EDITORIALS! Tomorrow's Weather; For Culture— Today's Noon Temperature: 61 fljje BuKejii^brrjgxirle Tuesday, April 22, 1941 Thirty-Seventh Year-No. 48 Duke Universisy, Durham, N. C. BOS Honors Thirty The Day of Reckoning is at Hand Three New Features Rising Sophomores •|pi"m Planned Next Year In Annual Ceremony For Concert Series • Orchestra, Ballet Activity Group Men's Pan-Hel m >M\ Patience Nets Holds Initiation "> To Be Keturnetk This Afternoon SingjCup Won j*y Almost $900 Opera to Appear By Lambda Chi For War Relief irites of Univer- Chairman Poteat Says PiKA Places Second; \i Excellent Cooperation Dreamy Songs, Military Aided Show's Success Airs Feature Program Lsjmbda Clii Alpha captured e coveted first place in the the basis of their scholastic and .ter-frateroity sine sponsored Ity crowd, netted approximately by the Men's Fan-Hellenic eoun- SMO0 for British War relief, i" the past two semesters. Member- was announced yesterday by Di le Woman's college audi- Paul Gross of the Committee o Sunday night. Pi Kappa Arrangements of the Duke Di Alpha placed second. tense council. Total receipts from tieki .-., icati well Lambda Chi's, singing the Helen Traubel, whose Metro­ sales amounted lo J1207; ex n scholars hi rollicking Vive la Compagnie politan Wagnerian roles have , • ssscss, including a reserve leadership. and Lambda Chi Alpha Sweet­ sn ecUpsed only by the genius aBainst uncollected Hems, tot­ heart and the Pi Kappa Alpha's Kirsten Flagstadt, win open Nine fraternities were repre- with The Song of Pi KA and the aled $307. These figures *« s thirty Dream Girl of Pi KA, render^ I. This : their numbers with zissst and is to tax liability and the < •ial frater vitality. Evidently, in spite of imounts involved under ths luscious spring weather, the erve. According to a statei N, ssued yesterday by the Com- ipularity of dreamy songs stion, Mr. Barnes annou eamtly rendered has warn nittee on Arrangements, i mtions of services and that, by popular request, i succeeded toy military First row: Chronicle candidates, from left lo rights Paul Barringer, Joyce Powell, E, E San Carlos Opera company at lissast the old dreamy : Smith Tom Fletcher, Louise Searight, Lou Cassis is-. st-!„jjii n.si: 1 lisisslsulecr tsaintsslsssiss. •ight: Virginia Bales, Jack Kauf- sials by various individuals and inann, Euss Clements, Kay Harpster, Luis U.HIM- liuoc, Nese Gardner, Third •--•-- 'u' Duchess candi- groups reduced considerably the ing here in IVterch, and he •rs spiritfully-sung. 1 upaugh, Barbara e hoped they would do " (lull'* Jssi'k li.i'LisssLs. ( Isii.siij. Ann isiict, Martha Jane Kent, Harold E. Piatt, Emily JVaughan1 , of production, which norm- Alpha glee club, Williams, Lou Fraeher, Fourth row: nuke •„• Duchess: Sandy Johnson, Carl Clamp; "- I Thomas, Willis s Mellon, Jack Ochsenreitcr, Virginia Demmitig, Lee llapp. would have been between irtet, and & 3 Foi-s and five hundrirf dollars. atchless Mastery n, led by Bud Giles Last night's orche e Girl With My K. s and sixty members of the ...isss,;,-.- i K. A. Rose. Led by Bill Kel- faculty were connected with the nastery of the Philadelphia the Sigma Nu glee Board to Elect Business Managers and Editors production, either as members shestra, and was enthusiastically received by an overflow Page Nisi and The Girl Who Wears committees directly concerned audience. Three encores were the Five-Arm Star. Of Four Campus Publications Tomorrow Night th the presentation. Said sanded by the audience, Concluding the Sing program uce Boorman, manager of the ;h were a delightfully hu- feature, were Beta Theti Coed Elections Slated se club, "It was the greatest ous "Legend of the Arkan- with its Song of the Dragoi Y's To Sponsor For Thursday Evening Men's SGA Announces Plans splay of student-faculty TraveUer" by Had McDon- Beta Loving Cup, Phi Delta manager of the orchestra; I, led by Bud Boorman, Brahms' last Hungarian dance; Tell Me Why and Phi Delt Old-Fashioned For Friday's Inaugural Ball and Liere's sparkling "Russian Alumni March, and Alpha Tau sSailor's Dance." The regular Omega with Our Jewels an" Square Dance four campus publications program was made up of the Sweetheart of A. T. O. •ing the coming year. Aspir- Don't Blame Lester— Prelude and Fugue in F Minor : editors and business manag- This Is a Trial Issue by Bach; Beethoven's seventh will pri=sent their cases tc impleting plans fo McDonald's suite Inaugural Ball at Sunday Charge of the informal initiates s members of the board prioi 'From Childhood"; "Forest Mur- Mexican Dancing :ht when Duke students wh t's meeting, the student and he promises many "origins final selections. Coed editors nurs," from Siegfried, by Rich- i business managers will be icil also elected Word Clar Chanticleer Plans ii'u Wiigrscr; and Strauss' waltz, feature" in this year's fssstti and Louise Searight, candi­ Provides Theme >sen by the board Thursday Pi Kappa Phi from Concord, ; 'Wine, Women, and Song." .1 forsake the boogie beat fo date for coed editor. "The night. sad cheerleader for the comii Formal induction • less modern but just as vig quality of mercy Is not Third Exhibition Final arrangements for the >ar, Larry Blanchard, Studa of the popular Phi.adel- Formal initiation will be held Of May Day Fete The list of candidates Includes overnment association pres total of 32 na in the Union ballroom tomorrow dent, announced yesterday. On West Campus phia Fifty to Participate tan last year. The four publi- afternoon at 4:00 p.m. under the The dance, to be given by tl 1 shortly 1 In Annual Festivities the Long Declares Purpose direction of Stewart Johnson. Engineers Leave S.G.A. in the Woman's college Honoring May Queen Immediately following the in­ gymnasium Friday night fro Of Exhibit to Remind duction a banquet will be given versily si North Carolina, will i' Duchess. 1, will feature Jimmy Car Students to Pay Fees (Continued o» spnoe *) wsi band for this spe- For Nationwide vill lend d his Richmond, Virginia, ful festive costum. to the "Good Old make brief p estra. Only a limited nun The third Chanticleer exhibit displaying the various tsssehnica! policy, limit! ASCE Conclave tickets will be available be- sta," student director Days," sand will call the figures. branches of printing a year is, and then a use of the new limit on the Brown to Speak Mariam Ka merer tmnouncsed Mr. Worley will also be accom- Eleven Go to Baltimore book, will be shown in the Dopi questions posi^I by memb imber of people allowed Church Members yesterday. To Attend Meetings, shop this Wednesday, Thursday, d. Retiring editor e gym, Blanchard stated. Make Inspection Tours and Friday, Bob Long announced On East Campus Several of the better-known Cliapel Hill who are skillful managers will has Tickets for the ball, which yesterday. Choose Students ^atin dances, such as "La Cucu- the fine art of the dance as opportunity to make recon 11 be formal, will L •acha," "Fandango," and "Cssie- Grandpappy's dations for their successor. Eleven civil engineers left t wiU c lis morning for Baltimore, the student government ofllce Thursday Night lena" will be among those In the order siL-lp is the Three East campus aspirants self with the actual printing ol /here they will represent the 04 Union from 2 to 5 Wednes­ For New Council New York Drama Critic program worked out by Betty • confused among the sek office unopposed. They are: day, Thursday, and Friday saft- the hook. On display will bi Jones, head of the danci - The affair is on a non- Virginia Deming, for coed busi- College of Engineering at the plates used in four-color photo­ Will Discuss Theater , another of the Y infoi nager of the ArcJtiue; National Conference of the ns. SGA cards may be graphs, some pictures of thi -ican Society of Civil En changed for tickets; students In Final Forum Lecture /ill be an outstanding feature. get-togethers that have pre Kathryn Dunkelberger, for coed printing presses, and some sig­ rs, nationwide organizatior having cards may purchase An unusual amount of studiait lar from time to time among .ess manager of the CHBON- natures. The latter are the forms of student and practicing civi ickets for fifty cents. iterest will make a great tees of Ihe Ark, sand v "" and Catherine E, Raupagh on which eight pages of the ess of this year's piogran oed editor of the Duke 'n engineers. • The gymnasium will be deco­ Chanticleer are printed a last from sevsai-thirty till ter rated in traditional spring May. 3, the director said, is stressed by the organi Duchess. e group, which will be ae time. Also included will be fig- anied by Dr. John Watson Old and new member most entirely the work of sponsoring this The Duke V Duchess ink, and type metal used i dents" are all the arrangements, the student council will atttsnd printing of the year-book. s the p 1 lhat leetings of the i Ihei: s- be lb she stated. Approximately fifty sonfirmed and of any of tt women will participate in the national organization at Johns . In sordance Long stressed the fact thi e-dancers to Join in H, Fraeher, Hopkins universi . ie University So- dancing. Even the theme id it is hoped that this Jack L. Bruckner, and Harold exhibit is designed to remind was this year originated by cily of Baltimore. They will no corsages shall students that the Chanties'i first of a series ol E, Piatt; for coed editor, Cath­ be conducted on two inspeeti dance, Blanchard ssari presenting plays in the fam­ combination of three students, Spring training foi erine E.
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