The Savannah State College Bulletin President Dr. Howard Jordan, Jr. Director of Public Relations and Editor-in-Chief Wilton C. Scott Acting Alumni Secretary Prince K. Mitchell Issue Editor Carolyn R. Screen Photographer Robert Mobley Volume XVIII May, 1965 Number 6 The Savannah State College Bulletin is published yearly in October, December, February, March, April, and May by Savannah State College. Second Class mail privileges au- thorized at Savannah, Georgia. George Washington Carver Scorned Wealth Miss Marcelle Rhodriquez, Mrs. Mar- garet C. Robinson, and Dr. Forrest 0. While Creating Multi-Million Dollar Industries Wiggins. While creating multi-million dollar Candidates for Alpha Kappa Mu industries by his experiments with pea- Honor Society were: Miss Louise M. nuts, soy beans and other farm products, Tarber, and Bradford Torain. George Carver Washington refused any Officers of Beta Kappa Chi National increase in his $125-a-month starting Scientific Society are: Jimmy Stepher- salary during his 46 years on the son, President; Corine Capers, Vice Tuskegee Institute faculty. President; Shirley Cruse, Secretary; This is revealed by Lawrence Elliott Dennis Polite, Treasurer. in "Beyond Fame or Fortune," a new Faculty members: C. V. Clay, Spon- biography of the famous Negro scientist, sor; J. B. Clemmons, B. T. Griffith, and published in the May Reader's Digest. W. V. Winters. Often he delayed cashing his salary Initiates for Beta Kappa Chi were: checks until the treasurer protested and Phillip Dryer, Willie N. Fuller, Miss frequently he gave them to needy stu- Betty Gordon, and Jeffery James. dents. He refused to go to work for Thomas Edison at $100,000 a year. A dyestuffs firm offered Carver a labora- 62 Students Make tory and a blank check. He sent back Dean's Faculty List the check with formulas for 536 dyes Mr. William N. Weston, an Aero-Space Tech- nologist at Goddard Space Flight Center, is a that he had discovered. According to Dr. Robert D. Reid, 1956 graduate of Savannah State College. He When Florida peanut planters sent a serves as Project Leader for the Spacecraft Track- Dean of Faculty at Savannah State ing, Input Analysis and Predictions Programming box of diseased specimens with a College, 62 students have attained an check Group. He is a member of the Washington, D. C. average of 3.50 or higher on a full pro- and offer of a retainer, he diagnosed Chapter of Savannah State. gram during the winter quarter 1965, the disease and returned the check. "If and have earned a place on the Dean's the good Lord charged nothing to grow 14th Annual Honors List for the spring quarter 1965. The your peanuts," he wrote, "I do not think Convocation Held in January names of these students are listed below. it fitting of me to charge anything for The 14th Annual Honors Convocation Richard Anderson, Carol J. Brannan, curing them." was held at Savannah State College on Helen J. Brunson, Johnnie Bryant, Spurred by Carver's research, Ameri- Wednesday, January 20, 1965. The Corine Capers, Shirley Ann Conner, Honors Address was delivered by Dr. ca's peanut crop, Elliott is writes, today Laura Corbett, Mabel Corouthers, John A. Hunter, President of Louisiana our sixth most important agricultural Shirley Ann Cruse, Arthur C. Curtright, State University. product. The two billion pounds har- Johnny J. Davis, Marva Deloach, Ivory vested each year are worth close to 300 Dr. Hunter, a native of Donner, K. Dious, Dorothy Dorsey, Gloria A. Louisiana, is well in educational million dollars to the farmer and known Duncan, Charles Elmore, Cora M. circles, especially among education ad- another 200 million to industry. Foston, Gwendolyn Fuller, Betty J. ministrators and teachers in Louisiana. Gordon, Laura M. Grant, Sandra Hey- In addition to the admiration of He is a graduate of Davidson College, ward, Georgia Hightower, Dawn scientists everywhere, Carver won the North Carolina, and received the Master Hollingshead, Minnie Hudson, Roxcena friendship of Presidents Theodore of Arts degree at L.S.U., the Ph.D. de- Jackson, Catherine Johnson, Hazel John- Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge and Franklin gree following an exhaustive study of son, Willie M. Johnson, Lillie M. Kyles, D. Roosevelt, and also of Henry Ford, the legal status and social composition John E. Lang, and Barbara Lawson. the industrialist. Ford and Carver of Louisiana parish school boards. The Hewitt Lundy, Joanne V. Mainor, visited each other for years and Ford convocation program began at 10:20 Glennera Martin, William H. Martin, named a Dearborn school for him. a.m., in Willcox Gymnasium. Bertha R. Mays, Vivian McMillan, Three years before he died on Jan. The officers and members of Alpha Josephine McPherson, Juliette B. 5, 1942, Carver, who never married, Nu Chapter of Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Mitchell, Willie F. Moore, Lydia gave his life savings of $33,000 to the Society are as follows: President, Miss Mungin, Marion Mungin, Rose New- Carver Foundation to provide more Hazel President, some, Waltina Reddick, Grady Riggs, facilities at Tuskegee for research. Other Johnson; Vice Miss Carolyn Roberts, Jacquelyn Ryan, gifts followed and the Foundation now Willie M. Julian; Secretary-Treasurer, Patricia A. Ryan, Jacqueline Ryles, has a two-million dollar building. Mrs. Mildred Glover; Mrs. Juliette B. Delacy Sanford, Charles Savage, Mitchell; J. B. Clemmons, Advisor; Congress passed unanimously a bill Doretha Scott, Gwendolyn Sharpe, E. K. Williams, Advisor and Director of by Sen. Harry S. Truman creating the Margie Simmons, Emily Tait, Minnie Region V; Faculty members: Dr. George Washington Carver National Thompson, Brenda Truedell, Eugene Monument on the site of the farm near Howard Jordan, Jr., Johnny Campbell, Washington, Joyce Washington, Ollie Diamond Grove, Mo., where Carver was Jr., Mrs. Mildred Glover, Robert Holt, M. Wells, Maggie Wicker, and Winfrey born a slave in 1862. Dr. Howard M. Jason, John W. Jordan, Laordice. Committee Evaluates Program of Teacher Education; College Program Approved visiting committee evaluated the Miss Olleen Williams, State Dept. of A IB*^ ^B li ^SD- ,, program of teacher education at Savan- Education, Atlanta, Georgia. p %eQf9 ^f B^Si' :*>•.] ^1 nah State College on April 11-14, 1965. Miss Hassie McElveen, Georgia South- The committee, composed of a cross- Hk ^ ern College, Statesboro, Georgia. section of professional educators, was organized by the Division of Instruction Miss Mary Ellen Perkins, Coordinator, of the State Department of Education. Teacher Education Services, State Dept. of Education, Atlanta, Georgia. 3%S.,. : The evaluation was a prerequisite to the achievement of regular state ac- Dr. Hayden C. Bryant, Division of *^*3"pM creditation. This form of accreditation, Instruction, State Department of Edu- called the Approved Program Approach cation. :. ^' to Certification, is a relatively new Mrs. Maenelle D. Dempsey, Teacher /iM^ '—-"'' i^sp process which is increasingly being Education Consultant, State Dept. of adopted by state certifying agencies. Education, Atlanta, Georgia. Programs approved as a result of this Dell Knight, Chatham County Board visitation were approved for five years of Education, Savannah, Georgia. instead of the usual one year. For this Miss Rosemary Singleton is a secretary for the Interior Department, Bureau of Mines Office of reason, regular accreditation is officially Mineral Reports, Washington, D. C. She is a 1961 termed Five Year Approval. Students graduate of Savannah State College, major, Busi- who begin as freshmen during the next ness Administration. She worked as Secretary in Public Relations Office and Office of Home Study five years will, upon completion of their Graduate Accepts for 15 months after graduating. She is a member particular teaching programs, auto- of the Washington, D. C. chapter of the Alumni matically be granted professional certifi- Job With the USAF Association. cation. Percy L. Byrd, a 1961 mathematics Members of the Visiting Committee graduate of Savannah State College, has SSC Holds Conference; were as follows: recently been employed by the United Teacher Education Day States Air Force Aeronautical Chart and its Fifth Dr. Catherine J. Duncan Berry, Head, Savannah State College held Dept. of Education, Fort Valley State Information Center. He is enrolled in Annual Teacher Education Day Con- College, Fort Valley, Georgia. the Cartographer Training Program be- ference on April 22, 1965. The theme ing conducted at ACIC's training school of the conference was, "Creating In- Dr. Joseph Dennis, Mathematics in St. Louis, Missouri. telligence." This theme was of particular Dept., Clark College, Atlanta, Georgia. importance at this time as its meanings This six month Civil Service Commis- were centered about the whole complex A. L. Farmer, S. H. Archer High sion approved course provides a broad School, Atlanta, Georgia. of problems associated with the "Cul- background in chart compilation and turally Deprived." related fields. Subjects covered in the Mrs. Mattie Greenwood, Art Con- The Chief Consultant and Keynote curriculum include geodesy ( making sultant, Area I, Atlanta City School Speaker was Dr. Arthur Coombs, Pro- exact measurement of the earth', System. fessor of Education, University of astronomy, physical geography and Florida. Dr. Coombs is most outstanding Clifford Hardwick, Consultant in photogrammetry ( making charts from in the field of professional education. Science, Chatham County Schools, Sa- photographs) His research and writings in this field vannah, Georgia. When Mr. Byrd completes the course, have earned for him an enviable Miss Iris Dukes, Chatham County he will be assigned to the Production scholarly reputation. Board of Education, Savannah, Georgia. and Distribution Plant of ACIC located The Teacher Education Day Confer- in St. Louis, Missouri, at the historic ence was a unique activity in that it was Dr. James Marquis, Head, Music site of the St. Louis Arsenal on Second a venture which was jointly organized Dept., Albany State College, Albany, and Arsenal Street. and operated by the College and the Georgia. staffs of the public school systems that Its mission is basically the production Dr.
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