.vSnoi UUj Lihrj & taaiiog liHj i'l BLtaBBB n I KVKKY AFTKKNOON nun nan unuav. n DM- - month I WWV IV9 a wa THE HAWAIIAN STAR IN , i UN I VOL III. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY EVENING, JULY ly 1894 NO. Iu2. The Hawaiian Star, OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. BISHOP & CO., Miss LIME Mi VffiST. Established In 1HA8. Agtnl to Take Atknwl4gtmtHt PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON BANKERS. EMPIRE Ofllce: BonolulU 1'arrlnge Factory. NOLULU SOAP HOUS KXCEPT SUNDAY Hawaiian Honolulu, Islands. (UkldMMMI HOMES 0OI1IW PtreohbOWl and H"ii' L BY THE HAWAIIAN STAR NEWSPA- OF THE REPUBLIC DRAW EXCHANGE ON t t i) ii B61'6n Saloon. PER ASSOCIATION, Ltd. ilmtii Sells everything at Motlcrn Times Prices. ' oniir llotfl hihI IVaMM Street. p THE BANK OP CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO, COHBOIitDATID OF HAWAII. AND AOENTK IN AT CBOICK HTH rrt jfiiiNHToNK, - - - kditok. THEIR 17 OLD I'AMli.v New York, Chicago, Boston, Parts, SODA WATER WORKS bars, honest weight, of best HATKH. MESSRS, M. H8THCHIL0 & SOUS. LONDON, 1.T1). RllBRCKlPTInN I COMPANY, quality soap, at $1.25 g n.oo Vet Year In Ailvuncc, - rRANKFORT-ON-TH- E MAIN. Wines Brandies ... Epliinnili', uuriMV Alli'i, iiihI Fort streets. Per Month In A,lviun'i - .T5 KXKtX'TIVK COUNCIL. The Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, N. 8. W. HOLLISTER Sl CO.. Agonts. roii'lKii, per Yiar In Ailvanru, - - 12.00 R Dole, President of the Republic of The Hnnk of New Zealand, Auckland, and Same in cases, 100 lbs $4.50. PEARL Oyster Cocktails a Hawaii. - Branches in Christcuurch, l)umdin Specialty. Mi of Affairs. and Wellington. ADVKIITISINO HATKH: ft Hatch, Minister Forelun 31. S. (J HI N HA I'M & CO. 1. A. KIiik, Mlnlsler of the Interior, The Hank of British Columhin, Victoria, and Soft Soap E. N. REQTJA, Knten lor transient ami regular ailverllnInK its Branches, Vuneouver, Nanuiino, UalML in tins, 421bs., $1.25 t. Mi DhmA, MloilttfOf Finance. HWtf Mn nnjrer. ran bo obtained at the publication office. B. (' , and Portland, Oregon. .ltor1u2y-llenera- H. 1. adverllsi'-rtient- W. (. Smith, HOXOLULU, Tone, uri- prompt Inseitlon all The Azores and Madeira Islands. a tin. muBt, Stockholm, Sweden. CITY. he delivered at the Bttataatt CoinmisHion Merchanls and Importers ' Mica baton m. A.UVUORY Cnrxcil, The Chartered Hank of India, Australia ami Hawaiian Wine Co., it China. of Uem nil Merchandise. mown, Miih. The Hongkong and Shimghni, China; and Hun I n, III e '.'ir. Front St. Triple pressed numi M I I, I. HKCOItll. stearic mining (ft ('. of the AiHIsory Yokohama, Mioo and Nagasaki, Japun. ."4 Wilder. Chairman ami :ln M.'rrliiint St.. Honolulu, H. I. Council of the Republic of Ruwail. And transact a (Jeneral Hanking Business, I'.y Survey, the floTfrMHtl I'uhlUheil UMll Hrown, K. D. 1 enne) . II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. Candles. 15c per pound. Kvrrv Moniluv. gfohn Nott. C. Bolte, Tin- RapuMk baing wo are .(dim K.Drt. W. F. Allen, C. BREWER & CO,, HOW ni piiri'i1 to nU t ..lAlldM. UU IMPORTERS AND t'OMMISSKlN .11 If 5 i .Ihiuuh F. M '1 Mtl. Henry Waterhouse, N. Y. Babbitt's Washing Soda, The Ed. Itthr A. Younx, MKKCIIANT8. Annexation Prices -- .f sr J. V. Meitdonca. 1). It. miili. Qncen St,, Honolnln, H. I., - iohfl Kminetutli. Fort Street. Honolulu. pulverized, dissolves in THE BEST OF C. T. KodgiTH, .Vecretary EjtecuHvo and Ad- Oahu Railway r, AGENTS FOR BUN. .) . ;ui T2 ra ii M visory Councils, Moil SltUAIftMB a XI O.IU M NK J. ALFRED MAGOON. cold water, 3c. Wines, Tue. 10. Ill l:t :) si all O KI M K Hawaiian AKrirulturnl Onompii a iii-- rincl II IMS (ii .1 :i Wai-luk- Ales . Si" Pit KM K CorHT. Sujrar t.'o., liunninii Bttgftf'.Oo,, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOU-A- T I, AM KIAWE WOOD ! ItO.OO per Oord, delivered Tim ;u m.n. :io.oii ;i ( 0 Uu .Mi :i il ssi: Fl P I" WO r , and SSlii'Itaj, hi i". : I B4 0.141 M I SiiKHr Co.. Wlilhefl Co., f the city. Frl l.t..i; xxr. A. Suar IIM.I1UWU Mr :: Hon. F. JOdd. Ohtof Justice. Ofllce, 42 Merchant Street, wIioIi-k;,!,.- . Wat II '.!.! .ir. l n to mi f, SNI. Makw siimir Co.. aitlMkMa Racoh At No r, rHtaj Hon. R. F. HlrktTion, Firnt AnAOctate Justice. Co., K Kanch. CHARCOAL, 4u CENTS A BAG. k,h Barqmater corrected for lenipuratiiro und Hon. W E. Krear, Second Aanociate ,Iuntice. Honolulu, II I. elevation loll not for latitude. PlanttTH' Line San Francisco Pack t8. Henry smith. Chief Clerk. Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Botfcutl Land Company (JeorKo I.ucan, First Iieputv Clerk. T. B. TldeH, Sun anil Moon. Packets. J. M. MONSARRAT, Highest Cash Price Paid lor MURRAY, C. F. Peterson, Hetfond Deputy Clerk. Agents Huston Ilnarii of Underwriters. J. Walter Joues, SlenoKrapher. offer a r I Agents Philadelphia Hoard of Under- the public Carriage and Wagon Q in i i f g writers. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY i a? -- ClIICl'lT .rrncKS. --3 Icesat a a List ok Ofkickrh : puBua MANUFACTURER. j s--j I f jf First Circuit H. E. Cooper. W, A. Whiting, P. C. Jonks President OMtwrlgM HlocU, Mercliniit Rt., Honolulu. Oahu. Geo. H. KiniKaTsiiN Mituuger Repairing, Second : Maui, A. N. E. F. Bishop.... Trau, and Btoj, p.m.ja.m. i Circuit Keioikai. p.m. Third and Fourth Circuits: Hawaii S.L.Auatin. Col. W. F. Allkn Auditor M. PHILLIPS CO. N. BREHAM. a.in. Oi M. Painting, Mon... in .i.3u a. uu ii . Kauiii, .1. Hardy. Cooke 6! Fiftii Clroaltl - Tiles.... 7 4. u :t. i a 11 iu ' 6.44i - II H. WATEaiiousE. Directors Wholesale ImiKrters anil Jobbei-- f ANOTHER 1 Oflices Court-rtMi- In Wed .... a0 K.3J U. II (.44 and Government C, Ij. Cahtkb ) Trimming, Thur....l '. II & II lj. I) 5. lid 6.44! a in BoiMlng. Kim Sireet. Sitting in Honolulu: Itl-l-T AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, Frl t2J .ll - Oil. U (1.4 ft.iO, H fvl First .Monday in Fehruary, May. Augnst and GREAT Nkatlv Dunk. Bat n H I."' 7. u (Mil 48 Kurt Qtifen Hoiuilulu. 41 7. 0 l.i ri.iii 11.4:1 a..w November. Corner and Sts., Sun.... s.lu l.j) M7tf All work ii ii mint I uf the lilvr m a trial ,,n,l lie DePAKTMENT ATFAIIiH. OPPORTUN ITY. ciivlnrffi. Kill! moon on the 17th, at lib 81mA, M. OF FnitKION WILDER & CO.! Hop Time Wbialle Itluwmu lli., M8m 84, pan. of Beer Depot! Honolulu lime, woiotlI'll- the nauie as lUn,, Oin., Ofllce In (Jovernment Building, King Street. M. II. LOHKIDE, No. 44 Kins street. Ob. of Ureenwich time. His Excellency Francis M. Hatch, Minister of (Established In ,871.) For every loon feet of distance of the ob- SKIN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. MUTUAL TELEPHONE 314. Mi'inai Tal.uhiaii .'ir' p. o. Ho 4ih server (from the CuBtom ttouM) allow one Foreign Affairs. I 5 TELKPHOMK Reuoud for ratiimiisaiun ol sound, or seconds Geo. 0. Potter, Chief Clerk. Estate S, G, WILDER -i- W. C, WILDER, BELL Ul, to a statute mile. To 111 Lionel Hart, Clerk. aTAll Orders Promptly Attended to. linuii s one of tin- most liU Storeroom, - lOCtiltlM to round ill till' I MAIL Bethel Hall. Club oki.ii. Department Intekiok. Imtoktrss and Dkalbks PantdiM or PsoiSo, Stables Co. of the p. o. Bux airr. TitophoM --'4u. tin Bteaiuships will leave for and arrive from Office in Government Building, King Street. S. K. GV RAH AM, Man,c. Ban Francisco on the following dates, ti the His Excellency J. A. King, Minister of the LEWIS & CO. close of 1MW : Interior. Lumber and Coal IMPORTERS. PRICK: 1.00 PER DOZEN QUARTS. Liverv. Feed and Sale Stables. Akrivk at H'n'luluLkavkHoxoluia! fob Clerk, John A. Hasslnger. Han K'cihco Max Kuancil(iok Chief fbom Assistant Clerks, James 11. Boyd, M. K. Naval Supplies. Wluilesale and Retail Ah n BMlthy resort 1'rnrl t'ily lias or Vancouver Vancouver . Street, Ilelwertl Hotel Keohokalole. James Aholo, Stephen Malm-ulu- , Dealers in Groceries, Provisions, etc. PRICE: 50c PER DOZEN PINTS. ajrasldy Mtebuabcxl nvinbla repula-lion- On or ,4oout On or About George C. Hoss, Edward S. Boyd. Building Materials Ill Fort si., Honolulu. H. 1. Man, food OitilMM in this ,'oni ami Bavatania Warrimoo luly a Australia July 21 munity have exparionend the womter-(n- l Monowni 2 Alameda July 26 Discount to the tffeot ptoduord by n few dayl II .July ;n Buueauh, Depautmknt or SUCH AS Trade. Both TsupaomM No. Australia Ann Arawa Chiefs of in iiiiit dry, cool atmoaphara, and 477. ' Arawa Aug Australia, 18 Interior. C. 15. RIDLEY. Alameda Aug 110 liclgic ...Aug 21 ijive grataful tcatimony to the raliel 0ONNBCTED WITH HACK STAND Sept 4 Mariposa. ... Aug Surveyor-Genera- Cuiim l, W. D. Alexander. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, ARTHUR REYNOLDS, ihcy have almost instantly gained from Australia sept H Warrimoo. ...Sept : 1ST. and long oontlnttad of Ckr. KinK ami Baifaa Warrimoo Septa Australia ..sepl 0 Supt. 1'uhlic Works, W. E. Howell. seere altaoka st. '17 BREHAM, Mariposa sepl Monowai . .Sept 20 Hupt. Wuter Work", Andrew Brown. aathma, l'h with 1 GENERAL AGENT. , BOTH Oceanic Oct i Arawa - Oct Inspector Electric Lights, Johu Cassidy. rolilteots. the iimate of Pearl City raootumand it TBLBPHONBS NO. ttj. II 8 j. Australia. Oct Atlntrulia ...Oct OlTICE New Safe Heposit Building. us a natural sanitarium. Araw a Oct U Ulty of i'ekin Oc t 9 Heyistrar of Conveyances, T. ti. Thrum. Builders' Hardware, Known as the "Suit Soap Man." Monowai Oct 25 A tajnada ...Oct 18 Road Supervisor, Honolulu, W.
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