TI N M I N ES LI M I TED EPM 15611 ‘LYND RIVER’ QUEENSLAND PARTIAL RELINQUISHMENT REPORT For 12 SUBBLOCKS of EPM 15611 ‘LYND RIVER’ PROJECT FINAL REHABILITATION REPORT AND ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT EA MIC200720208 FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 20th September 2010 Prepared by: John Sainsbury Project Manager Submitted by: John Sainsbury Project manager Cairns April 2010 CONSOLIDATED TIN MINES LIMITED Page 1 of 12 ABN 57 126 635 606 ACN: 126 634 606 395 Lake Street North Cairns Qld 4870. Ph (07) 4032 3319 – Fax (07) 4027 9429 Email: [email protected] TI N M I N ES LI M I TED CONTENTS 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3 2. Tenement Location & Access ................................................................................................................ 3 3. Regional Geology ................................................................................................................................... 4 4. Area to be Relinquished ......................................................................................................................... 6 5. Historical Exploration .............................................................................................................................. 8 6. Company Exploration Conducted in Relinquished Area ................................................................... 9 7. Rehabilitation Details ............................................................................................................................ 10 8. Environmental Audit .............................................................................................................................. 11 9. References ............................................................................................................................................. 12 10. Appendix ............................................................................................................................................ 12 FIGURES Figure 1 EPM15611 ‘Lynd River’ Area Overview Figure 2 EPM 15611 ‘Lynd River’ Regional Geology Figure 3 EPM15611 showing sub-blocks to be relinquished Figure 4 EPM15611 ‘Lynd River’ Area Overview after relinquishment Figure 5 Alberta Regional alluvial tin sampling (result as kg SnO2/cubic metre) Figure 6 Alberta Regional alluvial tin sampling showing relinquished sub-blocks Appendix Appendix 1 Lynd River Sample Site Results within EPM15611 CONSOLIDATED TIN MINES LIMITED Page 2 of 12 ACN: 126 634 606 395 Lake Street North Cairns Qld 4870 Ph. (07) 4032 3319 TI N M I N ES LI M I TED 1. Introduction Consolidated Tin Mines Limited (CSD, the Company) is exploring for tin mineralisation in north east Queensland. The Company was granted EPM15611 on the 21 September 2007 to allow for the exploration of alluvial tin mineralisation that lies adjacent to the Lynd River. 2. Tenement Location & Access The tenement contains 25 sub-blocks. Several granted mining leases are within the tenement and these areas are held by other parties. These areas are excluded from the EPM tenement. The tenement is located 250 kilometres south west of Cairns. The nearest town is Chillagoe, located 120 kilometres north, north east from the project area. The background activity is cattle grazing, and the EPM is wholly contained within Bolwarra Station. Access to the project area is via station tracks. The project area has had irregular alluvial mining since the 1970s, and reasonable tracks and freshwater dams are in place. The tenement description is given below, and location is given in Figure 1 Block Sub-Blocks Townsville 1225 N, O, P, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y Townsville 1297 A, B, G, H, J, K, N, O, P, S, T, U Normanton 1296 T, U, Y, Z Figure 1: EPM15611 ‘Lynd River’ Area Overview 143°58'0"E 144°0'0"E 144°2'0"E 144°4'0"E 144°6'0"E 144°8'0"E <Double-click here to enter title> 17°26'0"S CAIRNS REEK PINNACLE C 17°28'0"S EPM15611 'Lynd River' 17°30'0"S LYND RIVER 17°32'0"S TI N M I N ES LI M I TED EPM15611 'Lynd River' EPM15611 'Lynd River' Datum: GDA 94 Scale: 1:80,000 Date: March 2010 km 02.551.25 Drawn by: Mining Services (NQ) Pty Ltd 17°34'0"S CONSOLIDATED TIN MINES LIMITED Page 3 of 12 ACN: 126 634 606 395 Lake Street North Cairns Qld 4870 Ph. (07) 4032 3319 TI N M I N ES LI M I TED 3. Regional Geology Basement geology within the tenement area is McDevitt Metamorphics, a multiply deformed greenschist to amphibolite metamorphosed sequence of metapelites and quartose meta arenites. Mafic intrusions are common and consist of amphibolites and metadolerites. The formation is approximate 1650 million years old, based on analogies to dated Etheridge Group metasediments. The McDevitt Metamorphics are considered the lower metamorphic grade equivalent to the Dargalong Metamorphics, which are located to the north of the tenement area. The McDevitt Metamorphics, Dargalong Metamorphics and Etheridge Group metasediments to the south of the tenement area form the Palaeoproterozoic aged craton, of north east Queensland, against which, and on which the Paleozoic, Mesozioc and Tertiary aged mineralisations of the Townsville-Cairns hinterland are located. This cratonisation occurred approximately 1500 million ago. Tectonic activity against the eastern edge of the craton, in the Cairns hinterland, began with the development of the Hodgkinson Basin, an early to mid Paleozoic back arc basin. The basin filled with sediment eroded from the craton. The basin closed, with significant thrusting and structural shortening in mid Devonian times. The basin-craton edge is now marked by the large scale Palmerville Fault. This feature is to the east of the tenement area. Intrusive Silurian age granitoid plutons, part of the Blackmans Gap Complex occur within the craton in the tenement area. Areally and volumetrically significant Carboniferous and Permian acid intrusive and extrusive activity occurred in the Cairns hinterland, the general trend of intrusion and extrusive volcanics being of a parallel trend to the North West strike of the Palmerville fault. This igneous event was marked not just location along the Palmerville Fault, but by significant penetration into the craton, suggesting the pervasive structural dislocation of the craton, and the broad depth source for the ignous rocks. To be expected in such a setting, intrusive rocks have multiple intrusive natures. The setting could also be expected to generate ore mineralisation of a range of elements, and Permo- Carboniferous aged deposits of gold, tin, tungsten copper, zinc, lead, silver,tungsten and molybdenum occur within or adjacent to intrusive. The tin mineral, cassiterite, is stable in the weathering environment, and is also a mineral with high specific gravity. These mineral properties favour concentration of cassiterite into alluvial systems that develop around eroding tin bearing intrusions. The Carboniferous aged McCord Granite is located to the north east of the tenement area adjacent to Tate River, and contributes cassiterite to local streams and the larger Tate River. Hardrock tin deposits are located to the east of, and upstream of the Company tenement, in the Lynd River catchment. The Cairns hinterland Paleozoic basement was then covered by large Mesozoic and Tertiary marine ingress and regress events, and the sedimentation is of generally flat lying marine and fluviatile sandstones. These sediments have been gradually eroded to expose the basement rocks. Within the tenement area, late Mesozoic to early Tertiary aged, unconsolidated coarse gravels to sandstones ocur as broad ridges on top of the basement. These ridges are believed to be the remnants of large fluviatile systems, that were draining westward through the broad north east Queensland. These Tertiary rivers drained tin mineralised granites, and cassiterite became concentrated into the river sediment. Current river systems do not overall parallel these Tertiary rivers. In the northern edge of the tenement area, a broad ridge, called the Pinnacle Creek Sandridge (namedafter a local creek), is believed to be the fluviatile sediment of a river that flowed south west and called the Ancestral Tate River. In the southern extent of the tenement, a broad ridge, called the Kangaroo Sandridge, is believed to be the fluviatile sediment of a river, called the Ancestral Lynd River. CONSOLIDATED TIN MINES LIMITED Page 4 of 12 ACN: 126 634 606 395 Lake Street North Cairns Qld 4870 Ph. (07) 4032 3319 TI N M I N ES LI M I TED Both sand ridges are 5 to 20 metre high above the general flat terrain, and several hundred metres wide. Current drainages eroding these sandridges have been mined for cassiterite using alluvial recovery methods. The sandridge itself, in limited areas has been mined for the cassiterite and recovered by alluvial methods. Figure 2: EPM 15611 ‘Lynd River’ Regional Geology 143°56'0"E 143°58'0"E 144°0'0"E 144°2'0"E 144°4'0"E 144°6'0"E 144°8'0"E 144°10'0"E <Double-click SEDIMENTARYhere to ROCK enter title> MIXED MAFITES AND FELSITES (MAINLY VOLCANICS) 17°26'0"S P POORLY IN CONSOLIDATED NA CL SEDIMENTS ARENITE E C RE EK GRANITOID METAMORPHIC ROCK GRANITOID 17°28'0"S MIXED MAFITES AND FELSITES (MAINLY VOLCANICS) LY ND RI VER EPM15611 'Lynd River' 17°30'0"S POORLY CONSOLIDATED SEDIMENTS R IVE D R LYN ALLUVIUM 17°32'0"S MIXED MAFITES AND FELSITES (MAINLY METAMORPHIC ROCK ARENITE VOLCANICS) TI N M I N ES LI M I TED EPM15611 'Lynd River' Carpentaria Karumba Basins Legend GRANITOID 250k Regional Geology DOMINANT
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