The Great War.1512th Day would greatly weaken the» defences of. Montdidier pocket and drove the Ger¬ the city» mans to the Hindenburg line. They German Prisoners, have changed their tactics in fighting The Official Statements The that took Dallon by as¬ troops in tho bush, in mnrshes and in the Comment wer* Ut« sama who dis- Military U. sault troopa open, with the same success and with Captured by S. we're enst of tinguisrioù themselves in the lighting an endurance that is emphasized by FRENCH hostile raids repulsed «t La Paui.etr, along tho Canal du tho number of fresh German divisions Demicourt anil north of Lens. By W. L. McPherson Still Are Defiant PARIS (Day).In the course of tho Another hostile- raid west ofSauchy- Nord, and took Reuvraigites three times they have met since the battles at. New York. during tho «iampaign that freed the Beuvraignes. night the artillery was active in tho Cauchy (south of Douai) succeeded (Copyright, ¡1)18, Tribune Inc.) region of St, Quentin and between in one of our posts. A capturing IN HIS address to the Main Com¬ ies are either or few of are captives are scat¬ of Foe Morale the Ailette and the Aisne. member^ the garrison mittee of the Chan¬ tered Breaking missing. Last night the enemy ngain Reichstag east of the Jordan on the edges German attacks in th«» region of cellor von on of the Arabian Not in Men 40,000 Prisoners and 265 Guns the attacked our posts in the' neighbor¬ Hertling Tuesday Desert. Apparent Moisy Farm we»re completely offered this morsel of con¬ checke»el. hood of Sauchy-Cauchy. He was re¬ "Ersatz" The Turks had aw '"iron wall" in in Drive pulse«!. solation to the despondent German Captured Taken as Turks Still in the Vesle fron't a lively artil¬ Middle Palestine. Now they must Retreat We carried out a successful raid "The iron wall of the Wost- lery tire was maintained. public: busy themselves constructing any last night in the Wulverghcm sector. ern front cannot broken." Von LONDON, Sept 25..More than 40,001) on one aide ami Mount Carmel on th French troops repulsed German be old kind of a wall before Damuscus A few prisoners were secured in the Are prisoners and 205 guns have been takeri other, but were finally diivcn out. raiding parties in the Champagne Hertling is a metaphysician, turned and then the over Supplies Ample The cuve the British course of these encounters. doing job »again the British in their successful of * population and in Lorraine, and in the latter statesman. And it is only in his pri¬ by most enthusiastic reception, even (!e'i before Aleppo. fensive in Palestine, it is officially an man colonists in the- we region carried out an incursion into GERMAN mary ¡is a metaphysician, participating capacity The Bulgarians were either on Allied Officers Say That Those nouneed this afternoon. come». These Germans are mostly quit the German lines. BERLIN (Night).Between tho realities, unhampered by military Greek soil a week the Borden The retreat of the Turks in Palest in. immigrants from WürteBiberg, wh Omignon Brook anel tho Somme fresh is able to draw his ago or were Glad of Their Are By r,r'»c,»«;S pnw came' to Palestine on conscientiou BRITISH that he magic the Taking rich milk is a(tPf» was still carried out ac " attacks were holding southern fringes of Ser¬ really being Tuesday, grounds. They complain bitterly of th enemy repulsed, circle of about Ger¬ m nit 1, O N I) O N (Night)..There was impregnability bia. Now are Not Numerous by ferments, makine; ft cording to the Turkish War Office com Turkish executions anil the lack of se BERLIN (Day) -There was lively they hurrying back easy to e local fighting this morning in many. digest. Nourish.nz a. munication issued to-day. It assert ä curit.y. Their settlement was one sharp reconnoitring activity in Flanders. into Bulgaria in the east of delicious.hot or the most successful in Palestine. the neighborhood of Selency, which region cold. that the manoeuvre is made ii 1 Between Moeuvres anel Havrincourt and Ludendorff might the and west of Insist on being Amone; the» prisoners is a Gevma has been Hindenburg Vardar, that stream AMERICAN HEADQUARTERS IN fíonUn't all dr»<w'.»t^ v captured by us, together Wooel the battle) revived. well wish were meta¬ m tgt'are pacfcaKe« conformity ith prepared plans. major who wanted to leave» Haifa wit with several artillery that they, too, are in headlong flight for Veles and FRANCE, Sept. 25 Hy the Associated only, The British forces operating east o f either German on the» prisoners. At Moeuvres, fresh enemy attacks Jordan troops day pre tlie» the» physicians. No one knows better Uskub. If the routed First Press). -Concrete information ob- the apparently are in a favor vious to ttie British entry into th During morning enemy failed. East of F.pehy, in local coun¬ Armj able position to ctit off the Turks re town, but was the Turk launched two counter attacks than they that "iron walls" on any cannot reach Veles, its will tained from thousands of prisoners compelled by against ter attacks, we captured a line which plight treating north along the Hedjaz Rail t<i take» part in the fighting. He spok our northwest of front are now figments of an become taken by the Americans in recent are positions Fayet, we had held to the only desperate. way, The Britisn now approachin Ï of the German mechanics working ! previous fighting not j3c?t/en4 of were innocent rhetorical operation? does indicate an Amman, on that railway. Nazareth, who might have» escaped, hi both which broken up with of September 22. imagination. War and metaphysics don't mix, ap¬ Arab forces are losses eiur rifle and preciate breakdown of German morale, pressing the rotirin; C preferred t.i be taken prisoner rathe by machine-gun Between flu» Brook and Such walls don't exist any longer. In war enemy northward from Ma'an. (Ma'a i Omignon to-day the offensive ha? to than continue serving with the Turks. tire. Later in the» morning the' en- the» Somme the British and The "iron wall" of a Hindenburg or according examining officers. It is MALTED is on the southeast o E French the band an Hedjaz Railway, Everything is orde'rly at Haifa. It fiiiy attacked a third time and again gained upper to extenl truo that individuals say the Deud Sen. Amman is 120 miles t > administration was tak-e'ii ove»r resumed their attack against St. Wotan or Siegfried or Parsifal line occasionally withoi was undreamed of twelve months are arc the north.1) the» hitch. The e completely repulsed. were no ago they glad they captured and The text slightest disposal Quentin. They supported by is stronger nowadays than the MILK of the Turkish communion the of is a rei A surprise attack by the Armies fighting on the defensive that they are tired of tion follows: thousands prisom-rs attempted strong artillery fire and tanks. The men who must defend it. It cannot. fighting, hungry problem. The- number is constant! enemy early this morning east of must be their own wall. And wher and hadly treated, hut officers out "Our movement continued t and enemy gained n footing in Pontruet, of point yesterda; swelling, fugitive's are coming i was beulten and Ger¬ stand fast itself. And the inter¬ that the same is in conformity,with plans. The. Englisl to surrender. Th Kpehy off, many Gricourt anel they depend most on natural anr possibly true of Al¬ «¡from everywhere man dead were lef1 in front of our Francilly-Selency early of the many sectors on follow us onjy step by step. Thor ! booty is inestimable, and includes in the morning. Attempts by the» dependence mechanical defences, instead of theii lied prisoners taken by the Germans have been no important events." filled with cases of Turkis positions. an elongated front like that between after several lorry enemy to extend the breaches by own spirit and initiative, ar< days of bombardment. Treasury notes, which is a serious los During the» we repulsed a Switzerland and the North Sea they night means of violent which lasted in tho It is that a British in Palestine to the enemy, though useless te» th hostile raiding party southeast of attacks, greatest peril. explained man's morale British. into tin' afternoon, failed. makes the weakest panels in the ¡S naturally at the lowest ebb at the the Inchy. Early this morning a strong The Teuton powers cannot wag« Get Warm Welcome Among1 prisoners wore» nincty-fiv A counter thrust by our infantry present Hindenburg line the true moment of capture and is Kalians who were capture»«! in th party of the» enemy entered one of a successful defensive war. Such ai usually Isónzo and pioneers, supported by artillery anel in asure of its supposititious invinci¬ shaken by fighting, exposure, fatiga«- ' j drive hael been enrolled ft our posts in the neighborhood of idea is a From the forced labor, aviators, ngain brought Pontruet and bility. paradox. When they gav« and lack of food. At Populatioi Moouvres, but was ejected by a coun¬ possibly such BRITISH ARMY j The» difficulties of the Turks retrea' Gricourt into our possession toward up the offensive.and they hav« times men are inclined to HEADQUARTER ing north of Ma'an have» been increase' ter attack. Ludendorff last March scrapped say things IN PALESTINE, Sept, 24 (via Mon the afternoon.
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