United Nations GENERAL 2376th PLENARY MEETING ASSEMBLY Monday, 6 October /975 THIR71ETH SESSION at 3.30 p.m: Official Records NEW YORK CONTENTS tions. ~y delegationj?i~s whole-heartedly in the many expressIOns ofappreCiatIOn for the complete dedication Agenda item 9: of the Secretary-General, Mr. Kurt Waldheim, and General debate (collli/ll/ed): th.e Secretariat as a whole, to the tasks connected Speech by Mr. Ghalib (Somalia) .. .. • .. .. .. .... .. .. .. 465 With peace and progress. Speech by Mr. Lievano (Colombia) ..... 471 4. I wi,sh to. exp~ess a~so, at this. st~ge, my Gov­ Address by Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Head of State of ernment s satisfactIOn WIth the continuing expansion Kampuchea (Cambodia), Chairman of the United National and effi.cacy of ~he co-operation which exists between Front of Kampuchea ................................. 475 the UOlted NatIOns and the Organization of African Agenda item 9: ,unity [OAU]. This co-operation has proved to be of General debate (colltillued): Immens.e value In all a~eas of development and it gives Speech by Mr. AI-Thani (Qatar) ..................... 479 heartenmg and practical support to the campaign Speech by Mr. Valencia Rodrfguez (Ecuador) 481 Speech by Mr. Carv<ijal (Chile) 485 against racial discrimination and colonialism. Agenda item 22: 5. The accession of new States to membership in Admission of new Members to the United Nations (COIl­ the United Nations brings us closer to the goal of till 11 ed): ~niversality. I am particularly happy to see the Repub. (a) Special report of the Security Council (A/10179, hc of Cape Verde, the Democratic Republic of Sao A/10238) 492 Tome and Principe and the People's Republic of Mozambique take their places as States Members President: Mr. Gaston THORN of the world body, after long years of struggle and (Luxembourg). sacrifice on the part of their valiant peoples. Their success is an inspiration to those still under colonial and racist domination and a warning to the minority regimes that they cannot long succeed in their efforts In the absence of the President, Mr. Waldron­ to suppress the forces of liberation. Ramsey (Barbados), Vice-President, took the Chair. 6. On behalf of my Government, I take this oppor­ tunity to commend the Government of Portugal for AGENDA ITEM 9 having acted with determination, integrity and good faith in the fulfilment ofits declared policy ofpromoting General debate (continued) the speedy independence of those territories. I. Mr. GHALIB (Somalia): I should like first of all 7. With regard to Angola, my Government shares to extend to the President my sincere congratulations the hope of the members of the OAU that the libera­ on his well-deserved election to the presidency of the tion movements which were able to fight with disci­ General Assembly. His election emphasized the demo­ pline and dedication against colonialism will use cratic nature of this body which, in giving practical those qualities to settle their differences, call a halt expression to the sovereign equality of Member States, to the fratricidal armed struggle and devote their chooses its leaders on the basis of individual merit, energies to the attainment of the cherished goal of international stature and achievement. In assuring independence and the consolidation of national him of my delegation's unqualified support and co­ unity. operation, I wish him great success in his task of 8. It is particularly important at this crucial stage presiding over the deliberations of this session. in Angola's history that all outside efforts be directed 2. Permit me also to express my appreciation of the towards the task of reconciliation and not towards skilful and dynamic leadership provided by his pre­ purposes other than the achievement of indepen­ decessor, Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria, during dence, peace and security for the people of Angola. the twenty-ninth session and the seventh special 9. In considering the problems of this troubled session, all of which gave rise to momentous and area it is well to remember that throughout history historic decisions. The great achievements and suc­ nations of all degrees of development have suffered cesses attained by our Organization during his tenure the agonies of civil strife. The majority have emerged of office are not only a source of pride and admiration from such troubles with their nationhood strengthened for the capacity of our Organization, but also a true and have gone forward with the task ofnational recon· reflection of the dedication, statesmanship and valu­ struction and development. able contribution of that great son of Africa to the 10. It should have been possible for us to have purposes of this world body. welcomed, as full-fledged States Members of the 3. A heavy burden ofresponsibility lies on the Secre­ United Nations, the representatives of the RepUblic tary-General and his staff because of the increasing of South Viet Nam and of the Democratic Republic scope and complexity of the work of the United Na- of Viet Nam, had it not been for the opposition of 465 A/PV.2376 - i ~ General Assembly-Thirtieth Session-Plenary Meetings certain Powers in the membership of this Organiza- attempt to impose an apartheid-type of society on the I of the Smi tion, My delegation must express its deep disappoint- people of Zimbabw~ are, of co~rs~, of se~olls concern never be al ment that the Vietnamese people, so long subjected to to independent African countries m particular, ~md to 20. In SOl .military aggression, are now the victims of diplomatic mankind as a whole. We had hoped that the virulent majority of aggression. They have been unjustly denied member- form of racial discrimination which flourishes in >/ being made ship in this world body-a privilege which they clearly southern Africa had been unquestionably established I minority oj earned by their courageous struggle to recover their as a crime against the conscience of the world and 1 of their OWl national independence and by the spirit of friendship a crime against humanity. But attempts to use all the labour enca and co-operation which they have shown to all States, resources ofthe United Nations system in the campaign I as national i in accordance with the principles of the Charter. to eliminate the blot on our world civilization are and a few labelled in some quarters as the irresponsible or cannot hide 11. In this connexion, it is also pertinent to pledge unenforceable decisions of a mechanical majority, our unqualified support to the people of Korea in their while the expressions ofour indignation at the system- 21. SuperJ desire to attain peaceful reunification of their father- atic dehumanization ofour brothers is often dismissed detente can land. We strongly believe that it is high time that nothing but this Assembly gave practical expression to the joint as rhetoric. of the polit communique of South and North Korea of 4 July 16. In the face of our detractors' massive financial, the overwh 1972, I which, among other things, provided for the economic, military and diplomatic involvement with movements elimination of external forces and the attainment of South Africa we are asked to believe that it is only the subseql the goal of national unity by the Korean people. It our methods that are questioned, not the substance of M07.am~ is within this spirit that we reaffirm the need to pro- of our protest. indepellden, mote the independent and peaceful reunification of confronted Korea, so that the heroic people of that divided coun- 17. Our scepticism on this point is reinforced when of abhorrel try can take their rightful place in the family ofnations. we note the immediate outcry about and the diplo- matic reprisals taken in regard to the recent execution cumulative 12. It is with great satisfaction that my delegation of five convicted European terrorists in Spain. We racist rule i: notes the presence of the representatives of the Royal cannot help but compare this reaction with the nega- 22. It is c Government of National Union of Cambodia. We have tive response to third-world efforts over the past consistent .always recognized and supported that Government as decade to induce Member States to cut off diplomatic minority re~ the legitimate one and Prince Sihanouk as the Head relations with the perpetrators of Sharpeville and the of coercion of State of Cambodia. We extend our congratulations enforcers of an official terrorism which has taken the generous SI to the people of Cambodia for their brilliant achieve- lives of countless Africans-people whose only crime ensure prog ments and extend to them best wishes for future was to protest against intolerable and dehumanizing Nations in success in the task of nation-building and social recon- oppression. The deliberate misrepresentation of third- of aparthei struction. It will be our delegation's pleasure to listen world actions is another negative approach calculated Namibia an to the address this afternoon of Samdech Norodom to sow seeds of mistrust and suspicion among Member Sihanouk, whose respected voice, though not heard States. A case in point is the misrepresentation of 23. My d( in the United Nations lately, has nevertheless been the General Assembly's use of its prerogative, at the have given raised on numerous occasions in the chambers of the twenty-ninth session, to reject the credentials of the ciples of th third world and other international forums. South African delegation. That was an action taken the Mogadi 13. In recent years we have talked a great deal in only after repeated and solemn demands for an end to tion of Dar the United Nations about interdependence and the apartheid and to the illegal occupation of Namibia standing ar need for global action but, at the same time, we have and, indeed, after 29 years of United Nations concern liberation 0 withdrawn more and more into the opposing camps over and condemnation of South Africa's racist to the Unit( of rich and poor, old and new; industrialized and policies.
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