简报 in February 2016 2016年2月 2016年2月 中国社会福利基金会免费午餐基金管理委员会主办

简报 in February 2016 2016年2月 2016年2月 中国社会福利基金会免费午餐基金管理委员会主办

免费午餐基金 FREE LUNCH FOR CHILDREN BRIEFING简报 IN FEBRUARY 2016 2016年2月 2016年2月 中国社会福利基金会免费午餐基金管理委员会主办 www.mianfeiwucan.org 学校执行汇报 Reports of Registered Schools: 截止2016年2月底 累计开餐学校 517 所 现有开餐学校 437所 现项目受惠人数 143359人 现有用餐人数 104869人 分布于全国23个省市自治区 By the end of February 2016, Free Lunch has found its footprints in 517 schools (currently 437) across 23 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions with a total of 143,359 beneficiaries and 104,869 currently registered for free lunches. 学校执行详细情况 Details: 2月免费午餐新开餐学校3所, 其中湖南1所,新疆1所,河北1所。 Additional 3 schools are included in the Free Lunch campaign, including 1 in Hunan, 1 in Xinjiang and 1 in Hebei. 学校开餐名单(以拨款时间为准) List of Schools(Grant date prevails): 学校编号 学校名称 微博地址 School No. School Name Weibo Link 2016001 湖南省张家界市桑植县利福塔乡九天洞苗圃学校 http://weibo.com/u/5608665513 Miaopu School of Jiutiandong village, Lifuta Town, Sangzhi County,Zhangjiajie,Hunan Province 2016002 新疆维吾尔族自治区阿克苏地区拜城县赛里木镇英巴格村小学 http://weibo.com/u/5735367760 Primary School of Yingbage Village, Sailimu Town, Baicheng County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 2016003 河北省张家口市赤城县大海陀乡中心小学 http://weibo.com/5784417643 Central Primary School of Dahaituo Town, Chicheng County, Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province 更多学校信息请查看免费午餐官网学校公示页面 For more information about the schools, please view the school page at our official website http://www.mianfeiwucan.org/school/schoolinfo/ 财务数据公示 Financial Data: 2016年2月善款收入: 701万余元,善款支出: 499万余元 善款支出 499万 善款收入 701万 累计总收入 18829万 Donations received: RMB 7.01 million+; Expenditure: RMB 4.99 million+ As of the end of February 2016, Free Lunch for Children has a gross income of RMB 188.29 million. 您可进入免费午餐官网查询捐赠 You can check your donation at our official website: http://www.mianfeiwucan.org/donate/donation/ 项目优秀学校评选表彰名单 Outstanding Schools Name List: 寒假期间,我们对免费午餐的项目执行学校进行了评选表彰活动,感谢学校以辛勤的工作为孩子们带来 温暖安全的午餐。 During the winter holiday, we selected outstanding schools which implemented Free Lunch For Children Program, in recognition of hard work of school staff in providing students warm and safe lunches. 以下为获奖学校名单: The name list of awarded schools as below: 奖项 区域 学校 得分 Awards District School Score 一等奖 湖南省岳阳市平江县梅仙乡钟家小学 Zhongjia Primary School of Meixian Town,Pingjiang County, 99 The first prize Yueyang, Hunan Province 一等奖 湖南省怀化市新晃县贡溪乡中心小学 96 Central Primary School of Gongxi Town, Xinhuang County, Huaihua, Hunan Province The first prize 一等奖 湖南省怀化市新晃县贡溪乡田家村小学 Primary School of Tianjia Village,Gongxi Town, Xinhuang County, Huaihua, 95 The first prize Hunan Province 一等奖 湖北鹤峰县下坪乡民族中心学校 95 National Central School of Xiaping Town,Hefeng County, Hubei Province The first prize 一等奖 重庆酉阳县木叶乡中心小学 93 Central Primary School of Muye Town, Youyang County,Chongqing The first prize 一等奖 贵州省安顺市镇宁自治县良田乡坝草小学 Bacao Primary School of Liangtian Town, Zhenning Autonomous County, Anshun, 95 The first prize Guizhou Province 一等奖 广西梧州蒙山县陈塘镇沙灵小学 Shaling Primary School of Chentang Town,Mengshan County, 94 The first prize Wuzhou, Guangxi Province 一等奖 河北省张家口市涿鹿县大河南镇三里棚寄宿制学校 Boarding School of Sanlipeng village,Dahenan Town,Zhuolu County, Zhangjiakou, 98 The first prize Hebei Province 一等奖 河南省信阳邢集镇罗楼村小学 Primary School of Luolou Village,Xingji Town, Xinyang, Henan Province 93 The first prize 一等奖 江西景德镇桃岭小学 Taoling Primary School of Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province 94 The first prize 二等奖 湖南省怀化市新晃县波洲乡中心校 95 Central School of Bozhou Town, Xinhuang County,Huaihua, Hunan Province The second prize 二等奖 江苏省连云港市灌云县白蚬乡曹庄小学 Primary School of Cao Village,Baixian Town,Guanyun County, Lianyungang, 93 The second prize Jiangsu Province 二等奖 湖南省怀化市芷江县碧涌镇龙山村小 Primary School of Longshan Village, Biyong Town, Zhijiang County, Huaihua, 93 The second prize Hunan Province 二等奖 湖南省怀化市芷江侗族自治县竹坪铺乡中心小学 Central Primary School of Zhupingpu Town, Zhijiang Dong Autonomous County, 93 Huaihua, Hunan Province The second prize 二等奖 湖南省怀化市新晃县林冲乡大堡村小 Primary School of Dabao Village, Linchong Town, Xinhuang County, Huaihua, 93 The second prize Hunan Province 二等奖 湖北鹤峰县燕子乡清湖小学 Primary School of Qinghu Village, Yanzi Town, Hefeng County, 93 The second prize Hubei Province 二等奖 湖北鹤峰县太平乡贺龙希望小学 Helong Hope Primary School of Taiping Town, Hefeng County, 93 The second prize Hubei Province 二等奖 湖北鹤峰县容美镇老村小学 Primary School of Lao Village, Rongmei Town, Hefeng County, 93 The second prize Hubei Province 二等奖 四川凉山州昭觉县玛增依乌乡中心小学 Central Primary School, Mazengyiwu Town, Zhaojue County, Liangshan, 92 The second prize Sichuan Province 二等奖 云南省文山州马关县仁和乡老岭坝小学 Primary School of Laolingba Village, Renhe Town, Maguan County, Wenshan, 93 The second prize Yunnan Province 二等奖 贵州毕节织金中山小学 Zhongshan Primary School of Zhijin County, Bijie, Guizhou 93 The second prize Province 二等奖 河南省信阳市平桥区王岗乡条山小学 Tiaoshan Primary School of Yugang Town, Pingqiao District, Xinyang, 92 The second prize Henan Province 二等奖 河南省信阳市平桥区龙井乡洪山村小学 Primary School of Hongshan Village, Longjin Town, Pingqiao District, Xinyang, 91 The second prize Henan Province 二等奖 河南省方城县袁店乡尚台回族小学 Hui Primary School of Shangtai Village,Yuandian Town, Fangcheng County, 91 The second prize Henan Province 二等奖 江西省宜春市万载县高村乡窗前村小学 Primary School of Chuanqian Village,Gaocun Town, Wanzai County, Yichun, 93 The second prize Jiangxi Province 二等奖 江西赣州信丰县新田镇百石小学 Baishi Primary School of Xintian Town, Xinfeng County, Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province 93 The second prize 三等奖 湖南省娄底市新化县桑梓镇大坪完全小学 Wanquan Primary School of Daping Village, Sangzi Town, Xinhua County, Loudi, 92 The third prize Hunan Province 三等奖 湖南省怀化市新晃县林冲乡地卜村小 Primary School of Dibu Village, Linchong Town, Xinhuang County, 92 The third prize Huaihua, Hunan Province 三等奖 湖南省怀化市新晃县扶罗镇中心校 Central School of Fuluo Town, Xinhuang County, Huaihua, 92 The third prize Hunan Province 三等奖 湖南省怀化市新晃县茶坪乡韭菜村小 Primary School of Jiucai Village, Chaping Town, Xinhuang County, 92 The third prize Huaihua, Hunan Province 三等奖 湖北鹤峰县走马镇锁坪小学 Suoping Primary School of Zouma Town, Hefeng County, 92 The third prize Hubei Province 三等奖 四川省美姑县井叶特西乡中心校 Central School of Jinyetexi Town, Meigu County, Sichuan Province 91 The third prize 三等奖 四川省凉山州美姑县依果觉乡依德阿门村小 Primary School of Yideamen Village, Yiguojue Town, Meigu County, 91 The third prize Liangshan, Sichuan Province 三等奖 云南省文山州马关县都龙镇茅坪村中心学校 Central School of Maoping Village, Dulong Town, Maguan County, 92 The third prize Wenshan, Yunan Province 三等奖 云南昆明禄劝汤德小学 Tangde Primary School of Luquan County, Kuming,Yunan Province 92 The third prize 三等奖 贵州铜仁思南县青杠坡镇岩头河教学点 Teaching Site of Tantouhe Village, Qinggangpo Town, Sinan County, Tongren, 92 The third prize Guizhou Province 三等奖 广西梧州岑溪岑城镇寮田村荔枝小学 Lizhi Primary School of Liaotian Village, Cengcheng Town, Cengxi County, Wuzhou, 92 The third prize Guangxi Province 三等奖 广西河池宜州市福龙瑶族乡波奉小学 Bofeng Primary School of Fulong Yao Town, Yizhou City, Hechi, Guangxi Province 92 The third prize 三等奖 广西桂林灵川县力水小学 Lishui Primary School of Lingchuan Town,Guilin, Guangxi Province 92 The third prize 三等奖 广东肇庆怀集县大岗镇镇南完小 Zhennanwan Primary School of Dagang Town, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing, 92 The third prize Guangdong Province 三等奖 广东省肇庆市怀集县大岗镇白鹤小学 Baihe Primary School of Dagang Town, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing, 92 The third prize Guangdong Province 三等奖 广东韶关新丰县遥田镇维新小学 Weixin Primary School of Yaotian Town, Xinfeng County, Shaoguan, 92 The third prize Guangdong Province 三等奖 黑龙江省鹤岗市绥滨县绥滨镇中心校 Central School of Suibing Town, Suibing County, Hegang, Heilongjiang Province 90 The third prize 三等奖 河南鲁山桐树庄小学 90 The third prize Primary School of Tongshu Village, Lushan County, Henan Province 三等奖 江西省九江市武宁县石门楼镇乡炉山村炉山小学 Lushan Primary School of Lushan Village, Shimenlou Town,Wuning County, 92 The third prize Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province 三等奖 江西省九江市武宁县鲁溪镇双溪片区完全小学 Wanquan Primary School of Shuangxi District, Luxi Town,Wuning County,Jiujiang, 92 The third prize Jiangxi Province 四等奖 江西省九江市都昌县多宝乡回民村回民小学 Hui Primary School of Huimin Village, Duobao Town, Duchang County, The fourth Prize Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province 91 四等奖 江西省景德镇市乐平红岩镇新村小学 Primary School of Xin Village, Hongyan Town, Leping County, Jingdezhen, 91 The fourth Prize Jiangxi Province 四等奖 江西省吉安市永丰县佐龙乡瑶上小学 The fourth Prize Yaoshang Primary School of Zuolong Town,Yongfeng County, Jian, Jiangxi Province 91 四等奖 湖北鹤峰县下坪乡留驾小学 The fourth Prize Liujia Primary School of Xiaping Town, Hefeng County, Hubei Province 90 四等奖 江西九江市都昌县杨坞小学 The fourth Prize Yangwu Primary School of Duchang County, Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province 91 四等奖 青海海东互助县东和乡大桦林小学 The fourth Prize Dahualin Primary School of Donghe Town, Huzhu County, Haidong, Qinghai Province 91 四等奖 四川省凉山州普格县荞窝镇耿底小学 The fourth Prize Gengdi Primary School of Qiaowo Town, Puge County, Liangshan, Sichuan Province 90 四等奖 河北省张家口市涿鹿县大河南乡大河南寄宿制学校 The fourth Prize Dahenan Boarding School of Dahenan Town, Zhuolu County, Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province 90 四等奖 河北秦皇岛市青龙县茨榆山乡尖山子小学 Jianshanzi Primary School of Ciyushan Town, Qinglong County, Qinhuangdao, The fourth Prize Hebei Province 90 四等奖 广西南宁市马山县林圩镇甘豆小学 The fourth Prize Gandou Primary School of Linyu Town, Mashan County, Nanning, Guangxi Province 91 四等奖 广西南宁市马山林圩镇东七村小学 Primary School of Dongqi Village, Linyu Town, Mashan County, The fourth Prize Nanning, Guangxi Province 91 四等奖 广东河源丰盘小学 The fourth Prize Fengpan Primary School of Heyuan,Guangdong Province 91 四等奖 安徽省合肥庐江县砖桥乡关庙小学 Guanmiao Primary School of Zhuanqiao Town, Lujiang County, Hefei, Anhui Province The fourth Prize 91 四等奖 四川省凉山州美姑县柳洪乡中心小学 Central Primary School of Liuhong Town, Meigu County, Liangshan, Sichuan Province The fourth Prize 90 四等奖 四川省凉山州美姑县依果觉乡洪溪片区中心校 Central School of Hongxi District, Yiguojue Town, Meigu County, Liangshan, Sichuan Province The fourth Prize 90 四等奖 河南省南阳市社旗县李店镇贺岗学校 Hegang School of Lidian Town, Sheqi County,

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