SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL-GEORGETOWN, DELAWARE-FEBRUARY 25, 1975 Call to The regular meeting of the Sussex County Council was held on Order Tuesday, February 25, 1975 at 10:00 A. M. with the following members present: Ralph E. Benson President John T. Cannon, Sr. Vice President Charles W. Cole Member Oliver E. Hill Member W. Howard Workman Member The meeting was opened with the repeating of the Lord's Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. M 102 75 A Motion was made by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Workman, to Minutes approve the minutes of the previous meeting as presented. Approved Motion Adopted by Voice Vote. Corre­ The following correspondence was read by Mr. Betts, County spond ence Solicitor: National Association of Counties. Re: NACo's Research Foundation that has started working on a two-year grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism with the initial studies of counties as pro­ viders of major human services, including hospital, clinic, court, and correctional services being convincing that County government is ideally situated to offer comprehensive services that will help prevent and treat alcoholism and alcohol abuse. The above correspondence was referred to Mr. Conaway, County Administrator. John J. McNeilly, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Delaware. Re: Requesting the painters to return and complete their job of unsticking the windows in his chambers. The above correspondence was referred to Mr. Henry, County Engineer. The following petition was read by Mr. Betts, County Solicitor: District #4 Sussex County The American Legion Georgetown, Dela. 19947 February 18, 1975 Sussex County Council Sussex County Courthouse Georgetown, Dela. 19947 -1- February 25, 1975 Corre­ Dear Mr. Chairman and Council Members: spondence Cont. It is evident that the citizens of Sussex County, State of Delaware, are undergoing the crisis of an inflationary period. Therefore, District #4, The American Legion, representing the entirety of Sussex County, hereby petition you as members of Sussex County Council, to nullify the criterion of property assessments within Sussex County. Such assessments cause increased taxes, thus creating more hardship upon the liveli­ hood of our Veterans and their families, plus the good citi­ zens of our County. It is imperative to approach every solution, with complete caution, to restore and preserve the economy of our great nation, to a more normal condition of livelihood. The in­ crease of property tax imposed by Sussex County Council or School Districts, would generate enormous additional burdens upon Veterans and their families. Many Veterans and their families are on fixed incomes; thus limited to a strict out­ lay of funds for their livelihood. It is our desire, that the authority of power retained by Sussex County Council be enforced to reserve the criterion of all assessments, causing increase tax, until such time of restoration of a normal state of economy takes place. The crisis caused by inflation, can only be defeated or overcome, by our obligation as citizens to unite as a team in fulfilling our duty and sacrifices, to restore our economy to normal. We request this petition be placed on record of the Sussex County Council minutes, as evidence of support for nullifica­ tion of property assessments and tax increase, within the boundaries of Sussex County, State of Delaware. Sincerely, Barrett Yutzi District Commander Leslie A. Stickels, Jr. Vice Commander Anita B. and John P. Armor. Re: Protesting the appraisal of their home made by H. L. Yoh Company. Louis B. Gleason. Re: Protesting the appraisal of his home made by H. L. Yoh Company. -2- February 25, 1975 Corre­ David A. and Ella I. Eppihimer. spondence Re: Protesting water from the highway running on their Cont. property during heavy rains. Gary E. and Elizabeth Grunder. Re: Protesting the appraisal of their condominium apartment by H. L. Yoh Company. Town Council of Ocean View. Re: Requesting the Recorder of Deeds send to municipalities copies of deeds made out to new property owners in that muni­ cipality. The Council agreed that Mr. Conaway, County Administrator, should investigate the procedure of the Recorder of Deeds as to mailing these lists or their getting them in person from the Recorder of Deeds. These lists are being published in the newspapers and they get them in person from the Recorder of Deeds. William V. Roth, Jr., United States Senator. Re: His continued interest and involvement in the continued rail service in the Delmarva Peninsula. Copy of a letter to Colonel James L. Ford, Superintendent, Delaware State Police, from Gordon S. Crispin, Administrator, Nanticoke Memorial Hospital, Inc. Re: Requesting that actions be taken to assure the replace­ ment or repair of the state helicopter so that it may become available as quickly as possible to meet the emergency trans­ port needs for lower Delaware. Gordon S. Crispin. Re: Requesting permission for the Mid-Atlantic Radio Control Society to utilize the Georgetown airport for flying radio controlled model aircraft. The Council agreed that Mr. McKee, Civil Engineer, should contact Mr. Crispin and let him know what the County would expect if this request were granted, and then determi ne if an agreement can be worked out. Department of the Army, Philadelphia District, Corps of En­ gineers. Re: Application by William H. Sheridan, 13 Maryland Avenue, Box 189, Fenwick Island, Delaware for a Department of the Army permit to construct a bulkhead and dock and to dredge in a lagoon in Little Assawoman Bay along Atlantic Avenue, Selbyville Township, Sussex County, Delaware. Copy of a letter to J. Terrell Whitsitt, Assistant Regional Director for Manpower - Region III, Manpower Administration, U. S. Department of Labor, from Sherman W. Tribbitt, Governor of the State of Delaware. -3- February 25, 1975 Corre­ Re: The Intergovermental Manpower Service's modification spondence to its Title II plans and grant application, which has been Cont. prepared in accordance with the Department of Labor's guide­ lines and regulations. Mr. Ellingsworth, Personnel, Manpower and Safety Director, reported to the Council that the above correspondence does not affect Sussex County due to the fact that we are not re­ ceiving Title II funds at this time. Civil Mr. Sherwin, Civil Defense Director, reported to the Council Defense that sand at the office of the Civil Defense office has been moved and clay and gravel added to try to prevent the sand from piling up again. Call Mr. Sherwin, Civil Defense Director, reported to the Council Board that the air conditioning unit in the Call Board room is not working properly, causing the room to be very warm. Kent County Mr. Sherwin, Civil Defense Director, reported to the Council Emergency that the Emergency Disaster Exercise for Kent County will be Disaster held in Dover on February 28, 1975. Exercise Surplus Mr. Sherwin, Civil Defense Director, reported to th~ Council Property that the fire and ambulance companies are continuing to re­ ceive surplus property from Delaware City. Alcoholism Dallas Fleetwood of Alcoholism Services appeared before the Services Council and requested funding from Refenue Sharing funds in the amount of $6,000.00 to be used for supplying the services of two staff members through June 30, 1975. No action was taken on this request. Public Mr. Ellingsworth, Personnel, Manpower and Safety Director, Service submitted to the Council the present status of Public Service Employment Jobs. The unfilled positions under Title I were advertised on February 21, 1975, and referrals are now being taken. Sewer Mr. Carey, Finance Director, reported to the Council that Projects the first federal check for sewer projects has been received in the amount of $834,400.00. M 103 75 A Motion was made by Mr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Hill, to Payment of authorize Mr. Carey, Finance Director, to pay the note with Notes & Bor­ the Delaware Trust Company, due on February 25, 1975, in the rowing of Money -4- February 25, 1975 M 103 75 amount of $230,000.00; and the note with the Wilmington Trust Cont. Company, due on February 21, 1975, in the amount of $550,000.00; and to reborrow approximately $400,000.00 to be used to pay the current bills on sewer projects. Motion Adopted; 5 Yea. Vote by Roll Call: Mr. Cannon, Yea; Mr. Cole, Yea; Mr. Hill, Yea; Mr. Workman, Yea; Mr. Benson, Yea Off ice Mr. Benson, President, signed the contract between the Sussex Space County Council and the University of Delaware for a Sussex Study County Office Space Study. M 104 75 A Motion was made by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Workman, that Georgetown Mr. Henry, County Engineer, be authorized to have wiring and Inn Building installation of lights done in the "Georgetown Inn" building at a cost not to exceed $481.00 by Sussex Electrical Construc­ tion Company. Motion Adopted; 5 Yea. Vote by Roll Call: Mr. Cannon, Yea; Mr. Cole, Yea; Mr. Hill, Yea; Mr. Workman, Yea; Mr. Benson, Yea M 105 75 A Motion was made by Mr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Workman, that Bethany Mr. Henry, County Engineer, be authorized to file a Notice Beach of Intent with the State for a conve~tional cohstruction Collector grant for the Bethany Beach Collector Sewers. Motion Adopted ; Sewers 5 Yea. Vote by Roll Call: Mr. Cannon, Yea; Mr. Cole, Yea; Mr. Hill, Yea; Mr. Workman, Yea; Mr. Benson, Yea R 016 75 The following proposed resolution was read by Mr. Betts, County Solicitor: WHEREAS, Sussex County Council has been designated by the Governor of the State of Delaware and the Federal En­ vironmental Protection Agency as the planning agency for the development of an areawide waste treatment management plan under Section 208 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 for the Sussex County Coastal Area; and WHEREAS, a planning policy board is desirable to review and approve the application for Federal Assistance and re­ quired to review and approve work done in developing the plan; -5- February 25, 1975 R 016 75 NOW, THEREFORE, Cont.
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