November 18, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9987 [Roll No. 536] Harman Matheson Sabo submitted a privileged report (Rept. Hastings (FL) McCarthy (MO) Sa´ nchez, Linda AYES—208 Hefley McCollum T. No. 108–781) on the resolution (H. Res. Aderholt Gilchrest Osborne Herseth McGovern Sanchez, Loretta 858) waiving points of order against the Akin Gillmor Otter Hill McIntyre Sanders conference report to accompany the Alexander Gingrey Oxley Hinchey McNulty Sandlin bill (H.R. 1350) to reauthorize the Indi- Hinojosa Meehan Bachus Goodlatte Pearce Schakowsky viduals with Disabilities Education Baker Granger Pence Holden Meek (FL) Schiff Ballenger Graves Peterson (PA) Holt Meeks (NY) Scott (GA) Act, and for other purposes, which was Barrett (SC) Green (WI) Petri Honda Menendez Scott (VA) referred to the House Calendar and or- Barton (TX) Greenwood Pickering Hooley (OR) Michaud Serrano Hoyer Miller (NC) dered to be printed. Bass Gutknecht Pitts Sherman Inslee Miller, George Beauprez Hall Platts Skelton f Israel Mollohan Biggert Harris Pombo Slaughter Jackson (IL) Moore Bilirakis Hart Porter Smith (MI) REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- Jackson-Lee Moran (VA) Bishop (UT) Hastert Portman Smith (WA) VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF (TX) Murtha Blackburn Hastings (WA) Pryce (OH) Snyder Jefferson Nadler MOTIONS TO SUSPEND THE Blunt Hayes Putnam Solis John Napolitano RULES Boehlert Hayworth Radanovich Spratt Johnson, E. B. Neal (MA) Boehner Hensarling Ramstad Stenholm Jones (NC) Oberstar Mr. SESSIONS (during debate on S. Bonilla Herger Regula Strickland Jones (OH) Obey 2986), from the Committee on Rules, Bonner Hobson Rehberg Stupak Bono Hoekstra Kanjorski Olver submitted a privileged report (Rept. Renzi Kaptur Ortiz Tanner Boozman Hostettler Reynolds Tauscher No. 108–782) on the resolution (H. Res. Bradley (NH) Houghton Kennedy (RI) Ose Rogers (AL) Kildee Owens Taylor (MS) 859) providing for consideration of mo- Brady (TX) Hulshof Rogers (KY) Thompson (CA) Brown (SC) Hunter Kilpatrick Pallone tions to suspend the rules, which was Rogers (MI) Thompson (MS) Brown-Waite, Hyde Kind Pascrell Rohrabacher Tierney referred to the House Calendar and or- Ginny Isakson Kucinich Pastor Ros-Lehtinen Towns dered to be printed. Burgess Issa Lampson Paul Royce Turner (TX) Burns Istook Langevin Payne f Ryan (WI) Udall (CO) Burr Jenkins Lantos Pelosi Ryun (KS) Udall (NM) Burton (IN) Johnson (CT) Larsen (WA) Peterson (MN) REPORT ON RESOLUTION WAIVING Saxton Van Hollen Buyer Johnson (IL) Larson (CT) Pomeroy Schrock ´ REQUIREMENT OF CLAUSE 6(a) Calvert Johnson, Sam Lee Price (NC) Velazquez Sensenbrenner OF RULE XIII WITH RESPECT TO Camp Keller Levin Rahall Visclosky Sessions Cantor Kelly Lewis (GA) Rangel Waters CONSIDERATION OF CERTAIN Shadegg Capito Kennedy (MN) Lofgren Reyes Watson RESOLUTIONS Shaw Carter King (IA) Lowey Rodriguez Watt Shays Castle King (NY) Lucas (KY) Ross Waxman Mr. SESSIONS (during debate on S. Sherwood Chabot Kingston Lynch Rothman Weiner 2986), from the Committee on Rules, Shimkus Chocola Kirk Majette Roybal-Allard Wexler submitted a privileged report (Rept. Shuster Maloney Ruppersberger Woolsey Coble Kline No. 108–783) on the resolution (H. Res. Cole Knollenberg Simmons Markey Rush Wu Collins Kolbe Simpson Marshall Ryan (OH) Wynn 860) waiving a requirement of clause Cox LaHood Smith (NJ) 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consid- Smith (TX) NOT VOTING—21 Crane Latham eration of certain resolutions reported Crenshaw LaTourette Souder Ackerman Kleczka Norwood Cubin Leach Stearns Cannon Lipinski Quinn from the Committee on Rules, which Culberson Lewis (CA) Sullivan Carson (OK) Matsui Stark was referred to the House Calendar and Cunningham Lewis (KY) Sweeney Dooley (CA) McCarthy (NY) Tancredo ordered to be printed. Davis, Tom Linder Tauzin Dunn McDermott Toomey Deal (GA) LoBiondo Taylor (NC) Feeney Millender- Weller f DeLay Lucas (OK) Terry Gephardt McDonald DeMint Manzullo Thomas Hoeffel Musgrave b 2310 Diaz-Balart, L. McCotter Thornberry Diaz-Balart, M. McCrery Tiahrt ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE CONGRATULATING BOSTON RED Doolittle McHugh Tiberi The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. SOX ON WINNING THE 2004 Dreier McInnis Turner (OH) SIMPSON) (during the vote). There are 2 WORLD SERIES Ehlers McKeon Upton Emerson Mica Vitter minutes remaining in this vote. Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- Walden (OR) English Miller (FL) b 2311 mous consent that the Committee on Everett Miller (MI) Walsh Government Reform be discharged Ferguson Miller, Gary Wamp So the Senate bill was passed. from further consideration of the reso- Flake Moran (KS) Weldon (FL) The result of the vote was announced Foley Murphy Weldon (PA) lution (H. Res. 854) congratulating the Forbes Myrick Whitfield as above recorded. Boston Red Sox on winning the 2004 Fossella Nethercutt Wicker A motion to reconsider was laid on World Series, and ask for its imme- Franks (AZ) Neugebauer Wilson (NM) the table. Frelinghuysen Ney Wilson (SC) diate consideration in the House. Gallegly Northup Wolf f The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Garrett (NJ) Nunes Young (AK) tion. Gerlach Nussle Young (FL) GENERAL LEAVE The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. NOES—204 Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I SIMPSON). Is there objection to the re- Abercrombie Cardin Dicks ask unanimous consent that all Mem- quest of the gentleman from Cali- Allen Cardoza Dingell bers may have 5 legislative days within fornia? Andrews Carson (IN) Doggett which to revise and extend their re- Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, reserv- Baca Case Doyle marks and include extraneous material Baird Chandler Duncan ing the right to object, and I will not Baldwin Clay Edwards on S. 2986, the Senate bill just passed. object because this is a resolution con- Bartlett (MD) Clyburn Emanuel The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there gratulating the greatest team in the Becerra Conyers Engel objection to the request of the gen- Bell Cooper Eshoo history of baseball, the Boston Red Berkley Costello Etheridge tleman from Texas? Sox, who after 86 years finally relieved Berman Cramer Evans There was no objection. all New Englanders, and all wonderful Berry Crowley Farr people in America, of the greatest bur- Bishop (GA) Cummings Fattah f Bishop (NY) Davis (AL) Filner den in the history of sports, 86 years of Blumenauer Davis (CA) Ford REPORT ON RESOLUTION WAIVING drought. No more. No more. The Cubs Boswell Davis (FL) Frank (MA) POINTS OF ORDER AGAINST CON- come next. Boucher Davis (IL) Frost FERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 1350, Mr. Speaker, down three to nothing Boyd Davis (TN) Gibbons INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Brady (PA) Davis, Jo Ann Gonzalez against one of the greatest teams in Brown (OH) DeFazio Goode EDUCATION IMPROVEMENT ACT baseball, they staged the greatest Brown, Corrine DeGette Gordon OF 2004 comeback in the history of sports, Butterfield Delahunt Green (TX) Capps DeLauro Grijalva Mr. SESSIONS (during debate on S. sweeping four games in a row against a Capuano Deutsch Gutierrez 2986), from the Committee on Rules, fantastic Yankees team and one of the VerDate Aug 04 2004 05:26 Nov 19, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO7.016 H18PT1 H9988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 18, 2004 greatest rivalries in professional sports I, too, like the Members from Massa- the Boston boys? The town was dressed today, and then sweeping a four-game chusetts here tonight, wondered if I in red. The fans could not be nicer, the series against the Cardinals, another would ever live long enough to see the team was so well led. fantastic team, that many of us Red Sox win the World Series ever. But the Red Sox took the first three thought would win the World Series When Dave Roberts stole that base and games, competing nobly one and all. this year. changed the tide against Mariano Ri- They overcame their errors, they an- Not only did they do that, when they vera, the greatest closer ever, and then swered every call. And as game four came home, we were fortunate enough David Ortiz hit a home run, and then proceeded, and a series win now a few years ago to have the Patriots David Ortiz hit a bloop single the next loomed, all New England shivered with win their championship in football. We night, Curt Schilling the next day the thought we might still be doomed. had a million people in downtown Bos- pitched that great game, and then b 2320 ton celebrating that. The Red Sox won, Derrek Lowe on 2 days’ rest came back, and we had well over 3 million people. and we won four games and then did it What deus ex machina would fall That is half the population of the State again against the Cardinals, there was down from the sky? of Massachusetts. We had people flying a dream that most of us in New Eng- What Bucky Dent/Bill Buckner ghost in from all over the country to witness land thought would never happen. might steer things all awry? a once-in-a-lifetime experience. People wondered where we would be Keith Foulke climbed up upon the I heard that many people went to on the night that the Red Sox won. I do mound, ball burning in his hand. cemeteries and gave hats and gave not know where the gentleman from The Curse stepped up to face him, to baseball cards to their loved ones who Massachusetts was, but I was with my make a final stand. were not here to see this. I heard that sons who are younger, and they had There was ease in the Curse’s manner some people brought the ashes of their never been through Bill Buckner and as he stepped into his place. loved ones to the parade because there through Carlton Fisk or Jim Lamborg, There was pride in Bambino’s bear- were those of us who just had no under- or even Johnny Peske, and all of the ing, a smile on the Curse’s face.
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