NORWALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDA.Y, DECEMBER, 13, 1881. r WHOLE NUMBER 1771. VOL. LXIV.-NUMBER 50m? r : CROOKED WAYS. " This may sound to you rather school- A SIMPLE STORY. The Message. NORWALK GAZETTE, J. G. GREGORY & CO. REAL ESTATE. S GOODELL & PAIGE, HEARTS-EASE. ' : girlish, and i may as well confess that it is The worst thing about the Presidents mes­ not many years—perhaps months would be "Here's a piece of good news, Sally," 1 PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNiM. O RENT- A good Dwelling House contain­ COUNSELORS AT LAW, VR - BR HART A.; BABB. • ' .Likea good many other youngmen, and sage is its length; but those who are in the ing six rooms, pleasantly located on Center more accurate—since I left the precincts of a cried Tom Leveret to his wife, as he ran into T Sword's Building, SOUTH NORWALK, CONN * habit of reading President's messages will Avenue. Good cellar, well and cistern" Posses­ While o'er my life still hung the morning •vv women too, for that matter. I was once finishing-school. Finishing-school, indeed! the tiny kitchen where the neat tea-table was Successor* to EDWARD P. WEED, sion immediately. Apply to MICHAEL F1TZ- EDWIN B. GOCIDELL, (37tl) ALLAN W. PAIGE. Tlie Second Oldest Paper in the State. star, •••;. ' %-i : ,: badly afflicted with cacoethcs scribendi. Of Much I learned there besides the art of doiDg ready spread. " I'm to be foreman at the not bo deterred by the length of [this one MAUR1CE, Wilton Avenue. 44 up my hair! However, the defects of my STo. 38 Wall Street, Norwalk, Ct., Dreamy and soft in tender-lighted skies; ' " V " A course greater evils might have befallen me: from wading through it, and those who are v education I must remedy myself, and I try shop, and my wages are more than double Notice. While care and sorrow held themselves afar, ? ,' sAgas I might have been seized with a passion for every day to devote a few hours to serious after the first of the month." not will get all the information they want OFFICE IN GAZETTE Jt UILDINO. invite the attention of the public to their complete Apartments to Let. S'!6SS3S ? ;• stock of And no sad mist of tears had dimmed my whiskey or gambling; but, still, my cacoethes study. But it is very hard to seclude myself "Well, that is good news, Tom," cried about it from a brief summary of it. [N the Brick Houses on Leonard street. In DR. HITCHCOCK HAS REMOVED '"•. eyes; : scribendi was serious enough. During my long enough to accomplish anything. Peo­ After referring in appropriate words to the quiro at LEONARD'S COAL OFFICE. O the corner of West Avenue and Berkeley ple call; I must go to garden -parties; Sally, radient with pleasure as she set the Fore Medicines and Drugs, T Place, third house below the Methodist I saw Love's roses blowing, • • . : college days the symptoms showed them- dish of ham and eggs before her husband.and death of his^predecessor in office the Presi­ v A. H. BYINGTOJtt & CO. Church. must drive out with my mother; I must hold dent takes up the subject of foreign affairs, Office Hours from 7 to 9 a. m., 2 to 3, and 7 to 8 With scent and color glowing, . selves plainly; but the malady did not really solemn conclave with the milliner and dress poured out his tea" but it's no more than A. H. BYINGTON, J. B. ELLS, G. N. ELLS and a full lino of To Let. p. m. And so I wished for them with longing sighs maker; in short, I have constant demands and gives a very complete account of our re­ assume its true and awful proportions until you deserve, if I do say it. I was saying to OUR rooms suitable for offices on the 2nd floor r ' after I had taken my degree. Then, forsooth, of a most frivolous nature upon my time. Martha Decker, when she was giving me the lations with 'other countries. This part of T0I1ET & FANCY ARTICLE. F of Gazette Building at a very low llgure, The brightest hung so high, and held aloft " All this you will probably laugh at; and, the Message contains nothing especially fresh For full particulars enquireof Prtasim Apt and Messeier,- it fastened upon me like a leech, and before new pattern for your shirts yesterday; Subscription $2.00 per year, in advance. BEN J. J. STURGES, Agt. Their crimson faces, passionately bright lest I write yet more foolishly, I will bring Single Copies 5 Cents. Also dealers in. ; many month elapsed it overmastered me com- this letter to a close. If you are not quite 'Martha,' says I, ' it isn't to be expected but or interesting. No. 4 Gazette Building. HE subscribers will act as Farchasing Agents The gay, rich, golden ones escaped me oft, .The next subject considered is the finances, Norwalk, Ct.,Sept. 6,1SS1. 36 T and Messengers between Norwalk and Ntw pletely. In accordance with my mother's disgusted with me, do write again soon. what Tom's employers will see his value Pure Wines& Liquors for York, daily. Orders and paskages received at And hedged with sharpest thorns the lofty wish, I went to Dundas, ostensibly to read "Faithfully yours, and here the President makes some impor­ Theodore Knapp's, South Norwalk, and Bene white; "JANE BELL." before long; and from what I hear they do Entered at t7ie Post Office at Nor walk, Conn., Medicinal Purposes. For Sale. dicL's News Room, Post Office, Norwalk. tant recommendations. He advises that pro­ EDWIN K. SELLECK, with James McCrcery & ' ; law with my uncle, but it was a mere pre- already.'" as Second-Class Matter. T South Norwalk, half a mile from the depot,, From all my eager pleading I may as well confess that I thought this vision be made for the early retirement of Co., takes 6 o'clock train. tence of law-reading, for the mornings that " Well, I have putj my shoulder to the Careful attention paid to the dispensing ot phy­ A the late residence ol A. H.Snowden, known D. R. SELLECK, takes 7:45 a.m. train. They turned away, unheeding; letter asuccessful imitation of some of the sicians' prescriptions. 28 as "Cliffwood." Large Villa House, substantial- :" r, I ought to have spent over Blackstone were wheel," said Tom. "It's not my way to the silver certificates and that the act re­ 1} built, in good order, eleven rooms, cellar and Among Love's roses none were mine of epistles that I had myself received from attic, large parlor with bay windows beautiful devoted to the composition of a novel and loaf; and now we can begin to save for a quiring their,issue be repealed, as they form Advertising Rates: right. feminine hands. It sounded enthusiastic and on unnecessary addition to the paper curren­ tower, carriage house, barn and stable, attractive The Norwalk Fire insurance Co., ; the a fternoons " to the polishing of some rainy day." Four lines or less, 1 time 50c., 3 times $100 C. H. Kendall, M. D. rounds, finely shaded with Iruit and forest trees, Has now completed its very " missish," and 1 sent it off that after­ cy. Among his other recommendations are: ferms to suit. Apply_to A. C. SNOWDEN, on Yet, of sweet things, those roses seemed ;; poems. Uncle Dick shook his head gravely "Yes; andyou won't want me to stitch One square, one insertion 100 the premises, or to REV. II. B. SNOWDEN, 81 18th Successful Business tear noon with a bold heart. That the very objectionable provision for St. Mark's PJace, Brooklyn, N. Y. '§4it mostsweet " and remonstrated, sometimes in sadness and shirt bosoms for old Mr. Isaacs, now that Per week for continuance 50 And has not outstanding a Dollar ol unpaid losses " Jack," quoth my uncle, who met me as the coinage of a fixed amount of silver dol­ One Square, three months 4 00 NORWALK, CONN. or of claims for losseB. And most desirable, until a voice, some times in anger. you are foreman," said Sally. I came from the p03t office, " I verily believe lars each month be repealed, and that here­ " " six months.....- 7 00 Office second >0 S0UMD COMPANY INSURESAT LOWER RA1ES. Soft as sad music said, " Lo! at thy feet " That scribling will never amount to any- "I never expect it. 'Twasyour own thought door west from Farm for Sale. WM.O.STREET, Pres., S. E.OLUSTEAD, Treas. you are making an ass of yourself over some ' •' one year, with paper.... 15 00 A little flower shall make thy heart re­ 1 after only so many be coined as shall be nec­ Two " " " " ... 25 00 Banbury R. R. HE subscriber will sell the wcl known David QEO.R. CowLKS^ec'y. thing, 'he would say contemptuously. This girl. I don't believe it is the muses you are Sally," said Tom. Depot. Dental T St. John Farm with all the Stock, Tools and joice." was hard to bear; but my lofty aspiratiocs Sally had been able to make four dollars a essary to supply the demand; that the Na­ Three " " *• " ... SO 00 operations in all Growing Crops. Most of the price can remain on courting; it is no muse; it is a miss." tional barks be forbidden by law to retire Quarter of a column, one time 5 00 branches as for- mortgage. For full particulars address 7I7TNA INSURANCECo.ofHARTFORD. And so, the voice obeying,' sustained me, and, firm in my belief of ult: week by stitching shirt bosoms at odd timeB, 50 00 |merly.
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