Volume 16 Issue 1 Vienna, IL Vienna High School October 2009 Article by Samantha Daum After 78 years. We’re back! and Geoffory Kramp Vienna football is back after 78 years! The starting defense from left to right: Martin Powell, Jose Ruiz, Ryan Brown, Reedus Maynor, Dylan Kramp, Trae Foster, Colten Krelo, Dillon Hall and in the front, number 72 Austin Woolvertion. Mr. Rude’s history H o m e c o m i n g in the making Court Selected Mr. Rude is a Hall of Fame By Paige Langston coach and one of the few to receive It’s that time of year again! the Ray Eliot Award. Mr. Rude Homecoming is on its way also played two years of Semi-pro and everyone is excited! On football on the Chicago Prontos’ Wednesday, October 22nd the team and he also coached a summer students here at VHS iled in to their of Semi-pro football in Finland. class meetings and selected their The Talon Staff asked Coach Rude 2009-2010 Homecoming Court. a few questions after the irst game. The Freshman attendants are: One that was asked was, “Did Keeley Harper, Carley Childress, the irst Varsity game meet your Dominick Tedeschi and Blake Gray. Continued on page 20 The Sophomores that will be on the court this year are: Kaysn Moore, Kelly Fitzgerald, Kyle Loyd, and Chris Ditterline. Juniors elected are: Emily Horn, Taylor Hoffmann, Brayden Leeds, and Andrew Kirby. Colten Krelo with the defensive tackle. The Queen candidates are: After 78 years of no Varsity where they lost 47-8. The team went Kayla Loyd, Kelsey Harper, Football, our VHS Varsity Eagles on to play the Carmi Bulldogs on our Laeytn Field, and Cassie Martin. are starting it off with a kick. home ield, which we unfortunately The King candidates are: Ethan The varsity team has had a lot of lost, 16-28. Then the team played McGinnis, Shane Carlton, Brandon hard practices to get ready for the the Elverado Falcons. They played Tanner, and Drake Sanders. Black Diamond conference. The Elverado at our home ield. The team has played six games and Eagles went on to beat them 40-14. Homecoming will be held on they have won two of those six. The next game was played at Mr. December 4th, after the Vienna The Eagles’ Football team Rude’s old high school, against the versus Massac home game. The won their irst ever home game Christopher Bearcats, where VHS King and Queen will then be against the Hamilton County lost 39-28. The next Saturday, they crowned by retiring Queen and King, Foxes. The game went into double went on to play the Eldorado Eagles, Allison Bean and Bobby Hoffmann. overtime and the inal score was where they had a phenomenal win; The homecoming dance 30-28. Then they went on to 56-16. The last home game of will be held in the VHS’s old play Fairield at their home ield. the season was against Johnston gym right after coronation. Unfortunately, they lost that game City where VHS lost 16-36. The Homecoming issue of The 45-0. That game was a tough game The inal game wrapping Talon will highlight all aspects of for them. It was only their second up an excellent irst season Homecoming week, the candidates, Conference game of the season. was at Carterville High School, and all the attendants. So be on Next, they went to Sesser-Valier the inal score was 41-00. Trae Foster out to catch a pass. to play their 3rd game of the season the lookout for this amazing issue! Page 2 The Talon October 2009 VHS Beta Club kicks off the year Page by Tyler Harner After the great success from ey raised will be given to VHS Beta last year’s Illinois State Senior Club to use for state convention. Beta Club convention, the Vienna As far as activities go, Octo- High School Beta Club is prepping ber is the month for the VHS Beta and practicing harder than ever for Club coat drive, as well as prepar- this year’s upcoming state con- ing goodie bags for the VHS main- vention and national convention. tenance workers and bus drivers. In addition, Mrs. Barbara Will- Also, some upcoming events Henn accepted the role as the new include: A canned food drive, Beta Club co-sponsor to accompany writing letters to area residents Mrs. Leslie Bradley. Mrs. Bradley who are enlisted in the armed is the VHS Beta Club head spon- forces, sponsoring kids for Christ- sor and the Senior Beta Club Illi- mas, and collecting toiletry items nois State sponsor. Mrs. Will-Henn for residents at Autumn Ridge. will help Mrs. Bradley with fund- This year’s VHS Beta Club of- raisers and other activities that the icers have decided to conduct at VHS Beta Club will be involved in. least one service project a month. Last year at the national Beta Although some projects may be Club convention, held in Orlando very lengthy, most of them will be FL, in June 2009, Mrs. Bradley affordable for any of the students. was unable to attend due to a prior Other projects could be handled engagement. As a result of this, with a donation of supplies and/or Mrs. Will-Henn courageously vol- money, but will require less time unteered herself to help out in any- and expense from the students. way she could, not knowing that Mrs. Bradley gave some moti- she would be the sole sponsor for vational comments for the incom- VHS at the national convention. ing freshman that are planning on As for the Betas that went to joining the VHS Beta Club. Mrs. VHS Beta Club sells jewelry at Vienna Fall Festival. Pictured above are Beta Club nationals last year, they are very Bradley said, “For the incoming members Austin Bain and Joe Myers. grateful to her and the other chap- freshman, I hope they remem- erones because without them, at- ber that irst impressions really and more and more scholarship didate that is running for ofice at tending the national convention do count. It’s the freshmen who applications are asking students the state and national convention, would not have been possible. participate early on that I look to about how much volunteer work must prepare a skit and a speech This year the VHS Beta Club later to be leaders in making deci- they did through high school. The to persuade Betas to vote for them. has not decided on any fund-raisers sions and moving our club ahead.” freshmen need to be aware of that Maggie’s theme this year is yet. However, the Beta Boosters are Mrs. Bradley went on to say, and to think ahead to their senior “Vote Maggie Cox – Beta Outta the sponsoring a Halloween dance on “Our Beta Club does a lot of good year when they are competing Box.” Her skit is based on the Dis- Oct. 30 from 7-10 p.m. and the mon- service work in our community against their classmates for schol- ney Playhouse show, Out of the Box. arships and other recognition.” While Drake is still serving This year’s Illinois State Beta his term, he and the other Illinois Convention is going to be held in state oficers have proposed a Springield IL, on March 22-23. Beta Club state wide food drive. Any student who is a member and Local oficers have agreed to has completed 20 service hours help in any way they can to make is eligible to attend state con- this proposal become a reality. vention. By attending state con- The VHS Beta Club will bring vention, a Beta is automatically two canned food items per member eligible to attend national con- attending, and these will be donated vention if we attend as a school. to a Springield area food bank. The Some activities that Betas state oficers are also working to ar- participated in last years all state range a time at convention for Betas convention included competing in to write a short letter or note to send academic competitions, including: to a serviceman or hospital patient. Math, English, Spanish, Geography, Mrs. Bradley was sworn in as and many others. The VHS Beta the Illinois Beta Club State Spon- Club is in the initial planning stag- sor at last year’s state convention. es for the group talent, the candi- Mrs. Bradley explained her feel- date skit, and electronic scrapbook. ings on her new Beta Club posi- At last year’s Illinois State tion. She said, “I am not at all Beta convention, Drake Sand- nervous about the responsibilities ers ran for and obtained the title of being Senior Beta Club State of Illinois Beta Club state sec- Sponsor. I just completed a two retary. This year, Drake will be year term as the Junior Beta Club passing the state secretary title State Sponsor so I have that experi- on to the next worthy candidate. ence to fall back on. I also went to All the proit made from the Beta booth at the Johnson County October Fall Festival is Hoping that she will be elect- State Sponsor training in Spartan- going toward costs for state and nation Beta conventions. Picture above are Beta Club members Joe Myers, Maggie Cox, and Sarah Cain. ed in this position is VHS junior, burg, SC on September 27, 2009.” Maggie Cox. Each year, every can- Page 3 The Talon October 2009 Cross Country members advance to State Talon Staf Page by Sarah Nelson 2009-2010 Editor-in-Chief Paige Langston Assistant Editor Maggie Bradley Book Keeper Sarah Nelson Advisor Mrs.
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