iuly • Big Up9 ading Prog, oils a Milwaukee Shops see age LE THE AIR CONDITIONED BUS SERVICE anti Defense Services Administration, was scheduled recently by the Wiscon­ and the U. S. Agency for International sin Northern Transportation Company Development. to make direct connections with Hia• watha trains 2 and 5 at the Milwaukee Road passenger station in La Crosse, CARLOADING REPORT UPDATED. Wis. The operation was started for the One of the oldest economic barometers Vol. 51 July-August 1963 No.3 convenience of travelers to or from in the financial world-the weekly re­ Eau Claire, Spooner and Superior, port on the number of freight cars ,Vis., and Duluth, Minn., and inter­ loaded-is now considered potentially mediate points. misleading, with the result that the Association of American Railroads re­ cently initiated the reporting of traffic HUMANITARI­ volume in terms of ton-miles of revenue AN SERVICE CI­ freight as well as carloadings. The TATION has been additional statistics are expected to re­ MARIE HOTTON conferred on The flect the continuing increase in freight Managing Editor Milwaukee R 0 a d car capacities, coupled with heavier as a token of ap­ loading and average length of haul. preciation from the Average car capacity is now 56 tons PUBLIC RELATIONS American Red compared with 51 at the end of World DEPARTMENT Cross for sharing the transportation War II. task of the Cuban Prisoner Exchange Project. In the shipment of ransom Union Station-Chicago goods completed recently, 51 railroads PIGGYBACK STRIDES. Cumulative moved 624 carloads-totaling 22,528 pigg'yback loadings reported by the As­ The Milwaukee Raad Magazine is pub­ tons-free of charge to Atlantic and sociation of American Railroads for lished for active and retired employes of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul Gulf Coast ports. The movements ac­ the first 25 weeks of 1963 totaled u Pacific Railroad CompanyI to whom counted for more than 77 per cent of 374,066 cars. The volume represented it is distributed free. It Is available ta others at $1.00 per year. Retired the total tonnage hauled by all common an increase of 44,448 cars, or 13.5 per employes may continue to receive it without cost by sendIng their odGSresses carriers in cooperation with the Red cent, above the corresponding period of to the circulation department, 824 Cross. 1962, and 99,686 cars, or 36.3 per cent, Union Station, Chicogo 6, Ill. above the corresponding period of 1961. Introducing a new service, The Nation­ AMERICAN RAILWAY PROGRESS al Railways of Mexico will begin piggy• contents EXPOSITION in Chicago Oct. 9-16 will backing bananas to the United States feature the largest display of railroad this year, heretofore a near-exclusive Big Upgrading Program Rolls at. I equipment ever held in the world. More maritime operation. Milwaukee Shops ------------- 4 .j than 300 supply companies will sponsor exhibits at McCormick Place and the J. T. Gillick and Women's Club Illinois Central yard nearby. Officers THE PUBLIC-NOT THE RAIL• Scholarship Winners Selected ---- 7 ROADS-SHOULD PAY, said the Na• ·.. 1 of foreign railroads in some 60 coun­ tries have been invited to attend, and tional Hay Association, Inc., recently The Veterans' Golden Jubilee ------ 8 about 25 railroad, rail supply and ship­ in urging Secretary of Agriculture per organizations will meet in Chicago Freeman to ask Congress for a stand• Aerial Survey Documents New 'I by aid program to supply hay for Industrial Expansion ----------12 while it is underway. The attendance of foreign rail officials is being pro­ drought disaster areas. In requesting that appropriated funds be used to Our Shipper-Gram Contest Winner!--14 gressed with the assistance of the De­ Ii partment of Commerce, the Railway reimburse farmers for one half of the Equipment Division of the Business freight on hay during drought periods, Appointments - ---- ------------ -16 'I "Hey Mister, Shake Hands!"------17 I i Retirements --------- --------- -18 he (;over About People of the Railroad------19 Welding torches sending out a sputter of sparks set the "you are there" mood for a visualization I of the $10 million freight car modernization program now underway at Milwaukee Shops. I This is a reproduction of the original art work I for our latest "creative crew" advertisement in the series based on the creative approach to solv• ing specific railroad problems, in this instance, ,~ the industry-wide car shortage. The artist is ~. Everett McNear, one of the country's top rank . commercial illustrators. Milwaukeeis New Post Office to Occupy A Historic Milwaukee Road Site THE Milwaukee Road became a partner trict, and to easier movement of traffic in a multi-million dollar civic improve­ on downtown streets. ment program July 18 when it granted The razing of the passenger station the federal government a three-year op­ on West Everett Street will simplify the tion on the purchase of 14 acres of rail­ construction of the county's East-West road property in Milwaukee, Wis., for Expressway from North 8th Street to a post office site. North Van Buren Street, and also save The transaction signed by the post­ construction costs. The new station will master general embraces the tract be­ occupy a site fronting on Fowler Street tween West Fowler Street and the east of the 6th Street viaduct which will Menomonee River extending from be served by trackage running through North 2nd Street to North 5th Street. the lower level of the post office build­ Projects involved in it include a $20 ing. Gary Jensen and his mother in front of the Administration Building of the million post office and the construction The new post office will be one of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. of an elevated expressway. Also in­ largest in the country, second in size cluded is the razing of the railroad's 'f and cost only to the new post office in J. T. Gillick Scholarship Student historical passenger station, a famous Detroit and one planned for New York Graduates From M.I.T. Milwaukee landmark since 1886, and its City. The structure will cover approxi­ replacement with a terminal of the lat­ THE scholastic record of a J. T. Gillick mately 420,000 square feet of the 14­ Scholarship student was highlighted May est design. acre tract on Fowler Street, extending 14 when Gary R. Jensen of Miles City, The program calls for extensive relo­ from 250 feet east of the 6th Street via­ Mont., was graduated by the Massa­ cation of track and the facilities of Fow­ duct to North 2nd Street and south to the chusetts Institute of Technology with ler Street yard. The railroad's plans for riverfront. In selecting the location, the honors. Gary, the son of the late Train­ the yard area involve removing the th~ post office department cited it as being master H. J. Jensen of Rocky Moun­ track, together with the Fowler Street economically advantageous from the tain Division, was awarded a full tuition freight house and other existing struc­ scholarship to M. I. T. in 1959. His viewpoint of land and construction tures, and replacing them with new mother attended the graduation exer­ costs, as well as estimated taxes and esti­ track and facilities in the present Reed cises ill Cambridge. mated costs of operation. Construction Street Yard across the Menomonee Gary received a B. S. degree in mathe­ is scheduled to start in the summer of River. matics, graduating with a grade point 1965. The Milwaukee's participation in the average of 4.6 out of a possible 5 for the four year course. He was on the renewal program is based on agree­ As a single civic enterprise, the post Dean's List throughout all eight semes­ ments with various city, county, state office-station-expressway development is ters, was elected to the Society of Sigma and federal agencies which reimburse the largest ever undertaken in Milwau­ Xi, and participated in intramural it for part of the relocation costs. kee. Negotiations on the projects were sports. To continue his studies toward Changes contemplated by the railroad in progress for about two years and a Ph. D. in mathematics, he has been will form a major contribution to the represent a cooperative effort by the granted a teaching assistantship at the city's program of modernization and public agencies, the railroad and many University of California. He hopes to beautification in the central business dis- private citizens. teach and do research in that field. the association noted that railroads pro­ vide relief in the form of reduced rates. It concluded that any relief given be­ Fingers Can't Be Replaced-Protect Them cause of natural disaster in the future "should be paid by the taxpayers in While a shop employe was install­ general, rather than by anyone segment ing a reverser in a diesel engine of the economy." recently he used his left index finger to feel if a bolt hole was lined up when the reverser was OF MICE AND MEN. A campaign was moved, and the finger was caught started recently in Eng-land to slash rail and lacerated. Immediately the ./ fares-for mice. Sparked by the presi­ lesson was brought home that had dent of the National Mouse Club, peo­ he probed just a little bit farther ple who exhibit prize mice all over Brit­ the entire tip of his finger would ain complained that the high cost of have been lost. Hereafter he in­ transporting the rodents is pricing them tends to use the right tool for the out of a hobby; that on short distances it job. Fingers can be put to better costs more to send a mouse than a man.
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