BJU International (2000), 86, 581±589 The pharmacology of paediatric incontinence P.B. HOEBEKE* and J. VANDE WALLE² *Departments of Paediatric Urology and ²Paediatric Nephrology, Ghant University Hospital, Belgium Introduction ' the accommodation of increasing volumes of urine The clinical uropharmacology of the lower urinary tract at a low intravesical pressure and with appropriate is based on an appreciation of the innervation and sensation receptor content of the bladder and its related anatomical ' a bladder outlet that is closed and remains so during structures. The anatomy, neuroanatomy and neuro- increases in intra-abdominal pressures physiology of the bladder is reviewed. Classes of drugs are ' and absence of involuntary bladder contractions [2]. discussed in relation to the possible functional targets of pharmacological intervention and ®nally some speci®c In children the development of continence and applications in paediatric voiding dysfunction are voluntary voiding involves maturation of the nervous discussed. system and behavioural learning. Toilet training mainly depends on the cognitive perception of the maturing urinary tract. This implies a high sensibility for the Pharmacological interactions development of dysfunctions [3]. The storage and A short review of anatomy, neuroanatomy and neuro- evacuation of urine are controlled by two functional physiology is essential to understand pharmacological units in the lower urinary tract, i.e. the reservoir (the interactions. These interactions with effects on bladder bladder) and an outlet (consisting of the bladder neck, function can occur on different levels, i.e. on bladder urethra and striated muscles of the pelvic ¯oor). In the mucosa, bladder smooth muscle or bladder outlet striated bladder, two regions (Fig. 1a) are distinguishable from muscle, on receptor subtypes, on nerve terminals, on their innervation and response to pharmacological peripheral nerves and ganglia, on the spinal cord and on agents; the body, which lies cranial to the level of the some supraspinal areas. The lower urinary tract consists ureteric ori®ces, and the base, which is caudal to this of the bladder, which mainly contains smooth muscle level [4]. In the outlet two functional units are cells, and a sphincter, which mainly contains striated distinguished, an anatomical striated sphincter and a muscle. Although this is an over-simpli®cation of the real physiological internal sphincter. The internal sphincter is anatomy of the lower urinary tract, it is useful more a functional than an anatomical structure, and pharmacologically. Between the bladder and the urethral keeps the bladder neck and the proximal urethra closed sphincter there is a zone of transition where smooth during bladder ®lling. The autonomic and somatic muscle cells play the role of a functional sphincter [1]. In innervation of the bladder and the outlet are well adult urology this zone has a major role in the known. Other neuronal systems, i.e. purinergic, pepti- pharmacological treatment of infravesical obstruction, dergic, c-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotonin, are especially in men with BPH. Its role in paediatric known to be apparent in the bladder but their effect on pathological conditions remains unclear. The lower bladder function remains obscure. This review mainly urinary tract differs from other visceral structures by focuses on the autonomic and somatic nervous systems. its dependence on the CNS. This makes the bladder a All nerves are able to transport information from the unique organ where viscero-somatic integration takes organ to the CNS (afferent impulses), mainly a sensory places. Indeed, most autonomic nerve systems must function, and to transport information from the CNS to provide tonic activity to visceral organs. However, the organ (efferent impulses), mainly a motor function. bladder function demands a phasic autonomic activity with voluntary control. Bladder function consists of the The peripheral nerve system storage of urine and timely evacuation at socially acceptable and convenient places and times. Bladder Afferent storage requires: Nerve cells in the dorsal spinal root ganglia project their Accepted for publication 20 June 2000 axons to the bladder wall. Different kinds of receptors # 2000 BJU International 581 582 P.B. HOEBEKE and J. VANDE WALLE Bladder body (dome) Bladder base Trigone Internal sphincter Proximal urethra α Striated sphincter β a b muscarinic α – receptor c Muscarinic receptor d β – receptor Fig. 1. a, Two bladder regions are distinguished based on their innervation and response to pharmacological agents; the body, which lies cranial to the level of the ureteric ori®ces; and the base, which is caudal to this level. b, shows the distribution of muscarinic receptors (blue), and a- and b-adrenergic binding sites (red and green, respectively) in human bladder and urethral tissues. c, shows the effect of anticholinergic or antimuscarinic agents, i.e. a decrease in parasympathetic input to the bladder increases bladder capacity by decreasing bladder contractility. d, shows the noradrenergic effects on the bladder; whereas a-adrenergic agonists (red) increase outlet resistance, b-adrenergic agonists (green) can cause a signi®cant increase in bladder capacity. # 2000 BJU International 86, 581±589 PHARMACOLOGY OF PAEDIATRIC INCONTINENCE 583 (pressure, pain, temperature, tension) are able to decentralization and smooth muscle hypertrophy trigger intercept signals from the bladder and convey them to changes in adrenergic mechanisms that regulate the CNS, where they can be perceived at the spinal cord bladder/urethral function. In paediatric voiding dysfunc- level and generate re¯exes, or where they can become tion muscle hypertrophy is often apparent. There may be conscious stimuli which can be modi®ed by behaviour. a higher content of adrenergic receptors in the paediatric The receptors in the bladder form the most distal level dysfunctional bladder. where pharmacological agents can interact. Somatic innervation to the pelvic ¯oor and the perineal muscles originates in Onuf's nucleus in the anterior horn of the S2±S4 segments of the spinal cord. They form the Efferent pudendal nerve that supplies the pelvic ¯oor muscles Parasympathetic or cholinergic innervation is provided and the striated urethral sphincter [11]. However, the by the sacral parasympathetic pelvic nerves (S2±S4). The innervation of the striated urethral sphincter is still under sacral parasympathetic efferents to the lower urinary debate, as autonomic innervation has been suggested by tract are carried within the pelvic splanchnic nerves, and some [12]. are the principal excitatory input to the bladder. Radioligand studies have con®rmed that the bladder The CNS body and base (Fig. 1b) contain muscarinic receptors [5], stimulated by acetylcholine. In the bladder this stimulation Neural control of the lower urinary tract occurs at provokes a bladder contraction and a rise in intravesical different levels of the CNS and is less well understood. The pressure. These effects can be abolished by atropine, but main in¯uences are inhibition of the micturition re¯ex, not completely (atropine resistance) because there are co- inhibition of spontaneous detrusor re¯ex contractions, transmitters (e.g. ATP). Physo-stigmine, which inhibits coordination of detrusor contraction and sphincter acetylcholine degradation, also enhances bladder con- relaxation. The cerebral cortex, thalamus, hypothala- traction. However, cholinergic agonists do not cause mus, limbic system, basal ganglia, cerebellum, brain stem voiding, as they often cause simultaneous contractions of with the `pontine micturition centre' and spinal cord with the bladder and the bladder neck. There seems to be a the `sacral micturition centre', are involved [3]. From the parasympathetic activity to the urethra resulting in sacral micturition centre afferent and efferent pathways relaxation, although this is mediated by a noncholinergic connect to the lower brain stem. Two ascending tracts transmitter and is not fully understood. (the pelvic sensory in the dorsal funiculus and the Orthosympathetic or adrenergic innervation is pro- sacrobulbar in the lateral funiculus) and three descend- vided by the thoracolumbar sympathetic hypogastric ing tracts (a lateral reticulospinal tract which promotes nerve and sympathetic chain (T10-L2). The sympathetic detrusor contraction, a ventral reticulospinal tract which nerves to the lower urinary tract emerge from the inhibits detrusor contraction and a medial reticulospinal paravertebral ganglia of the lumbar sympathetic chain as tract which promotes sphincter contraction) have been the superior hypogastric plexus, which bifurcates into left described. These tracts terminate in the pontine micturi- and right hypogastric nerves. These hypogastric nerves tion centre in the anterior pons, which is inhibitory. This intermingle with the pelvic parasympathetic nerves to centre is connected to the cerebral cortex which is also form the pelvic plexus. inhibitory. Pharmacological in¯uences on the CNS will There are a- and b-adrenergic binding sites in human not be discussed systematically. bladder and urethral tissues (Fig. 1b), with b-receptors predominantly at the bladder dome and a-receptors at The pharmacology of reservoir function the base and the outlet. It is thought that the adrenergic pathways facilitate bladder storage by relaxing the An overview of this aspect is given in Table 1. As storage detrusor and contracting the outlet
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