1,1942 ==-- Cardinals 1 Possible ShowerS Oaln One hn Game Sc:.lle-red thandersbowe... ; coo­ On Brooklyn tlJllled warm tod.y nd See 8&pr)' ~ P.. e 4 THE DAILY IOWAN tomorrow. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper IS '11 fIVE CENTS TBI A880VlATBD .aU8 IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 19, 1942 TBI A SSOC~TI D ra.'8 VOLUME XLII NUMBER 281 - , (AP)_ ~r and 'sterday a band ' f chief NATIVES HELP UNLOAD U. S. SUPPLIES IN PACIFIC SSlstant Force Russian Long Interpreting ~I said , phys­ hl'QUlh War News- Retreat Before IS an­ he had Air Raid on Nazis to en- Shows U.S. Bombers Industrial City avy at Ready for 2nd Front World Germans Drive New months ge was Br EW ARD E_ BOMAR Wedge Into Sector home. (Wide World War Analyst) South of Kletskaya The first American-planned, :American-executed bombillJ blow 8y UNitY C. CASSIDY Igainst nazi-held Europe wfi 1) MO. OW, Wednesday (AP) timed perfectly to clear up some - SlIIashing 06rllliln tank a~ action currently expressed doubt as to tacks forced the red army to !tween whether the army's heavy bomb­ withdraw in one sector of the ers are fully suited to the aerial been "ital d f 08 before the Volga Ion is- second (ront. Without loss to thel1'\selves, a do­ industrial city of talingrad aud n the len four-engine craft raided Rouen drovc a wedge into another 8007 lot be in nazi-held France by daylillht, lor, tll oviet midnight com­ !e the "hit the heart of the target," and munique said today, but in other ! navy met and matred the latest type ar a HUH ian r istance was re­ state­ German fighter planes. ported generally strengthened. o! the Their smaller bomb-carrying The n w G rmlln gains were forces clpacity does appear to make them less useful for mass rna uling of 8 uth ast oP KI t kay8, 75 miles lue of northwest of talingrad, where ~ my.JJ nearby continental tarllets, par­ ticularly by night, than Britian's th Germans appeared to be concentrating their drive to cut COlli­ Lancasters, HaUfaxes and Ster­ Here are five 01 ellht shiPs-two destroyers and six larlll merchant vessels-which were launched U.S. lings, just as a thoroughbred is less In a period of less than, four hours at the Todd-Bat h Iron Shlpbu\ldlnl corporation yards a1 Sou(&h , : ' , Itho Volga. week suited to lugging heavy loads than • draft horse. Portland, Me. n was the ,reatest slnrle launchlnl 01 World war n. Pictured are live 01 the six mer­ Arrival of an Amertcan convoy at an unnamed United State. bue In Ihe southwest Pacific brou,ht 'rh . 0m~uniql1 also .re­ I had Wli Aid RAF chant vessels-left to rl,M, Ocean Traveler, Ocean Siranler, Ocean Wayfarer, Ocean Gallant and Ocean hordes 01 native workmen down to the docks to help unload, above, the vital war material brou,ht I)orted ~l ghtlDg ~n t!le region and Seaman. (Central Press Phonephoto) from "the sta&es." Now some of these munitions may be In use ....In .t the laPl In the Solomons. of Pyabgorsk, lu mile soutb , and But the official American idea seems to be that waging war by air LONDON, Wednesday (AP)­ on Germany need not be a matter The commaadOl awle a ...Id on , that of mere slugginll. The prospective the DiepPfl .rea of OCClnpled , I role of American heavy bombers France early todar, British head­ men­ is to bring all nazi-occupied Europe I been Qu.rters announced. The buUella within the range of deadly round­ added th.t the French peGP" While the-clock attack. as well as to add naged were belnl advlJled that the raid weight to royal air force blows was not a full.nedred lnvllion. dealt under cover of darkness. sigoi­ OD the eve of the Rouen raid torce of Mineralnye Vody, IndicatlnC London read criticism that our that the Germans had made new with­ heavy bombers were deficient in Allied Reconnaisance !r the advances on the south Caucuus capacity, armor, armament and Iront. inked speed, and therefore American es in Planes Simultaneously On the other band, the Russians aircraft plants should switch to appeared to hoid the initative in nd at "new and improved types." gage­ the Krasnodar sector, farther to J They already have made the Search Pacifit Front the vlest, and the communique laid lk of tr~nsitlon. Some of the criticism 'iking one Soviet unit In counter-attacks may have applied to earller ver­ Greatest Stress Laid routed a battalJon of Gennans who sea slons of heavy bombers, but cer­ had forced a crOSSing of the Ku­ , was I tainly less so to the latest types On Coming Operatirms Iy in ban ri ver. dispatched to Britain. In the Solomon Chain Force WJlh ....wal 'e aI­ Pending the verdicl of further Earlier reports said MBl'IbIl war- adual results, pertinent perfor- , By C. Yates McDanlel Semeon Tlmoshenko's forces bad mance data on the new B-17E tly­ occupied an important 1I0e In the in! fortress and B-24D models can G ENE R A L MACARTHUR'S CAIRO, Wednesday (AP)­ to Moscow, and Field Marshal Jan RIO DE JA$IRO (AP)- Bra­ LONDON (AI;')-The United ing new blow to Osrmbrucck, key defense of Stallngrad and that the I DO be given without Impinging on HEADQUART'ERS, Au s t r a I i a, Prime Minister Churchill, it was Christiaan Smuts, prime minister zllians demanding war against the States air force was rising yester- to German raj! lines to the Rhine- red army had launched an oHen­ JODI mill tary secrecy. Wednesday (AP)-Allied recon- disclosed officially tOday, spent a of South Africa. axis In vengeance for the sub­ day toward ltB full place in a ti- land. sive tar to the north on the Len­ the C.rryin.. Capaeltl' Let. naisanee planes today were re- day with the allied troops in the "The prime minister reviewed marine sinking of five -Brazilian tanle struggle tor control of the Last night, the air minis try re- ingrad front, forcing the German. Vy" These planes carryon short pOrted to be searching the Pacific western desert when he ~toP'ped coastal ships in tbree days were skies over Europe and the middle potted Americans o( tne Eagle to withdraw \.0 some extent. ,nI" missions only about half the eight- front as strong units of U, S. oft at Cairo last week en route to the whole situation in the middle told by Pre~Ident Getulio Vargas east. squadron and Canadians and Brll- Meanwhile, the ferocity of the ited ton bomb load of the short Ster- Vice Admiral Robert Lee Ghorm­ Moscow tor his conference with east with minister of state, the yesterday that these "acts of American two-motored bombers ish made a series of small raids, fighting was indicated by a special ,We Bng and Avro Lancaster of the ley's combined neet deployed in Premier Joseph Stalin. Rt. Hon. Richard Casey, and Sir piracy" would not go unpunished. have entered the air war in Af- ranging from the Le Harve area Soviet communique whl.ch said roya l air torce. The Handley-Page anticipation of a naval showdown ,The annOWlCement said he held Miles Lampson, British ambassa­ A short time , later Lieu!. Col. rica and four-motored Flying Fort- along the French coast to Dleppe the Germans , had lost 1,250,000 (See INTERPRETING, pa,e 5) as a ~eq uel to the Solomon islands " impor~ant discussions with serv­ dor," the announcement said. J oao jUnto Paeca. speaking lor resses stand ready to repeat and and touching at Abbeville and Os- men in the three month. up to tl in invasIon. ice chiefs and other British auth­ It also disclosed that the 'prime War Minister Gen. Eurlco Gaspar intenslly raids Ilke Tuesday's on tend. \ ,.' Aug. 15-480,000 of them killed. lOW­ nounced. One of the reconnaisance orities in the middle east." Among minister was received in audience Dutra, told a crowd ·at the war the nazI-held European conlinent. United Stales and RAF lellders The special communique sald I the Aside from recon naisance flights those with whom he talked were by King Farouk of Egypt and also ministry that the country was at The RAE paced the growing on- agreed tha~ the curtain-raising the Germans had withdrawn 22 londaners Feel Soviet, General Sir Archibald p, Wave)). by Nahas Pasha, Egyptian prime 'hieh no activity was offiCially an­ the •"~ate'S of .wlir" and that the slaught last night with a sm88h~ (See AIR FORCE, page 6) divisions from France, Be1Jiurn lank planes, however, dropped a num­ who joined him at Cairo to. .fly minister. , and Holland and had mobilized lines British Mistrust Ended ber of bombs In airdrome disper­ sal areas at Kavieng. New Ireland, BULLITlN WPB S d' M 70 other divisions from Itab'. Ru- emY RIO OJ: JANZIIlO (AP)-The tu les eat Sf ee I.Willi ling Iy mania, Hungary and Slovakia for JOQ ­ north of ~he Solomons battle area. British Pick 'Toughie' chief Clf poJl~ lilt n"b~ or4ered service on the Russian front. and Confident Discussions THE COHMUNIQUESAID: Jribun~ Trial the clf)Sina' 01 .11 ba... and cafes All t' P . Reds LoIIe .....N out Eliminated All Basis "Northeastern sector: Kavieng a& 9 p. ·m. dally until further oca Ion rogram R I W The casualties covered in the r at - an allied armed reconnaisance To Bulldoze Rommel notice beeauae of the tenalon fol- ilses' ages communique were for the period ~f1e­ To Moscow Reproaches plane oropped a number of bombs 10wfnJ lthe alakin.
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