\ ■ I iM' .I t s si > V* i i t I..-,-— \ ;/ ■-.f, • I ■ t J h .r': f \ -It ■ ' • ■ -v ^ESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1968 PAGE FOURTEEN Average Dailjr IHot I^em Ran The Weather For the W e^ Ended Forecast of U; 8. weather Barsan Jaau aiy I L 1008 The monthly meeting of St. Blest, rain iwdlng, elsndy, esst- Margaret's Circle, Junior Daugh­ Engaged 126 Pints of •Blood Collected Engaged BaU Patrons NEV\/> 12,612 ar tenlghL Lsw 98-M. Thnrsilny About Town ters of Isabella, scheduled for tOr ooenslonnl rain sr sasw ikiinkiplng fg M / T H IWWtlM' *2 ti** Audit night, has been postponed. Mem­ \, ■ lata la day. High $$-$5. Th« Greater Hartford Hoitie Bnnaa at Clrcnlatlon ber^ will be contacted'shout the At Monthly Bloodrriohile VMt Should Reply M anchetter-^A City o f ViUage Charm BSconomica Club will have a eoclal next| meeting. M U 1 I I I I - A N ■ . I ■ ■ card party at its next meeting on h e a r i n g AIPj Jan. 21 at 7:30 p.ni. at the Talcott The Homemakers Holiday meet­ Despite a record number of James Coughlin,; Austin Cham- 'By Thursday Junior High School, West Hart­ ing which was canceled last persons who, failed to appear for bera, Everett Cramer. *6 5 «o VOL. LXXVIL NO. 89. (TWENTY-FOtJR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1958 tCtaaoUMI AdvarUang sn Psgs. tS) PRICE FIVE CENTS ford. All members, professional Wednesday will be held torrjorrow their appointments, yesterday's Also, Michael Clvlello, Tom Car­ Residents Invited to be patrons bomb economics and interested All iIm power tnd pcriormtnc* ettoim morning at 9:30 at the Comrntmlty penter, G. N. Cole, Albert Cole, for the Charity Ball were asked to­ homemakers are in\'lted to attend. Bloodmobile operation at Center Susan Dente, George Daniels, hearint aidi rwVcr of many V. Mrs. Harry Fraser will talk day to reply by Thursday despite ing for 4 limn iii pilet'. Hut aupar Reaeinrations may be made by con­ and demonstrate rug making, inr Church achieved a total of 126 suc­ Mrs. Richard Dimock, Mra Lillian ttntiiive Parmaphone*. amoolh-no* tacting the Hartford Electric Light the fact they received their In­ Labor Cutback eluding braided rugs. All Interested cessful pints drawn. Demeusy, Arthur Doane, S. C. vitations late because of storm- Volume Conirol, noite-limitinf ano Air Force Expects Co^ by Friday. , Eagleson. David Eldredge, Robert dieed Caae. Ztniik’t fintu persons are Invited to attend. Hbby ■ There were only nine would-be hampered mail delivery. sitting service will be avsilabfe for Fuller, Gall Frankenberger, John ikrfutfmut! See ii lodayt The 13th annual midwinter for donors who w*ere rejected fo^ mi­ Bnice Noble, chairman iof the Swiw hr JO-OW aiiiiir laA OearoWa. Ends Jobs for a small fee. J. Gerard, Mrs. Ida Gagnoh, Mra. Om-Ytm Om-Ytm Unrin mm um on “The Role of the Public nor physical reasons, a surprising­ Mary Goodwin, Charles Griffin, Ball, said early replie* would make School,” sponsored by the Service ly small number for this season it poasible to arrange reservations The Kiwanis Club .--will meet Robert Hubbard, Mrs. Carl Hult- To Fire Satellite; lOOOrga Bureau for Women’s Organiza­ Thursday noon at tin? Manchester of the year when eolda are so pre­ gren, Mrs. Helen Heard, Hobert. and to put general admission tick­ tions, will be held on Jan. 31 from valent, according to Rid 'Cross Hoistings, .Victor Haponik,/John ets on sale. QUINN'S Country Chib to ^ a r Thomas TT Blood Program officials. Forty- 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in Cen Ryan of the General Electric Co. Hyde, Paul Jones. Mrs. Dorothy The ball, scheduled for Jan; 25 Washington, Jaaf 16 (/Pf— tinel Hill Hall, 956 Main St.. Hart two persons appeared as “walk- Johnson, William Kuhne, Robert at the State Armory, Is sponsored The A F L ^ IO ^ ^ m reported ford. Reservations, which include talk on ‘'Freedom or Compulsion.” ins” without appointment to help PHARMACY Moon Stage Ready dealing with'the Right to Work Kippax and Mrs. Hilda Kennedy. annually by the Junior Chamber luncheon tickets, may be made swell-the total of donors for the PRUNE Ml fl-ilM today to have abolished jobs Law. Other Donors of Commerce. Profits this year will with the Ser\ice Bureau before 5 day. be shared b.v the Manchester Men­ o f nearlv/100 organizers and p.m. on Jan. 29. Alfred Hagenow joined the ex­ Also, Paul Kissman. Mrs. Har­ tal Health Clinic and Ihe Manches­ B r THE ABSOOtATBO PRESS Obit, and could pbovids sxtendsd some other headquarters em* The/felks setback tournament vey King, Mrs. How-ard Lappen, will be held tonight at 8 o'clock in clusive 3-gallon Club by giving'his ter Infantile Paralysis Assn. manned satelllts misaiona,” ha plfwes in a financial retrench- The Friendly Circle will post­ ,24th pint of blood during the after­ John ,H. Lappen, Francla LaVolc, Replies should be addressed to Air Force missile experts testifled. thy Elka Home. Mrs. Mary Loftus, Ivan E. Lon­ Fallot Photo expect to place “ a payload ipent program. pone its meeting tomorrow evening Photo Roflex noon. Two-Gallon Club members I Bruce Noble, treasurer of the Roond Trip Seen ' The move reflects the AFL- Until Wednesday. Jan. 22. at which Margaret Eleanpr Meneham from yesterday’s operation include don. Mrs. Stella Masztel, Mrs. Gus­ Jena Ik Schuetz Charity Ball. P. Q. Box 109. i Mtellite in orbit” about the He said that later an im p r o ^ The midweek service of Bible tave Magnuson, Rt>th Matchett, ClO’e acknowledged lack of suc­ time it will be held at the homo- Frank Weir, Paul LaBrec and Wil­ Accept Inritations | Earth shortly, and they say vahicle “could provide mantled cess in enlisting new union mem­ of Mrs. Chester Hogan, 65 JefCh study and prayer scheduled for to­ Mr. and Mrs, C. Preston Mcach Louis Michand, Henry Matson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Schuetz morrow at 7:30 p.m. in the Coven­ liam A. Hanna. Noble today, announced the flight around the moon an^^iwefc bers in recent years, plus the fact Rd. am, Tolland, announce the engage­ Eight of yesterday's donors gave John F. Maloney, Mrs. G r a z 1 a 241 W. High St., announce the en­ the same existing “ missile ant Congregational Church..will be gagement of their daughter, Jean names of 19 couples who have a c-' to the Earth. the federation lost, about bne- Opposes Tax Boost; ment of their daughter, Margaret their 8th pint of blood to the Pro­ Markham, Frederick Naasiff. Ches cepted patron's invitations. can perform unmanned recon­ ‘Tha Thor ii the li^rmediatie followed by choir practice at 8:45. ter Nowickl, Guy Oliver, Albert L., to James McKebide. son of Mr, tenUi of its per capita dues in­ Eleanor, to Horace Cameron Mc- gram and in so doing became mem­ They are Dr. and Mra. Robert, naissance of the moon." range balllatic mjs«le (IRiBH) tome when It recently expelled Coan, son of Mr.s. Kathleen Mc- bers of the 1-Gallon Club. These Puzzo, William Preston. Elizabeth and Mrs. James McIftnRle, Provi­ J. Alesbury, Dr. and Mrs. Louis This foQKaat became public to­ which the Air Fpree haa been de­ FOR SALE—MOBY FINE The Ladies Guild will meet in the Phillips, Walter Pyka. Lorraine dence. R. I. \ the huge Teemsters Union on c.or- Guild room , n< St. Mary’s Church Coan. 93 Ru.ssell St., and the late were Lawrence Converse, Mrs. H. Block, Atty and Mrs. George day through cloaed-door testimony veloping aa a ri^al for the Army's rupUon charges. H. W. J. McCoan. Edith Fawcett, Mrs. Grace Agnew, Peterman, Mrs. Lin'da Plata. | Both are graduates oU-fhe Uni-, by Maj. Gen. Bernard A. Schriever, Wants Dulles to Stay CUSTOM TAILORED Thursday at 10 a.m. Guild members veralty of Bridgeport, with B.S. de­ T. Laboiihe, Mr and Mra. h ce M. Jupiter. Some of the organizers are be­ will bring .sandwiches, and the Miss Mcacham graduated from Charles Helwig, Francis Mc- Also, Julius Randszzo, Mrs. Nan- j Silversteln, Dr. and Mra. David M. Commander of the Air Force Bal- IVie titan la one of the two ing retired involuntarily and oth­ Becker Junior College, Worcester, Caughey, Mrs. Audrey Cole, Virgil cy Russell, Mrs. Betty Reudgen, i grees In health and physical, edu­ Caldwell Sr, Judge and Mrs. W es-, Ua'tlc Missile Division. longer rfinge Intaroontinental bal- hostesses, Mrs. Arthur Burnap, cation. Mias Schuetz is superid^r ers flrtd outright. MEN'S SUITS MrsSm and Is employed by Fred Hartzog and Alfred Drlggs. Osrl Shenning, Robert Schettler, 1 ley C; Gryk, Mr. and Mrs. Jack R .' liaticr^m 1 a a 11 e a (lOBM) being Mrs, John Trotter. Mrs. James of schools in physical education In The much-censored testimony Many have sought unsuccess­ Washington, Jan. 15 (/P)— President Eisenhower ssid today Used, But In “ Like I?ew” Robinson and Mi.ss Reynolds, wjll H. Williams add Co., Hartford. Her Walk-In Donors Robert Samoffsky, Mrs. Martha! Hunter, Mr. and Mra. John L. i was released by tho Senate Pre- pushed by the Air Force. The other fully to establish their own labor he would prefer a reasonable amount of deficit spending this Condition fiance gradttated from Bishop Walk-In donors included Bruno Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth - Simpson, Wlnsted, and her fiance is directof- \Jenney, Mr. and Mra. Thomas Fer- sen’c dessert and beverages.
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