Read, Workers of All Countries, UNITE! Write, Distribute Voice of VOICEPublication of the U.S.OF Marxist-Leninist REVOLUTION Organization Revolution December 5, 2014 USMLO 3942 N. Central Ave, Chicago, IL 60634 usmlo.org Salute Protesters Nationwide Demanding Justice and Equality — p.3 Visit our website: usmlo.org CHICAGO NASHVILLE BUFFALO No to Government Impunity! Step Up the Organized Fight for Our Rights! — p.7 TWO-MONTH ANNIVERSARY OF STEP UP INDEPENDENT ORGANIZING MEXICAN STUDENTS’ DISAPPEARANCE Strengthen the Role of Unrelenting Mass Actions Demand Justice and the Public in Defending Reject State Violence Public Education Government at the federal and Race to the Top funds and and Impunity state level are organizing to their requirements to submit wreck public education while to the Common Core testing November 26 marked the case of the missing students claiming to improve it. Public and evaluation regime State two-month anniversary of the has exposed the anarchy, vio- schools are being closed in government use the federal re- disappearances of 43 student lence and impunity the U.S. many cities, like Chicago, gime to set schools and whole Visit our website: teachers from Ayotzinapa, in “war on drugs” has imposed Detroit, New Orleans and districts up for failure. Both Guerrero state, Mexico. The on Mexico. The U.S. arms and Philadelphia. The federal gov- state and federal act not to people’s outrage is seen in the funds the drug cartels and then ernment instigates and backs defend the right to education widening mass protests. The Mass Actions in Mexico • 23 these efforts, such as through Step Up Independent Organizing • 19 1 usmlo.org December edition of Voice of Revolution Editorials & Statements • Mexico: Unrelenting Mass Actions Demand Justice and Reject State Violence and Impunity ...................................................... 1 • Strengthen the Role of the Public in Defending Public Education ... 1 • Salute Protesters Nationwide Demanding Justice and Equality ...... 3 • No to Government Impunity! Step Up the Organized Fight for Our Rights! ................................. 7 Step Up Organized Resistance for Justice and Equality • Mass Protests Across U.S (photos) ................................................ 4 • Failure to Indict is a Crime of Government Impunity .................... 7 • Obama Indicates Confi dence of the Rulers Has Been Shaken ......... 8 • Justice Department Says Cleveland Police Use Excessive Force ........ 9 • Tamir Rice: The Story Behind the Killing, Character Assassination, and Resulting Cover-Up ..............................................................10 • National Bar Association Responds to Grand Jury’s Decision Not To Indict Police Offi cer Darren Wilson in Death of Michael Brown ... 12 • CODEPINK Condemns Decision Not to Indict Darren Wilson ...... 12 • Statement of Iraq Veterans Against the War on Ferguson ............. 13 • Prosecutor Manipulates Grand Jury Process to Shield Offi cer ....... 14 • Why We Will Not Wait .............................................................. 16 Public Control of Public Schools • Public Vision for Public Education Emphasizes Need for Public to Decide .......................................................... 19 • We Support Public Control of Public Schools ................................ 21 • Dr. Steve Perry and Keeping Public Schools Public ....................... 21 Send reports, letters and photos. Read, distribute and write for Voice of Revolution. Bulk rates available. Publication of the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization www.usmlo.org • offi [email protected] • 716-602-8077 3942 N. Central Ave, Chicago, IL 60634 2 MASS PROTESTS ACROSS U.S. 1 • Salute Protesters Demanding Justice and Equality Massive protests for justice and equality continue to take place The December 3 announcement of no indictment for the across the country in major cities and towns in every region. police killing of Eric Garner in Staten Island only strengthened People immediately took to the streets following the November the resolve of protesters to advance their fi ght. Demonstrations 24 announcement of no indictment of Offi cer Darren Wilson of thousands again took place in New York City for two days, for the killing of unarmed African American teenager Michael blocking Times Square and other roadways. Many other Justice for Brown. Some 90 demonstrations were held November 24 and in Eric Garner actionsactions tooktook placeplace acrossacross thethe countrycountry onon DecemberDecember 5.5. more than 170 cities on November 25, with protests continuing to Many had signs for Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old African American spread. In cities like Boston, DC, Nashville, Seattle, Los Angeles killed by police on a Cleveland playground. and more, thousands marched on the streets and highways, shut- Worldwide actions have also taken place in Canada, Britain ting down traffi c and forcing authorities to cede the roadways to and elsewhere, targeting the U.S. for its brutality abroad and at the people. home and joining in demanding Justice Now! On November 26, Thanksgiving, thousands of people attended Everywhere there is recognition that these are only two of protest vigils for Brown and the many other victims of police kill- the most recent examples of brutal police killings of hundreds of ings. Some actions on November 27 — Black Friday, the biggest unarmed African Americans every year. The injustice of all these shopping day of the year — centered on shopping malls, including government crimes, the fact that they are repeated daily, every- in Ferguson and St. Louis and other cities. Protesters joined in where, and that they go unpunished means the anger and outrage support of Walmart workers, striking and holding sit-ins that day is building and being directed at the system. Indict the system! is demanding a $15 minimum wage and full-time work. Largest the demand. Government Impunity is the Crime, Resistance the strikes ever at Walmart occurred in all 50 states at more than 1,600 Solution! is the stand. Walmart stores. The workers in turn joined the protests for justice The police killings are precisely part of a social and political and equality. There is broad recognition that Walmart workers are system meant to disempower the people and deprive them of their mainly women and minorities and that raising the minimum wage rights, which belong to them by virtue of being human beings. is an important part of eliminating poverty and providing justice, The spirit of the actions made clear that people are standing up like the equal right to jobs at living wages. Workers and youth to say enough is enough and will persist in the fi ght for equality stood as one in the struggle against injustice and for rights. and justice. Voice of Revolution urges all to join in the actions, On December 1, many student walkouts occurred in high in teach-ins being organized, in discussion with co-workers and schools and universities. Youth are a main force in all the actions. friends. The government has no solutions. State violence, police In various areas, students together with teachers, are working to impunity and the criminalization of the youth are an attack on expand youth participation, especially among high school youth the rights of all and cannot continue. Join the fi ght and bring who commonly bear the brunt of police brutality. others with you! 3 MASS PROTESTS IN FERGUSON AND ST. LOUIS PHILADELPHIA 4 MASS PROTESTS ACROSS THE U.S. NEW YORK CITY ATLANTA PHILADELPHIA NEWARK BUFFALO 5 MASS PROTESTS ACROSS THE U.S. DEMAND JUSTICE & EQUALITY OAKLAND SEATTLE SAN FRANCISCO ASHLAND, OREGON LOS ANGELES MINNEAPOLIS 6 NO TO GOVERNMENT IMPUNITY 1 • Step Up Organized Fight for Our Rights Broad outrage is being expressed across the country in hundreds and the disregard of the people was seen in their refusal to not of actions over the last two weeks, condemning government use tear gas, rubber bullets and come dressed for combat, de- at all levels for the repeated refusal to hold police accountable spite these demands made by demonstrators. In Ferguson there for killing unarmed African Americans. Darren Wilson, who were also more than 2,000 National Guard and an FBI presence killed unarmed Michael Brown in the Ferguson case, and of 100 agents or more, including those undercover. It is this Daniel Pantaleo, who, along with other police, killed unarmed massive machinery of state repression and arrogant refusal to Eric Garner on a Staten Island sidewalk, were not indicted. respect the demands and rights of the people that is the source The just demands across the country are to charge the police of violence. involved and to indict a system that refuses to deliver justice. The widespread and increasing police killings in every Increasingly the conclusion is being drawn that the system region of the country along with the failure to charge all those does not and cannot provide equality, as it cannot guarantee responsible indicates that the problem is not with local police the rights of the people. departments. While the Justice Department will try to present Voice of Revolution joins in condemning the government- local police as the problem, this diverts from the police-state organized violence and racist attacks, the criminalization of infrastructure, under military and federal command, that has the youth and the broad militarization of police and society. been put in place. SEATTLE We salute all those persisting in resistance of various kinds and Local police were replaced in Ferguson and they are now
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