(':1'ill~ :.G~ili:f'.,J':"lli:X) Of' l1.. ~·:t"~~~'r:C1>:Jt' •. (9r,~ ~ ~, .~ (\J' ~<)~, . £ll,al0~!!'·\t.JAl'b ~ff~"&'ru~::ri::r ~ - ----= ---../ ---- ('OND1------..., CTED BY - - -jJkCx; e~)-;§;n·n.J·k:3: - ~ _______ ;r ~ -----./ ----./ lBD1':lTDlY, JP'iI1:BJJI:3JlI:IE:'D lBl'f~Jj) •.GJ~i'!- £,D, J1 D~IH])lY, .R][~ .ItI\l)TI;;S ~IT1'!:E'J''['. THE LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. CONDUCTED Dr JARED SPARKS. VOL. VII. BOSTON: HILLIARD, GRAY, AND CO. LONDON: RIC HARD .JAMES KENNETT. 1837. DigitIZed by Google LIVES OF SIR WILLIAM PHIPS, ISRAEL PUTNAM, LUCRETIA MARIA DAVIDSON, AND DAVID RITTENHOUSE. BOSTON: HILLIABD,GBAY, AND CO. LONDON: RICHARD .JAMES KENNETT. 1837. DigitIZed by Google Entered accordlJll to act of CODgras In the year 183'7, by JAaaD SPAaxI, 10 tbe Clerk'. oftlee of the Diatrlot Court of the Diatrlct of MeaaacbWJett •• CAMBRIDGE: ITI1UOTI'P&D .&.KD .&IRTBD BY FOLSOM, WELLS, AND THURSTON, PRllfTJ:.I TO TBII VKIT.BlITY. DigitIZed by Google CONTENTS. LIFE 01' SIB W ILLIAH PIIIPS, By FB.&.NCIS BOWEN. Prefau. • . 3 CHAPTER I. His Birth and Early Occupation. - Goes to Boston as a Sl£ip-Carpenter. - His Mar­ riage. - Visits England and obtains tie COfIUIIand of the Algier-Rose. - Unsuccess­ ful Cruise. - Sent out again by the Duke of Albemarle. - Returns with a Spanish Treasure. - Recei"es the Honor of Knight- hood. • • . • • • • . • . • 5 CHAPTER II. State of Affairs in New England. - Phips returns tT,itler as High Sheriff. - Goes to England again. - Deposition of Andros at Boston. - Phips returns. - French and In- DigitIZed by Google vi CONTENTS. dian War.-Successful Expedition against Acadia. - Particulars "especting the Plun- der taken at Port Royal. • • . 26 CHAPTER III. Naval Expedition under Phips against Quebec. -Its Failure. - Disasters to a Part of the Fleet on its Return. • . • 50 CHAPTER IV. Difficulties created by tlte Failure of the Can­ ada Ezpedition.-Issue of Paper Money.­ Phips goes to England. -Negotiations re­ specting the Renewal of the Cl,arter. - New Charter granted, and Phips appointed Gov­ ernor.-His Return, and Reception at Bos- ton. - Salem Witchcraft. • • 68 CHAPTER V. Legislative Acts. - Indian War. - Attack tlp­ on Wells. - Building of Fort William Hen­ ry. - Eltctions in May, 1693. - Unpopu­ larity of Phips. - Peace concluded with the Indians at Pemaquid. - Phips quarrels with Short and Brenton. - Recalled to England. - His Death and Character. • • • • 84 DigitIZed by Google CONTENT8. vii LIFE 01' ISRAEL PUTNAlI, By OLIVE& W. B. PEABODY. CHAPTER I. His Birth and Education. -Becomes a prac­ tieal Farmer . .-Singular Adventure in kill­ ing a Wolf. - Enters the Army as Captain of a Company of Rangers. - Engages in the War against the French and Indians on the Canada Frontiers. • . 105 CHAPTER II. Raised to the Rank of Mqjor. - Various Ad­ ventures in the War. - Capture of Fort William Henry.-Putnam stationed near Fort Edward. - Encounters tke Enemy at South Bay. - Expedition against Ticonder- oga. - Death of Lord Howe. • 123 CHAPTER III. Perilous Descent of the Rapids at Fort Miller. - Battle with tke Indians. - Putnam taken Prisoner and treated with great Crllelty. - Sent to Ticonderoga, and thence to Montreal. - Exchanged, and returns to the Army.- DigitIZed by Google N NT Colonel Scllllyler.-Puillam is commissio~d Liz;fz£z;nanI~Colo??d. - dffrves fmder Genz:nfl Amherst. - Takes part in the Expedition J Jffffanff~ - En/{aged in Enfffn- prise against the Western Indians. - Re- tirsE from £lfe A??fffy te?? Year3f Serviffff• I~Y dHAPddR tv. (}olonel Putnam opposes tlfe Stamp Act. - Goes to Mississiddi River to select Lands, - His Intifffacy ffith tf~~ff Britifff Bostffff. - Hastens to the Army on hearing of the BattIf Mffde a General of the Connecticut Troops. - Battle of Bfsnkfff~~ ff H:tt UH dYAPdER V. Yutnam is, appointd Mqjor-General in the Con- tinental Army. Reffufins at Camb??idge till the dvacnfftion Bffston. Cozffnands at New York. - Suggests a Mode of obstruct- ing rife the to vent the Enemy'S Vessels from ascending it. - f7dommafnds Off I~ rlsla??d~ - rI(fnk evacuated. -Retreat through New Jersey. Pffttfam sffffftionffd at fffnd terwards at Princeton. - Anecdotes. 178 izedc ,oe e CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER VI. putJuJIn commands in tM Highlands. - Opera­ tions during tM Campaign. - TM British ascend tM Hudson. - General Putnam su­ perintends the Construction of the Fortifica­ tions at West Point. - His perilous Ad"en­ ture at Horseneck. - Retires from the Army in Consequence of a Paralytic Attack. - His Death. - His military and personal CMr- acter.. • . • • • . • • 199 MEMom OF LUCRETIA MARIA DAVIDSON, By THE AUTHOR OF" REDWOOD," "1I0PE LESLIE," &C. 219 LIFE OJ' DAVID RITTENHOUSE, By JAMES RENWICK. CHAPTER I. Introduction. • ..•• 297 CHAPTER II. His Birth and Parentage: ..•• 303 DigitIZed by Google ON N CHAPTER III. His Educatiun. - Early EulicationB of i1&1&e­ chIiBical Ginius~ - Re,,,arkable Progress in Ma1&i&emiiaiiial i ~i~iir~lli,a. CHAPTER IV. His Agricultural Occupations. - Choice of a :i'iiil'.',<W" - E,ltrailUi intii Busiilii"". - La­ borious Eursuit of his Tradii and iTi".e""i!' Studies. - Consequent Enjurd to his Health. - q§ecoiiliii kniiiifi as [in Ai'iist an ,ds- tronomer. - His Marriage. • . 317 CHAPTER V. Boundary Line of Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, Mlissn arid Di's,llJi'S - Boundary of Pennsylvania and New Ylll,k .. C1&I A1&iIiER IiI. on ,lpplihation If them to the Pendulum. - Metallic ThermonU!J­ ter, E'derimfnts the Comknissibility of Water. - Adaptation of Planetary JlIa- ChiPitS to Cloch Pnnject an CONTBNT8. CHAPTER VII. Preparations for ObserfJing the Transit of Venus •.••.•.. 340 CHAPTER VIII. Observation of the Transit of Venus. - Cal- culation of the Parallaz of the Sun. .. 348 CHAPTER IX. Transit of Mercury. - Longitutks of Phila­ delphia and Norriton. - Orrery resumed. - Comet of 1770. • . 356 CHAPTER X. His &cond Orrery.-Proposed Removal to Philadelphia. -Loan-Office Bill. - Gift of the Legislature. - Change of Residence.­ Election as &cretary of tile American Philo­ sophical &ciety. - &cond Marriage. - Pro­ posed Public ObserfJatory. • . • • • . 362 CHAPTER XI. His Election to the Legislature of Pennsylva­ nia. - First Committee of Public Safety.­ Treasurer of the State. - Captur~ of Philo.- DigitIZed by Google xii CONTENTS. delphia, and Removal of tke Treasury to Lancaster. - Sectmd Committee of Public Safety. - Transit of Mercury and &lIar Eclipses. • . • . • • • . • 369· CHAPTER XII. _ Boundary Lines of Pennsylvania and Vir­ ginia. - Division Line of Pennsylvania and New York. - Demarkation of Territory re­ served by Massachusetts within the State of New York. •. • . 377 CHAPTER XIII. His Appointment as Trustee of the Loan-Office. -RetiJ'ementfrom Office as State Treasurer .. - Private Observatory. - Commissioner to· organize a Bank of the United States.­ Director of the Mint of tke United States. - Resignation of that Office.. • . 384 CHAPTER XIV. He is elected President of tke Democratic &lciety. - Declining Health. - Death. - Ckaracter.- Literary and &ientific Honol"s. - Conclusion. • . • • 3W DigitIZed by Google LIFE OF SIR WILLIAM PHIPS; BY FRANCIS BOWEN. VOL. TD. 1 DigitIZed by Google DigitIZed by Google PREFACE. COTTON MATHER wrote a life of Sir William Phips, which was first published in London in a separate fonn, and was afterwards included in the "Magnalia." He was intimately acquainted with the subject of his memoir; and the account would be entitled to full credit, did not his well-known credulity, and the partiality which he everywhere shows, throw some doubt on the more remarkable statements. In the following biographical sketch, his authority has been followed only for the early part of Sir William's life, since the account of his public career is wholly unsatisfactory. Careful research has been made in the offices of the Secretary of State of Massachusetts, and of the Massachusetts Historical Society; and, though noth­ ing was found that related to the early life or per­ sonal character of Phips, some facts were brought to light respecting the two military expeditions which he commanded. The particulars respecting the capture of Port Royal were drawn from documents, which, with DigitIZed by Google 4 PRill' ACIl. one exception, have not before been published. In the account of the expedition against Quebec, I have relied on the authority of Walley, the second in command of the troops engaged, whose official relation was published in the appendix to Hutch­ inson's "History of Massachusetts" ; and on that of Major Savage, who commanded a portion of the army, and whose letter, containing a history of the expedition, may be found in the Collections of the Historical Society. Some statements were taken from the account given by Hontan, a French offi­ cer, who served under Frontenac in Quebec at the time of the assault. Hutchinson discredits the authority ofthis writer, but, as far as can be ascer­ tained, without sufficient reason. He was an eye­ witness of what he relates, and his narrative agrees in the main with the English accounts. In the history of the subsequent part of Sir William's life, I have followed Hutchinson. DigitIZed by Google SIR WILLIAM PHIPS. CHAPTER I. Hi. Birth tJM FArly Oct!UptJtion. - Gou to Bolton tJI tJ Ship-Carpenter. - Hi. Morriage. - Visit. Fm.glmul and obtai", tke Commmad of the Algier-Bo.e. - U'lll'lJau'fiil Crui.e.­ Berr.t out again by the Duke of ..Alhemarle. - Rem"", with a Spani.h 7TetllUre. - Re­ ceivu the Honor of Knighthood. IT is often difficult for the historian to distin­ guish between rash adventure and well-concerted enterprise. Judging rather from suacess in the exeeution of a plan, than from the inventive genius and foresight displayed in its formation, mankind are apt to give to wild but fortunate daring the praise, which is due only to judgment, activity, and skill, even when unsuccessfully exerted. It has been well observed of Columbus, that, had he yielded to the entreaties of his crew but a few hours sooner than he had determined to do, his name, if it had survived at all, would have been remembered only as that of a half insane projector; DigitIZed by Google 6 AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY.
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