IBM Parallel Environment for AIX IBM Hitchhiker's Guide Version 2 Release 4 GC23-3895-03 IBM Parallel Environment for AIX IBM Hitchhiker's Guide Version 2 Release 4 GC23-3895-03 Note! Note! Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page vii. | Third Edition, October 1998 This edition applies to Version 2, Release 4, Modification 0 of the IBM IBM Parallel Environment for AIX (5765-543), and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Order publications through your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality. Publications are not stocked at the address below. IBM welcomes your comments. 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Contents Notices . vii Trademarks . ix About This Book .................................... xi The Place for This Book in the Grand Scheme of Life, the Universe, and Everything... xiii What's All This? .................................... xiii What You Should Have While You Read this Book ................ xiv Typographic Conventions . xv Encyclopedia Galactica . xv IBM Parallel Environment for AIX Publications ................. xv Related IBM Publications .............................. xvi Related Non-IBM Publications ........................... xvi National Language Support .............................. xvii Accessing Online Information ............................. xvii | Online Information Resources ........................... xvii | Getting the Books and the Examples Online ................. xviii Chapter 1. Hitching a Lift on the Vogon Constructor Ship .......... 1 What's the IBM Parallel Environment for AIX? .................... 1 What's the Parallel Operating Environment? ................... 2 | What's New in PE 2.4? ................................ 2 Before You Start .................................... 4 Running POE . 8 Who's In Control (SP Users Only)? ........................ 15 Chapter 2. The Answer is 42 ............................ 25 Message Passing . 26 Data Decomposition . 26 Functional Decomposition . 35 Duplication Versus Redundancy ......................... 38 Protocols Supported . 39 | Checkpointing and Restarting a Parallel Program ................. 41 | Limitations . 41 | How Checkpointing Works ............................. 41 Chapter 3. Don't Panic . 43 Messages . 43 Message Catalog Errors .............................. 43 Finding PE Messages ............................... 44 Logging POE Errors to a File ........................... 44 Message Format . 44 Diagnosing Problems Using the Install Verification Program ......... 45 Can't Compile a Parallel Program .......................... 45 Can't Start a Parallel Job ............................... 45 Can't Execute a Parallel Program .......................... 47 The Program Runs But... ............................... 49 The Parallel Debugger is Your Friend ...................... 49 Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998 iii It Core Dumps .................................... 50 No Output at All ................................... 55 It Hangs . 56 Using the VT Displays ............................... 61 Let's Attach the Debugger ............................. 63 Other Hangups . 70 Bad Output . 70 Debugging and Threads .............................. 71 Keeping an Eye on Progress ............................. 72 Chapter 4. So Long And Thanks For All The Fish ............... 75 Tuning the Performance of a Parallel Application ................. 75 How Much Communication is Enough? ....................... 76 Tuning the Performance of Threaded Programs .................. 80 Why is this so slow? .................................. 81 Profile it . 82 Parallelize it . 86 Wrong answer! . 88 Here's the Fix! .................................... 93 It's Still Not Fast Enough! ............................. 95 Tuning Summary . 97 Chapter 5. Babel fish . 99 Point-to-Point Communication . 99 SEND (Non-Blocking) . 99 RECEIVE (Non-Blocking) . 99 SEND (Blocking) . 99 RECEIVE (Blocking) . 100 SEND/RECEIVE (Blocking) . 100 STATUS . 100 WAIT . 100 TASK_SET . 100 TASK_QUERY . 101 ENVIRON . 101 STOPALL . 102 PACK . 102 UNPACK . 102 VSEND (Blocking) . 102 VRECV (Blocking) . 102 PROBE . 103 Collective Communications . 103 BROADCAST . 103 COMBINE . 103 CONCAT . 103 GATHER . 103 INDEX . 104 PREFIX . 104 REDUCE . 104 SCATTER . 104 SHIFT . 104 SYNC . 105 GETLABEL . 105 GETMEMBERS . 105 GETRANK . 105 iv IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Hitchhiker's Guide GETSIZE . 105 GETTASKID . 106 GROUP . 106 PARTITION . 106 Reduction Functions . 106 User-Defined Reduction Functions ....................... 107 Global Variables and Constants .......................... 107 Last Error Code .................................. 107 Wildcards . 107 General Notes . 108 Task Indentifiers . 108 Message Length . 108 Creating MPI Objects ............................... 108 Using Wildcard Receives ............................. 108 Reduction Functions . 109 Error Handling . 109 Mixing MPL and MPI Functions in the Same Application .......... 109 Before and After Using MPI Functions ..................... 110 Using Message Passing Handlers ....................... 110 Appendix A. A Sample Program to Illustrate Messages .......... 111 Figuring Out What All of This Means ....................... 113 Appendix B. MPI Safety . 115 Safe MPI Coding Practices ............................. 115 What's a Safe Program? ............................. 115 Safety and Threaded Programs ......................... 115 Some General Hints and Tips .......................... 116 Order . 116 Progress . 117 Fairness . 118 Resource Limitations . 118 Appendix C. Installation Verification Program Summary ......... 121 Steps Performed by the POE Installation Verification Program ........ 121 Appendix D. Parallel Environment Internals ................. 123 What Happens When I Compile My Applications? ................ 123 How Do My Applications Start? ........................... 124 How Does POE Talk to the Nodes? ........................ 124 How are Signals Handled? ............................. 124 What Happens When My Application Ends? ................... 124 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations ..................... 127 Index . 135 Contents v vi IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Hitchhiker's Guide Notices References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's product, program, or.
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