Odisha Review April - May - 2014 Anarchy as a Socio-Political Philosophy : Noam Chomsky in Perspective Pradeepta Ranjan Pattanayak ‘Anarchy’, as we all know, denotes a state of body or of quicker in mind than some other lawlessness, chaos, free for all situation; has its men. From this equality of ability ariseth intellectual roots in LEVIATHAN, magnum opus equality of hope in the attaining of our ends. of Thomas Hobbes, wherein he visualizes a And therefore, if any two men desire the same deplorable state of nature, where there was war thing which nevertheless they cannot both of all against all— a state or a situation that is enjoy, they become enemies; and in the way entirely devoid of normative thinking. Hobbes to their end, endeavour to destroy or to subdue understood it well that human beings are not one another” (Hobbes: 1651). always devoid of reason. But reason, he asserted, is essentially a servant of the passions—the faculty Consequently, in the absence of any restraining control, men will adopt to this of devising ways and means to secure what one immediate end (of willfully enjoying the recognition desires. Desires are random, and there is no and services of others), which is the most efficient established common rule of good and evil to be available means. These means are force and fraud. taken from the nature of objects themselves. Hence a situation where every man is the enemy Hence the passions, the ultimate end of action of every other endeavouring to destroy or to are diverse and there is nothing to prevent the subdue him by force or fraud or both. This is pursuit which results in conflict. The part played nothing but a state of anarchy. by power is the reason for this danger of conflict. Power, Hobbes argues, is the present means of a The philosophy of anarchy also found a man to obtain some future apparent good. A very place, albeit candidly, in the garb of anomie in important element of power is the ability to the works of Robert K. Merton and Emile command the recognition and services of other Durkheim. Durkheim conceived of anarchy (read men. This ability to obtain the unquestionable anomie) as ‘a social condition of normlessness submission of other men is very limited. Thus, this or the deregulation of the normative structure power, which is the proximate end, is inherently a that is the failure of the collective moral order source of division between men. Hobbes asserts, to restrain the overweening ambition, greed “Nature, in a crude manner, hath created men and unlimited aspirations’. In Durkheim’s with equality of ability, though at times some words, “The collective moral order is the only men are found to be manifestly stronger in legitimate moral force that can effectively 110 April-May - 2014 Odisha Review restrain the indomitable craze for social and The contemporary neo-Marxist economic needs. Society alone can play this intellectuals in India argue that some amount of moderating role. But when society is disturbed anarchy and disorder is a practical necessity even by some painful crisis or by beneficent but when logic would call for the strict application of abrupt transitions, it is momentarily incapable the principle of discipline and order. But it creates of exercising this influence, as a result the confusion with regard to the correct definition and mechanism breaks down and normlessness interpretation of the term anarchy. For instance, ensues” (Durkheim: 1947). the social activists like Arundhati Roy and Swamy Agnivesh who can be confidently accredited to Traces of anarchy can also be discovered have set the ball rolling in terms of a peace from R.K. Merton’s efforts to see how social dialogue between the Indian Maoists and the structures exert pressure upon certain persons in Govt., spare no effort in glorifying Maoist anarchy society to engage in non-conforming than in the name of spontaneous outbursts against conforming conduct (Merton: 1938). From exploitation, injustice and violation of human rights. among several elements of social and cultural According to them since the (so-called) structures, Merton analytically separates two— “Corporate Hindu Satellite State”, in the garb of cultural goals and institutionalized means. The Sovereign, Socialist, Democratic India cultural goals are acknowledged desirables in perpetrates injustice and exploitation over poor, any society. They are success, money, power, weak, homeless, poverty-stricken tribal people, prestige etc. Institutionalized means are the then those poor people have a natural right to acceptable modes of reaching out for these goals. retaliate in whatever and howsoever form they Anomie, Merton defines, is the disjunction like. Thus, in the process of armed struggle of the between cultural goals and the Maoists (the so-called victims of injustice), if the institutionalized means prescribed to reach the Indian State is overthrown then heavens are not goals. The above disjunction (or the anarchic going to fall. But critics say that it is tantamount to situation) can be best exemplified in the following waging war against the Indian State and the State instance. Suppose a game is to be won. Logic has a right to defend itself. All these arguments would make us believe that it (the game) needs and counter arguments cast a deep shadow of to be won under the rules prescribed for it. But in confusion and consternation over the correct the modern industrial society, in many cases, it is interpretation of the term “anarchy”. (The Devil’s seen that the game is won through alternative Advocate, CNN-IBN, August, 2010). means not prescribed for winning it. In such cases winning the game becomes the sole objective The present time is replete with examples without a corresponding importance attached to where people and establishments give their logic the means prescribed for it. As such, when and arguments in favour of violence and anarchy winning the game takes precedence over and have advanced some acceptable sounding winning under the rules of the game, as is excuses as escape routes. Pakistan treating the experienced in the modern industrial societies, the terrorists operating in Kashmir as freedom anomie or the anarchic situation is created. fighters, giving the name of non-state actors to Obviously therefore, force and fraud bolster the its own citizens who were involved in the 26/11 idea of winning the game, anarchy being its Mumbai attacks, Palestine and Israel justifying cardinal principle. violence in Gaza Strip as per their own spirit of 111 Odisha Review April - May - 2014 understanding, Australia treating the series of A Marxist standpoint with class as a violent racial attacks against Indian students as central tenet thus forms the essence of anarchist isolated incidents and organized urban crimes, theory and practice. Chomsky adds to it the idea US military using “Friendly Fire”, one of the of human linguistic abilities that have the power most insidious terms in their so-called war against to resist any social oppression or straitjacketing. terror; etc. are some of the examples where the External authority cannot control the evolution of meaning of anarchy is manufactured and distorted. moral and intellectually rebellious culture. Chomsky was convinced that political control is Except for the rhetoric of nationalism, used by the State at the behest of the moneyed democracy, freedom struggle etc., the philosophy class precisely to the apathetic abuse of the of anarchy has retained its chastity for the masses. purposes of analysis and has received a just and reasonable treatment at the hands of some modern Chomsky’s writings throw light on the 150 intellectual thinkers. Noam Chomsky, one of the years tradition of anarchism that has sought social great authorities on linguistics, started supporting and economic justice without the mediation of the anarchist philosophy at the tender age of 10, bosses, politicians or bureaucrats. He believed spending hours at the bookshops on Manhattan’s that capitalism or capitalistic mindset is not going 4th Avenue, where he engaged himself in anti- to disappear in one go. It needs a protracted authoritarian polemics. Believing that the best way process of struggle to do away with this. He to maximize our genetically endowed freedom is emphatically maintains, “The record of anarchist through anarchism, Chomsky defines his ideas and even more, of the inspiring struggles worldview as Libertarian Socialism. Such a of the people who have sought to liberate brand of anarchism has both a historical force and themselves from oppression and domination, must be treasured and preserved, not as a stands for a deeply positive ideology that aims means of freezing thought and conception in towards the absolute welfare of the public. But some new mold, but as a basis for paradoxically it has been misconstrued by the understanding of the social reality and media and its controllers, and this school of committed work to change it. There is no thought takes a rather destructive and negative reason to suppose that history is at an end, complexion. that the current structures of authority and The libertarian anarchist stance combined domination are graven in stone. It would also with a left wing communalism led his (Chomsky’s) be a great error to underestimate the power attention to the causes of social justice and the of the social forces that will fight to maintain perceptible duplicity of the intellectuals. He felt power and privilege” (Chomsky: 2003, 2007). that the essence of creativity is innate in all humans, This view was also expressed partially in reaction which enables them to think and introspect. to Francis Fukuyama’s (1992) The End of Language being inherently a creative entity, its History and The Last Man. original usage gives one a sense of freedom.
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