LAWS OF JAMAICA. PASSED IN THE YEAR DEC 17 1313 m THE LAWS OF JAMAICA PASSED IN DEC 17DEC 1913 A Se ssio n w h ic h b e g a n on t h e 1 st d a y o f O c to b er , anh PROROGUED ON THE 1ST DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1889. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. JAMAICA: GOVERNMENT PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. 1889. 1 TABLE OF LAWS. [Assented to 86th October, 1889.] 17. The Turks Island Savings Bank Deposits Law, 1889. 18. The Wreck and Salvage Laws (Turks and Caicos Islands) Repeal Law, 1889. 19. The Reformatories and Industrial Schools Law, 1881, Amendment Law, 1889. [Assented to 85th November, 1889.] 20. The Registration of Titles Law, 1888, Further Amend­ ment Law, 1889, [Assented to 86th October, 1889.] 21. The Jamaica Railway Company’s Law, Amendment Law, 1889. [Assented to 88th October, 1889.] 22. The Married Women’s Property Law, 1886, Amendment Law, 1889. [Assented to 7th November, 1889.] 23. The Debenture Registration Law, 1887, Amendment Law, 1889. [Assented to 88th October, 1889.] 24. The Harbour Pees Computation Law, 1889, [Assented to 80th November, 1889.] 25. The Probation of Pirst Offenders Law, 1889. [Assented to 7th November, 1889.] 26. A Law to allow and confirm Certain Expenditure in 1887-88. [Assented to 18th November, 1889.] 27. A Law relating to the Duties, Powers and Liability of Trustees. [Assented to 88th November, 1889.] 28. The Public Water Supply Law, 1889. 85368 2 [Assented to 18th November, 1889.] 29. The Appropriation Law, 1889-90. 30. The sale of Deposited Warlike Stores Law, 1889. [.Assented to 21st November, 1889.'] 31. The Cadastral Survey Law, 1889. [Assented to 18th November, 1889.] 32. The Agricultural Produce Buyers Law, 1889. [Assented to 31st October, 1889.] 33. The Jamaica Exhibition Law, 1889. [Assented to 21st November, 1889.] 34. The Institute of Jamaica Law, 1879, Amendment Law 1889. 35. The Pilotage Laws Amendment Law, 1889. [Assented to 12th December, 1889.] 36. A Law in aid of Laws 32 of 1867 and 14 of 1869. [Assented to 23rd November, 1889.] 37. The Mountain and Eiver Deserves Law, 1889. [Assented to 21st November, 1889.] 38. The General Markets Law Amendment Law, 1889. [Assented to 30th November, 1889.] 39. A Law in aid of the Bio Cobre Canal Laws. 40. The Conveyancing Law, 1889. STATUTES AND LAWS Repealed, amended or otherwise affected by Raws 17 to 40 of1889. Statute or Laws Repealed How Affected. Humber of Laws or Amended. of 1889. Laws 33 of 1882, Sections ' Incorporated with j- Law 17. 13, 15, 16, 18 and 19 j Law 14 of 1875 in part and ] Repealed by j-Law 18. Law 14 of 1885 wholly J Law 34 of 1881, Sections \ Amended by j- Law 19. 6, 7 and 8 J Law 21 of 1889, Sections^) 2,11, 19, 22, 24, 28,29, | 36, 38, 39, 55, 59, 65, I Amended by 89,91,94,101,103,106, j 107, 111, 113, 122,131, 142,145,146 and Head- • )-Law 20. ing to 14th Schedule and ' Sections 92, 110, 112 Repealed by and 15th Schedule to 1 Law 21 of 1888 and Section 13 of Law 31 of 1 1888 also i Law 12 of 1889, Sche-1 Amended by j- Law 21. dule E. J Law 21 of 1886 Amended by Law 22. Amended and incorpo­ Law 32 of 1887 rated with j-L aw 23. Law 36 of 1873 Incorporated with Law 24. Law 24 of 1873 ^ 't Law 18 of 1881 Repealed by j-Law 28. Law 8 of 1886 f Law 29 of 1888 J Partially incorporated Law 26 of 1872 j-Law 31. Law 22 of 1879, Sections 11 Amended by j-Law 34. and 7 J Law 35 of 1873 and \ Amended and incorpo- i Law 29 of 1879 J rated with j-Law 35. Section 13 of Law 35 of ) Repealed by 1873 J Law 32 of 1867 and ) Incorporated with j- Law 36. Law 14 of 1869 J Law 5 of 1880, Section4 ... Repealed by Law 38. Law 27 of 1872 ) > Law 12 of 1884 and V Incorporated with >Law 39. Law 4 of 1885 J JAMAICA—LAW 17 OF 1889. The Turks Island Savings Bank Deposits Law,, 1-889. [26th October,. 1889.] HE REAS under and in accordance with an Ordinance Preamble. of the Legislative Board of the Turks and Caicos Islands, passed on the 22nd day of April, 1889, a Savings Bank has been established at Grand Turk, with branches at Salt Cay and Cockburn Harbour, to receive small Savings or Deposits, and to repay the same with interest thereon, under such Regulations as the said Legislative Board with the sanc­ tion of the Governor of Jamaica shall from time to time prescribe:— And Whereas it is by the said Ordinance, inter alia, enacted that all moneys deposited in the said Savings Bank of those Islands, if not otherwise invested as therein provided, shall from time to time be deposited in the Jamaica Government Savings Bank, and it is probable that such Deposits will ex­ ceed the limit at present fixed by Law on Deposits :— And Whereas provision is made in and by the said Ordi­ nance for the withdrawal of moneys so deposited in the Jamaica Government Savings Bank, on applications signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors and one other Director of the Savings Bank so established at Grand Turk as aforesaid, and countersigned by the Commissioner of the Turks and Caicos Islands :— [Oh. 17.] Turks Island Savings Bank Deposits Law, 1889_ And Whereas it is desirable to enable such Deposits to be made in the Jamaica Government Savings Bank to any ex­ tent, and to be withdrawn from time to time in accordance with the said Ordinance :— Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of Jamaica, as follows Definitions. 1— In this Law, except when the context requires a differ­ ent construction,— , “ The Commissioner” means the Officer for the time being administering the Local Government of the Turks and Caicos Islands,—^’* “ The Board” means the Board of Directors for the time being nominated by the Governor of Jamaica, under the authority of the said Ordinance, for the manage­ ment of the Savings Bank established as aforesaid at Grand Turk,— “ The Treasurer” means the Treasurer for the time being of the Island of Jamaica. Deposits in the Ja­ 2— The Treasurer shall receive into the Jamaica Govern­ maica Government Savings Bank by ment Savings Bank all such sums of money as shall from time Turks Islands Sav­ ings Bank;— to time be tendered or sent to him for Deposit therein under the authority of the said Ordinance, or of any Regulations made thereunder, and shall place the same to the credit of an Account to be kept. Account to be opened in the Books of the Jamaica Govern­ ment Savings Bank, and to be called “ The Government o f the Turks and Caicos Islands A cco u n ta n d interest on all moneys so deposited shall accrue and be dealt with in the like Interest. manner, and at the same rate and subject to the like provi­ sions, as interest on other Deposits in the Jamaica Govern­ ment Savings Bank. Withdrawals there­ 3— All Applications for the Withdrawal of any moneys for from. the time being standing to the credit of the said Account shall he in writing, and shall be signed by the Chairman and one other member of the Board, and countersigned by the Commis­ sioner ; and no such Application shall be invalidated or pre- • Turks Island Savings Tank Deposits Law, 1889. [Oh. 17.] judicially affected by reason of the death, resignation, suspen­ sion or removal from office, of any of the persons signing the same, in the interval between the signing of the same and the presentation thereof for payment. 4— Subject to the Provisions of this Law, the Deposit andRegulations as to Deposit and With­ Withdrawal of moneys under this Law shall be subject to such drawal of money. Regulations as the Governor in Privy Council may from time to time prescribe. 5— The first Paragraph of Section 13 of Law 33 of 1882,Parts of Law 33 of 1882 incorporated. and Sections 15, 16,18 and 19 of that Law, are hereby incor­ porated in this Law, and made applicable to the Deposits in the Jamaica Government Savings Sank under this Law. JAMAICA—LAW 18 OF 1889. The Wreck and Salvage Laws (Turks and Caicos Islands) Hepeal Law, 1889. [26th October, 1889.'] EEREAS the Legislative Board of the Turks and Caicos Preamble. Islands have by an Ordinance made provision for the protection of Wrecks, and for the regulation of Proceedings and Salvage in the case of Wrecks and casualties to ships, on or near the Coasts of those Islands, and the Governor of this Island is prepared to ratify and confirm the said Ordinance when a verbal error in the same shall have been corrected to his satisfaction, and it is expedient accordingly to repeal “ The Wreck and Salvage Law, 1875,” so far as the same relates to the said Islands, and also “ The Wreck and Salvage Law (Turks and Caicos Islands), 1885,” as and from a day to be fixed by the Governor in that behalf:— Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of Jamaica, as follows:— 1 —“ The Wreck and Salvage Law, 1875,” (Law 14 of 1875,) Repeal Clause, so far as the same relates to the Turks and Caicos Islands, and “ The Wreck and Salvage Law (Turks and Caicos Islands), 1885, (Law 14 of 1885,) shall he and the same are hereby re­ pealed.
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