Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1928-1929 Eastern Progress 2-2-1929 Eastern Progress - 2 Feb 1929 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1928-29 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 2 Feb 1929" (1929). Eastern Progress 1928-1929. 8. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1928-29/8 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1928-1929 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. m*mmm* V ,■■ »* EASTERN PROGRESS «— RICHMOND, RV„ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1929 Number 8. VOLUME VL R9~S 10 BOYS GAMES Ad Manager to MAROONQUINT Kitchen Kabinet EASTERN'S NEW COACH WORK TO START Re8ign Po8ition Orchestra Plays ON NETCARD IN CAR CRASH ON AUDITORIUM Liquor Runners' Automobile On Thursday evening, January 29, Varsity Plays Five, Frwh Five; \ Eastern was honored with none other Will Be In Rear of Administra- \- Smashes Into Car Carrying tion Building, Ready For Girls Also To Appear, in Basketball Team than Paul Whlteman's Rivals, the Contests Kitchen Kabinet Orchestra. This fa- Fall Term \ OCCUPANTS RAN AWAY mous aggregation of stars, having CARD FIVE GAMES HERE toured the country and received great TO COST $125,000 acclaim in such centers at Waco and Whisky runners whose arrest is ex- If no more games are added to the Poosey Ridge, decided to visit our hum- Materials for Eastern's new audito- pected by the Fayette county patrol, schedule, Eastern teams will appear in ble city and favor Eastern with one rium are being brought to the campus crashed into the side of an automo- twelve more contests during the sea- of its world-famed concerts. Against a and the construction work will begin bile carrying the varsity basketball son; of these she wil]*be In Richmond. v > most artistic background In the gym, immediately. The building will be ready The varsity will play.Jive more games, J. G. HARROD team of Eastern Kentucky State for use at the beginning of the fall their brilliant uniforms made an im- term. three of them at home? while the frosh J. G. Harrod, advertising manager of Teachers College to Lexington last posing sight. will be in action in Richmond twice the Eastern Progress during the past night and badly damaged the automo- The program was In the form of a When completed this auditorium will and the girls" five once. semester, has resigned his position and bile, several of the eight men in the love story, the outline of which was be one of the most beautiful buildings At the completion of the regular sea- has left Eastern to accept a position machine sustaining slight injury. delightfully given by Miss Frances Ma- oi its kind in the state. It is to be built t(.n the varsity will compete in the S. as principal of a high school in Wayne The accident occurred about four son, while the orchestra interpreted it. directly in the rear of the new admin- I. A. A. tournament at Winchester. The county. He had finished work for his miles from Clay's Ferry in Fayette Trios, duets, and solos by various mem- istration building and the entrance in- schedule for the remainder of the sea- degree during the semester. county last night. The girls' quintet bers of the orchestra made the pro- to the auditorium will be thru the son follows: Up until the last week of the semes- and varsity substitutes had gone to gram doubly interesting and two solos foyer of the administration building " Vars|ty ter Mr. Harrod had planned to con- Lexington at 5:45 In a special Can- The open stage is thirty feet deep by by Mrs. Basil Hayden added a fine Charles T. cTurkey) Hughes, the Feb. 2—Western Teachers, Richmond, tinue his work, but was made an at- field bus and the varsity left here at forty feet long. There are two dressing touch. During the intermission the au- only four letter man to graduate from Feb. 8—University of Louisville, here, tractive offer by Wayne county school 6:30, intending to arrive at the Tran- rooms at the left of the stage andtwo dience was entertained with a reading the University of Kentucky, was elected Feb. 14—Georgetown College, there. officials, and on learning that he sylvania gymnasium shortly before directly above them. Above and at the entitled "Pa's Red Flannel Underwear." head coach of Eastern Teachers Col- Feb. 16—Kentucky Wesleyan, here. would be able to finish last" semester, game time. eft of the stage a loft for a thirty The second act was a successful cli- lege at a meeting of the board of Feb. 18—University of Louisville, there, decided to take up the work of teach- Roy Watson, driver of the seven pas- thousand dollar organ is to be con- max to the first and the story came to regents on January 19. "Turkey" is at Freshmen ing at once. In an interview with a senger sedan, which was carrying the structed. Provision for an organ has a happy ending. A report of this pro- present principal-coach of the Harlan Feb. 1—Transylvania College, ther. Progress reporter he said: "I am sorry team, saw the approaching machine not been made as yet. duction would be incomplete without High School and will not take charge Feb. 8—University of Louisville, here, to leave Eastern and the Progress but and slowed down. The rum runners, The seating capacity of the audto- mention of Madame Wade, the direc- of athletics at Eastern until the open- Feb. 14—Georgetown College, there. glad to get my degree. I have certainly driving a small touring car with Fa- num is 3,000- large balcony as well tor, whose management and direction ing of the fall semester next Septem- a Feb. 18—University of Louisville, there, enjoyed my work at Eastern." yette license, 212-146, kept the center as the main floor being provided with were all that could be desired. The con- ber. Feb. 26—University of Kentucky, here. Mr. Harrod has an exceptional record of the road and smashed into the side cert was staged under the joint man- seats, in front of the stage there is a G. N. Hembree, director of physical large orchestra pit. O in the field of education, having fin- of the Richmond car. agement of Arnold, Burns and Terrlll ished two years high school and four The Canfield car overturned and education and coach of varsity athlet- Below the auditorium proper there Is Co., Unltd. ics, has been granted a leave of ab- NET SEASON IS years of college work, and taught eight every side window in it was broken, O a whole floor divided into large and at- schools during eight and one-half The windshield and the rear window sence that he might continue his school tractive rooms. The three at the east years. In his capacity as advertising escaped damage but the body was Organizations Calendar work. His letter to the president is as end will be used by the music depart- FAIR SUCCESS manager of the Progress he displayed driven in and the frame bent so that follows: Eastern Progress Staff, R. K. Sal- ment. The others will be used as prop- Frosh Have Lost Only One remarkable business acmen and his extensive repairs will be necessary, yers, editor, meets Monday at 6:15 p. "President Donovan: erty, orchestra and reception rooms loss will be greatly felt by the Prog- Occuptants of the other machine ran m ^^^ offlce R()ark Wdg "I hereby make application thru you The building will be constructed of Game; Varsity Has Won to the board of regents for leave of ab- ress, -rom the scene, abandoning their car. Sigma Tau Pi, L. R. Staton, presi- brick with a foundation and supports Only One sence during the regular school year of A new advertising manager has not Several broken whisky containers were dent, meets alternate Wednesdays at of concrete and steel. The Interior is 1929-30. HAVE PLAYED GOOD BALL yet been selected' but wU1 Probably * iound and a Ave, gallon container full J£ £*immi^WH& to be beautifully decorated in orna- ! appointed within the next few days, of moonshine was found by the county utUe Theatre cluD Harold RuUedg*, "My reason for making this request mental plaster. One especially attrac- -O- patrol which was called to the scene prcsident meets alternate Tuesdays at is that I may finish my bachelor's de- tive feature of this plaster work is the Eastern has been having a fairly^ gree and do some work on my master's -£- ^ j by the Richmond boys. 7:00 p. m., University auditorium. seal of Kentucky which will be in the successful basketball season to date. Tne atro1 said over n degree. The varsity has been having a hard ^resident's Coin tin in' p " 8 distance Home Economics Club, Nell Pelphry, center of the aich of the stage open- telephone this morning that drivers alternate Wednesdays "Yours very truly, time, having won only one game, but presldenti meets of the machine had not been captured (Signed) "G. N. HEMBREE." The total cost of the building will be they have been playing a fine brand of in Home Ec rooms, Sullivan Hall. but that their arrest is expected today. He has been coaching at Eastern for about $125,000. C. C. and F. A. Web- ball in most instances and have lost Another semester opens! A larger Choral Club, John Osborne, presi- The team members were taken on the past eight years and has seen the ber, of Cincinnati, are the architects.
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