1928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE .7825 no rE.>cord on this issue; but -it is not possible- with ·smith; who has . - PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY both views and record. Unless the party is prepared to adopt a plat­ To be captai n form and provide a running mate in sympathy with its leader, it might First Lieut. Mahlon Milton Read, Coast Artillery Corps, from as well throw up the sponge. "If," as one newspaper says, "they are not going to follow him it is absurd to nominate him." A hybrid April 27, 1928. pcket on a pussyfooting platform will hardly make an effective appeal. To be fi,1·st liet(;te-nants If you run in both directions, you never arrive. Second Lieut. William Augustus Davis Thomas, Field Artil­ lei·y, from April 27, 1928. DONATION OF BRONZE CANNON TO OILARLESTON, B. C. Second Lieut. Eugene Lynch Harrison, Cavalry, from April - 1\Ir. SHEPPARD. From the Committee on Military Affairs, 27, 1928. I report back favorably without al)lendment the bill (H.. R. PROMOTIONS IN TJ{E NAVY 6492) to authorize the Secretary of War to donate to the city Lieut. Benjamin F . Staud to be a lieutenant commander in of Charleston, S. C., a certain bronze cannon, and I submit a the Navy from the 2d day of October, 1927. report (No. 1001) thereon. I call the attention of the Senator Lieut. (Junior Grade) Carl H. Reynolds, jr., to be a lieutenant from South Carolina [Mr. BLEASE] to the report. in the Navy from the 16th day of November, 1926. 1\fr. BLEASE. I ask unanimous consent for the present con­ The following-named acting chaplains to be chaplains in the si<leration- of the bill. Navy, with the rank of lieutenant, from tbe 2d day of JUJle, There being no objection, the bill was considered as in 1927: Committee of the Whole, and it was read, as follows : William H. Rafferty. Be it enacted, etc., That the Secretary of War is authorized and John E. Johnson. directed to donate, without expense to the United States, to the city The following-named acting chaplains to be chaplains in the of Charleston, S. C., a smoothbore, muzzle-loading, bronze field gun, Navy, with the rank of lieutenant, from the 1st day of July, No. 124, captured from the Confederate forces, and now in the Water­ 1927: vliet Arsenal, Watervliet, N. Y. Joseph E. McNanamy. Charles A. Dittmar. The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, Homer G. Glunt. Emerson G. Hangen. ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. Edward J. Robbins. Boat;-wain George P. Childs to be a chief boatswain in the TAX REDUCTION Navy, to rank with but after ensign, from the 5th day of August, Mr. CURTIS. Mr. PI·esident, I ask that the revenue bill be 1926. Jaid before the Senate. The following-named pay clerks to be chief pay clerks in the The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the con­ Navy, to rank with but after ensign, from the 3d day of sideration of the bill (II. R. 1) to reduce and equalize taxation, December, 1927: provide revenue, and for other purposes. Andrew E. King. Chester W. Utterback. EXECUTIVE SESSION Rufu:3 Hendon. Wilburn Bates~ Fred Robinson. Mr. CURTIS. I move that the Senate proceed to the con­ sideration of executive business. CONFIRMATIONS The motion was agreed to; and the Senate proeeed ed to the consideration of executive business. After 10 minutes spent in Ecrecutitve nomina-tions confirmed by the Senate M a.y 4 (legis~ executive session the doors were reopened. la.tive day of Ma;y 3), 1928 PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY RlOC'EsS To be Ueu-tena,nt conunanders Mr. CURTIS. I move that the Senate take a recess until 12 o'clock noon to-morrow. Herbert B. Knowles. Stanwix G. Mayfield, jr. The motion was agreed to; and the Senate (at 5 o'clock and 25 minutes p. m.) took a recess until to-morrow, Saturday, To be lieuten.(Mtts May 5, 1928, at 12 o'clock meridian. Clement R. Baume. Henry T. Wray. NOMINATIONS To be lieutenants (jtmior grade) _Louis D. Sharp, jr. Exec-utive nominations 'recei-ved by the Senate April ~ (legis­ lative day ot April 3), 1928 Charles ~I. E. Hoffman. Edward P. Creehan. MEMBER OF UNITED STATES CuSTOMS CoURT To be sttrgeo-n Genevieve R. Cline, of Cleveland, Ohio, to be a member of the Frederick W. Muller. United States Customs Court, in place of Hon. William C. To be chief pay clerks Adamson, retired. Charles G. Crumbaker, jr. Stanley B. l\1cCune. A.PPOL"ifTMENTS -IN THE llEGULAB ARMY John K . Chisholm. Henry L. Greenough. Capt. George Edward Kraul to be a captain of Infantry, with Arthm· L. Sullivan. Chastine A. Murray. rank from July 1, 1920. IN THE MARINE OO:BPS (NOTE.-The nominee is now a captain of Infantry, with rank To be capta-ins from November 25, 1920. This message is submitted for the Hal N. Potter. Robert C. Kilmartin, jr. purpose of correcting an error in his date of rank.) Olive~ T. Francis. Edward A. Craig. MEDICAL ADMINISTRATIVE CORPS Edward A. Fellowes. Lester A. Dessez. To be second lietttenants To be first liettte11a,nts Shelton C. Zern. Richard M. Cutts, jr. Staff Sergt. Orner Antonio CoutuTe, Medical Department, with John E. Curry. Frank D. Weir. , · ·rank from April 30, 1928. PosTMAsTERS Staff Sergt. Edward James Gearin, Medical Department, with rank from April 30, 1928. IOWA Staff Sergt Ralph Beveridge Robinson, 1\ledical Department, Melvin V. Smith, Akron. with rank from April 30, 1928. Claude M. Sullivan, Cherokee. Orpha M:. Bloomer, Havelock. APPOINTMEZ'CTS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR ARMY Wilbert W. Clover, Lohrville. JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERA.I)S DEPARTMENT Celia T. Green, :Mystic. Capt Ernest Hill Burt, Infantry (detailed in Judge Advo. Loys E . Couch, Newell. cate General's Department), with rank from July 20, 1918. MARYLAND Capt. John Fulton Reynolds Scott, Cavalry (detailed in Samantha E. Wilson, Mardela Sp1ings. .Judge Advocate General's Department), with rank from July PENNSYLVANIA 1, 1920. Wade 1\f. Henderson, Brookville. Capt. Franlt Eugene Shaw, Infantry (detailed in Judge Advo· · .cate General's Department), with rank from July 1, 1920. Laura M. Peacock, Houston . Capt. Clarence Charles Fenn, Infantry (detailed in Judge WEST VIRGINIA Advocate General's Department), with rank fr9m July 1, 1920. · Robert S.- Hornor, Bridgeport. - LXIX-493 .'7826 CONGRESSION A·L RECORD-HOUSE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and half by those opposed to the bill. The Senate bill, 744, was reported by the Committee on the Merchant Marine and .. FRIDAY, May 4, 191£8 Fisheries without opposition, and this resolution comes from the Committee on Rules with a unanimous report. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The rule further provides that: Rev. John Compton Ball, pastor of the Metropolitan Baptist Church, Washington, D. C., offered the following prayer: It shall be in order to consider without the intervention of the point of order as provided in clause 7 of Rule XVI the substitute com­ Almighty and everlasting God, when we consider the heavens, mittee amendment recommended by the Committee on the Merchant the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou Marine and Fisheries now in the bill, and such substitute for the pur~ hast ordained, what are we that Thou art _mindful of us and pose of amendment shall be considered under tlw five-minute rule as an that Thou shouldst visit us? And then we read that Thou hast original bill. made us but a little lower than Thyself and hast crowned _us with glory and honor-glory in that we bear Thy divine iJ?age, But for that rule you could only consider the House provisions honor in that we think Thy thoughts after Thee. For th1s we as one amendment to the Senate bill. The rule makes it in thank Thee; and with such knowledge in our hearts and on order to take up the committee substitute to be read section our lips, we pray that Thou wouldst bless us with Thy wisdom, by section under the five-minute rule, with the right to offer so that in all the deliberations of this day we may express the amendments to each section as it is reached for consideration. thought and interpret the will of the living God. May the Then there is another thing. Some of the Bouse provisions words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be may not be germane to the Senate provisions, and that is the acceptable in Thy sight, 0 Lord, our strength and our Redeemer. reason why for the provision of the rule relative to clause 7 of For Jesus' sake. Amen. Rule XVI, which reads: The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and And no motion or proposition on a subject different from that under approved. consideration shall be admitted under color of amendment. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE So that if there should be any provision in the Hot1Se bill not germane to the provisions of the Senate bill a point of order A message from the Senate, by Mr. Craven, its principal against such provision on the ground of germaneness would not clerk, announced that the Senate had passed without amend­ lie. · ment bills of the House of the following titles : 1\lr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman from North Carolina H. R. 8229. An act for the appointment of an additional cir­ [Mr. Pou] such time as he desires to use. cuit judge for the sixth judicial circuit; Mr.
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