Hollow Trees T a U 2007, Dec

Hollow Trees T a U 2007, Dec

Vol. 58 #1 3 ALBANIA 2007, Nov. 8. 2818 70 l Trees of Elbasan: tree & pond T A U 2819 90 l Trees of Elbasan: hollow trees T A U 2007, Dec. 4. 2844a 70 l Wulfenia baldacci Scrophulariaceae Fl A 2844b 100 l Wulfenia baldacci Scrophulariaceae Fl A ANDORRA (French) 2008, June 18. 641 55 c Poet's narcissus Narcissus poeticus Amaryllidaceae Fl A ARUBA 2008, Aug. 8. 333a 100 c Dead Sea plant, Sodom's apple Calatropis procera Asclepiadaceae Fl A 333b 100 c Passiflora foetida Passifloraceae Fl A 334a 185 c Thespesia populnea Malvaceae Fl A 334b 185 c Cryptostegia grandiflora Asclepiadaceae Fl A ASCENSION 2008, Aug. 28 (Botanists & flowers). 953 35 p Valerius Cordus Cordia sebestena Boraginaceae Fl B 954 40 p Nehemiah Grew Grewia occidentalis Tiliaceae Fl B 955 50 p Charles plumier Plumeria rubra Apocynaceae Fl B 956 £2 Carl Peter Thunberg Thunbergia grandiflora Acanthaceae Fl B AUSTRIA 2008, Sept. 1 Flower type of 2004. 2169 50 c Columbine (Akelei) Aquilegia sp. Ranunculaceae Fl A 2008, Sept. 19 . 2175 375 c Enbroidered gentian Gentiana sp. Gentianaceae Fl A BANGLADESH 2008, Apr. 18. 731 10 t Sundarbans: man in jungle T B U BELGIUM 2007, Oct. 1. 2257a 1 (52 c) Pears Pyrus communis Rosaceae Fr A 2257b 1 (52 c) Strawberries Fragaria x ananassa Rosaceae Fr A 2257c 1 (52 c) Red currants Ribes rubrum Grossulariaceae Fr A 2257d 1 (52 c) Apples Malus sp. Rosaceae Fr A 2257e 1 (52 c) Grapes Vitis vinifera Vitaceae Fr A 2257f 1 (52 c) Cherries Prunus avium Rosaceae Fr A 2257g 1 (52 c) Raspberries Rubus idaeus Rosaceae Fr A 2257h 1 (52 c) Peaches Prunus persica Rosaceae Fr A 2257i 1 (52 c) Plums Prunus domestica Rosaceae Fr A 2257j 1 (52 c) Blackberries Rubus fruticosus Rosaceae Fr A 2007, Oct. 15 Coil, die cut 13.75x14. 2266 1 (52 c) Dahlias Dahia x hybrida Compositae Fl A 4 BELGIUM (contd.) 2007, Oct. 15 Die cut, 9.75 on 2 or 3 sides. 2267 1 (52 c) Dahlias Dahlia x hybrida Compositae Fl A 2268 A (80c) Tulips Tulipa sp. Liliaceae Fl A 2269 2 (€ 1.04) Petunias Petunia x hybrida Solanaceae Fl A BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA (Croat) 2008, May 22. 193 2.90 m Milfoil Achillea millefolium Compositae Fl A SS Z BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA (Serb) 2008, July 7. 334 50 pf Spring gentian Gentiana verna Gentianaceae Fl A 335 1.50 m Snow drop Galanthus nivalis Amaryllidaceae Fl A 336 2 m Sweet violet Viola odorata Violaceae Fl A 337 5 m Cornflower Centaurea cyanus Compositae Fl A BOTSWANA 2008, Mar. 8 (Ptg: by Philip Huebsch). 858 2.60 p Baobab Tree Adansonia digitata Bombacaceae T A BRAZIL 2008, June 13 (Rio Botanical Garden, 200y) 3050 (60c) Lippia alba Verbenaceae Fl V A Copaifera lucens Leguminosae COMORO ISLANDS 2007, June 1. 987 75 fr Lemon grass Cymbopogon citratus Gramineae V A 988 125 fr Wild basil Ocimum suave Labiatae V A 989 150 fr Aloe molucaca Liliaceae V A 990 250 fr Lemon grass Cymbopogon citratus Gramineae V A 991 300 fr Aloe molucaca Liliaceae V A 992 500 fr Wild basil Ocimum suave Labiatae V A CZECH REPUBLIC 2008, May 28. 3389b 12 k Spiraea salicifolia Rosaceae Fl B MS Z 3389d 18 k Water lily Nymphaea alba Nymphaeaceae Fl B MS Z FAROE ISLANDS 2008, Sept. 22 . 505a 800 o Oak fern Gymnocarpium dryopteris Aspleniaceae V A MS 505b 800 o Polypody Polypodium vulgare Polypodiaceaea V A MS 505c 800 o Shield fern Dryopteris dilatata Aspleniaceae V A MS 505d 800 o Black spleenwort Asplenium adiantum-nigrum Aspleniaceae V A MS 505e 800 o Lady fern Athyrium felix-femina Aspleniaceae V A MS 505f 800 o Male fern Dryopteris felix-mas Aspleniaceae V A MS 505g 800 o Bladder fern Cystopteris fragilis Aspleniaceae V A MS 505h 800 o Long beech fern Phegopteris connectilis Thelypteridaceae V A MS 505i 800 o Northern holly fern Polystichium lonchitis Aspleniaceae V A MS 505j 800 o Maidenhair spleenwort Asplenium trichomanes Aspleniaceae V A MS FRANCE 2008, May 28 3441 (55c) Ferns, bracken Pteridium aquilinum Dennstaedtiaceae V A 3444 (55c) Coconut palm Cocos nucifera Arecaceae T A 3447 (55c) Water lily Nymphaea sp. Nyphaeaceae Fl A 3449 (55c) Kiwi fruit Actinidia chinensis Actinidiaceae Fr A 3450 (55c) Peas Pisum sativum Leguminosae Fr A 2008, June 14 (Ecology). 3479 (55c) Unidentified tree T A 3487 (55c) apple core Malus sp. Rosaceae Fr A Vol. 58 #1 5 FRANCE (contd.) 3488 (55c) strawberry Fragaria x ananassa Rosaceae Fr A 2008, July 13 3502 55 c Amazonian forest T A 2008, July 13 (Mediterranean summit). 2504 55 c olive tree? Olea europea Oleaceae T A FRENCH POLYNESIA 2008, Sept. 8. 983d 100 fr Banana flower Musa sp. Musaceae Fl A 983e 100 fr Red hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Malvaceae Fl A 983h 100 fr White flower Gardenia taitensis Rubiaceae Fl A 983j 140 fr Pink flower Plumeria rubra Apocynaceae Fl A 2008, Sept. 17 984 100 fr Gardenia in bottle Gardenia taitensis Rubiaceae Fl B GERMANY 2008, Oct. 9 Flower type of 2005, see Vol. 54 #2 2405 25 c Carnation, gartennelke Dianthus caryophyllus Caryophyllaceae Fl A JORDAN 2008, July 16. 1897 10 pi Oranges Citrus sinensis Rutaceae Fr A 1898 15 pi Cherries Prunus avium Rosaceae Fr A 1899 20 pi Figs Ficus carica Moraceae Fr A 1900 25 pi Pomegranates Punica granatum Punicaceae Fr A 1901 30 pi Grapes Vitis vinifera Vitaceae Fr A KENYA 2007, Dec. 13. 815 25 sh Cape chestnut Calodendrum capense Rutaceae Fl T A 816 65 sh Bhutan cypress Cupressus torulosa Cupressaceae Fl T A 817 75 sh Nandi flame tree Spathodea camapanulata Bignoniaceae Fl T A 818 95 sh Calabash nutmeg Monodora myristica Anonaceae Fl T A KOREA, SOUTH 2007, July 10. 2181 70 w Arctostaphylos (=Arctous) ruber Ericaceae Fr A 2007, Mar. 16. 2245 250 w Lady slipper orchid Cypripedium sp. Orchidaceae Fl A 2007, Mar. 19. 2246 250 w Chromsome 2007, Mar. 21. 2247 250 w Sunflower Helianthus annuus Compositae Fl A 2248 250 w Clover leaf Trifolium pratense Leguminosae V A KOREA, NORTH 2006, Feb. 16. 4484 3 w Flowers in field Fl B 4485a 12 w Polemonium racemosum Polemoniaceae Fl A SS 4485b 45 w Day lily Hemerocallis x hybrida Liliaceae Fl A SS 4485c 100 w Dandelion Taraxacum offininale Compositae Fl A SS 4485d 140 w Grass of parnassus Parnassia palustris Saxifragaceae Fl A SS 2006, Apr. 13 (Ptg by van Gogh). 4504 140 w Sunflowers Helianthus annuus Compositae Fl A 2006, Apr. 15. 4509 3 w Unidentified flower Fl A U 6 KOSOVO 2008, Apr. 22 (Earth Day). 98 50 c unidentified tree T A U 99 70 c unidentified tree T B U LUXEMBOURG 2008, Sept. 30 1239 A (50c) Stylized flfower Fl A S 2008, Sept. 30 1254i A (50c) Four-leaf clover (green) Trifolium pratense Leguminosae V A 1254j A (50c) Four-leaf clover (blue) Trifolium pratense Leguminosae V A MALAYSIA 2000 Agriculture type 1986, see Plants on Stamps Vol. 3 p.225 332C $5 Banana Musa x sapientum Musaceae Fr A MALAYSIA: Johore 2007, Dec. 31 - Type of Wilayah Persekutuan 2007, see Vol. 57 #3 p104 197 5 sen Sacred lotus Nelumbo nucifera (=Nelumbium nelumbo) Nelumbonaceae Fl A 198 10 sen Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangeaceae Fl A 199 20 sen Striped-leaved amaryllis Hippeastrum reticulatum Liliaceae Fl A 200 30 sen Bougainvillea Bougainvillea x buttiana Nyctaginaceae Fl A 201 40 sen Morning glory Ipomoea indica Convolvulaceae Fl A 202 50 sen Chinese hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Malvaceae Fl A MALAYSIA: Kedah 2007, Dec. 31 - Type of Wilayah Persekutuan 2007, see Vol. 57 #3 p104 137 5 sen Sacred lotus Nelumbo nucifera (=Nelumbium nelumbo) Nelumbonaceae Fl A 138 10 sen Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangeaceae Fl A 139 20 sen Striped-leaved amaryllis Hippeastrum reticulatum Liliaceae Fl A 140 30 sen Bougainvillea Bougainvillea x buttiana Nyctaginaceae Fl A 141 40 sen Morning glory Ipomoea indica Convolvulaceae Fl A 142 50 sen Chinese hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Malvaceae Fl A MALAYSIA: Kelantan 2007, Dec. 31 - Type of Wilayah Persekutuan 2007, see Vol. 57 #3 p104 125 5 sen Sacred lotus Nelumbo nucifera (=Nelumbium nelumbo) Nelumbonaceae Fl A 126 10 sen Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangeaceae Fl A 127 20 sen Striped-leaved amaryllis Hippeastrum reticulatum Liliaceae Fl A 128 30 sen Bougainvillea Bougainvillea x buttiana Nyctaginaceae Fl A 129 40 sen Morning glory Ipomoea indica Convolvulaceae Fl A 130 50 sen Chinese hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Malvaceae Fl A MALAYSIA: Malacca 2007, Dec. 31 - Type of Wilayah Persekutuan 2007, see Vol. 57 #3 p104 95 5 sen Sacred lotus Nelumbo nucifera (=Nelumbium nelumbo) Nelumbonaceae Fl A 96 10 sen Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangeaceae Fl A 97 20 sen Striped-leaved amaryllis Hippeastrum reticulatum Liliaceae Fl A 98 30 sen Bougainvillea Bougainvillea x buttiana Nyctaginaceae Fl A 99 40 sen Morning glory Ipomoea indica Convolvulaceae Fl A 100 50 sen Chinese hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Malvaceae Fl A MALAYSIA: Negri Sembilan 2007-12-31 - Type of Wilayah Persekutuan 2007, see Vol. 57 #3 p104 110 5 sen Sacred lotus Nelumbo nucifera (=Nelumbium nelumbo) Nelumbonaceae Fl A 111 10 sen Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangeaceae Fl A 112 20 sen Striped-leaved amaryllis Hippeastrum reticulatum Liliaceae Fl A 113 30 sen Bougainvillea Bougainvillea x buttiana Nyctaginaceae Fl A 114 40 sen Morning glory Ipomoea indica Convolvulaceae Fl A 115 50 sen Chinese hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Malvaceae Fl A Vol. 58 #1 7 MALAYSIA: Pahang 2007, Dec. 31 - Type of Wilayah Persekutuan 2007, see Vol. 57 #3 p104 119 5 sen Sacred lotus Nelumbo nucifera (=Nelumbium nelumbo) Nelumbonaceae Fl A 120 10 sen Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangeaceae Fl A 121 20 sen Striped-leaved amaryllis Hippeastrum reticulatum Liliaceae Fl A 122 30 sen Bougainvillea Bougainvillea x buttiana Nyctaginaceae Fl A 123 40 sen Morning glory Ipomoea indica Convolvulaceae Fl A 124 50 sen Chinese hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Malvaceae Fl A MALAYSIA: Penang 2007, Dec.

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