· Fair owan Today lawn City, Iowa, Saturday, September 15, 1951 - Vul. .5, ~o. 278 r Orientation Timetable 'UN May. Hit Kitts Flees Omaha Todays Orientation Monday'S Orientation Manchuria If. I a.m. - Contlnaanon of written S p.m. to midnight-open bouse eXIIIII, speeches .nd Individual for all new students In the Jowa appointments. Memorial Union. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Campus S a.m. - Continuation of written Red Push Starts Police In Jad Break jeun, be,lnnln, every hour at the exams and Individual appolnt- U.S. FIFTH AIR FORCE HEAD- OMAHA (.4') - A slippery convict escaped custody here late Frl.. Illformation booth In front of Old menta. day and several how'S later, a. report that he was being trapped Capitol. 8:30 a.m.-OrlntaUon assembly QUARTERS, Korea IIB--Maj. Gen. brought such an outpouring of cW'ious Omahans not even police cars 1:3' p.m. - Beglnnlnr of make- for new enrlneerlnr students in Frank F. Everest said Friday the could get through the mob . • p exams missed by new liberal room 103, Electrical Enrineerlnr Communists have massed more Meantime the fUgitive, convic­ arts students In room 30lA, Unl­ buildlnr. Pre-enrineerlnr Inven- than 1,100 . planes in Manchuria ted burglar Kenneth A. Kitts, re­ Dutfeck, 41, a penitentiary venlty hall between 1:30 p.m. and tory tests will follQw and continue near Korea, mostly jet lighters, mained at large. 5 p.m. today and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. throuch most of the day. Orienta­ guard the past three years, was tion assembly for all new pharm- also some twin-engined light The mob scene developed shortly carrying a sub-machine gun. He Tuesday and Wednesday. ScoUish after 10 p.m. about six hours after Hlrhlanders tryouts. acy students in room 314, Pharm- bombers. Kitts made his getaway from a had no chance to use it. ------------- acy-Botany building. Pre-reglstra- Asked what the UN expected to guard in a washroom on the There was speculation Kitts tion meetinr for all new nurslne do about the Red air power with­ ground floor ot the Douglas county may have ducked momentarily students in room 6, Westiawn. in striking distance of the Korean courthouse in Omaha. SU~ Book Exchange Continuation of health exams for .. into an adjoining office or an new liberal arts students. front, the fIfth aIr force com- His guard, Lt. John Dufteck, adjoining W 0 man's washroom 10-11:30 a.m. - New siDdenta mander said: said he took his eyes off Kitts for while Duffeck rushed out in Reports Successful just a moment and he "dissap­ In liberal arts may meet depart- "Current restrictions don't per­ search of the fugitive. men' representatives In room ZU- mit me to attack airdromes across peared in thin air." Friday night residents near the I The escape was timed about 1St Day Response A, Sehaeffer hall. the Yalu river, but I would as- 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Library open apartment house where the itts 4 p.m. The student council's book: ex- house and short tours. sume if the UN lorces were at- family lived :J{.reported hearing a Police converged on the court­ change in Schaeffer hall opened its I:SO p.m. _ Exams for new tacked in fCMce from the air some series of rapidly-tired shots. It house. Every inch of the bUilding dobrs Friday, and the student re- pbarmacy students in room 314, of these restrictions would be was surmised itts ran into an FBI was searched and tear gas was sponse brought smiles to the faces Pharmacy-Bolany bulIdlnr. lifted." ambush attempting to visit his two used to flush out the escapee, of its directors. 7 p.m. _ Sports nleht for new children, who were staying with should he still be in the building. The exchange received about d All (In Washington a defense de- 300 used textbooks, which, along men at flel bouse. new wo- partment spokesman said, "it can Mrs. Kitt's borther and his wife, Warden Hann said he did not with otbers to be received today men students meet in Macbride be assumed that United Nations Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Russell. think the escape was planned but and Monday will be on sale Mon- auditorium preparatory to rolnr forces have plans to meet any Russell said Mrs. Kitts was in Lt. DuCleck said Kitts wasn't the te selected faeulty bomes for a situation in Korea." Months ago day th roug h S ep.t 22 . 'social h ur . Oklahoma City and had left the kind of a man who acted "on the tonsidering that many stUdents· 0 • mformed sources there said the children, ages 7 and 5, with them. spur of the moment." won't return to the campus pntiI Korean allies of the United States Russell said he heard several Kitts has been charged with next week the book committee is had been advised that American shots. Mr. and Mrs. Loring Dan- five South Dakota bank robberie3 '.pleased w'ith the opening day," G places. would attack ~anchurian ielson, neighbors, also said they dating back t~ 194~. A 30-year Carl B. Zimmermann A2 Water- ot Spirit, Pep? bases II the CommunIsts threw heard shots. Mrs. Danielson said sentence awaits him for tho 100, chairman, comm~nted Friday. their air force ~nto the wa~. she rUShed to the porch and saw $38,000 burglary of a Laurens, la., Textbooks will be received to- J e SU I' Everest predicted that If the a man running on the street, gun ~ank. He has currently been serv­ day from 9 a.m. to noon. Then ' oln s Communists d.ecide to try another in hand. Whether this was Kitts lIfg a 12-yenr sentence for bur­ Monday the books will go on sale ground of~enslve, th~y ~ould de- or a pursuer waS not detrmined. glary and as an .habitual criminal. for only a I() per cent service Talelfeathers pend heaVily on theIr aU' force. Al Rotella, against whom Kitts ~ reporter Fnda.y remarked to charge. Hours of operation for the testified in a federal court hearing Kitts he s . med 10 go?d s~apc sale are [rom 9 a.m. to noon and Senate Passes Bi II F'd ' t' ·th· I after some hve months 10 pnson. from 1 to 4:45 p.m. fl ay 10 con nee Ion WI a Jewe "Oh I'm down to running robbery, was found in the area. shape:' Kitts replied Students whose books are sold To Boost Salar.·es He told Sheriff Richard Collins he' . may receive their money Sept. 24 Tailfeathers* . -that* *organization , 1 through 26 in the student council which [urnishes the oomph behind Of P t I W k had seen Kitts shortly before on office in Old Dental building. Un- the spirit found at every Big Ten OS a or ers foot. sold books will also be returned game - is seeking new members At least one wllness claimed to Professor Denies on those dates. , for the fall semester. W:ASHINGTON (JP) - The sen- have seen Kitts emerge from the Zimmermann asks that any stu- Only requirement is that those ate Friday passed a bill approving courthouse and drive away in a Conspiracy Charge dents wishing to help in the op- interested must "have lots of pep a minimum S400 annual pay raise coupe containing two other men. eration of the exchange may call and an unquenchable desire to nearly all of the nation's 500000 The FBI said Kilts was seen CAMBRI'OOE, MASS. lIB-- Prot. Jim Bullard at city phone 9675. root tor the home team." field postal workers. 'a short time after the break at a Dirk J . Struik, suspended Mal;sa. All previous members are urged It is estimated the measure would parking lot several blocks away. chusetts Institute of TechnoJony to sign up for another hitch. A cost more than $200 million a year The handcuffs still dangled from professor, pleaded innocent Fri­ Tailfeathers booth will be located in higher salaries. The raises one wrist and the man was "in a B~ 3Meeting Ends at the fieldhouse during registra- would be retroactive to last July 1. hurry," James L. Dalton, local day to charges of conspiring to tion September 17 through Sep- Final action on the bill came by FIB chief said. overthrow the government ot the With Action to Speed tmber 19. voice vote. Kitts, a Nebraska penitentiary United States and Massachusetts. At the games the Tailfeathers Earlier, the chamber had voted inmate, was the object or a mid- Struik said lalel' outside of court sit in one block and the cheering 71 to 0, on a rollcall vote, to ap· west manhunt last January aIter that he was a "Marxist". "I have' German Peace Pact section is centered around them .. prove an amendment by Sen. he slipped quietly and mysterious- Good seats down front are re- Frank Carlson (R-Kan.) providing ly from jail at Cedar Rapids. The for a long lime .been quite close WASHINGTON (JP)-The West­ served for them. ,better terms for low-salaried FBI captured him 17 days later. to the Communist party," he said. ern Big Three powers agreed Fri­ Each Tailfeather has a white workers than had ,been recom. Other budding escape plots have "I have never been a card-hold- day to go ahead "as rapidly as sweatshirt with a black and gold mended in a bill by the senate been attributed to him.
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