THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART THIRTIKTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE ASSOCIATION 1900 I \.'KK Central Park, Fifth A ed Street THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY, tool President : HENRY G. MARQUAND. Vice-Presidents: I VV. RHINELANDER, DANIEL HUNTINGTON Treasurer : HIRAM HITCHCOCK. Secretary : LOUIS P. DI CESNOLA. brarian : Wll.l IAM L ANDREWS OFFICERS OF THE MUSEUM Director LOUIS P. UI CESNOLA Curator of the Department of Painting GEORGE II. STORY Curator of the Department of Casts JOHN A. PAINE Curator of the Department of Scitlplure Assistant Curator of the Department of Sculpture V. II. KIA'NOLDS Assistant Trcasun r THOM \s l). DUNCAN try to il • ul iu w. EUMPLEB BOARD OF TRUSTEES EX-OFFICIO THE PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENTS, TREASURER, AND SECRETARY THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK THE PRESIDENT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS THE PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN FOB Tin-: TERM ENDING FEBRUARY, HJOI FOHN BIGELOW |()liN Q. A. WARD ELIHU ROOT FOE THE TEEM ENDING FEBRUARY, 1902 JOHN CROSBY BROWN F. W. RHINELANDER III RAM HITCHCOCK FOE THE TERM ENDING FBBBUARY, K>O3 DARIUS O. MILLS J. PIERPONT MORGAN ROBERT \Y. DE FOREST FOB THE TEEM ENDING FEBBTJ \K\, 1904 SAMUEL P. AVERY HEBER R. BISHOP JOHN S. KENNEDY !-'OK THE TEEN ENDING FEBBUABY, 1905 RUTHERFURDSTUYA ESAN 1 \\ II.1.1 \.\i E. In >DGE h iSEPH II. ('IK >ATE FOB TIII; TBBII ENDING FBBBUARY, [906 LEM 11. WALES ' H \l<I-l-S STEWART SMITH \\ II.1.1 \.M R. W \UK FOB 1 HI TEEM ENDING FEBBUAB\ . 1907 WILLIAM L ANDREWS [AMES ^. GARLAND EDWARD 1). ADAMS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1900-1901 WILLIAM E. DODGE SAMUEL P. AVERY WILLIAM L. ANDREWS JAMES A. GARLAND SALEM H. WALES CHARLES STEWART SMITH DARIUS O. MILLS JOHN S. KENNEDY HENRY G. MARQUAND F. W. RHINELANDER DANIEL HUNTINGTON Ex-Officio HIRAM HITCHCOCK LOUIS P. DI CESNOLA . Inditing Committee JOHN CROSBY BROWN RUTHERFURD STUYVESANT EDWARD D. ADAMS SUB-COMMI 11 rrvs COMMITTEE Ftnonct (.'ommittee DARIUS (). MILLS WILLIAM E. DODGE F.W. RHINELANDER HIRAM HITCHCOCK JAMES A. GARLAND JOHN S. KENNEDY THE PRESIDENT {Bs-(Mcio) mmittcc on Painting 1 AVERY DARIUS O. MILLS DANIEL HUNTINGTON Mil' PRESIDENT (Fx-Oth Committee on Sculpture F. W. RHINELANDER WILLIAM L. ANDREWS DANIEL HUNTINGTON THE PRESIDENT (Ex-Officio) Committee on Objects of Art W ILLIAM L. ANDREWS CHARLES STEWART SMITH LOUIS P. DI CESNOLA THE PRESIDENT (Ex-Officio) Committee on ('asts P. W. RHINELANDER LOUIS P. DI CESNOLA THE PRESIDENT (&r-OdW») o.mittce on Buildings SALEM II. WALES LOUIS I'. DI CESNOLA CHARLES STEWART SMITH rill''. PRESIDENT (Bx-OMrio) Law < ommittee JOSEPH 11. CHOA ROBERT W. DE PI (REST I I.III! R( K >T REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE YEAR 1899 SPECIAL FUNDS 1 1PTS Balance in Bank, January i. 1899 $5,191 58 From Income of the Wolfe Fund Income of the Marquand An Fund 1,50000 Income of the la d 1,200 00 Income of the J. 1 und 0 00 Income- i.i the Dodge Fund '1-500 Subscriptions for the Purchase ol An Objects 9.358 00 Contribution to increase the Dodge Fund. 20,000 00 the Finance Committee: For the Jacob II. Laxarus Traveling Scholarship 1,471 38 For Cn • .11.1 expense • on 5.446 39 - Interest on Balances 15300 $55.51831 ADMINISTRATION Balance in Hank, January 1, 1899 $5,089 09 From Department e 11 Parki 95,00000 Annual Members 19,73000 Admission Fees 4,76300 Sale becking, 3.170 15 the Finance Committee: •He- e.i the Vanderbilt Fund... 4,30000 rate oi ilu- \-ie.i Fund 2,35062 me ol the Marquand Fund.... 2.50000 me ol the Reed Fund 3,520 00 1 394 00 Income oi th md 250 00 Fund,.. 100 00 ! .... 100 00 Fund 50 00 343 80 Inc. 1 . 41 60 Inc n 3,590 00 I tie 033 50 Jamr- 1,000 00 $146.' SPECIAL FUNDS PAYMENTS For Income of the following Funds, paid to the Finance Committee: Wolfe Fund $10,32296 Marquand Art Fund 1,50000 Lazarus Fund 1,200 00 Johnston Fund 250 00 Dodge Fund 00 For Purchase of Art Object! 9.35's "" 1-e.r Contribution of William E, Dodge, paid to the Finance Committee 20,00000 For the Jacob H. Lasarui Traveling Scholai ship 1,471 38 For City taxes and expenses em real estate.... 5,446 39 For labeling Architectural and Sculptural (';. 60 <><i Balance 5.38393 $53,518 3< ADMINISTRATION PAYMENTS Per salaries and sntti $88,40901 For fuel, stationery, printing ter*t, ei and electi ii isn't inppliei, gem tc 33.763 "7 For parchase • •! An Objecti 7,38537 to, and maintenance of, the Lib 1.002 98 For care of the \\. ction .(.5<X> 00 For care of th mm '50 M ipecial fund --2 09 For 1 Mercantile Safe Deposit Co. .15 00 For services of an Auditor ol A inti 100 00 For expenses of tin- Finance Committee: Ser intant 100 00 For payment to the Finance Committi unburn the Wm, E Dod Fund,, 5,000 00 Balance Rece g $ljd.OI3 76 ExPei: 1899 $1 I" I 5-57- i.? 7<5 10 REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR 1899 VANDERBILT FUND PRINCIPAL, $100,000. Invested in Bonds and Mortgages on New York City Property and Railroad Bonds. Income to be used as Hoard may direct. Income used for Budget Expensei $4,300 00 ASTOR FUND PRINCIPAL, $48,000. Invested in Bonds and Mortgages on New York City Property, and Cash on dep. 1 Income to be used as Board may direct. Balance of Fund, December 31, 1808 $48,000 00 Income 2,350 62 Income used for Budget Expenses $2,350 62 Invested 47.968 75 Balance on deposit 31 25 $50,350 62 $50,350 62 MARQUAND FUND PRINCIPAL, $50,000. Invested in Railroad Bo Income to be used for Budget Expenses. Income used for Budget Expenses $2,500 00 MARQUAND FUND PRINe !I\L. $30,000. Invested in Railroad B. Income to be used For the increase ol Marquand Collection of Old Income transferred i< > Marquand Incoms Account $1,50000 MARQUAND INCOME ACCOUNT Balance ,, ,898 luand Fund. Intere 97 43 Balance on -. $6,219 08 } II WOLFE FUND PRINCIPAL, $200,000. Invested in Bonds and Mortgages on New York City Property, Real Estate in New York City, Railroad Bonds, and Cash on deposit. Income to be used for expenses and increase of Wolfe Collection. Balance of Fund, December 31, 1898 $200,000 00 Income 10,325 46 Income transferred to Wolfe Income Account. $10,325 46 Invested 199.875 00 Balance on deposit 125 00 $210,325 46 $210,325 46 WOLFE INCOME ACCOUNT Balance of Fund, December 31, 189& $12,68467 Income from Wolfe Fund 10,325 46 Interest allowed on deposit 164 68 Expenses of taking care e>f Wolfe Collection.. $3,590 00 City Taxes and expenses on Real Estate 5,4.4.11 39 Balance on deposit 14,138 42 $23,174 81 $23,174 81 REED FUND reitrciFAL, $50,000. Invested m Railroad Bonds and Stcx Income to 1 u Board maj dii 1 Income used for Budget EM $2,520 00 l.lj'.U \KV FUND PRINCIPAL, $5,200. Invested in Railroad Bondi and Stocl . Income I d tor sdditiom to 1 ibrary. lnco" $-1)4 00 LAZARUS FUND I I I'M, $34,000. »nv< :m,i \i,,, n New York ('n\ Property. 1 Ti »\ .1"' "•come l Income ^ccouni $1.20000 12 LAZARUS INCOME ACCOUNT Balance of Fund, December 31, 1898 $2,622 11 Income from Lazarus Fund 1,200 00 Interest allowed on deposit 37 84 Traveling Scholarship $1,471 3$ Balance on deposit 2,388 57 $3.859 95 $3.859 95 HOE FUND PRINCIPAL, $5,000. Invested in Bonds and Murtgages on New York City Property, Rail­ road Bonds, ami Cash on deposit Income to be used as Board may direct. Balance of Fund, December 31, 1898 $5,000 00 Income 242 80 Income used for Budget Expenses $24280 Invested 4,860 00 Balance on deposit 140 00 $5,242 80 $5,242 80 COLES FUND l'KINe ll'AI., $20,000. Invested in Railroad Bonds, and Cash on deposit. Income to be used for care and maintenance of Coles Collection. Balance of Fund, December 31, 1898 $20,000 00 Income 902 50 Income transferred to Coles Income Account.. $902 50 Invested 19,875 00 Balance on deposit 125 00 $20,902 50 $20,902 50 KS INCOME ACCOUNT Balance of Fund, December 31, i8«>K $1,000 00 Interest allowed on ->o no Income from Ce.l. , I nn.1 902 50 Incoti. ,,,,„ l^gj 50 Balance on deposit 1,000 00 $1,922 50 $1,922 5° STRONG FUND - '.000. ' - 1.1I Endowment, Inc- «> 00 13 JOHNSTON FUND PRINCIPAL, $5,000. Invested in Railroad Bonds. Income to be used for care and maintenance of Johnston Collection. Income transferred to Johnston Income Account $25000 JOHNSTON INCOME ACCOUNT Ralance of Fund, December 31, 1898 $9(» Income from Johnston Fund 250 00 Interest allowed on deposit 20 21 Balance on deposit $1,231) 14 $1.339 44 $1.23') 11 HENDERSON FUND PRINCIPAL, $2,00O. Invested in Bond and Mortgage em New York City Property. Legacy fen- General Endowment Income used for Budget Expense! $100 00 COTIl: si) PRINCIPAL, $1,000. Invested in Bond and Mortgage on New York City Property. Donation for Gen li iwment Income used for Budget Exp nsi $5000 MAGHEE FUND PRINCIPAL, $5,000.
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