On two enigmatic. infructescences from Permian Gondwana of the Rajmahal Basin* Usha Bajpai & Hari K. Maheshwari Bajpai, lIsha &: Maheshwafl. Hari K 1991. On tWu enigmatic infructescences from Permian Gundwana of the Rajmahal Basin l'alaeobolal1ls1 39( I) : 9-19. Two ne\V dlch()[omou~ly branched infructescences, a gynuclad and an androclad, are reponed from shales associated with the Lalmatla Coalseam in Hlira Coalfield, Rajmahal Basin, Bihar 11le branched infructescences though are found In association with ginkgophyte leaves, yet their affinities seem to be with the pteridospermous groups Key-words- Frllcl.flcatlon~, G.nkgophytcs, Glossopteris Flora, Gondwana, Pteridosperms (India). (Isba 13ajpat t- Han K ,l1abesbwan, Birbal Salmi Inslilule oj Palaeobolany, 53 IJniuersiry Road, GPO 130x 106, LucMnOll' JJ6 00 I, India riu ~ ;i'tllfi • 'l<lft ~ it ~ ~ tr.R' ~~~~~ ~ ~ (~) ~ ~-etof ~~-~ ~ ~~ ~. ~ ~ ~ i:'l1!\t if if Ill'<f -mffifuo'F"R, (fqJ'~ ~ ~ ~il'f;l~tl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q;r 'f1l'R fu;lu lfllT t I it TI1fu<f 'F"R, III <f; if qrit 'lnH, cit \fi <f; tftm ~ ~ ~I I«ft<f THE Hura Coalfield is the northernmost outlier of from shales associated with the Lalmatia (II) top coal bearing formations in the Rajmahal Basin. Coal seam In the same collection we have now observed is being exploited in the area since long (Ball, 1877) the presence of Neomariopteris hughesii by the local people who intermittently dig shallow (Feistmantel) Maithy 1974, Glossopteris communis pits to collect coal for their use Raja Rao (1987) Feistmantel 1876, Glossopteris lanceolatus Pant & reports the occurrence of a few coalseams in the Singh 1971, Glossopteris ampla Dana 1849, Barakar Formation. Large scale mining is being done Glossopteris angustijolia Brongnia rt 1831, by the Rajmahal Open Cast Project in the Lalmatia Glossopteris linean's McCoy 1847, Glossopten's retusa bottom (L-II) and Lalmatia top (L-III) seams. Maheshwari 196'5, Glossopteris stricta Bunbury 1861, Plant fossils were reported from the Permian Glossopteris stenoneura Feistmantel 1877, beds near Lohandia by Feistmantel (1880). These Vertebraria indica Royle 1839, Eretmonia-type leaf­ included a few leaves of the genus Glossopteris, scale scales and Arberiella-type sporangia. Recently leaves and seeds. Almost a hundred years later, Maheshwari and Bajpai (in Press) have reported Singh, Srivastava and Maheshwari (1986) recorded a several species of ginkgophyre leaves from shale hete rophyllous sphenophyll- Sphenophyllu m intercalations between Lalmatia bottom and top gondwanensis-and the equisetalean Lelstotheca seams, exposed far away from the main exposures of the II coalseam in the Lalmatia-Simra area. The bed is rich in plant fossils Here we record two 'Contribution to lGCP Project 237: Floras of Gondwanic interesting types of fructifications from the same Continents. beds, 9 10 THE PAlAEOBOTANIST + F I v v v N + ~F/V v v v v + v v ~~ '--\V v v v v + \ --.1.....-r...----F~\ ~~\V v + + +\ v + + \ I v v v + + \\ \( /'-. F ( v v o 1 2 3Km I I I ~ \ v "') 25° + + FY,",~~"' \ v v 65° • \ r-, ~ ~, ~ Traps /' +"::>'" + ++ +"" ..~~, <' ~ ~,,~, ~ ~ Precambrian ~~~, /'( + + Haripur + \- ~,\ _ Phulberia CJ Barakar + + + + <' ~,,\ / ~ Burnt out crop ,/ + + ( + " ~b\l Locality + + + + \Yl'l""\ '.V~ + + + \ .-, \ /(./ v + I='" \ , + + + F "'\...- .J +.J ,P A F F,/ v v + +/ r-\~'-' ~ -:!-/' + + +( / -=, \ 87° 20 1 I + Map I-General location of the pit from where the fossils were collected. MATERIAL Plant fossils were collected by our colleagues ,1.5 m SANDSTONE Shri H. N. Boral and late Dr V. K Singh from an abandoned shallow pit, dug by local villagers for FERRUGINOUS SANDY SHALE coal, near the village Haripur (Map 1), in the 1.2,,, WITH GLOSSOPTERIS LEAVES southern part of the Hura Coalfield. Subsequently we AND TRACE FOSSIL LAYERS + + .25m SHALE WITH GLOSSOPTERIS LEAVES collected additional specimens from the localiry and - - --- _. ". .. 3 m UNFOSSILIFEROUS SHALE Ii. <> .. Ii. e <> observed the following sequence in this particular <> <> <> <> ".6 Ii. 6 " .6 m GRITTY FERRUGINOUS SANDSTONE li 6 Ii. <> ,0 .... .. 6. ° pit (Text-fig_ 1) 1 WITH FEW GLOSSOPTERIS LEAVES The rype and figured specimens have been deposited in the Repository of Birbal Sahni Institute ~ 1_'-'-'-'-'-'-'- SANDSTONE/SHALE ALTERNATIONS of Palaeobotany, Lucknow. 3 m RICH IN PLANT FOSSILS INCLUDING GINKGOPSID LEAVES; OCCASIONALLY DESCRIPTION TRACE FOSSILS SEEN Veekaystngbta gen, nov, Type species- Veekaysinghia durgavatiae sp. 12 m COAL nov. D{agnosis-Seed-bearing axis, repeatedly branched on a basic dichotomous pattern; ultimate ,1 m SANDSTONE; BASE NOT SEEN branches sometimes apparently pinnate, bear aphyllous, orthotropous seeds, usually compactly Text-figure I-A generalized litholog of the face of the pit from arranged and only on one side of the axis. which the fossils have been collected. 'IPI J];j ;)lj1 UO U;);)S SI J];;)I plsd08)fu,8 ]; JO lJ];d !];Jld]; : I x '! L£9£ ou LI;)Wl:!;)dS 'lJ];dJ;)lUnOJ :;)d,\IOIOH 'z Jlelj IPI J;)/6ol LII U;);)S oSle SI lItril/l(qdO/l;lqdS JO ;)1/61 V J];;)I p1Sd08)fU18 ]; Aq p;)ddep;),\o ...... ...... 'I 'I ," I"til 'lIlJd "lj I 10 1.1 rei I·' \\"I ,>lj II • "_ ~l)~' Oll 1I.'1l11 "'d' _'d.\ \"1\ 'II 1 ,. 'll d' I.) 1I.'" ,1/ '1/" 111:-11111' 1'''<71(111<.1 /I,~.l.l \- .. ' 1 ~;u n8H 12 THE PALAEO BOTANIST Figure 3- Veekaysmghta durgavaliae gen et sp nov.. a pan of the holorype enlarged to show 'pinnate' ultimate branches bearing closely placed seeds on one side of (he axis (upper left of the figure); specimen no. 36570, • 2.5. Description-It is rather an unusual dichotomy have been observed (Figures 3, 4). Fine infructescence for the Gondwana. Most of the hand striations run all along the axis (Figure 5). The specimens show only portions of the infructescence. infructescences are monogynons on which Only one specimen (Figure 1), and its counterpart orthotropus seeds are compactly arranged (Figures (Figure 2), seem to represent almost the complete 6·11). The seeds are aphyllous, in not being organ. The specimens are profusely branched on a associated with a sporophyll or scale, sessile and basic dichotomous pattern. The ultimate branches almost invariably si tuated on one side of the axis, seem to be lateral (Figure 3), probably due to usually overlapping one another (Figures 8, 9). suppressed dichotomy, i.e., helicoid branching. Seeds are obovate in shape, 35·4 mm long and The complete infructescence was atleast up to up to 2.5 mm broad at the Widest, neither micropyle 18 cm long with first dichotomy of the axis occurring nor hilum is seen. As the seeds are preserved only as about 6 cm from the base. Up to five levels of impressions, details of wall layers are not clearly BAJPAI & MAHESHWARI-ENIGMATIC INFRlJCTESCENCES FROM PERMIAN GONDWANA 13 Figure 4- Veekaysmghia durgUl·alw<: gen el sp nov a gynoclad assoCiated with ,everal glllkgorsid leaves A well preserved leaf of Saporlaea is seen on (he left side, specimen no 36574, x L decipherable At some places one can see Comparison-The striking features of the indications of two integuments and an almost described gynoclad are a dichotomous branching rounded nucellus (Figures 12, 13 l, which is lip to 2 pattern, and orthotropus seeds compactly arranged mm in diametre Under incident light cellular on ultimate branches. The infructescence compares outlines are faintly discernible The cells are with the gynoclad Utkalia dichotoma described from recranguloid and arranged end·to·end. the Hinjir (= Kamthi 1 Formation exposed in the Diagnosis oj species-As for the genus. Hinjirida Ghati near Handapa, Mahanadi Basin Derivation oj generic name-After late Vi nay (Chandra, 1984 l. [n both the infructescences, the Kumar Singh, our associate on the Rajmahal Basin primary axis is dichotomously branched and the studies. ultimate axes bear aphyltous seeds. However, in Derivation oj species name-After Durgavati, Utkalia dichotoma further branching is on an the valiant Queen of the principality of Gondwana, alternate pattern, and the ultimate branches are central India, circa 16th Century A.D. (Chopra, reported to bear a Single terminal seed. An 1973 ). androclad organizationally similar to Utkalia has 14 THE PAIAEOBOTANIST Stapbidiopbora secunda Harris 1935 consists of an axis that bears a few sessile seeds in its upper part and only on one side as in Veekaysinghia durgavatifle. According to Harris (1935), the seeds were probably borne alternately but as a result of twisting of axis came to be located on one side. On the basis of similarity in cuticular features, Stapbidiophora is attributed to the leaves of Hartzia tenuis. Caytonia is a monogynon that bore 'fruits' opPositely or sub-oppositely on a dorsiventral rachis. It is attributed to the leaf Sagenopteris ;Ilongwith the androclad Caytonanthus on the basis of regular association (Sporne, 1965). The ginkgoalean female 'cone' reported from Molteno Formation exposed at Matatiele in the Karoo Basin (Anderson & Anderson, 1983, pI. 24, fig. I) superficially resembles our specimens in being a gynoclad. Details of the African fossil are, however, not yet known. Holotype-Specimen no. 36570, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow; Early Permian, Barakar Formation, shales associated with Lalmatia Coalseam, near village Haripur, Hura Coalfield, Rajmahal Basin, India. Btrbalsabnta gen. nov. Type species-Birbalsahnia divyadarshanii sp. dl/l).~(4U'/I(H' Ill1\ figure 5- \ ('('k'UI'\IIIJ..:h/tI gt'n vi ... p :1 p.lrl (l! nov. ~h()w of [he axi~ and the gynodad enlarged l() a dichotomy Diagnosis-Androclad, main axis dichotomously panly exposed seeds, apparenlly attached on one side of the axis; specimen no. 36S71, x 4. branched, subsequent branches lateral, alternate to one another, ultimate branches thin, terminally been reported from the Upper Triassic Molteno bearing pollen-sacs, attachment of pollen-sacs on Formation (Anderson & Anderson, 1983, pI. 26, fig. ultimate branches not discernible; pollen-sacs 1) apparentIl' tetra-loc ulaf. The corystospermaceous gynoclads referred to Description-The incomplete pollen ·sac· the genus Umkomasia Thomas 1933 are also bearing organ (Figure 14) occurs in the same profusely branched.
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