Vinds, I Hold D Towns Lack of )Own V( Isgondu F Interi 'Otirig a Uct Ele( •Est . IS 81 .Jl Ictions I

Vinds, I Hold D Towns Lack of )Own V( Isgondu F Interi 'Otirig a Uct Ele( •Est . IS 81 .Jl Ictions I

............ — — ------ - Traffic Death Scorcboard ► ^ ^ ^ - FFINAL ----------------- U % ! j } ! f r t ^ ^ Maho* 1858.................. S3 ; d i t i o n ■ •1 j Id*ho. 1957 ......... .........« ® E D MttlcVmlley. 1M8_;;-I u n i c V .lley. Iflsi ■.,■■ » —. ' A ReKtonal Nev I Newspaper Senring ^ Nina Irriffnted Idaho Countiess L — -.-I I'fH r'itf .h^ vnL^ . NO. 7 TWIN■WIN FALLS. IDAHO, WEDNESI);^iSDAY, APRU, 2,1. 1557 ninil.ilnft* PRICE 6 CENTS j I i;!i|i jjS B a n MiUtilitary Review In Trade {J Vinds, LackI off Interi•est . To S tan d S Hold] D)own V('otirig aIS 81 .jl XTpprove «ny n>»ve by ,t, ^ II „ to «cll WBr-liotcntial mn- f j * S , to Rti Chinn or »ny |A TownsisGonduuct Ele(ictions I S V ol the Communist ,-',.-r.’ V . H ip■Kh h wind.s\ nnd. lack of intnrc.sL sipiclclicilsip voUik; in so m e o f thn r s r .n adm iniJtration fffij, ;hc; n l n n in ic ip n l p le e tio n s h e ltlI in Mngic Valley Tuesda.v - J ’ \ w hilec heatedhe; fervor slinuilated inU’ri‘5orfst in nlhors. In some commiirimimilics there was no oppositoii.o il tn r a n d i d n t e s lis te d o n - r,!!!) bnlldi.s but ill a, numlipr nf instiiii»tanccs,tlicrc was n.RomrwhiilI heavylie wriLcin vole, lif Jeromeome where Mayor Theron. ! ihlj, '(1 was oxpei'tcd to Imve no nppo.siiio.siiiuti. a wrilt'iii, Tnm PrescotUotu I'cceivptl a total of .'>2 votes.:s. Jiiiyor W ard wftn with j||H[j|jn - .v--‘'.V'<^ & totalla l IIII.f 2 0 r. volPi*. .1, L e nniard n a i Salmon, ProKi'o.tsivc ('ili/oii.'ixon.*' i-Hiuiidnip, w as clpctcd for'nor a third term in Burley> j liil • EMt.W«4t Irude problem s. |H M ; ' ^ j UI Re.sidrnlidfnlR of Burley Iricd In:" .............. K »na JiP»n purtlculnrly want K U up simid inlcrosL in Uic T T ^y . ot tr*de control*. ||K1 elccliotilion but1 thc newly foi'nied y O UeClelI»n. lor M. yenra prw ldflnt W m 1 Impri.v.'irovi'iueiit jMirly fjiili'd to oters in Good)ding Defeatt School V .»Ult Old colony P ulnt n n d Chem - SfM llH lT ■' I ' nam e n ruiididato( for mayor. Tl ' -vviki,; .-T h ee liiiDnivcnicntIm's o n lv . ' S«; llm. Uil. country^ 1... l A . ------ n candldaif, ^ under Increaalnis p rew ure from Idair, Robert Uetiiirrs. was cir- -LMill Levy inin Third Straraight Try v r i t. E«l-W..t lr.d. Sjrrls'i President Shukrr KLKuwatiy. lettletl in1 auU. and Defense Minlitcr KKhale haled El Airm re v le w 'a de- Icatedd tor councllninn for the llr.M ;limen( of Cse«h>mad'e T-S4 U nka durlncduring a r»cenl mlllUry paradr Id Damascus.Dami Sjrrlan and Iraqi precinctnet byb) Knlfs E. Umr. a candi- • GOOlCODING, April 2‘1-J-Go’odinfr sehoochool district voters Tucsdny, for 'the third time ina little . > 'I announced >npa •are ret>ar(ed poised io Jordan whertlert lhall situation is se Uns# lhat a ainiltinilt rrifls ahot mar toueh eft a .date on thelit mayor's llckri, iit Wen- m orec thnntl a month, defeated an appenppenl for nn increa.-^e in the schoo «r Middle K«»t war. (.NKA ttlcptio(o> dell, the(he iiitetl «-;is con.ilrteird ••guKe .• hool tax levy. Thc vote waa ! i • u i Wtuwjiy It U rendy to dLicuM ---------------------------------------------=- heavy," Mayor^ Carl Qelwlcr wns to ' l.cifrh Iiiiicr.soll. schooj.flupifluperintendent, said he had no0 commentcc on the outcoma i ; • n»dlll«tJoni ta Uade curbs • _ '• ‘ ' • ' ' i ' ' -------------------reelectrd:trd' 'r over rhl.r-oiiponent, Clyde doi‘.Hn'l-know-*‘wlmt will happen’ne!n‘next.” He said the school Ijonrtonrd will convene the first .......... ; — rtlTl4 VS. nUlM who p n rtlc lp n u < T | son. by a 23i-io-75 vote. ' part oof f n e x t w.cck tn ilisctm s th e mntt<nntter. The board, in fhe firstt twotv elections, had asked • t i:: ta lh# w ntrot program . I I T j ritish’Meet c rm 111 th e clly ekciion w as; -------- ueCIell«n « ld In *n Intervfew J -ke’ A * . Echoes D ulles’ • th c; vvoter.s o to approve nn addl. | ’ ilatcU by th e tlKht race betwcrni 4 Iht united 8t*lei took th * m ove to M. Wlllard. co-oivner at Wll-I W t/' nal five.miil levy attove the ' ' ; j l ^ d Ul*- pos»millty_Qt loalHK »jl . ____ S«?dMcssag£L.sFl3Jjothcrs, Transfer compa nv.' mill maximum permitted ■ i ; j Z « li on trade with Red China Joe Stickle, for councilmsn Inr tone=Thmwin stnte’hiw-withDtit ir«pecittl — f i ^ oilier lovlel .bloc nntion*; H* - Opthnism fof ( r i^eace vest end. Wlllard recejyrd 157 ing.M.olL_:.|5 aldUiUdiinierw«* , c tio n . , VUGUSTA, G n„ .Aiiiil 24 ,(/P)—-Pre,sident.,lii.scnhpwer,on P re i In Fair Style “ to Sllckle's 12R. S or Tuuday'a try the board hsd ] Bflt a/Jhfprtotnrnlfed-or the *•“**• -Rupert- Inoumben^. mayor, - terdny expres.sctf uew confidencenee thei ea.'«t-wcst atom ic '^ ^ONDON. 9 P . "Xprir 'SO -m -A '- }<ine. Stalking Cit:ity Streets^Espped Uie rcquesUd . ) : MfUouUrly Brltftln and Jn p » n , ior yc.lterai ^r Acock, defeated his oppon- *' . 2'j millmills, the same aa waa approved 'i J I ! ipon.s race cnn be linllcd. Hc picturlictured nn nrm.a reduction cnbly phrased inter from Soviet O'p'’''; ^ world trnde. w enpotlf nlrr Bulganin lo Prime Minister M Werry. by a 438, to 117 ully. B; United Preaa by the district (or last year's oper- , ltf<: Durlnj the comlns h« nnld. n s "in d i. "indi.spensnble’' but likely to be a slowsic The Pre.^i- :mUlan on dl.iarm am ent, Uie *'* luhl oui-Rolng' Mayor Marlon .Stniutnne'-throwintf mobs sui'Red throujirouRh Amman and other "‘‘“"'J;ina. • V ■ 11 i’ i •We win Insist on com plete d e iit’.s Vview.s rcKJinlii^ effo/t-\ toI renchreni nn inspection and Middledie EEast and European peace Ambro.«■o.^e reeelvedr. nine write-in vous ni-intini ■'lUlnm Pyle, form er sU U senator '''!!» psrds »salnst tradlns In *ny Btra- icipnl .)nr{hiniuii citic.s to d a y to) enforceeiii dem ands for the trol.'i nftreem cnl with Ku.s.sia were outlined in a state- arousedised ino pcrceptlble enlhuslam ^ar a slate ' where there wns no ‘ ^ 1 a member of the sUU coranjit- [} /■ Srit m»lerinls.“ B ut h e w ld the BrlU ln today. • • o^poslllon,sltlon. Prank M. Squlrrs. a rtaiKHHffimtion of pro-we.'?tern Premieriier Hussein El Khnlidi’a ?"e on"on school organiutUon, had led V nt aftei- he had conferred for 75'5 miminute.s with Hnrold E. Mltd SUle* probably wlll make jnent at ho British foreign office wa* pharmnclsimncl*t and former councilman. ROverntsrnmeht. Khalidi, however, wn.tIS standintrst firm . A fter a the nppoalUonnpp to the 5-mill Increase .ssen, hi3 ndvi.ser on disarm am entnt matter.-*.m A fter the con- csue*slont on trado by lU n lllu In S tn .isc n , 1 to consider the letUr friendly elcclcd*"* for Uia two-year Unn 00-minininilte conference with Kinjr Husslussein, hc announced: VI in theth e firs t two eleeUomi. He a r . ' jl arttin non-iirateBic Item*, parttc- ferencecnce nt the AururU Nn< In toneone butb nol necessarily alcnlll- “ "’“y'"’:.,“y'*''. h a v ee mnot n>si{rned.'’ As mob rule nnd civil w ar threatened d th a t recent sU U legUlaUon In- 11 j^jV- uUrly In the A»lan Uade. H c d id not y o „ a i q Ooodlng a Ught race for mayor lorilnn aslng school (unds was passed so ' ^ ' i! lal G olf club, Ei.scnhower’.s t. Bulganin' has comtnunlcaled ^ in uoodi Inn. another Midcnst crisis apparerla re n tly h a d r u n ita c o u rs e icjcni f r i iviews o J ; In lon* personal lellets to devcloprdoprd between Nrll Warrington ll school U xes could be lowered. .;! • v n cation n tio r headquarter.'', Stas- ttWriters 1 1' Will lujfh thc clmnnela of diplopia^y. CrtiroCrt published its lonR- EvenIven in hU campaigning againat ’ ‘-!h flew back to Wa.shinRton . --y th e U..S,.U. S.. Brltlnh and Prench chiefs ..nii.yM .« P . n II n w a ite il ------ ^----------------- -------------^-------- 5.p r» t» m -1» sen flew government at InUrvals alnte — itet! terms fnr opernti.on ' 5-mlll Increase, however, Pyla -’S I clud figures supporUng aa li|k a final se.s.sion with Sccrc- H ct Geneva summit conference In A jim ii h e S uez qnniil. Police Testify of stnte Dulles. Then he was Have Look at ypt, the document said, will run O l l l , ch aa a 3’i-mlU Increase ia tha f' toss. inual State “^ pI urley Votes sjJtrlc t.' • - f \ Ig on to London for United Na- i rltlsh press resctlon was gen- the can:anal a on its own terms, includ- s dUarmnmenl Ulks reitiming . \ lollcctlon of lolls. 1 7 XV lo particular campaign effort wa« H ■ Atomic Plant j£r»ly eool to the Soviet PcemlRr’s A v r de by eiUier aide prior to Tues- .

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