October 2020 Send news to : [email protected] Delivered free to every home in Letham and district by Dunnichen Letham and Kirkden Church of Scotland (Registered Scottish Charity 0003833) Times they are a changing! How true are those words from an old song! Did and his passengers and not particularly good for the we ever think things could have gone this far when vehicle either. The intention is to give the driver we are not even allowed to sing in Church? time to think about things that matter. Things like Awareness of unseen dangers are making us take what lies ahead of him, road signs that are there to precautions like at no other time. We are being warn him of any danger, of other road users and of made to think of how we might how he should behave towards them. Sometimes protect ourselves and others all of us on the road of life need while we are having to change to slow down and that is what our habits. Over the years there part of Sunday is all about for are many things that have been Christians. ‘Take your time,’ it put in place by our councils and says. Take care and think about governments in order to keep us the things that really matter. safe and one of those things are Think about God and the guide- ‘sleeping policemen’. Now in lines we find in his word; think villages such as Letham, there is of those who travel the road with not a great deal of call for them us; think of how we should treat but in the cities, well things are a each other. lot different. Although I am not ‘Be still,’ is what the Psalm says, a driver myself, I know they are ‘and know that I am God.’ If we the bane of every driver’s life. could adopt this attitude daily, But they shouldn’t be, because then our journey will be much irrespective of what you might safer, more considerate and a lot think about them, they are there for everyone’s kinder. safety. I am writing this message before we have met Going back a few years, the old road from Perth to again for the first time back in our Church building Inverness, (before the A9 was built) offered many after almost a 6 month absence and so I don’t know breath-taking sights for visitors to this part of Scot- how we will all have coped with a heightened situ- land; snow on the mountains even in the month of ation of awareness, but what I do know is that God June; deer grazing on the roadside and winding riv- will be/has been there amongst us. A lot of pa- ers, moorland, mountain passes, beautiful lochs and tience will have been required, but the measures majestic castles. But on that old road, motorists that have been put in place is for us all, just as God unexpectedly came across sleeping policemen. is there for us all. They are a series of humps built into a road, usually May you know God’s richest blessing where there is a danger of motor vehicles speeding, the purpose of which is to make drivers slow down, Pat Walker Joint Locum Minister otherwise it could be uncomfortable for the driver Eric and Pat Walker Morning Service Joint Locums Sundays at 10.30 am Tel. 01575 572082 Mob. 07802 386119 E-mails: [email protected] ALL WELCOME [email protected] Page 2 In the PICTure Stamp Appeal Guild Report 2019 -2020 Please continue to save your stamps but send them to Martyn @ 14 Kirkgait Letham. It is very strange giving this report for 2019 -2020, when we never got to finish our year due to the pan- Postcards are also very welcome as they appeal to demic. a different sort of collector. ‘Companions on the Road’, was the Theme for the year, so with this in mind, at our opening meeting on First Day Covers have extra value to philatelists. 17th September, we had Gillian Davidson, from Guide The gentleman who processes the stamps for the Dogs for the Blind, giving us an insight into the work of the Association, its beginnings and what her role Church has been doing it for 50 years! was, which was boarding Margo, a lovely labrador, still in training, prior to going to her new owner. In October, we had a speaker from one of the projects SUNDAY SERVICES ON-LINE we are supporting. The speaker, Rebecca McGonigle, told us how they are teaching young unmarried moth- While there are an increased number of Church ers, in Zambia how to build a better life for themselves services being broadcast on various TV and radio and their children, and encouraging them to continue stations, you will be interested to know that a their education. number of local churches are live streaming their The other project we are supporting is ‘A Chaplain for services. our Ports’. We would particularly commend the worship In November, we held our Coffee Morning, which is our only fundraiser. The sum raised was £269, a little services from Lowson Memorial Church in down on previous years. Forfar, conducted by our Interim Moderator, As I write this report, I somehow think that our coffee Rev Dr Karen Fenwick. morning will be on hold til 2021. To access these services, just search “YouTube ‘Riding for the Disabled’ was the subject for our next Lowson Memorial” and scroll down to the rele- meeting. Eleanor Philips, the manager at Bottymyre, vant date then click on the link. Please note it came along and told us about the work done by volun- will not be available until after the service on that teers, giving enjoyment to those with disabilities. particular Sunday morning. Our Christmas meal and party was held on 9th Decem- ber, with the catering again, by Kirrie Dumplings. An Alternatively, email Karen on enjoyable evening was had by all, with quizzes, and [email protected] carol singing to close. Our thanks to Evelyn White for her continued support on the keyboard. and she will email you a direct link to help you At our afternoon meeting in January, Members brought access the service. along a photograph of a person or place which meant something to them. It was interesting to see what Film Night meant most to us. ‘Companions on the Walk’ was the title for our meet- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic Film Night ing in February, when Irene McGugan and Bruce Mair, is cancelled for the rest of 2020. gave an illustrated talk on the walks they have under- taken, in all sorts of weather. It will resume as soon as it is safe to do so Then in March, everything ground to a halt. Mary Richard Moore Reid was going tell us about the ‘Companions on Her Road’, after the AGM. The committee had decided how much we would give to the projects we were sup- Letham Feuars’ Committee porting, with a proportion to the church, but of course Registered Scottish Charity: SC003197 this had to be adopted by members at the AGM, so it is on hold for how long we cannot tell. Everything has Supporting In the PICTure ground to a halt, and we wait to be guided by those in Remember LETHAM BOOK SHOP authority as to when we can get back to normal, what- ever the new normal is. Open Six Days a Week We had 16 members at the start of the year. In March in Letham Feuars’ Hall we were much saddened to lose one of our members, Auldbar Road. Rev Shirley Thomas, who was a staunch member of All takings in aid of local organisations our Guild. Hopefully, we will all get together again soon and en- For information about the joy the fellowship, Whose we are and Whom we serve. Feuars please contact In the meantime stay safe. Isobel Sword 818362 Isabel McClung, Convenor In the PICTure Page 3 Stay safe, know the COVID-19 ‘FACTS’: Church Services Face coverings in enclosed spaces Church Service will start at 10.30 am on Sunday Avoid crowded places Please arrange to get to the building early, Clean your hands and surfaces regularly by10.15am, as the congregation is limited to 35. Also remember to wear face masks and use hand Two-metre social distancing sanitizer before and on leaving the service. Self-isolate and book a test if you develop There is a one way system and different entrances coronavirus symptoms and exits in operation. Your details will be requested for ‘Test and Pro- tect’. “IN THE PICTURE” ANNUAL APPEAL Collection bowls will be at entrances and exits. Every year at this time - even in very unusual times such as these (!) - we offer an opportunity for mem- The minister will be available in the Church Hall bers of the Church and the wider community to from 10am until the Service for those wanting to contribute to the printing costs of “In the PICTure”. have a word. The cost of this has recently increased to £207 for Harvest Festival every “normal” edition of the magazine. Harvest Festival is on Sunday 25 October 2020 in You will have noticed however that for the five the Church at 10.30 am. months of lockdown, things were not “normal”. Rather we produced a limited print run of 300 mag- There will be a box for food donations which will azines and made these available for uplift in vari- be outside the church.
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