THIRTEENTH YE^R. NO. i2I2. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY,' SEPTEMBER 6, 1899.—EIGHT PAfeES. \ \ dNE c’ENT THE TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS. VETERANS* GREAT DAY m TAX RATE DECREASES SOLICITOR’S SLICK WAYS. ADVISES USEm OF /METERS. PHILADELPHIA OVERFLOWS REDUCTION OF $1.87 OVER READY TO RESUME TIJE SES­ SAID TO HAVE RAISED $ 1 0 supr. COFFIN SAYS ONLT WITH ENTHUSIASM. L A S T IE A E . SIONS NEXT WEEK. CONTRACT TO $40. WAY TO STOP WASTE. Real Estate FOE SALE. Ovations to the President—Mr. Me- Assessed Valnatton Lower in Inland T erm B oa ins Thursday, Sept. 14. Court’d Aid Invoked to Determine H i s S t a n d iti in H a r m o n y W it h K i n Ley R o t lews a M onster Parade,. Townships, Higher in Shore Dis­ Few Changes Among Teachers, Its A uthenticity—'Totliam Col eeted C l a i m 9 Made by the ‘'Press” and Inspeots W ar Vessels and M akes a trict— Iiower Kate for County, None Among Janitors—Special In­ Cush Due His Employer, J. M. Advocated by Ex-Councilman Har­ I n s u r a n c e " Speech —.Other Features of' the State and Special School Taxes. structor for Drawing and Music. i Doxvnlng, the Latter Claim s, Then vey—What Report Says—Salary Celebration. City Rate W ill Be $10. Suggestion R egarding Libraries. Departed W ith It. Raised to $ 1 ,000 . A twenty-five room Philadelphia, Sept. 6.—Yesterday was The Monmouth county board of assessors Arrangements are about complete for the Asbury Park and Ocean Grove seem to In his report made to city council last M o r t g a g e s boarding house in tbe big day of the Grand Army en* met at Freehold yesterday for the purpose reopening of the public schools of Neptune be profitable' fiolde for the operations of night Water Superintendent John L. Cof­ eanipiyent, and the city was alive at an of going over the duplicates from the dif­ township on the same date the school ses­ sharpers ln general and advertising sharp­ fin concluded* with the fallowing paragraph; early hour. The. presence in.the City of ferent townships, boroughs and- cities and sions of this olty/ commence, Thursday, ers In particular.. North. Asbury Park President McKinley increased tlie in­ I respectfully suggest that your honor­ terest. nnd bis rule ovt\£ the route of tbe to fix the county tax rate. Asbury Park Sept. 14. ' Probably one of the slickest of the adver­ able body take early steps to Investigate near the beach. pan.de aroused the greatest enthusiasm. was represented by Assessor V. V. LeRoy, The janitors have all been appointed, be- tising solicitors that ever wheedled an ad­ the advisability of adopting the meter sys1 The arrangements for the parade were and Assessor S. A. ‘Oliver represented Nep­ iqg the same persons as were employed last vertisement from a reluctant hotel proprie­ tem exclusively, as tho necessity of the Easy terms. complete in every detail. Tlie distance tune township. year, and they went on duty Sept. 1. The tor Is U. W. Totham, formerly with The measure is dally becoming more apparent .. i covered was live miles; Independence Every municipality throughput thecounty schoolhouses and grounds are being cleaned Seashore Season, an advertising m[edlum by the ImDossibility of otherwise checking hall’ was passed during the march, and was represented and the meeting was a up and put in proper shape for the recep­ owned by J. M. Dawning, one of the pro­ our great waste, a .d also by tho increasing caps were lifted aud colors dipped by particularly Interesting one. In going over tion of the teachers and scholars next week. prietors of the Hotel Strand of this city.' number of complications and Inequalities the veterans. , Apout 42 teachers will be required In the An interesting feature of the parade the books iti was noticeable that a reduction Totham la now said to be seeking for arising out of a fl it rate.” MILAN ROSS AGENCY D. C. COVERT was the chorus of 3,000 school children. had been made In the assessed valuation of township school district fchp coming term. other fields to conquer, with several hun­ ThiB stand dn the part of Mr; Coffin is in nearly all the-Inland townships, while the With very few exceptions they will com­ dred dollars In his pockets belonging to Mi*. The children occupied a portion of the direct harmony wjth the pollny recently ad­ 208 Main -Street 208 Bond Street grand stand ou the north side of the city shore towns and cities, almost without ex* prise the same instructors as hist year. Miss Downing. He has all the requisites of a vocated by the Press, and which ex-Coun- hall and sang patriotic airs as the veter­ ceptlon, showed an Increase In valuations Lida Doren will continue as supervising successful sharper—gentlemanly looks and cilman David Harvey, jr., labored hard to ans passed. aggregating altogether about $1,000,000. principal; MIbs Carrie Nelson will act as address, sauve demeanor and an unlimited bring about. As has been stated in this Post Iso. 1, from Rockford, Ills., the Where the books showeda smaller assessed vlco-prlnclpal, and the other well known amount of nerve-^as those with whom he paper, upon the metqr depends the salva­ oldert post, in the Grand Army, headed teachers will be In their usual places. the line. General Janies W. L atta .of valuation than last vear the reduction was came in contact know to thejr soirow. tion of the city’s water supply, and ihe this city was chief marshal. explained by the assessors to be due to the Among the new faces will be Miss Helen Two of Totham’s victims were Clement & time must necessarily come when they will Among the many relics of the civil war gradual decrease in the value of farm lands P. Marvlne, who has been engaged as Clement, proprietors of the Hotel Majestic, have to be introduced. which appeared in tbe parade was the throughdut the county. The Increase along special teacher of drawing and music. MIbs Ocean Grove. A contract which they made The bilanoe of Mr CofHu’s report reads as Monmouth Trust KEITH’S EXPRESSold, time worn nnd stained flag which the shoro was accounted for by the erection Marvlne Isa graduate of New York and for a $10 advertisement was said to have follows: A N D ----- floated at the head of the line of the Illi­ of new buildings and the ever Increasing Brooklyn art schoolsj and comes with splen­ been raised to $40 by Totham to deceive his “Gentlemen:—I have the honor to offer ASBURY PARK and OCEAN GROVB nois division and at the right of the valuation of property in this section of the did recommendations. Drawing and music employer and the original $10 collected and the following report of the operations of George H. Thomas post, No. 5. This county* have both been taught heretofore in the retained by him. Mr. Downing has brought ( Hotel Brunswick, flag was used at General Thomas’, head­ the water department for the month of Safe Deposit Company Railroad Depot and The cou n ty tax rate was flxed a t $543 per schools, but by Individual teachers. They suit on the contract and will let the courts August. 1214 Ban kb Avenue. quarters. It was carried at the right of $1,000, as agalnB t $8.16 la s t yoar, a reduc­ will be relieved now that Miss Marvlne has determine Its authenticity. Principal Office 806 MAIN STREET line by tbe Society of the Cumberland in “The pumps were run an average of 22 "Monmouth Building, Asbury ParK, H. J . Chicago nt the reception of General tion of $1.08. The state school tax this year been engaged and the advancement of the Another Ocean'Grove sufferer was Mrs. hours 43 minutes each day during the Goods stored At reasonable rates, Grant on his return from a trip around f t echolars will undoubtedly be more rapid. James of the Sea Breeze. Totham secured Telephone connection. will be $2.70 per $1,000. Last year was month, pumping a total of 20,319,518 gal­ CAPITAL, ^100,000. P. O. Boy 667, - - AflBTJRY PABK. the world. $2.77, making a redu ction of 7 cents. A re­ During the past weeks a spacious room an advertisement from her on the under­ lons, or an average of.819,085 per day, con­ At no celebration since the centennial duction of 41 cen ts was m ade on the special on the third floor of the new High School standing that it was to be inserted In the suming 162% tons of coal. This was 71& SURPLUS, $35,000 hns this city seen the crowds which lined school tax. Last year It was $i 85 per building haa been completed and la ready Press, and collected the money before the the streets along which the veterans gallons pumped to each pound of coal con­ 1 000 for the furniture. A new skylight was passed. The Avenue of Fame, with its $ , , while this year it Is $4.44. The In­ deception was noticed. On numerous other sumed.. The clogging of the alrvplpes and Executes til trusts known to the law. snow white columns and festoons of terest on road bonds and for poor will placed in the roof to improve the light and hotel advertisements, Including the Lenox the consequent shortage of water on Aug.
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