Instead of Deadly Commonplaces One Boy and Baseball Sacraments of Mercy Testimonies: An Excerpt from Ellen Harmon White The Hedgehog, the Fox, and Ellen G. White A Short History of the Headship Doctrine in the Seventh-day Adventist Church VOLUME 42 ISSUE 2 n spring 2014 SPECTRUM is a journal established to encourage Seventh-day Adventist participation in the discus- sion of contemporary issues from a Christian viewpoint, to look without prejudice at all sides of a subject, to evaluate the merits of diverse views, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED COPYRIGHT © 2014 ADVENTIST FORUM and to foster Christian intellectual and cultural growth. Although effort is made to ensure accu- rate scholarship and discriminating judgment, the statements of fact are the responsibility of con- Editor Bonnie Dwyer tributors, and the views individual authors express Assistant Editor Heather Langley DICATED-TO-AN-ART-GIANT are not necessarily those of the editorial staff as a Cover Subscriptions Chloé Robles-Evano whole or as individuals. The Gospel of Good Health, watercolor, 1990. By Vernon Nye. Design Laura Lamar Spectrum Web Team Alita Byrd, Joelle Chase, About the Artist: SPECTRUM is published by Adventist Forum, a Vernon Nye Bonnie Dwyer, Rich Hannon, Jonathan Pichot, nonsubsidized, nonprofit organization for which California Watercolor.com still Chloé Robles-Evano, Ruben Sanchez, Wendy Trim, features the landscape paintings of gifts are deductible in the report of income for Vernon Nye, even though the prolif- Jared Wright ic Adventist painter passed away purposes of taxation. The publishing of SPEC- in 2013 at the age of ninety-seven. TRUM depends on subscriptions, gifts from indi- As an elected member of the Amer- ican Watercolor Society, his work EDITORIAL BOARD viduals, and the voluntary efforts of the has been exhibited and awarded honors in national exhibitions. contributors. Nye’s fame also lives on at Pacific Beverly Beem Union College where the lecture English hall in the Rasmussen Art Gallery Walla Walla University Richard Rice SPECTRUM can be accessed on the World Wide bears his name. In his twenty-one Theology years as chairman of the art depart- Roy Branson Loma Linda University Web at www.spectrummagazine.org. ment at the college, he transformed School of Religion the art program, establishing a Loma Linda University Charles Scriven commercial art studio in Fisher Hall Chairman of the Board, Editorial Correspondence that became the base for the Cali- fornia Art Service and the Albion Alita Byrd Adventist Forum Direct all correspondence and letters to the editor to: Summer School of Art, the latter of Writer which still offers annual summer Atlanta, Georgia Gerhard Svrcek-Seiler classes. At the ceremony naming Vienna, Austria SPECTRUM the lecture hall on Nye’s ninetieth Alexander Carpenter birthday, he was remembered as Visual Arts and Media Norman Young P. O. Box 619047 “an absolute wonder of a man, gift- Pacific Union College Cooranbong, Australia ed and talented beyond compare.” Roseville, CA 95661-9047 Sharon Fujimoto- Nye’s career was bookended at the Adventist world headquarters. Johnson tel: (916) 774-1080 His first professional artwork was Writer/Graphic Designer fax: (916) 791-4938 illustrating books at the Review and Sacramento, California | ARTIST PHOTO: WWW.PUC.EDU/NEWS/ARCHIVES/2006/THE-VERNON-NYE-LECTURE-HALL-DE COVER IMAGE COURTESY OF THE ELLEN G. WHITE ESTATE Herald where he shared a studio [email protected] with Harry Anderson. That was fol- Fritz Guy lowed by freelance projects for the Theology U.S. Treasury Department and the La Sierra University Department of Defense, and even- Letters to the editor may be edited for publication. tually he became a staff illustrator David R. Larson for the Federal Civil Defense Department. In 1955, he moved Religion ISSN: 0890-0264 from Washington, D.C. to PUC in Loma Linda University Angwin, California. After twenty- one years there, he moved to Walla Gary Land Subscriptions and Advertising Walla College and taught there History until his retirement in 1982. Follow- Andrews University [email protected] ing his retirement he was again (916) 774-1080 asked to work for the church, Juli Miller painting its early work and Ellen G. Marketing Communication White’s visions. Those paintings now hang on the walls of the Consultant White Estate. It was from those Sun Valley, Idaho paintings that we selected illustra- tions for the cover and section dividers of this issue of Spectrum. spring 2014 n VOLUME 42 ISSUE 2 SPECTRUM contents Editorials 7 2 “Aha” Moments | BY BONNIE DWYER 3 Instead of Deadly Commonplaces | BY CHARLES SCRIVEN Feedback 5 Winter issue prompts research, reminiscing | DAVE REYNOLDS, GREGORY MATTHEWS 9 Noteworthy 7 Los Angeles Dodgers honor Frank Jobe | BY CHLOÉ ROBLES-EVANO In memory of Gary Land | BY BEN MCARTHUR 9 One Boy and Baseball: The 1887 Diary of S. Parker Smith, Age 15 | BY GARY LAND 16 Sacraments and Symbols in the Bible 16 Sacraments of Mercy | BY KENDRA HALOVIAK VALENTINE 39 New Books and Reports on Ellen White 23 Testimonies: An Excerpt from Ellen Harmon White: American Prophet | BY GRAEME SHARROCK 35 Making History: A Review of Ellen Harmon White: American Prophet | BY DAVID HOLLAND 45 39 A Historical Inquiry: Review of Ellen Harmon White: American Prophet | BY DENIS FORTIN 45 “They lived near the bridge where we went over”: Ellen White and Blacks | BY BENJAMIN BAKER 52 The Hedgehog, the Fox, and Ellen G. White: A Review | BY JONATHAN BUTLER AND RONALD L. NUMBERS 70 58 An Astonishing Chorus of Adventist Voices: A Review of The Ellen G. White Encyclopedia | BY ALDEN THOMPSON Tipping Points in the Consideration of Women’s Ordination 63 Higher Criticism and the Resistance to Women’s Ordination: 80 Unmasking the Issue | BY OLIVE J. HEMMINGS 70 Progress or Regress? Adventist Women in Ministry | BY BERT HALOVIAK AND KENDRA HALOVIAK VALENTINE 80 A Short History of the Headship Doctrine in the Seventh-day Adventist Church | BY GERRY CHUDLEIGH Poem back cover The sound of something falling | BY BRENDA BUTKA WWW.SPECTRUMMAGAZINE.ORG 1 EDITORIAL n from the editor “Aha” Moments | BY BONNIE DWYER onnecting the dots between contemporary the bill for equality in the church when the Press agreed to events in order to understand their signifi- pay the million-dollar settlement of the Merikay lawsuit C cance can be difficult. Painful introspection against the advice from the General Conference. The back- may be required. The perspective of history story on the Consultation at Glacier View in 1980 was his might be what is needed to reach an “aha” moment. desire to bring together the academic and administrative There was much on Lowell Bock’s heart when we sat communities within the church, only to have the agenda down to talk recently. He had been thinking about the fifty scrapped and replaced with a trial on the views of Des Ford. years he spent serving the Lord and the church (1946-1988), Bock had experienced much, and came to realize that the and he wanted to share his testimony and key insights. He church leadership, at times, was part of the problem. reviewed his years as a pastor, then as a department secretary, Bock’s “aha” moment came in reading Daniel and seeing conference president, union conference president, and a the connection between repentance and revival. Now, he General Conference vice president. He had experienced the feels that the leadership needs to follow the example of extreme hierarchal rule of a dictatorial conference president Daniel and repent, because without repentance there can who kept the policy book under lock and key in his desk be no revival and reformation. drawer. He had watched the laity become more educated There have been several “aha” moments for me in my and interested in having a say in church policies. He had understanding of church history over the past few months. been handed difficult assignments such as chairing the board One of them came while reading Gerry Chudleigh’s of Pacific Press following the Merikay Silver lawsuit. He had account of the history of headship theology within Adven- served several General Conference presidents and noticed tism that appears in this issue. I never thought that Adven- there was always a call for revival and reformation when a tists believed in headship theology. Chudleigh helps new administration came into office. connect the dots. “The whole issue was ‘What is Truth?’” he said, recalling Graeme Sharrock’s chapter on Ellen White’s testimonies discussions he had with then-General Conference president from the new book by Oxford University Press provided Robert Pierson who would say, “‘Lowell, we’re counting on more “aha” moments as I came to a better understanding of you to hold the line.’” White’s writings and their role in the church. We’ve includ- To Pierson, Bock explained, there was no right or left— ed that in this issue, too. truth was a straight line. But Bock wondered, where was Charles Scriven’s reporting from the recent conference that line? on World War I and Adventism connects more dots regard- Bock’s stories flowed. About the time of the Civil Rights ing Reform Adventism. Movement in the Southern New England Conference, when That such “aha” moments can come from reading history the graduate students expressed an interest in racial equality, as well as experiencing it gives me hope—hope that con- Bock put them on a committee that drafted an amendment necting the dots of the past can help us understand present to the constitution forbidding racial discrimination. Much to truth, so our community can progress in our theology and the surprise of many church leaders, the amendment was life together. n passed at the constituency meeting and picked up by the General Conference.
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