessions. While this is usinga:nyportionofthe more than ten million dollar-surplus for erlong-timeproposalofthe Democratic platforms, it may anything other than the construction ofbuildings and other capital ' more bi-partisan support thanabolition of the Council since expenditures. Still waiting for the supplemental budget to come need for more frequent legislative sessions is conceded by out of committee, the Democratic legislators have taken no posit­ esentatives ofboth parties. Annual sessions were in use in iononhowtobudgetit until the size of the budget is kown. How­ · e up until 1882 and in the past twenty years the number of ever, in a speech Friday, House Speaker Dana W. Childs of s meeting annually has grown from four to more than 19. Portland pointed out that a "financial double standard" is being ~inc reasing number of bills; the possibility of having a fully applied to g~vernment financing. Millions of dollars are issued rienced legislature at least every other session; interim in bonds to finance highways, said Childs, and there is no rea­ tings of legislative committees to provide experience and son why the State should not bond to finance state buildings , ground testimony in their field of government the need to parti~ularly in the field of education, that will last at least fifty more closely in touch with the use of federal programs; the to 100 years.
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