St. John the Baptist R. C. Church 895 Piermont Avenue, Piermont, New York 10968 www.stjohnspiermont.org [email protected] 845-359-0078 July 3, 2016, 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. Tom Kunnel, C.O. MASSES Administrator Saturday: 5:00 PM [email protected] Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM 1:00 PM (Spanish) Deacon John Cunningham Weekdays: 8:00 AM Deacon Robert Pang Saturday: 9:00 AM Holy Days: As Announced Kathleen Dunn Religious Education Director Rectory May Pang Mon – Fri 10:15 AM – 4:00 PM Parish Admin: [email protected] Sat 10 AM – 12 Noon (Spanish) Dear Parish Family, One of the favorite quotes of Pope John Sat 7/2 5:00 PM Lois Holmes Paul I, the ever-smiling Pope who by Marilyn Taulman, Kathleen reigned only a few weeks, is “God is Fagan our father, but even more is God our mother.” Was he influ- 8:00 AM Frances Butler enced by the words of Isaiah, “As a mother comforts her by Donohue Family child, so will I comfort you”? Sun 7/3 10:30:AM Lois Holmes by Jake & Silvia Miraglia The image vividly described in our first reading, suggests a privileged intimacy, a wondrous dependency, even a child’s Mon 7/4 8:00 AM Bud Sedlack by Family first ecstasy. Have you ever seen a nursing babe, arms out- Tue 7/5 8:00 AM Miguel Caro stretched and lost in speechless delight? Is that what Isaiah by Eileen Murray was getting at? Is that how God is to us? Though we live in a Wed 7/6 8:00 AM John Penik time when some mothers abandon children or even end their by Jean DeLongis lives for some ungodly reason, there is something deep in us Thu 7/7 8:00 AM Rosemarie Elizabeth O'Brien that says, if we cannot trust a mother’s love, what else is there Catherine O'Brien we might trust? If the God we worship is imaged in a moth- Fri 7/8 8:00 AM Susan Volpe er’s love, how could we ever fear peril? How could our deep- by Mildred Oslica est heart’s desires not be met? Even in the midst of threats or 9:00 AM Marie Meyer most painful relinquishments, we need not worry. Fear has no by CDA place where love abounds. Every child and every child of Sat 7/9 5:00 PM Valerie Reilly & Patricia McDer- heart knows it. In this great trust, peace will flow like a river. mott Peace, in the final analysis, means oneness with God’s will. by Armstrong Family The search for peace must begin with individuals like you 8:00 AM Katherine Kakos and me, then radiate out – to family, community, nation, and by Mildred Oslica & Helen Koza world. Sun 7/10 10:30 AM Lois Holmes by Joan Mall The peace filled person becomes a missionary! Jesus’ advice that one isn’t to greet anyone along the way isn’t to mean a THE SANCTUARY LAMP cold unfriendliness, but a reminder that there is a seriousness Is Being Offered this week and an urgency about seeking and spreading peace; we must In Memory of not indulge in distractions, but get on with the work. Jesus further advises that his missionaries for peace take no walk- Thomas Sedlack ing staff, travelling bag, or scandals – this to dramatize one’s By Patti & Tom Sedlack willingness to trust in God’s providence. The person then be- comes vulnerable, making it possible for God to work through our vulnerability. Please remember in your prayers the Sick and/ How does this apply to Christians (then and now) who live in or Homebound of our Parish Family. Marcelo town and hold down a steady job? The missionary charge to Giuliante, Caroline Kelly (M.Oslica’s niece), Nick Bruni, the 72 suggests that even followers of Jesus who are regis- Mary & Joseph Lorio (Lee Garvey’s Parents), Isabelle Fenton, Tom Lynch, Antoinette Naglieri, Catherine tered voters with a permanent address should be people who Wright, Tebby DeMaio, Maureen O’Connor, Ralph Pilla, “travel light,” live a little more trustingly than the culture Anna Hickey, Ann Ely, Ella Beckerich. John Casey, Fa- around them, and exhibit a sense of purpose that clearly goes ther of Joann Giblin, Tommy McGuire beyond producing and consuming goods and getting enter- As a Parish Family, let us remember in our prayers all our tained. Even settled Christians can live in a way that invites beloved departed members of our Parish Community, questions about where such people are coming from and John Brown father of Tom Brown, Camille Petrilyak, moth- where they think they are going. The man, woman and their er of Geralyn O’Rouke, Mark Cheramie, Ronnie Olson, life style becomes a message! We are the only ‘GOSPEL’ PLEASE ADVISE THE RECTORY (359-0078) WHENEVER A that most people will ever encounter in their life. PARISHIONER BECOMES HOMEBOUND, ILL, OR HOSPITAL- IZED SO ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE FOR A PRIEST, DEACON OR EUCHARISTIC MINISTER TO VISIT AND BRING Fr. Tom Kunnel C.O. COMMUNION TO THEM. 11AM Spanish Baptism Prep Sun 7/3 11AM Legion of Mary Mon 7/4 1PM CDA Knitting 7PM Altar Server Prep and Practice Just as the WW I poster featuring Uncle Sam point- ing a finger to the viewer and saying, "I NEED YOU!" 7PM Baptism Prep Tue 7/5 I come to say that we need some kind parishioners 7PM Spanish Bible Sturdy to step up and help in our Religious Education Pro- 7PM Spanish Committee Leaders Mtg gram for the coming year. We need Catechists, Subs and Helpers. We are losing three Catechists Wed 7/6 7:30PM Spanish Choir Practice who have been with the program for a combined 1PM CDA Knitting total of thirty years. Their children long ago com- Thu 7/7 7PM Rios de Agua Viva Group pleted the program, but these ladies continued to 7PM Spanish Choir Practice give of their time and effort to your young- sters. Now, they must move on to pursue other in- 10AM Fri Renew Group terests. We thank these special women, but WHO Fri 7/8 7PM Spanish Prayer Group WILL TAKE THEIR PLACES? 7:30PM Youth Group Sat 7/9 We need a Co-Teacher for 2nd Grade, a Teach- er for a small 6th Grade and an additional Teacher for 7th Grade as well as a Helper for Volunteers Needed Monday evenings and a couple of people to sub for Summer Hospitality when needed. Contact [email protected] Please don't think that someone else will step or text 596-0459 to sign up or up to the plate. WE NEED YOU. Sign up on the sheet in kitchen Please contact Kathleen Dunn at any time by calling 845-942-2908. I will help you get started and together we will continue to offer a fine Religious Education Program to the chil- dren of St. John's Parish. Thank you and God bless! Liturgy Schedule July 9/10 Eucharistic Day Time Lector Altar Servers Minister Saturday 5:00 PM Oscar Nordstrom Jackie Schaefer Sofia Tassello 7/9 Derek Gazzetta 8:00 AM Christine Mooney Lucy Bosco Michaela Duggan 10:30 AM Jeanine Kennedy Janet Zahn Gerry Caltagirone Oliver Young Sunday 7/10 1:00 PM Carlos Hernandez Nelson Zamora Pedro Aguilar Marleni Lemus Emmanuel Nova Mario Zamora Jakie Mazariego Hilda Alarcon 6/26 Collection: $4,027 Cardinal:s Appeal Pledged: $37,772 Remembering Goal is $41,000, we are almost there… we can make our goal, If you have not contributed yet it’s not too Joanie Wheeler on the late to make your pledge. one year anniversary of her reunion with our Lord. Joanie blessed us with her joyous playing of June 26 winner will be reported next week the organ at the 5PM & 8AM Masses for two and a half years. She now plays for a celestial audience but "It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those she is missed here on three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, free- earth by those whose lives dom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them." she touched. Till we meet --Mark Twain again! "Freedom is never more than one generation away from ex- tinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." --Ronald Reagan "If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." --George Washington "For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." --Nelson Mandela "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are creat- ed equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." --Thomas Jefferson "[W]e look forward to a world founded upon four essential hu- man freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression-- Letters went out this week to all current 300 everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every per- Club subscribers. You are urged to renew son to worship God in his own way--everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want--which, translated into world your membership right away because the terms, means economic understandings which will secure to new series starts in just 2 weeks.
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