IIIIIII Cheshire Rugby • Football Union HANDBOOK 2003 I 2004 (Incorporating Member's Handbook and Youth Handbook) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given to all INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS that the An nual General Meeting of the Cheshire R.F .U. Ltd will be held at Winnington Park, R.U.F.C. Burrows Hill, Hartford , Northwich on 1st July 2004 at 6.30 p.m. Cheshire Rugby Football Union Ltd ., Incorporated under the Industrial & Providence Society Act 1965 No. 28989R Cheshire Rugby Football Un ion MEMBERSHIP CARD SEASON 2003/2004 Nru~~ ... ......... ...... --- ' ~~ k . Club ... ........... ..... ...... .... ... ............. ... .......... ..... ffU!M;1 P't.IlCI UOSIl;)S poo11 ,{JJ,\ I! ;),\IlI_1 SUO!l lqulIl Jno II! J;)U:'lP!.!tlOJ J!JIII JOj 'S;)I!I:.,\(I.I. 1;)IlWa 'sJosuods U!IlUI Jno 0) JIlIIIJ!lJlld U! 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J!\ p sqnp palcll!.!jC JIIO jO II PIl;)UC 01 pJ!tcueIU [ "!UIIO') :1111 1II00liin oJtll '{qarIJ JO Juw;i Jql ffU110UIOJd U! op ,{:l111 l1JO,\\ PJIlI] :11]\ IIIl 10J pUll ;)IIIO:lP,\\ J!aql jO IPUIlC,\\ aql JOj 'uoseas Iscl P;)ISC) I '{1!II!I!dsoq ;)sol]"\ ':lJ!IISJI[J U! sqnl.) ;)1] 1 IIIl ){UIl(!1 lie jO ISJ!.! I ,(ctt'-J .I.N301 S311d 3H.L f~Q}I , 1 39VSS3 1 ,~ CHESHIRE SQUAD 1st XV 2003 IJAS'I' PR ESI DENTS: 1-1. 1' 1. BLYTIIE ( 1880IR3) .1. W. 11. TIIORI' (1883119041 .1. BAXTEH (190-1 /-12) R. Il. Il IClIARDS (1942147) T. WALTON ( 19-17/-19) R. D. NESBIT (19491:; 1) W. 11. P[l\IBERTON ( 19:;1) N. i\ lcCi\lG (1%1 /:;3) c. 1-1 . OFFLAND (1953) A. S. CAIN (19:;-1/%) J. ,\10NTADOH ( 1956/58) 1'. 11. DAV IES (1%8160) W. 1' 1. SI-I ENNAN (1%0/61) I). R. WYN-Wll.LlAi\IS ( 196 1-62) W . G. I-l OWARD (1962/63) 11 . V. !\lIDDLETON (1963/(5) W ..1. THOMPSON (1%5/67) G. C. NOD EN (1967/69) N. A. STEEL (I969n l) .1. E. STARK (197 ln 3) E . .I . LOADER (1973n 5) 11 . M. cURPH EY ( 1975177) ,\. F. KOENEN (1977n'.)) P. G. TlilU,'ER ( 1979/81) A. 11. IHISIITON (198 1/S3) w. S. PLATJ' ( 1983/8-1 ) G. C. COX (1984186) A. I. '-fART ( 1986/88) 1\1. COli EN ( 1988/89) w. Gorl' (1989/91) .1. 1' 1. YOUNG (199 1/93 F. R. rOVALL (1?93/95) N. 11. M IODLEBHOOK ( 19?5/97) C. .1. cOVENTHY (19971')8) D. P. Wn.IG I-I T (1998/2000) D. I. ADAMS (2000/2002) OFFICERS FOR VEAR 200312004 President: D. A. EWING Flat 5, 66 Bidston Road, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 6UW Tel: 0151 653 7063 (Home) 0161 355 7219 (Bus) Senior Vice-President: M. J. LORD 68 Hoole Road, Chester CH2 3NL 01244 312702 (Home) Vice-Presidents: J. N. LENTON 27 Fox Cover Road. Heswall Hills. Wirral CH60 1YB 0151-342 3923 (Home) G. MARRS M.B.E. 24 Westwood Road, Prenton, Wirral CH43 9RQ 0151-652 1536 (Home) 0151-236 3191 (Bus) E.J.F. TA YLOR Church Cottage, Leek Road, Bos1ey. Nr.,Macc1esfield SK 11 ONX 01260 223617 (H) 01625 422277 (B) 01625 613361 (Fax) e-mail: [email protected] Past Presidents: P. G. TURNER Bakery Cottage, 20 Holtins Road, Macclesfield SK 11 7EA 01625 6 11 0 12 (Home) G. C. COX 47 Latham Aven ue, Frodsham, Cheshire WA6 ODY 0 1928 722108 (Home) M, COHEN 10 MarlboTOugh Drive, Tythe rington, Macclcsfield, Cheshire SK I 0 2JX 0 1625 424317 (Home) F. R. POVALL Flat 2, I Madeley Drive, West Kirby, Wi rral CI-148 3L B Tcl: 0 15 1 625 8321 N. H. MIDDLEBROOK 27 Clarcndoll Road , Sale M33 2DU 0 16 1-962 295 7 (Home) C. J . COVENRY 21 Rydal Drive, Hale Barns, Altrincham WA I 5 8TE 0 161 904 7313 (Home) D. P. WRIGHT Tynron Cottage , West Road, Noctorum , Birkcnhead, Wirral (1-143 9UH 015 1·652 0402 (Home) D, I. ADAMS 7 Bcauma ri s Dri ve. I-I eswall Wirra l CH6 1 7xr 0 15 1 648 168 1 HOII . Scctrelary: G. MARRS M.o.E. 24 Westwood Road, Prenton, Wirral, C I-I43 9RQ 0 15 1- 652 1536 (Home) 01 5 1 2363 19 1 (Bus) Asst. Hall, Secretary: P. RHODES The Bollies, off Carri!lge Drive, Frodsh!llll , WA 6 6E F 01 928 73 1485 (Home) HOIl. Tre!lsurer: B,W. DAVIES 9 Willow Hllyes, Ashtun C hester, CH] RBT 01 829 752050 (Home) 0 l g29 752982 (Bus) Asst. HOII. Trcnsurer: O. MEYRIC K 18 Balmoral Drive. Holmes C hape l. C heshire. CW4 7A Y 0 1477 53369 1 (Home) H.. F.U. C OUll ty H.eprcsclltativc 1\'1. J . LORD 68 }'Ioolc Road, Chester CH2 3NL 01244 312702 (Home) 0 1244 347988 (Fax) www.cheshirerfu.co.uk Ches hire RFU Administrator: MRS JANE C LIFF Alcumlow Cottage. Brook Lane. Astbury, Congleton, Cheshire, CW l2 4TJ Tel: 01260 270624 HOII. Match Secretary: P. WARRlNGTON 10 Burtoll Avenue, Wallasey. Wirral CH45 8NQ Tel: 0151 6394366 (Home) RFU Northern Regional Press O ffi cer MURRA Y WALKER Mob: 07734 683835 Email : murraywalker@rfu .com Hon. Press Secreta ry: A. I. STRATTON 14 8 Meols Parade, Meols, Wirral CH47 6AN 0151-632 526 1 (Home ) North Division Youth Forum Executive Chairman: D. A. EWING Flat 5. 66 Bidston Road, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 6UW Tel: 0151 653 7063 (Home) 0161 355 7219 (Bus) E.R.F.S.U. County Representative: G. WILSON 7 Mount Pleasant, Prestbury Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK to 3BZ 01625 612865 Thwaites Clubs Championship Representative: R. HASLEHURST Harcourt, 217 Dickens Lane, Poynton, SK 12 1SS 01625 874485 (Home) 0161 406 6086 (Bus) Honorary Solicitor: P. RHODES The Hollies, otT Carriage Drive. Frodsham WA6 6EF 01928 731485 (Home) R.F.U. Senior Coaches: M. BRIERS. L. DA VIES, D. HUGHES R.F.U. Coaching Award Holders: M. ALLEN. S. BURNAGE. P. CROWLEY, R. DAVIES, A. DONKER, P. FRANCIS, J. GREEN, C. HUGHES, S. LANDER, D. THOMPSON, P. REID, P. SHERRATT, N. STALKER Honorary Life Members: D. ADAMS, M. COHEN,G. C. COX, F. R. POVALL Auditor: J. PARRY F.C.A. Medical Contact: Dr. W. T. DUNNE 6 The Royal, Hoylake, Merseyside CH47 IHB Tel: 0151-632 3507 (Home) First XV Doctor - Dr. John Rees COMMIITEE MEETINGS Committee Meetings will be held at the WiMington Park R.U.F.C. Clubhouse at 6.30 p.m. on the following Thursdays: 2003 18th September. 6th November 2004 8th January. II th March. 6th May. 1st July (after the A.G.M.) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the Cheshire Rugby Football Union will be held at the Winnington Park R.U.F.C. Clubhouse at 6.30 p.m. on Thursday I st July 04 The Annual Financial General Meeting will be held at the Winnington Park RUFC Clubhouse at 6.30 p.m. on Thursday 16th September 2003. SUB-COMMITTEES Executive (Chainnan) F. R. PovaJl, DJ. Adams, J. Burton (co-opted), B. W. Davies, M. Lord. G. Marrs, E. J. F. Taylor. P. Rhodes (co-opted) Meetings: August 26th. September 23rd, October 23rd, November 18th, December 18th, January 27th, February 24th, March 23rd. April 27th, May 25th, June 29th, July 27th Selection R.
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