SUMMER RESORTS. SUMMER RESORTS. EDUCAONAL AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. WAR FOR SALE-HOUSES. IR I WITH THE BOERS Iali$ SllE ci c i cN m'ItETEI) STriwET NEAR The Atlantio CIty Oee of The cArW wAT. N. J. OUT OF WHINGTON. -rM AWr RUO N. FUTURE DAYS. ; I.tlNI; 1IFFiCE. li4M11 ItRICK. Evening Star is located at 1308-18 N.1 52.:4to .\l.'ittS$ --EN'XCH.LIENT fP- THE BREXTGN. GAY HIL SCHOOL FOR.GIGRIM CHARLOTrE DUNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONEERS. JAMES W. RATCLIFFE, AUCTIONEER. Atlantie avenue, where any intforsa- season. Near the beach. St. county, Er.E I' clllTi N IT Y.- ST.\1it cFlit'iE ccu22-if ein Twelfth Large pl. Hall. Mary's 4md. T. BRIS- Now Regrd an a British tion concerning advertising, eta., ax=s ad man parlor. Terms moderate. tang- COE, Principol. , , aul9-2w TRUSTEES' SALE OF TWO FIVE-ROOM FRAME TRUSTEES' SALE OF A TWO-STORY BRICK Oertainty by } cct s.1 IF 'ct' li.FVE $ _._tt " lASl AND be obtained. The rates are the same distance 42. Mrs. J. A. MYERS. HOUSES ON SECOND STREET NEAR M AND FRAME STORE AND DWELLINO. AND in lh!,l .iil net 'phone :t a b:at pay *12. tmithly an Home 01lee. myl-m,w&0-4M ACAD3WY. Rockvtlle, MW, for BoyS. Its ils STRELT SOUTHEAST. A TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE. KNOWN Ad Foreign Offic3. on ~ ~ ~ I Uh, '.Iv. le hwYou Ih..osse charged at the have done well at the Unive. of..V., Corne. On TUESDAY THE TWENTY-SECOND DAY NOS. 314 i.ND 316 EAST CAPITOL STREET. ~Q II (".\ il. sI:ir ccficte. nt'22-3t* STAR VILLA. CAPE MAY. 'r.rf sic. -K ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. high, Princetos and at t 9ass.Jost. ot Tech. at OF AUGUST, 1p9. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. in L virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded in Located directly on Beach ave.. cor. Ocean at. Boaton. Add. W. P.'1UN, LS.N.A., Prin. front of the pretses. the undersigned. as trustees, ber"No. 2125. folio 431 et seq.. land records of Home-liko house. Fine plossas. fy18-46t*p under a deed of :rust recorded in Liber 2291 at the District of Columbia. and at the request of c-, p ir.m l' ch ilexlc' c.-lutt,-r: g.ld cin- ALBEMAtIL H1TEL AND COTTAGES. IP. L. RICHARDSON. a of the President Krger's Temporlsinor An- St.,r oh t beach on Virginia Iy24-Im foldo 398 et of the laud records bie- the party secured we. the undersigned, dGb.m 01,1- C.'01ER.A. n.tiitiy situated near MARYLAND CLEG]k FOR YOUNG trict of Columb.a. will sell at auction the follow- Will thereby, av,.; capacity. 3m; clevator; every modern con- SPRINGS AND RATIS. truste". offer for sale. by public auction. Ia awers Arouse the Wrath Of- Ailclcc-ci:-.-.V: i.,'. S.W.; TW-1FftNE near Baito.; cheerful, cultured ing described real estate situate In the city of front of the on of venience; Iliberaily managed; ezcellent cuisine; $235.LADES;home; careful standard: District of Columbia. to wit: Part respective premises. MONiAY, Il t t.: latgec brIck stable it rear; redue.'l rates for Write for Booklet tafning high Washington. TWENTY-EIG-TH AUGU.ST. 1899. AT IIALF- .,-l :r kind1 ,f b in s. of September. of lot numbered S. in square numbered 770, begin- scials In London. :lly ApplY ami tems. (a4-18t,61 i. It. COPE. $350. city R location: 47th PAST FOUR P'M.. th following described real 1_ SAill. n U.i W.E. a.12\-2* Richfield N.Y. year. adyWutageIrhealthyTU.NER, Prest.. ning at the southwest corner of said lot and run- estate, situate in the city of Washington. District THE WAVELET. Springs, 3y27-1m ptherville, Md. ning thence north on Second (or Canal) street 30 of I ccit "A.i' liuiIt- IcWEI.-;N) 4N 1. NEAR Columbia. to wit: Part of original lot numbered Pacific avenue near Kentucky. feet: thence east 84' 8%" to the rear of said lot; three In numbered seven hundred and : w MI2.. 4; ceit UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINLA. (). square rel-nt. pei mit,.; Tier New managemelnt. Hotel Earlington thence south 30 feet. ard thence west 84' SW to contained within the invi ~ pi" -neto 0*0 sk-d. Letters, Science Law. Medicine. Engineering. eighty-six (786), following A from London last au12.26tt SPAIRROW & SIIAWEN of Baltimore Booms en suite with Bath, the place of beg'nuirg. together with the Improve- metes and bounds: for the same on dispatch night says: a -: r it . WAtNl! & Cc.. tilr. F tit. n.w. Session 6gins 45th September. ments and thereunto or Beginning THIE MANSION. Far enough South f*r mild winters, appurtenbnces belonging East Capitol street at the southwest corner of said There is no longer any doubt that Presi- Srl'IzY i-- the St. James Hotel in anywise appertaining. lot and thence east on -tit s.i-, !i Allantic City's well-known hotel. Under while malaria Is unknown. Terms: One-third cash, balance in one and two running said street forty- dent Kruger has refused to submit to the it lir k -n :41 qt. 4.f. rent-el at $12.5t per of Located in Earlington Park. For Catalogue, address P. B. BARINGER, three (43) feet two and or.e-half (2%) inches; thence poimlar management years, with interest at the rate of six per cent one demand of Mr. Chamberlain for the n-thbl: $1.-c W. north hundred and ten (110) feet; thence west ap- IAire. n,ill-12t.4 JOHN EMERY. Prop. fy27-Im Chairman. Cliarlottesville. Va. annum, pay..ble secured by II WA ItNElI & ''q. i1t; F ST. o.w. per semi-annually, six thence north feet one ni:22-2t 1:. Establishment deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at (6) feet; eighteen (181 (1D pointment of a court of Inquiry. He may Bathing Hotel the of the A of inch; thence west thirty-seven 1371 feet two and .it SALEC iiANitst CE t'OlNEIC IItiWENE. Berkshire Inn, Directly Opposite Earlington. PIANOS AND ORGANS. option purchaser. deposit $100 one-half (2%1 inches; thence south one hundred and have done so diplomatically or hedgingly. 1Ib h . 12 r...nc; 2 bath-s; t.-'am heat; only are., 100 from Beach. Strictly GOLF required at time of sae. Conveyancing, record- Virginia yards LINKS. revenue at cost of twenty-eight (1281 feet one (1) irch to the place of But that his answer is regarded by the modern at moderate rates. Capacity. 300. Ele- ing, stamps, &c.. purchaser. with the con- 1. F Terms of sale to be with In fteen beginning, together Improvements, HiiSKVA 3ieiitAN. I.ns St. n.W. vLt r. Ocean view. Write for Boklet. Reduced E..11. & SON. complied days of a v brick and frame store and British government as tantamount to a pos- a122 W FRANK COPE. au4-18t-6 EARLE UPRIGHT PIANO, from day of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the s!sting o-story rates for Septe.ber. G. jy15-tu,th&x.28t-18 right to eell the property at the risk and cost of dwelling aed a two-story frame house, Nos. 314 and itive refusal is now an established fact. FtR SAIF oNI.Y $.5,cctA SAC !KI'E-1-R4)M $114. defaulting purchaser, after Sve days' advertise- 316 East Capitol street. The y:trdg and frame stable;. Ist At. nl.w.; SEASIDE-MISCELLANEOUS. Slightly Used, Terms of 'ale: One-third of the money colonial office is normally non-commit- bnick; larce HOTEL MT. VERNON, ment. of such resale in some newspaper published purchase tal, but n. arly new. II. I. HOWENSTEIN, 6i n.w. ave. 923 F N.W. in Washington, D. C. to be paid in cessh. the residue in two equal in- there are other evidences which Pacific ave. near Michigan (main Boulevard). THE ARUNDEL. ARUNDEL-ON-THE-BAY, MD WORCH'S, stallmenta, 4n one and two with interest t21-31: Ocean ne4r beach. of management. PIANOS MOVED, $2.00. ALBERT L RICHARDSON. years. amply justify the statement. The view; Change Booklet. will be open until Oct. 1; fishing, crabbing aW- JOHN from day of sale at the rate of six (6) per cent report y' i S 4it citY AfitAtl'IVE SIl'THI- $1.50 to $2.50 -'r day. $9 to $14 week. sailng; ood table; plenty oysters, fsh, rabs, mylo-am.8 RAUM, ranum and secured that President has new h-ise in the i.e. brick, with Stone au2-26t D. E. GAITHER. solo-d&ds Trustes. prymble semi-annually, by Kruger proposed weo-st corner etc., fresh from water. For terms address (Established 1152.) deedo trust on the property sold, or all cash, at terms is somewhat verified the Trimtings; 3 st,,ri- R r;mis; a.m.l.; price. THE WESTMINSTEIL S. G. SWAIN, Arandel-on-tbe-Bay. TOMORROW. the option of the A of re- by guarded & C.. purchaser. deposit $200 $1 Ws). B. II. WARNER near beach; aul-a.tM,th.13t on ea'h at the of sale. comment of the colonial office officials and F n.w. Capacity, 250. Kentucky ave., ELLIS' MUSIC quired piece time Terms a121 -3t 916 St. elevator; $2 to $3 daily; special weekly. STORE, THOMAS DOWLING. AUCTIONEER. to be complied with in 15 days from the day of the G. B. McGINLY. Vg7 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. Irritability displayed there. k.l SAIl lilln lE ISLAND AVE.. ECKINGTON "n1-26t UPRIGHT AND GRAND sate, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to There is not the New cIttlage; .
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