INDEX TO VOLUME XXI A Adelphi Cotton Works, token of the, 190. 7\ = Alexander Tod, moneyer of Adrian IV and Peter's Pence, 17. James III, 70. lEgelmaer the moneyer claimed for A on testoons of Mary probably Stockbridge mint, 160. John Acheson, 72, 148. lElfgifu, daughter of lEthelgifu , 40, 46. A the initial of Anne, Queen of lElfred and the Danes, 9, IO. Henry VIII on his coins, 89, et seq. coins of, 33, 34, 35, 130, A . DOMINO· FACTVM . EST· 159, 18I, 220. ISTVD, legend on Elizabethan cut halfpennies of, 33. counter, 137. death of, II. "A.S.N.Co.", token of Australia, find of coins of, in Rome, 174· 16, 18. 7\T may represent the initials of Gloucester mint of, 56. Thomas Tod and Alexander Levin­ lEthelbald defeats his Danes, 9. stoun on coins of James III, lEthelflaed, sister of Eadweard the 70-7 I. Elder, II, 12, 18. Abbott, Anthony, badge issued to, lEthelgifu, foster-mother to Eadwig, II4· 40. Aberystwyth mint of Charles I, 143, lEthelheard, Archbishop of Canter­ 144, 145, 147· bury, coins of, 34. Abor bar to King George V India lEthelred and the Danes, 9. General Service Medal 19II, marries lEthelflaed, 12. 153· of Mercia, death of, 12. " ,medal granted for the punitive lEthelred's London Laws sanction force against, 155. inter alia, workers under the Achesoun, John, engraver, 148. moneyers, 60, 212. moneyer of Mary of lEthelred II, coins of, 53, 159, 160, Scotland, 72, 148. 214-215, 218. Thomas, placks of James HAM PIC coins of, I. VI called " Achesouns " Huntingdon mint of, after, 69 . 56. Adamson, E., medal awarded to, Northampton mint of, 193· 48. Addedomaros, find of a coin of, near the striking of the coin­ Great Houghton, 3. age temp., 6I, 212. Adelaide, John Howell, token of, Thetford mint of, 56. " 173· unpublished dragon sovereigns, 172, 174, 175· type styca of, 132. Index lEthelstan, I4. Alexander, coins of, 209-2IO. assumes the title of Rex Algar, moneyer of London and his Totius Britannicc, 22. representative on his coins, 27. Canterbury mint of, 80. AIle!}, Wm., Jamberoo, token of, Chester mint of, 56. I72. coins of, 29,32-33,34, Amsterdam Municipal Reward, 1696, 56, 80, I29, I8I, I92, I39· I94-I96. Anderston Cotton Works, white death of, I9. metal token of, I57. Derby mint of, 56. Andocomius, find of. a coin of, at find of coins of, in Ire­ Exton, 4. land, 2I. finds of coins of, at find of a Danish imitation Northampton, 3. of, in Co. Louth, 23. ANDREW, W. ]., F.S.A.:- find of coins of, in Rome, An Unpublished coin of Athelstan, I6, I8, 2I, 22. I94-I96. Greatley Laws of, 73. Stockbridge, an Unnoticed Anglo­ and also lEthelred's Laws, Saxon Mint, 159-16I. the moneyer a crafts­ The die for Stephen's coinage man inferred from the, in the Guildhall Museum; and 59-60, 2I2. Secondary Evidence there of an Guthrum baptized by the Unpublished Penny of Henry I, name of, IO . 199· halfpennies of, 32-33. The Early Anglo-Danish Coinage. Northampton mint of, Who was Cnut, King of the I8, 20-22. Northumbrians?, I88-I89. short history of the reign The Sign of the Old Swan Inn, of, I8-28. Romsey, 224-225. Wareham mint of, 56. Andrew, W. ]., and his paper on lEthelwald the cctheling becomes , 'Numismatic Side­ King of the Northumbrian Danes, lights on the Battle I2. of Brunanburh, lEthelwold, Ealdorman of East A.D. 937," I9, Anglia, 47. I95· lEthelwulf, coins of, 25, I29, 230. and the issue of the defeats the Danes, 9. round halfpenny, lEthestan the moneyer claimed for 33· Stockbridge mint, I60. exhibits by, 22I-222. Afghanistan, medal granted for war on the interpretation in, I54. of the word Afghanistan N.W.F. I9I9 bar to moneta and King George V India General Ser­ monetarius, 26-27. vice Medal I9II, I54. Anglo-American military map horn Ahirn, T., medal awarded to, I53. of the Seven Years' War, 1753-59, Albert of Aus,tria, Archduke, 138. 221-222. Index 25 1 Anglo-Danish coins at Harkirk, find Arcadius, find of Roman coins temp. of, 188. from Augustus to, near North­ Anglo-Gallic coins, 174-175, 214, ampton, 5. 225· Archdall, Henry, Irish coin weights weights for, 96 by, IOI. Anglo-Saxon coins and ornaments, Archery badge of the Bokinfold find of, in Douglas, Archers, 217. 53· ARMITAGE, T.W. :- coins at Cuerdale, find The last Hiberno-Danish type, 17l. of, 35. Local Barbarous Imitation of in Co.' Louth, Roman Third Brass of the find of, 23. Fourth Century, 17I. in Ireland, find Armourers arms, token bearing, 222. of, 2I. Arms, coats of, on weights, 95. in Rome, 16, 18, of City Companies, seven- 2I, 22. teenth-century tokens Aniello, Thomas, revolt of, 133. bearing, 222-223. Anlaf becomes under-King to Aspinall, Paul, badge issued to, II7, Eadred, 36 . 13I. coins of, 35. Assistants' Badges, II7. find of coins of, in Rome, Aswulf the earl, 36. 18. ( At ye next boat' London token, Guthfrithson, King of Dub­ 180. lin, 28. Athelstan, An Unpublished coin of, Quaran, 28. 194-196. Annand, Smith and Co. of Mel­ Auckland, Edward Waters, tokens bourne, tokens of, 176. of, 173. Anne Boleyn, 89, 90, 9I. Augustus to Arcadius, find of Roman coin weights of, 99. coins temp. from, near North­ medal of, 140-14I. ampton, 5. of Cleves, 89, 9I. Augustus, two-thaler piece of, 157. Annulet coinage of Henry VI, 74 . Aurelian, find of a coin of, at North­ . Anscombe, A., and his theories on ampton, 5. the meaning of moneta, mot, &c., Aurelius, coin of, 2IO. 24,25,26. Australia, short review of the history Antedrigus, coin of, 226. of, especially with regard to the find of a coin of, at coinage, 175-176. Brackley, 4. Australian Currencies, Some Notes find of a coin of, at on, 175-176. Northampton, 3. Australian items exhibited, 172-i74' Antiochus VII, coin of, 209. patterns of George V, Antoninus, coins of, 2IO. 173· Antwerp mint of Edward III, 174. tokens, unpublished, 173. Apothecaries arms, token bearing, AVTORE . DEO . FAVENTE· RE­ 222. GINA legend on Elizabethan Aquitaine mint of Edward III, 174. counter, 135. 252 Index Aylesbury, Edward Cope in, token Baldric, Northampton moneyer of of, 222. Aethelstan, 20, 21, 22. find of a token of Northampton moneyer of William Church in, Eadwig, 40, 41, 42. 103, 109. Northampton moneyer of first charter of incor­ Eadgar, 48, 52, 54. poration to, 108. Baldwin, A. H., exhibits by, 172- limits of the borough of, 173· 108. A. H. F., exhibits by, 210--2II, 213, 222, 227- 228. B Baltic in 1854, medal commemor­ B and a key on coins of Arch­ ating naval operations in the, bishop Lawrence Booth, 79. 191- 192. B = Briot on coins of Charles I, 72. Barber-Surgeons arms, token bear­ B for Bonagio of Florence on coins ing, 222. of Robert II, 68, 72. Barnes, John, in Petty France, token B, the use of the symbol r for the of, 222. letter, 195. Barnett, T. G., donation to the Badges, City Livery, IIl-II9, 224. funds of the So­ Badges of City Companies, on the ciety by, 163, dating of the, II2. 165, 202, 204, Bagnall, A. E., donation to the funds 235, 236. of the Society by, exhibits by, 159, 163, 165, 202, 204, 230 . 235, 236. Bateman, Hester, Bakers Company exhibits by, 129, 130, badge executed by, 223-224. 151, 155-156, 182, Bath mint of Eadgar, 49. 209-210, 217, 225, Bath, C.B:, Order of the, 153. 23 0 . Battle, token of, 18I. Bainbridge, C. L., Archbishop of Beck, Bishop, coins of, 210. York, coins of, 182, 185. Bedford mint of Eadwig, 23, 4I. Bakers and Mercers arms, 'token Bedford Street, token of Francis bearing, 222. Cooper in, 198. Bakers Company, badge of the, Bedford, William Thomas, medal II7, 13I. awarded to, II8. 1789, badge of, Belfast bar to Boer War Medal, 193. 223-224. BELGIA . HISP . TYRANNIDE . Baldric M-O Hamt=Baldric Jtjyne ­ OPPRESSA· PORTV, etc., legend tere (or Monetarius) on on Elizabethan counter, 134. Hamtune, 54. Belgians, Elizabethan counter re­ moneyer of Eadmund, 29, ferring to assistance given to the, 30 . 134-135. Northampton Belinus a legendary British prince, mint of Ead­ 2, red, 37, 38. Bellovaci, coins of the, 225. Index 253 ,Belmont bar to Queen's South Afri­ Bonachio or Bonachium = Bonagio can Medal, 193. or Bonagius, 69. Beorhtwulf defeated by the Danes, Bonage = Bonagio, 69. 9· " Bonage " groat of Robert III, 231. Bergen-ap-Zoom, Elizabethan coun- Bonagio first employed in the Epis- ter referring to the Spanish failure copal mint at Durham, 68. to capture, 135. Bonagio moneyer or master moneyer Beverley, Marmaduke Redman in, to David II, Robert II and Robert token of, 222. III, 67, 68. token, 181. Booth, Archbishop Lawrence, York Bewdley, Thomas Dedicot in, token coins of, 76, 79, 182, 183. of, 216. Archbishop William, York Bhootan bar to India General Ser­ coinage of, 74, 76, 182. vice Medal, 1854, 152. Borage groat, concerning the mean­ Bible, coins of the, exhibited, 209- ing of, 69, 70. 210. B6t=compensation, 7, 35· " Birdcage Walk" = Bocage Walk, Bourchier, Thomas, Archbishop of 70. Canterbury, grant of moneyers to, Birmingham and South Wales, and coins of, 79-80, 81, 82, 83, token of, 151. 182, 184. token of, 181. Box thaler with miniatures painted Bishop, George, badge issued to, II5. in oils, 190. Blacksmiths arms, token bearing, BR , BRY, BRYD , BRYDlA, 222. BRYDIGA, on the allocation of the Blyth, John, and Chas. Deale, in mint, 159 et seq.
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