Communiqué NO. 61/5 (unof f icinl) The following ini'ormntian frorn the Begistry of the International Court of Justice ia commicated ta the Press: Fmther to comuniqué No. 61/3 of 13 ltIccrch 1961, Yne hou fixed for the opening on 10 April of the public hemings in the cnsc concerning the Tanple rif Precrh Vihear (~~mbodi.-,2. ~heil~nd)(fi~Ximiv~ry objections) Is 10.30 2-n, .At the baginning of the hearing, the Court ni11 inst~llsix new Members wl3a mere elected by the Genernl Asseiribly and Security Gouncil of the Uriited 1Wtions in IJovcmber 1960, The Judges concemed are Sir Gerald Fitssmaurice, who mas electad to fi31 the vacancy cr~usedby the death of Sir Bersch Lauterpacht, and whose term of office begam on 16 November 1960, rmd MM. Vladimir Mi Koretses nCothz-O Tmnks, Jose Luis 9uc;tmmnte y Rivero, Philip C. Jessup ?ad Gnetnno I~Iorelli,rvhose terms of office begm on 6 Februmy 1961. R biographical note concerning these Judges is appended to the present combullqu6. solemn The Judges nill mzke theidecluration provided for in Articles 20 of th@Statute and 5 of the Rules of Court, The Court mil1 then proceed to hem oril Largment in the Temple case in ahich the Parties ni11 be represented as followsi H .En Tmong Cang YiIwnber of the Haut Conseil du Trône, Hon. Bem Acheson, M. Roger Pinto Professor 2t tlie Pr?ris Fi317 Fnculty, M. Paul Reuter Prof e s s or at the Pzris L?,w Facultg , ~s Counoel_. H.S,H. Prince Vongsm,zhip Jsynnhma Ambassador of Thciland ta the BTs tkerlcmds, Sir Frank Saakice, Q.G. Elember of the English Baand fomexly Att orney-General of England, 1- R, Seni Preno j Member of the Bar of Thnilnnd, Iiils. Jmes Mevin Hyde Ï$ember of the BLar O£ the State of New York md 2 Member of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States, M. blarcel Slusny b1:lember of the Belgian Bar, -and Mr. J.G. Le Qiaesne 1,Iember of the English Bar, SIR GERAD GRAY FITZiViAURICE Born 24 OcGober lgC1. Educated at Malvern r~llegeand Gon~Zlle and Caius College, Capribridge* Called Lo the English Bar at Erayia Tm, 1925; practised in London, 1925-29. Entered the United Kingdom Foreign Service as an assistant legal adviser in 1929. During the war acted as joint principal Legal Adviser to the liinistry of Economic Wdare, 1979-43; retwned Go the Foreign Office in 1943. Appointed Deputy Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office 1945, and Chief Legal Adviser 1957. Appobted Queenls Cornsel, 1957. Legal Adviser ta the U.K, Delegation, Chicago International Civil Aviation Conference, 1944; U.K. representative on the Washfngton Cornittee for the drafting of the Statute of the Internûtional Cmrt of Justice, 1945; assfstânt Legal Adviaex ta the U.K. Delegation at the San Francisco Conference for the drafting of the Uxîted Nations Charter, 1945; Legal Adviser to the U.K. Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference, 1346? and at the Japanese Peaoa Conference, San Prancisco, 1951; Legal Adviser to the U,K. Delegation and U.Ko Representative on the Sixth Conmittee at the United Na'tions Assembliea of 19469 1948, 19499 19509 1951, 19529 1954, 19.56 and 1959. Bas attended other conferences in a similar capacity, including the O.E.E*G. Conference, Paris, 1948; the Berlin Gonference, 1954; the Manila Gonference, 1954; mà waa Delegate and Deputy Lèader of the U,K, Delegation at the Geneva Law of the Sea Gonf erences in 1958 and Iga,. Acted as Gounsel for the U.K. before the Intemational Comt of'~us~tior in several cases. Go-opted as a.member of the International L~w': ~omml~.sio~of ,the United Nations, 1955, and elec,ted as a rnembex for a five-year period £rom 1 January 1957; elected President in 1959 and ~en&al Rapporteur in 1957 1958 and ,1960; was Special rapporte.^ to the .Comission on the subject of the Law of Treaties. Lectures include 'The Juridical Clauses of thehace Treaties" at the Bague Academy of International Law, 1948, and in 1957 gave the course on "The ceverai Principles of International Law,considered fr~mthe standpoint of the Rule of Lawt1. Meaber of several leaxned societies iricluding the lna titut de droit in% ernationa. Publications ixiclude legal articles in the British Year Book of International Law, 1931-1959; and in the Year Book of the.1nternational Law Commission for 195671960,' five Reports on the Law of Treaties. Born a% kepropetrovsk, U.S,S.R., 1890, Studied at the miversitiea of Moscow and Kharkov; Prof essor, ainca 1920, Kharkov (1920-1944, 1944-1949) and Tashkent (1941-1944). Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Uhalnian S,S.R. since 1948, Kiev; Honomed Scientist (savant émsrite), Order of Lening author of more than flifty wosks and articles on public and private international baw and on general history of stwtea and the law in Russian and Ukrainian languages, some of them were published in Chinese, Roumanian and Germa languages; Editor-in- Chief of Juridical section of %ainian Soviet Encyclopedia; legal adviser to Soviet delegations to the firat, second and fourth sessions , of the United Nations General hsembly, the Security Council, 1946, the Corncil of Foreign Ministers and the P8xis Peace Conference; rep~esentatlve of the U,S.S.R. in the Cornmittee 011 the Progressive Development of International Law and its Codification, 1947$ and the Commission on Human Rights, 1947; member of the 1nterm.tional Law Camission 1949-1951; participant in the United Nations Conference on the Abolition of Slavery, 1956, and the Geneva Conferences on the Law of the Sea, 1958 and 2960; msmber of the Permanent Court of Arbitraiion since 1954, and of the Poliah-Nomegian Permanent Goncillation Gomiasion, since 3959; Pice- Chairman of the Soviet International Law Association; ~onoraryrnember of the Indian Society of International. Law, DR. KOTA30 FRNAKA Barn on 25 October 1890, at Kago~ihima, Japan. Gxaduated from 5'okyo Imperid 7TniveFsit'y (~acu1-L~of ~aw)in 9915. Assistant @of essor of- Solryo Imperia1 University, spe cialized in Commercial Lam in 1917, Sent by the Governent to study Cornmercial Law to the United States, Ehgland, fiance, Italy and Germany £rom 1919 to 19220 Professor of the PacuZty of Law, Tokyo Imperia1 University 1922-1946. ljlvited by "fnstituto del 16edio ed Extrem oriente" in Italy as Exchange Profsssar in 1936. Lectured on Cornerclal Law and Philosophy of Law in Rome, Milan; Venice, Paris, Lyons, Lille and Louvain. Dean of the Faclllty of Law, Tokyo Imperia1 University, 1937-1979. Idember of the Sury of State Examination for judges, lawyers and administrative offioials, 1923-1944. Pnvited by cultural associations and universities in Brazil ad Brgentine, Lectured on Commercial Law and Philosophy of Law at the universities of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, La Plata, Santiago, Peau, Parima and Mexico in 1979. Appointed Dfrector of School Educktion Bureau of the Ministry of Education in 1945 and Member of House of Peers (IJpper ou se) in 1946 and Minisker of Education in the first Yoshida Cabinet, May 1946 to January 1947. Member of Bouse of Counclllora (uPper ou se ) ; Chairmm of Education Codtees, from May 1947 to March 1950. Collaboration with govcrnmen-t; legtslatlon in the field of commercfal law. Engaged in the practlce of Law, especially concernlng commercial affairs, since May 1947 in collaboration with Dr, Joji Matsumoto, Chier Justice of the Suprerne Court; -1950-1960. .. Lectwed to the Grovm Prince and Princess, 1951-1966. Member of Japanese and foreign lemed societies. Author of several legal works in Japmese and othex larguages. DOGTQR JOSE LUIS BUSTAMANTE Y RIlERCi Born Arequipa, Pem on15 Janwg 1894. Educated at universities of San Agustfn and San Antonio Abad. ~dvoca.e'eand Doctor of LaaislgaB, kctor of Philosephy, History a& Lettere 1918 and Doctor of Political. and Economi~Sciences 1929. Acting Professor of American Archeology and 'of Peruvian Social Geography in the Faculty of Philosophy and Le tters . of the University of Arequipa (19.21). Has taught Modern Philaaophy, Legal Procedure and Civil Law in th. sae UnivePsity (1921- . > 1932 3 I Member of the Arequipa, Cuzco, Pmo and Lima Bars. Dean of the Lima Bar 1960-1961. .- Engaged a .,. Engaged in legal practice in Arequipa and Cuzco from 1918 to 1934. Substitute Judge and Substitute Publie Pro~ecutorat the Superiox Court of Arequipa between 1920 and 1934. Ehgaged in legaL practice in Lima, since 1956. Admittecl to the Pexuvian Foreign Service in 1934, Envoy Extraord"inary and Mini ster Plenipot entiaxy to Bollvia (1934-1938). Peruvian Delegate to the EighthIntsr-American Conference (~ima,1938). Envoy Extraordinmy and ~inistex Plenipot entiary to Uruguay (1939-1942 ) . Chairman of the Peruvim Delegation to the Second South Amerlcan Congress of Jurists (~ontevideo,1939-1940) - Chairman of the Conpesa Cornittee on Private International Law. Peruvian Observer at the Regional Conferenc e of the River Plate Coun-tri e s (~ontevideo, 1941 ) . -4mbassador Extraordinary and Pl enipo t entiary tc Bolivia (1 942-1945). Member of the Arequipa City Councif, 1921-23, Minister of Justice and Eaucation 1930-31, President of the Republic (1945-1~48)~ Member of various learned societies including the Inter-American Bar Association and the Peruvian Academy of Language. Author of many works on legal questions and in the field of sociology, history, literature adpolitics. l Born Rew York City, 5 January L897, Educated at am il ton ColZege, Columbia University andYale University, Admitted to the District of Columbia Bar, 1925, and the New York Bar, 1927; member of a-Mew York i law fkm, 1927-1943.
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