MANCHFSTF R I S WORI D SPORTS NO Charter fIgM Wafnberger hfto B e d Sox cHnch CHANGd warming up House drug plan AL East crown pa«»3 k L A L • P W 7 ...page 11 iHandiratrr HrralJi ) A C'fy /' V"'^qp Ch^'rn Morxtey, Sopt. 29,1960 30 Cents Daniloff goes 1-384 S r i w free, leaves link set E in sorrow ’ to open Gov. William A. O'Neill will Sv AnSrs M. Rossnmol The American Journalist was The Assoclofsd Press officially open the connecting link freed after long hours of negotia­ between eastbound Interstate 84 tions between U.S. Secretary of and Interstate 384 through Man­ MOSCOW — American reporter State George P. Shultz and Soviet Nicholas Daniloff was released by chester in less than two weeks. P Foreign Minister Eduard Shevard­ the Soviet Union today, sifnaiins A public ceremony has been set nadze in New York. for Oct. 9 at 2 p.m.. the governor's the apparent end of a month-ions The Daniloffs arrived at She­ office announced. diplomatic showdown that had remetyevo Airport in a pale-blue threatened to wreck superpower The section of highway to be U.S. Embassy van, accompanied opened Oct. 9 will provide direct relations. by U.S. Charge d’Affaires Richard Daniloff, 51, longtime Moscow access from eastbound 1-84 to 1-384, Combs, the U.S. News A World allowing motorists to make the correspondent for U.S. News A Report deputy managing editor, World Report, told reporters at the drive from Hartford to Bolton Henry Trewhitt, and Jeff Trimble, without having to drive along local airport he was leaving "more in Daniloffs replacement here. sorrow than in anger.” His wife, streets. The westbound lanes of the Daniloff, who had been accused link are not scheduled to open until Ruth, said it felt "terrific” to be of espionage by the Soviets, and his going home. mld-1987, so drivers going from wife Ruth were escorted through a Bolton to Hartford will still have to special customs channel by an use local roads. agent for Lufthansa Airlines and Interstate 384 runs from Spencer headed for passport control. He Street In Manchester to Routes 6 was to arrive in Frankfurt later and 44 at Bolton Notch, a distance Israel today. of 7.3 miles. Earlier, as he rode out of the U.S. With the new opening, the Embassy compound In Moscow, eastbound entrance and exit ramps Daniloff had flashed a victory "V” at Forbes Street (Exit 91) in East with his fingers as he rode out of the Hartford will be permanently indicts embassy grounds. closed to permit removal of the Daniloff has been living in the existing bridge and construction of U.S. Embassy since Sept. 12, when another segment of 1-84 eastbound he was released into Combs’ In that location, the DOT said. ‘Ivan’ custody after IS days in Lefortovo As of Oct. 9, drivers who want to Prison. enter 1-84 eastbound from the 2 At the same time. U.S. officials Burnside Avenue or the Silver released Gennadiy Zakharov, a Lane/Spencer Street area will JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel Soviet U.N. employee who was have to use either Exit 58 (Roberts Indicted retired U.S. autoworker arrested Aug. 23 on espionage Street) in East Hartford or Exit 60 John Demjanjuk today on charges charges In New York, into the (West Middle Turnpike) in of herding hundreds of thousands custody of Soviet Ambassador Yuri Manchester. of people to their deaths In a Nazi Dubinin. Westbound entrance and exit concentration camp during World U.S. officials asserted that Dani­ ramps for 1-84 at Forbes Street will War II loff was arrested on trumped-up not be affected now. They will The Ukrainlan-bom Demjanjuk. charges of espionage In retaliation closed later. 9 65. was charged In a 26-page for Zakharov’s arrest. The Soviets Other plans by the DOT call for Indictment with "crimes against denied a link between the cases and extending the expressway from Its the Jewish people, crimes against Insisted that Zakharov was framed end at Bolton Notch 11 miles to humanity, war crimes and crimes by the FBI. Windham as relocated Route 6. against minorities.” There was no Immediate an­ Those plans have come under Demjanjuk. formerly of Cleve­ nouncement In the United States heavy fire by residents of towns land, Ohio, Is accused of being the indicating that Zakharov would be east of Manchester, however, and sadistic guard "Ivan the Terrible" released. The U.S. attorney’s office are now the subject of a court at the Treblinka death camp In In Brooklyn, N.Y., said there was battle. Nazi-occupied Poland where at no change in Zakharov's status. The Army Corps of Engineers is least 900.000 people, mostly Jews, Daniloff’s Lufthansa flight was scheduled to make a decision were killed. expected to land in Frankfurt at within a few days on whether the • The charge sheet, presented at 8:30 p.m. local time (3:30 p.m DOT will be required to make a Jerusalem District Court, said EDT). second environmental impact Demjanjuk’s alleged crimes were "I was informed sometime this study before If can proceed with "of incomparable severity." afternoon that I would be allowed construction "He tookok part In forcing Jews to leave,” Daniloff said at the If the second study is required, and others Into the gas chambers at airport. "My passport was re­ Honoring a patriot construction of the relocated Route the camp, he operated the motor by turned by the Foreign Ministry Frank Galinat of Coventry pauses 6 could be delayed by two years. which they were asphyxiated and with my multiple-entry visa and of a number of colonial units on hand at Sunday during Nathan Hale Day. a Meanwhile, the Eastern Connec­ in this way caused the deaths of my press card, which is still valid. the Nathan Hale Homestead In Coven­ ticut Citizen Action Group has filed hundreds of thousands of people.” "I want to say that I don’t know celebration marking the 210th anniver­ try. Hale was executed by the British for an appeal in the Second Circuit the indictment read. the terms of the arrangement,” sary of the death of the American being a spy. Story, more pictures on Court of Appeals In New York City The charges against Demjanjuk Daniloff said. "As far as I know, I Revolutionary War hero. Qallnat Is the to block the DOT from buying N carry a maximum sentence of the am leaving Independently." page 4. properties in the path of the death penalty. Demjanjuk's law­ Although the White House had commander of KnowIton’s Rangers, one planned road yer has said that the case arises consistently ruled out a swap of over mistaken Identity, and that Daniloff for Zakharov, U.S. and "Ivan the Terrible" actually died Soviet officials had discussed the In the camp uprising in 1943. case intensively for weeks. Prosecutors said they would ask T he Soviet Union denied Daniloff Tolland Turnpike fight takes shape that Demjanjuk continue to be held was arrested to give the Kremlin at the maximum security Ayalon bargaining leverage in the Zak­ By George Loyng environmental impact of the pro­ reasons residents opposethe plans. Prison near Tel Aviv until his trial, harov case and insisted the Ameri­ Herold Reporter ject, she said. Under the plans, the town officials have not revealed the which was not expected to begin can Journalist was guilty of Lankford said. She said ho­ full extent of their proposal road in northern Manchester would meowners fear their properties before the end of December. espionage. Tolland Turnpike residents have be rebuilt and widened from North "We’re being definitely snow­ They said a custody hearing He was charged with spying in a stepped up their efforts to change a will lose value, that traffic will be balled by a lot of town officials,” would be held later this week. Main Street east almost to Doming increased and make the road 9 three-count indictment that preliminary proposal that calls far Street. she said. "We intend to pursue this The indictment procedure in roughly paralleled the charges the taking of some property and the unsafe, that the surrounding envir­ as far as we can." Lankford said a group of resi­ onment will suffer and that the full Israel, which has no grand Jury filed against Zakharov. widening of the thoroughfare. dents has scheduled a private Acting Town Engineer William system, consists of the presenta­ deta.lF of the plans have not been Camosci, who oversaw the draRIng Shultz and Shevardnadze had Cathy Lankford, who lives at 853 meeting Tuesday to form their released. tion by the prosecution of the met for three hours late Sunday In Tolland Turnpike, said today she strategy in fighting the project, of the widening plans, said this formal charge sheet to a Judge. New York. In particular. Lankford said, morning only one house — the collected signatures over the wee­ which attracted heavy opposition officials failed to Inform a ho­ kend from 108 residents opposed to at a recent public hearing. She said historic Minnie Webb home at 755 the reconstruction project. Lank­ meowner at the comer of Tolland North Main St. - is definitely the group, which is not yet named, Turnpike and Union Street that his ford said she planned to deliver the may hire an attorney and pursue scheduled to be either demolished petition to town and state officials property would be taken for the or moved.
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