Shortlisted Sites 1 Annexe A – Shortlist of sites proposed for the delivery of waste management infrastructure 1.1 Overview of Sites 1.1.1 Included in this Annexe are a list of proposed sites which would meet the identified need for new waste infrastructure in Surrey over the life of the plan. The process for selecting these proposed sites is outlined in the Site Evaluation and Identification Report1 (September 2017). 1.1.2 In addition to consulting on these proposed sites Surrey County Council is also inviting nominations of other sites or areas which would be suitable for new waste infrastructure that have not yet been considered. If any new sites are put forward these will be evaluated in the same way and subject to further public consultation. Site Name District/Borough Former Weylands Sewage Treatment Works, Walton-on-Thames Elmbridge Land to the north east of Slyfield Industrial Estate, Moorfield Road, Guildford Guildford Land at & adjoining Leatherhead Sewage Treatment Works, Mole Valley Randalls Road, Leatherhead Land to the west of Earlswood Sewage Treatment Works, Redhill Reigate and Banstead Land adjacent to Lyne Lane STW, Chertsey Runnymede Land adjacent to Trumps Farm, Kitsmead Lane, Longcross Runnymede Oakleaf Farm, Stanwell Moor Spelthorne Land at Lambs Business Park, South Godstone Tandridge Land at Martyrs Lane, Woking Woking 1 Available on the planning policy webpages: www.surreycc.gov.uk/newwasteplan Surrey County Council Shortlisted S i t e s Shortlisted Sites 2 Proposed Sites in Elmbridge 2.1 Former Weylands Treatment Works, Walton-on-Thames Surrey County Council Shortlisted S i t e s Shortlisted Sites Former Weylands Treatment Works, Walton-on-Thames Site Description: The site is located to the east of Lyon Road and the Hersham Industrial Estate on the eastern edge of Walton-on-Thames. The site currently hosts a range of activities, including construction and demolition waste processing, skip and scaffolding hire, open and closed storage, car breakers and industrial units. National Grid 512552; 165690 Reference: Area: 5.6 ha Key development requirements: Aerodrome This site does not fall within an airport safeguarding zone. Safeguarding: Air Quality The closest Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) is the Esher High Street AQMA (1.19 km away). Any application should be supported by an assessment of the potential impacts to air quality and how any impacts would be addressed. Any assessment should identify the change in air quality that will result from the proposed development. Development that has the potential, either individually or cumulatively, for significant emissions to the detriment of air quality should include an appropriate scheme of mitigation which may take the form of on-site measures or, where appropriate, a financial contribution to off-site measures. Biodiversity and Proposals should seek to conserve and enhance the natural Geodiversity: environment. Any application should provide information on species or features present within sites or adjoining land. Any application should be supported by an assessment of the potential impacts to these species or features and how any impacts would be addressed. Proposals should seek to maintain features within the landscape which are of importance for flora and fauna. Conditions and agreements may be required to ensure the long-term management of these features. Proposals should also seek to provide net-gains in biodiversity. There is potential for enhancements in the eastern area of the site (3.9 ha), outside the proposed allocation. These enhancements should Surrey County Council Shortlisted S i t e s Shortlisted Sites consider habitat linkages with the Molesey Reservoirs and Field Common North/Hersham Country Park areas identified within the North West Surrey Restoration Strategy. Contaminated The site is not underlain by any designated groundwater Source Soils and Protection Zones (SPZs). Groundwater: The site is adjacent to an area of historic landfill (Land South of Field Common Lane) and potentially could have issues with contaminated land. Any application should be supported by an assessment of any potential pollutants and how any contamination would be addressed. This assessment should include a desktop assessment and site walkover study. Dependent on the level of contamination identified further assessment and treatment may be required for any contaminated land found on site. Cumulative Any proposal should take account of cumulative impacts of new Effects: development with other new or proposed major development2. Flood Risk: The site is classified as Flood Zone 1 for fluvial flood risk and ‘very low’ risk of surface water flooding. Any application should be supported by a Site Flood Risk Assessment. Flood mitigation measures may be required in connection with development of a new waste management facility. General Any application should demonstrate how sensitive receptors including Amenity: nearby residential development have been taken into account in developing the proposal. The type of assessment(s) which will be required will depend on the nature of the proposal. Green Belt: The site is within the Metropolitan Green Belt. The most recent Green Belt Assessment3 shows that this area is performing a Green Belt function. The local area plays an important role in preventing ribbon development along Molesey Road, which would risk reducing the perceptual gap between these settlements. 2 Major development as defined in The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010 3 Elmbridge Borough Council, Green Belt Boundary Review Annex Report 2 - Local Area Assessment Pro-formas Issue Rev C, 14 March 2016 Surrey County Council Shortlisted S i t e s Shortlisted Sites However, the site is considered to be previously developed land with existing development in the west of the site. Hence, any proposal for a new waste management facility should seek to minimise impact on the openness of the land. Any application will need to demonstrate very special circumstances for any waste related development at the site. The application should explain how the proposal would comply with the NPPF and Policy 9 – Green Belt. Historic As the site is greater than 0.4ha an archaeological assessment will be Environment: required to support any application. Dependent upon the results of this assessment evaluation may be necessary to support any application. If features are found a scheme of archaeological work will be required. Any application should be supported by an assessment of the potential impacts to heritage assets and how any impacts would be addressed. Land and soil The land is classified as other land under the Agricultural Land resources: Classification (ALC). Landscape: The site is not within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) or Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV). The site is within National Character Area 129 (Thames Basin Heaths) and Landscape Character Area (LCA) RF10 (Lower Mole River Floodplain). Any application should be supported by an assessment of the potential effects of development on the landscape character area, townscape and visual impact from/to adjoining uses. The assessment should include special reference to any landscape, or townscape character assessments or any landscape or nature conservation designations. Public open A public right of way, Bridleway 10 runs along the northern boundary of space and the site and Footpath 9 runs along the eastern boundary. Rights of Way: Any application will need to demonstrate through relevant professional assessment, how public open space and Public Rights of Way have been have been considered and, if possible, enhanced. There are no specific recreational activities identified for consideration. Sustainable Any application will need to demonstrate through relevant professional design: assessment, how issues of design and landscape have been considered and implemented. Any application will need to demonstrate what measures have been considered and implemented to ensure best use of natural resources and resilience to climate change. Surrey County Council Shortlisted S i t e s Shortlisted Sites Any application should demonstrate how design of any new waste management facilities follows best practice e.g. BREEAM. Transport: The site is accessed via Lyon Road off Molesey Road with connections to the A244 to the south and A3050 to the north west. Access to the site is likely to need improvement. Any application will need to provide a Transport Assessment or Transport Statement, detailing the safety and capacity of the local highway network. Discussions for developer contributions should be held around contribution to identified transport schemes in the local area, using for example the local transport strategies and the local cycling plans. Surrey County Council Shortlisted S i t e s Shortlisted Sites 3 Proposed Sites in Guildford 3.1 Land to the north east of Slyfield Industrial Estate, Moorfield Road, Guildford Surrey County Council Shortlisted S i t e s Shortlisted Sites Land to the north east of Slyfield Industrial Estate, Moorfield Road, Guildford Site Description: The site is an open area of land located to the north east of the Slyfield Industrial Estate in Guildford. The majority of the site is undeveloped, but does include two areas previously used for the landfilling of a range of waste materials. To the south west and west the side is bounded by industrial development, and to the south, east and north is undeveloped land, some of which is in agricultural
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