Lighting The Road To The Future Data Autocrat Club Zone Circle of Friends Page 6 “The People’s Paper” November 2 - November 8, 2013 48th Year Volume 27 www.ladatanews.com A Data News Weekly Exclusive Anthony Bean Community Theater Presents The Mountaintop Page 2 Newsmaker Dollars & Sense Dryades Opens Booker Wins New Aquatic Center US Senate Seat Page 4 Page 11 Page 2 November 2 - November 8, 2013 Cover Story www.ladatanews.com Anthony Bean Community Theater Presents the Regional Premiere of the Award Winning Play “The Mountaintop” people that are important to By Edwin Buggage African-Americans . For nearly 14 years the Given its mission and pur- Anthony Bean Community pose of uplifting the commu- Theater has become argu- nity it is most befitting that ably one of the best in pro- ABCT presents the regional ducing first rate shows on- premiere of the award-win- stage . In addition to being a ning drama, “THE MON- great place to see amazing TAINTOP” that has been per- performances, it is also a formed on stages across the place where the next gen- globe and was the 2010 Win- eration is exposed to act- ner of Britain’s Olivier Award ing every summer . ABCT for Best New Play, making over the years has become playwright Katori Hall the a place that marries the arts first Black woman to receive and social responsibility into the award . In its various runs Pictured above are Anthony Bean and Monica R . Harris, as Dr. Martin Luther King and a creative gumbo that feeds including one on Broadway the mysterious maid, in the ABCT regional premiere of the award-winning drama, “THE the community by telling it has starred actors such MOUNTAINTOP”. “The Mountaintop” is a drama about the Rev . Dr . Martin Luther King Jr .’s final night before his assassination. relevant stories about the as Samuel L . Jackson and Cover Story, Continued on next page. DATA NEWS WEEKLY P.O. Box 57347, New Orleans, LA 70157-7347 | Phone: (504) 821-7421 | Fax: (504) 821-7622 INSIDE DATA editorial: [email protected] | advertising: [email protected] Terry B. Jones Contributors CEO/Publisher Michelle Matthews- Alexander Glenn Jones Freddie Allen Edwin Buggage Cover Story . 2 Home Style . 7 . VP Advertising George E. Curry & Marketing Chris Orestis Edwin Buggage The Bookworm Sez Newsmaker . 4 Commentary . 8. Glenn Summers Editor Glenn Townes Cheryl Mainor MG Calla Victoria Managing Editor Art Direction & Production State & Local News . 5 Dollars & Sense . 9. Calla Victoria MainorMedia.com Editorial Submissions Executive Assistant [email protected] June Hazeur Data Zone . 6 National News . 11. Advertising Inquiries Accounting [email protected] Please call 504-309-9913 for subscription information or to obtain a back issue of the paper ONLY. Dated material two weeks in advance. Not responsible for publishing or return of unsolicited manuscripts or photos. www.ladatanews.com Cover Story November 2 - November 8, 2013 Page 3 Cover Story, Continued from previous page. Angela Bassett in the lead roles . glad to be part of a great produc- atre Arts & Dance with a broad timeless in the sense that much of people to see that this extraordi- “The Mountaintop” is a drama tion as it makes it’s regional pre- background in stage and cinema . what King struggle for, some of nary man – who is actually quite about the Rev . Dr . Martin Lu- miere in New Orleans . Excitedly, Harris says she is hon- the problems are still with us to- ordinary – achieved something ther King Jr .’s final night before Taking place on April 3, 1968, ored to portray Camae in The day . This play is so powerful and so great that he actually created his assassination . For the local The Mountaintop is a gripping Mountaintop . “I am absolutely speaks so much to the hopes and a fundamental shift in how we, as production there is a stellar cast re-imagining of events the night head-over-heels in love with the fears of our current time, we felt a people, interact with each other . and crew working on the produc- before the assassination of Civil language and imagery Hall so ex- it has to be done at ABCT, and I That’s a beautiful thing . And I tion, “THE MOUNTAINTOP” it Rights leader Dr . Martin Luther pertly created for this piece, and I relish the opportunity to bring a want people in the audience to be stars the theater’s Artistic Direc- King, Jr . Having just delivered cannot wait to bring her story to side of Dr . King that is often over- like, ‘If this man – who is so much tor, Anthony Bean as King, and his magnificent oration “I’ve been life for New Orleans audiences .” looked .” a human being – can achieve such Monica R . Harris as a mysterious to the Mountaintop,” at Mason Continuing she says, “In prepar- Today King is immortalized in great things, then I, as this com- motel maid . It is being directed Temple in support of a sanitation ing for the role I researched and speeches and honored with a na- plicated human being, can create by Harold X . Evans with scenic workers’ strike, Reverend Dr . got a sense of the period and the tional holiday, but outside of these great things too .’” design by Michael Derouen, and Martin Luther King, Jr . returns types of things that this character images, as his friend and comrade Show times and performances Costumes by Wanda (Ms . B) Bry- to Room 306 at the Lorraine Mo- would embody . And take what is a in the struggle for human rights are November 1-24 . Friday and ant . “THE MOUNTAINTOP” “Of tel in Memphis . Unexpectedly a fictional character and insert her Andrew Young told Data News Saturday at 8:00 pm, & Sunday all my years of acting and being feisty young maid comes to his into a real world situation in a con- Weekly, “We were ordinary peo- matinee at 3:00 pm . (Special Note: involved in theatre, this is the role door with coffee . They forge an vincing way .” ple who worked together to ac- On Sunday, November 3 . Show- of a lifetime,” says Bean . unlikely relationship that ven- With this year marking the complish extraordinary things .” time will be at 8:00 pm ONLY .) On his directing the play Har- tures into the political and person- 50th Anniversary of the historic And in this production playwright Tickets are $20 .00 for adults, old X . Evans says, “I was im- al, compelling him to confront his March on Washington, and peo- Katori Hall attempts to look at $18 .00 for students and seniors, pressed with the script and when destiny and the fate of the nation ple looking at the life Dr . King, Dr . King through a different type and are available by calling the Anthony asked me to direct I felt on the eve of one of the most criti- this play is historically significant . of lens that many are used to as Box Office at (504) 862-7529 . this was a good project working cal moments in American History . A fact not lost on Bean, “Dr . King stated in a published interview (Box Office hours are Thursday with an actor with Anthony’s ex- Playing opposite Bean is Mon- is an iconic hero . Portraying such speaking of the play, “This isn’t - Saturday, 6 pm – 8 pm and two perience and Monica’s talent and ica R . Harris, who is a stage vet- a character is the ultimate chal- the ‘I Have a Dream’ King . This is hours before performances .) You to watch then work together is eran . She is a graduate of Loyola lenge for an actor . And while this a more radical King . This is King, can also charge by phone on line really rewarding to me . And I am University Department of The- is about a moment in history, it is the man; not the myth . I want at www .anthonybeantheater .com Page 4 November 2 - November 8, 2013 Newsmaker www.ladatanews.com Grand Opening of Dryades YMCA Aquatics and Wellness Center Local officials and community For 108 years, the Dryades members celebrated the Grand YMCA has continued to evolve Opening and Ribbon Cutting Cer- to meet the needs of the children emony for The Dryades YMCA and families throughout the re- Aquatics and Wellness Center on gion and officials say they remain Tuesday, October 29, 2013 at 2230 committed to their core values: Oretha Castle Haley Blvd . youth development, healthy living “This is an historic occasion and social responsibility . for the Dryades YMCA,” said In conjunction with the Grand Chief Executive Officer, Douglas Opening and Ribbon Cutting, of- Evans . “It will create an oasis for ficials with the facility are waiving youth and families to not only play the $75 joining fee, if you enroll and have fun, but most important- by Saturday, November 2nd . As ly, to be healthy .” a part of the celebration, the com- Officials with the facility say the munity can take a tour of the fa- incidence of obesity and drown- cility and get more information ings were crucial in the decision on swim lessons, water exercises to create a facility that would help and fitness classes . combat those ills throughout the For information on member- entire New Orleans community . ship and rates, call 504-609-2284 . The 22,000 square foot facil- For additional information on ity boasts a 6-lane, 75 foot indoor the Ribbon Cutting and Grand pool, as well as state of the art Opening Celebration, call Rhen- healthy heart and strength train- ette Tobias at 504-299-4310 .
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