University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 5-8-1940 Sandspur, Vol. 45 No. 28, May 8, 1940 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 45 No. 28, May 8, 1940" (1940). The Rollins Sandspur. 586. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/586 Florida's Support Oldest College Rollins Sandspur Newspaper EoHins annspur Advertisers VOLUME 45 (Z-107) (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1940 (Complete Campus Coverage) MRS. MARIAN CLEVELAND NEW ACTING HEAD OF WOMEN ODDS and ENDS New Integrated Course Plan Election Over; Voted Down by Faculty Mrs. Marian Cleveland Named After conceiving and perfectly Rodda, de Giers executing a plot to steal the ballot Upper Division Entrance Pro­ New Acting Dean of Women; box, complete with uncounted bal­ lots last Saturday afternoon, cedure Outlined By Com- NOTICE France and MacArthur bogged mitteed is Rejected AndDarlingWin down and suffered an attack of An All-College Assembly will Succeeds Mrs. Louis Wise conscience when confronted with The integrated course plan was be held Wednesday, May 15, at X Club Candidate Trims Darling's tearful pleas. They re­ 1:50 p, m. in the Annie Russell Giantonio, Buckwalter in the cause of a definite division in Presidential Race turned the pilfered box, and Dar­ faculty opinion at its last meeting, Theatre. Dick Rodda will pre­ President Holt Announces ling & Co. whisked it off to Dean Friday afternoon. A small major­ side; Peggy Whiteley and Dud­ Committee Reveals 1 Change; Former Dean to Nance's house for safe keeping, ity of the group (22-19 by vote) ley Darling will speak; the sub­ Stonerock Kuns Close where the votes were finally count­ turned down the proposals of the ject will be "Enrollment"; the Continue Academic Work ed by Dud and Sue Terry, while committee on Educational Survey aim will be stressing the part Behind de Giers Reason for Recall ^ Dean Nance, armed with a shotgun in regard to handling the entrance students play in constructive and insect powder, stood silent New Director Widely to the Upper Division of those stu­ policy at Rollins. Intelligent and One of tho most hectic political Of "DevH^ Island" guard. dents who have been taking the in­ instructive criticism is invited. campaigns in Rollins' history came Experienced in Field tegrated courses. This does not to an end Friday afternoon at five, France is Friendly Power, ^ Interested in Music and Art, "I take life too seriously," an un­ mean that the system is to be dis­ when the polls on Pinehurst's porch Picture Seen Detrimental to carded; the committee's report as a were officially closed, after a day She Also Likes Outdoor known Conservatory student con­ Pro-Ally Sentiment i' fesses in an unfinished letter we whole was turned down so that each Senior Loan Fund marked by heavy voting. Sports; Is Able Executive found sticking in one of our Sand­ section of it can be taken up separ­ The results of the election, an­ spur typewriters. She was, by her ately at future meetings. nounced at the Gamma Phi Elec­ The moving picture, "Devil's The appointment of Mrs. Marian own admission, "waiting for a voice Among the ideas to be discusseed Drive Starts Soon; tion Ball on Saturday showed Rich­ Island" suddenly was recalled from Van Buren Cleveland as Acting lesson, and seized a few spare mo­ is a plan to have applicants to the ard Rodda with a sizeable majority exhibition in the Annie Russ-t I' Dean of Women at Rollins College, ments to type a letter in the Sand­ Upper Division write papers on in­ Committee Ask Aid over his two opponents, John Gian­ Theatre last week in favor of "Yo- to succeed Mrs. Louis E. Wise who spur office." The whole thing has tegrated questions and then under­ tonio and Jack Buckwalter, in the My Darling Daughter," by the Au­ is resigning to devote her activities a touch of war atmosphere, we go a comprehensive exam on these Small Loan May Help Needy presidential race. dio-visual Education Committee to academic work, was announced think. Ready to dive into the tur­ questions to make them back up all Betty de Giers, new vice-presi­ "Devil's Island" present a pic­ today by President Hamilton Holt. moil of the Conservatory, we can their statements. A second subject Student Greatly, Leaders dent, also piled up a substantial ture of the reputedly barbai K It is understood that Mrs. Wise, see her as she sits down to compose of discussion is having the students Say; Any Amount Welcome lead over Emanuel Ehrlich and French penal colony in French Gui- after serving as Acting Dean of that last-minute letter, then, as write a thesis after entrance into June Reinhold, but was hard Women for the past two years, will the Upper Division. Magoun sounds the call to As we near the close of another pressed by Robert Stonerock, Inde­ The film was withdrawn from New Dean of Women continue to conduct classes in Hu­ arms, she jumps up and darts from The third of the more important school year we approach the func­ pendent candidate for that office. public circulation in the United man Affairs next year. •oom, oblivious to all but Duty. topics under fire is the proposal to tioning of one of the most worth­ In the secretarial contest, Helen States by Warner Bros, at the re­ Mrs. Cleveland was born in are happy to say our unknown substitute a three-man committee while ideas Rollins has ever creat­ Darling won easily over Betty Hall quest of the French government, Springfield, Mass., the daughter of friend was not homesick, although in place of the present board to ad­ ed; The Senior Loan Fund. It is and Mary Trendle, who entered the which evidently considers the pic­ Rollins Choir Harold Sheffield Van Buren, who she admits that sometimes she mit applicants into the Upper Di­ not necessary to say how much race belatedly last week. ture detrimental to pro-Ally senti­ served as American Consul in Ja­ wishes she wore home. She's tired vision and also to decide when a good this fund has and will do be­ Over S07c, or 323 of the student ment in this country. According to pan and France. While her father of school life, though, and what's student is ready to graduate. cause it must be obvious to every­ body of 400 marched up to the bal­ Mr. Rhea Smith, chairman, the headed the American Consulate in more, "tired of being tired." She The present plan, in its first year, one in college. We all know how lot boxes sometime Friday to exer­ Audio-visual Committee thought Elects Officers Nice, France, she spent her child­ closes with the thought we all try is the result of years of thought on often a small loan to someone can cise their new born right to vote. that Rollins should cooperate ^ hood abroad, studying in French to console ourselves with — "it the part of a few individuals, and not only help them out of an other­ Theophilus P. U. Jenks received this withdrawal, in view of the fact schools. must be Spring Fever." Sounds concentrated effort and hard work wise impossible situation, but can seven votes. The complete re­ that France is a friendly power. At Banquet Returning to America when she like a bit of rationalization, what? for several others over the last often change the whole course of sults are given below: "Devil's Island" has been shown was fourteen, she attended the their lives. And so the Fund func­ year and a half. It's hard to tell For President: at several educational institutions Honaas Announces New Holton Arms School in Washing­ how much of this work is going to tions, giving last minute financial Richard Rodda 159 throughout the country, including ton, D. C, and the Farmington Since we're fairly launched on be wasted, because the faculty isn't aid to those seniors who really need John Giantonio 85 the Florida State College for Wo­ Award for Outstanding School in Farmington, Conn. Soon this letter business, we might as talking a great deal outside of the it. Jack Buckwalter ..^ 69 men, where it aroused great emo­ Seniors in Singing Group after leaving school, she was mar­ well clean up a couple of more meeting room. Since the Fund was started in For Vice-President: tional response. ried to The Rev. Stanley Matthews items. We've had several inquiries Although sentiments range from 1929 it has been carried on in full Betty de Giers 151 In reference to the Committee's Cleveland, of Cincinnati, O., who concerning the statement in last desiring complete abolition of the force, and each year the seniors Robert Stonerock . 117 responsibility for the withdrawal New Office is Added served several years as chapel rec­ week's editorial about lights being plan to complete adherence to it, have been most unselfish and gen­ June Reinhold . 33 of the pcture Mr. Smith said, "The To Executive Board tor at the University of Wisconsin Bhot out The following letter, the probable result will be a few erous in their giving, either of their Emanuel Ehrlich 12 Committee is responsible for the and at Princeton University.
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