Average iiBiljr MM P ros Run Xw W We«k iM qi The Weather Chxidy, cool with scoittdred showers or thunderehowera like­ 15,459 ly tonight. Low 80 to ao. Tt>- morrow, agiain, cloudy and co d . CUy o f Vmrn0e Ckmrm Higha in <he 7te. VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 288 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 «■ PBfd M ) Capitol F*ays Dirksen Gives His Best WEST HARTPORD, Conn. (AP)— An sso^ied prisoner mailed police detective Craig Viet Cong Blow Up Train Tribute: Plan Burial Canicci, a postoard with the STMtlng; 'T guess Itto good- by for a whOe.” Ilie card was hmn Joseph ’’*• wa» eulogized today az a P re«li« '‘prodouad at«x>w and U uaau, who had been In toe man, a leader whose »»Kret”—the ttadUiaaal curiody of West Haitford po­ dtyle “la the rtuff o< leg- * lice in July and promlaed to send Caruccl a eaxd if he es- Nine Hours After Truee fl—. ■econd reaolutlon Invited caped. He did escape — late ^ President Nixon and membeis lost month In ICanchester o* the Re- of the House to Join senators at while awaiting a court ap­ SAIQON (AP) —JVIot Ooi« **“* ** ^ memorial servtoes for Dirksen pearance. aoidlers blew up _____ minute and aijjoumed in trlb- hi the rotunda Tuesday. a tnln travel- Jatnes Pirtured on the card waa ing from Da Nang to Hue today “dopting a resolution The Rev. L. R. Bison. c W iey Be- Friendahlp Airport near Bal­ then raked tt with small arms _I of the Senate, Is to conduct timore. MIM <C) fire, sources reported. state iH^* ** to lie in the brief aervloe there at noon. The ■attack came about nine WMlfeer «at^ ^ rrtu n daj)f theCapi- Kanafleld saU member* o< hours after the enemy npaen fli u 1 <C) *>®K*milng at the Senate will form a guard of » (O B Mon EDT Tuesday: The casket honor to meet the ctjO itt when honoring North Vittnaitveee <o FTeMdent Ho CJil Mbih went (O A*~ t**® «*mda. Grenades Hit Into effect. I. (C) *®*^- is to be admitted A government mtUtlaman Sean riM—h ^*^hyterian later ,to pay fbtal respeots to - le, Paul P »^ liere, he to to be Dirksen. -w— if. aboard toe train was wounded, iler-llar- ouriod in Pekin, n t, his birth- Israeli^ites aoureea said. The blast dam- IMer is l^ace. Manafleld said toe Senate will egad toe locomotive, derailed Owen's go ahead Tuesday with the bust- «?■ - drama Senate Majority Leader Mik« two cars and ripped up several relation­ ness it had plaitnad to contoder In 3 Nations yards of track. al! Iras- IpWdOeld. D-Mbnt. spoke the today, a vote on an amendment rlahman nrst formal eulogy to Dlihsen. I^ratroopera of the V.8. itUst Ister. 3 to cut fSSS million tor C 8 ABONN, ........... .............. Oermany (AP) — Two Airborne Oivtslon were seiU Into \ (C) He . formally announced toe traneport planes from toe Pen- Israeli embassies wfui an El A1 *be area 14 mllea northwast of death of a colleague, although tagon budget. airline office came under attack Bk, ruth-. every man In the chamber knew Da Nang to protect railway re­ I man The majority leader said the today in three European ooun- pair crews. 1 adver- Hirksen had toed Sunday at Senate also will transact buai- tries, by an Walter Reed Army Hmyifwi Meanwhile th e U.S. and ness on Wednesday, prior to too Two hand gr^iades South Vtatnameae commands mdrews. "A great chair across toe Bknbeaoy in Jeanne aisle stands empty.” MawfiniH etmounced today that allied mlp Howard M ^ e ld said he jrians no Bmm. but no one was injured. A itary operattons would bo sealed R said. “The Senate has loat a Senate seaslon 'Ihursday, since Two explosions rippedthe Is- > (O Senate man. to match toe enemy’s during the (C> he assumes many membera wlU raeU airlines o ffice taB n n sela Viet Gong’s toree-day nritn Ore HartiB “Tet, Ida death does not di- jto to Pekin for toe burial serv- Belgium’s c ^ , en (C) ■ In mourning tor Ho Chi Mlnh. <C) mlnWi toe Senate. His unlque- BesB is toe stuff o f legends wtut The Joint South Vletnameae- ---------------- ----------- .OBC1U4. WlU a decade Dirksen was tSow^ne^th^ Amerlcen oomunlqume tactly Weather he leaves here a permanent Im- leader of the Setiate GOP minor- sy in Mm Ha^ue (C) eocepted the three day truce al­ print and an ondu^ echo." tty. ^ A w w (C) though It declared; “R Is not w Jehs- .G ^ toe At the peak of hlw power, dur- Bonn said toe attacks seemed our Intention to talk abmg a ( G > Democratic admiidatra- synchronized. cease-fire at this UnM." lew (C) ■W Rqmblinans. At toe going tions, the senator from nUm^ in the nmm .—u ' — Me- The communique confirmed ^ of toe and In the fashioned that minority, and hU fojL i^ morning, we will remember oam talent for ontnm .tiKTna toe remains of two hand earlier reporta toat toa alUad at Cem- toroaa wars In a “ dafamlve poa- tore" but patrota wore oontln- « - V8AF ES- P ulng to Intercept any enemy at- isa Off tempt to build up troepa Mid r •« firepower oloaer to aUtad hr m s. white rtobon on toe stem. rurioLm .h. oi.,,., “nie embassy is in toe Bad Ck>- “He lov«d Us marigolds,ehe riiowman, deebeig secUon of Bonn on a j's ' The Joint communique said: aaU of Dbkam. main street. “The aoale of our mlUiary op- (SOe Page Eight) erathMB In the past haa bean'ln- In Amman, Jordan, the Arab ’ * .^ 1 ■ 'T ! fluanoad by toe aoale of enemy Popular Front for toe Libera­ S5Tv« mUltary operariMis. During tola tion of Palestine claimed re- period toe.ocope of our mllttary if-* : 'S' aponatbiUty for aU three at­ One trooper supports his blindec) buddy as another Division 15 miles north of Tay Ninh. The wounded wounded American lies on stretcher followinjf Viet opeiratlena wtU llkawtae be In­ tacks. It aald toe front’s "Ho were awaiting evacuation from the area. (AP fluenced by the nature of enemy Conar shelling of the firebese <rf the 1st Cavalry R'eather Chi Mlnh” unit had thrown toe P h otofax). mUltary operatlona <C) exploeives in the three places "The Oonummlst aanounoe- Si and toat they arere tour "young ment of a oaaae-Ore must be cu bs" of toe front, aU In toe viewed in the light of the savage r. ovu ‘ teens. New rocket attacka agalnat oIvlMaiw former “The grenade apparently was In Da Nang, and other eggrea eauUful Agnew: Truce Might End War OaUe. Rteant for us," said the IsraeU atve actlana which have fol­ By Pol- ambaaeador. WASHINOTON (AP) — Vice we hope might be a very prafU- lowed the aimounooment tt (O man, the Johnson admlniatra- P U ^ in Bruasels aatd they Preaidant Spiro T. Agnew says undertaking.” ntque aald U.8. and South Viet- must also ba viewed In the light Arrested a ywBig man who ap­ tlon’s chief negotlaioi' at toa nameae troops would scale their of toe known history of past “new things are happening’’ on . on NBC’a "M eet ParU peace talks, saM UJI. peared to be an Arab after toe the fighting to that of the enemy. Communist vtoiatiesM of nose- toe Hanoi-pioclaimed' cease-fire ^ . troops Miould ohserva toe Harrtman said North Vietnam , airilnea /bombing. Another Hie vice preaddent also said, toree-day titzss fire regardlaas firea which they thsmselvea had - 18} young m|ib ran away, they eald. that he hopes might l.ead to mlgM welcome a peace InttJa- propoaed. Oonaaquently U la not rf Cem- “We have exercised every oca- of what Saigon does tiv* because of Ho’s death. PolW ln ihe Hague aald they peace in Vietnam. ceiable initiative that can be The South Vietnamese gx>v*m- our intsnUon to talk about had toe grenade-thrower under Agnew aald Sunday the mat­ He appeared on CBS’s “Face ceaae-flroa at this tim*.’’ i. Rob- (Ireamed up • ■ • Every time we ment announced earlier that It toa Nation.” 1 sailor aTree^. laraell Ambassador Taa- ter was at “a particularly sensi- make one of these Initiatives it would not honor toe oease-flre, American Bn bombing raids o keep vop' Tannay told newkmen he Uve stage” and bs couldn’t dls- Rap. Oeraid Ford of Michi­ previously aoheduled tor targeU during is rejected by toe enemjr.” caUed for toe funeral of Ho Chi gan, toa House Republican lead­ an Arab-looUng boy f^>- cuaa it further. He aald he had Meanwhile, W. Averell Harri- Mlnh, but today a Joint oommu- In South Vietnam war* diverted - VSAF talked With other about er. aald North Vietnam must do to attack North Vlstnamase (Bee Page Uglit) the im plications o f the oeaae-^ Uirea things bsfore toe Uallsd filtration trails through i-e^. In- — Wo! fire. fbates riMUld consider an ex­ formed sources aald. Id 81kb tended truce. Ons radio message hesrd tn P But at the Weatern White "If the Communists start House, Presidential Prase Sec- China Not Talking the field from an Amerlean- treating our prisoners of war in c-ompany commander to his top Iraq Executes a humane way, tf they will slop sergeant aald; "The thing la to­ their Infiltration or elow It down Agnew had spoken to President North Vietnaiwae day wa'Il have aort of a esaae- materially and If they de-eaea- fire In our hosUle aotlotw. Ws Trio as Spies Nixon before the broadcast ferred In Hanoi Sunday on toe Kremlin tor late their mJlUary efforts, then I don’t want to taka anything ist- DAlCAflCOJS, Syria (A P ) - Ziegler said Agnew waa talk- Vietnam war after toe Soviet Hanoi.
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