NOTE: DON’T ALLOW AUTOFLOW UNTIL NEW PAGES ARE taGGED REGULAR CALenDAR. ConSent CALenDAR PAGES ARE all BLUE STOck – REGULAR CALENDAR ALL WHITE STOCK. Be sure to remove all extra pages before autoflowing “new right odd”, or else the following pages may keep the “regular document master” formats. Always change page numbers for document while on first page, and be sure to change dates in the running head when you call up a new master page. Also search for ‘Century Schoolbook’, and replace with ‘New Century Schoolbook’ (but then don’t clear overrides) HOUSE RECORD First Year of the 164th General Court Calendar and Journal of the 2015 Session State of New Hampshire Web Site Address: www.gencourt.state.nh.us Vol. 37 Concord, N.H. Friday, January 2, 2015 No. 5X Contains: House Deadlines, Amendment to House Rules, Unsigned Sponsor List, Meetings, Seating and Notices HOUSE CALENDAR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE: As required by the New Hampshire Constitution, the House will meet for the convening of the 2015 session on Wednesday, January 7th, at 10:00 a.m. We will then meet in Joint Session with the Senate to hear the report of vote totals for Governor and Executive Council from the Secretary of State. On Thursday, January 8th, the House will assemble at 10:30 a.m. to meet jointly with the Senate for the inauguration of the Governor. Due to the number of invited guests and dignitaries expected to attend, many of you seated in the front of the Hall will be displaced from your seats. If you think your seat may not be available to you and you wish alternative seating, please call the Sergeant-at-Arms’ Office at 271-3315. Every effort will be made to accommodate you. If you are NOT planning to attend the House session on Thursday January 8th for the Inauguration, please inform the Clerk’s Office at 271-2548 so we can note your absence and your seat can be used for the purposes of seating guests of the Governor. If time allows at the conclusion of business on the 7th or 8th, I would encourage committee chairmen who have not already made organizational plans to get together with their committees for a brief organizational meeting. There are over 300 LSRs ready to be signed off in the Office of Legislative Services. If you are spon- soring legislation, please make every effort to sign off by calling their office at 271-3435, sending an e-mail to [email protected], or by appearing in person in Room 109 of the State House. Please remember to give the OLS staff your LSR number. The deadline is Friday, January 9th, but acting sooner will accelerate the process of having your legislation assigned to a committee and scheduled for a hearing. I am pleased to announce that Reverend Kate Atkinson, Rector of St. Paul’s Church in Concord, has agreed to be our House Chaplain. I also invite members to urge their local clergy to consider offering prayer for the House on session days as well. Please contact the House Clerk who will assist you in arranging guest chap- lain visits. Additionally, if you have constituents or groups of students who are interested in performing the National Anthem, please inform the House Clerk. Please keep in mind that in order to keep travel expenses down I am asking you to limit your trips to Con- cord by doing constituent and other legislative work on the days you are scheduled to be here for committee meetings and House sessions. Reimbursement for travel to Concord on Mondays and Fridays will only be allowed if you are a member of a statutory committee that meets on those days or if you have received prior approval from the Speaker’s Office. I look forward to seeing you all next week as we begin our work for the 2015 session. Best wishes to all leg- islators and staff for a happy, healthy, and productive New Year! Shawn N. Jasper, Speaker NOTICE Legislative number plates will be issued Wednesday, January 7, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Room 101 of the Legislative Office Building. Please bring your valid ID and the current, valid registration of each vehicle that will carry legislative plates. Up to two sets (four plates) are available at $9 per set. Legislative photo ID cards for members and staff will be taken Wednesday, January 7, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Room 103 of the Legislative Office Building. Representatives from the State Motor Vehicle Division will also be available Thursday, Janu- ary 8, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for legislators and staff who could not make it on Wednesday. Shawn N. Jasper, Speaker 55 2 JANUARY 2015 HOUSE RECORD There will be a Republican Caucus on Wednesday, January 7th at 9:00 a.m. in Representatives Hall. Rep. Jack Flanagan, Majority Leader There will be a Democratic Caucus on Wednesday, January 7th at 9:00 a.m. in rooms 305-307, LOB. Rep. Stephen Shurtleff, Democratic Leader 2ND NOTICE LEGISLATIVE ETHICS COMMITTEE REQuired Disclosure Filing Copies of the “2015 Financial Disclosure Form,” are being mailed to each member of the House. Members may fill out and file the paper form or file electronically with the Financial Disclosure E-Form available at the following link: http://gencourt.state.nh.us/ethics/Financial_Disclosure/disclosureEForm.aspx, where you will find instructions on how to fill out the form and how to return it. The PCs in the State House and LOB Cyber Rooms are available for you to use for filling out the forms. If you choose to use the hard copy, please return your form to Rich Lambert in Room 112 of the State House. All legislators and legislative officers are required to complete and file a hard copy or E-Form with the Legislative Ethics Committee no later than January 16, 2015. Richard M. Lambert, Executive Administrator Legislative Ethics Committee NOTICE The House Calendar closes at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesdays for scheduling and notices. It will close at NOON on Thursdays for Committee Reports. Please be sure to do your scheduling in order to meet that deadline. CLOSES NOON on THURSDAY: AVAILABLE FRIDAY: January 8 January 9 January 15 January 16 Paul C. Smith, Clerk of the House 2015 HOUSE DEADLINES Friday, January 9, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. Last day to sign-off on all LSRs. Friday, February 6, 2015 Last day to introduce House Bills. Last day to amend House Rules by majority vote. AMENDMENT TO HOUSE RULES PROPOSED BY THE HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE Link to current House Rules: http://gencourt.state.nh.us/house/abouthouse/houserules.htm Amend House Rule 22 (c) to read as follows: A roll call shall be taken when a member moves for a roll call vote and that motion is seconded by 20 other members. The member requesting the roll call vote and the 20 members who second the motion shall notify the clerk in writing and must be present in the chamber when the request is seconded or shall rise from their seats or otherwise be recognized by the Speaker. Whenever a roll call vote is requested and properly seconded, members shall enter the chamber to take their seats and the question shall then be put to the House. Amend the first sentence of House Rule 63 to read as follows: No person, including members of the House, except law enforcement officers while actively engaged in carrying out their duties as such, shall display any deadly weapon as defined in RSA 625:11, V while in the House Chamber, anterooms, cloakrooms, or any portion of the State House adjacent to any of the above. Amend House Rule 65 to read as follows: Legislative action for the biennium shall be subject to the following deadlines: First Year Session Deadline Dates Friday, January 9, 2015 at noon Last day to sign off all House Bills. Friday, January 30, 2015 Last day to introduce House Bills Last day to amend House Rules by majority vote Thursday, February 12, 2015 Last day to report HBs going to a second committee Thursday, February 19, 2015 Last day to act on HBs going to a second committee Thursday, March 5, 2015 Last day to report all HBs not in a second committee, except budget bills 2 JANUARY 2015 HOUSE RECORD 56 Thursday, March 12, 2015 Last day to act on HBs not in a second committee, except budget bills Thursday, March 19, 2015 Last day to report all HBs, except budget bills Last day to report list of retained HBs Thursday, March 26, 2015 Last day to report budget bills Last day to act on all HBs, except budget bills Thursday, April 2, 2015 CROSSOVER Last day to act on budget bills Thursday, April 30, 2015 Last day to report Senate Bills going to a second committee Thursday, May 7, 2015 Last day to act on SBs going to a second committee Thursday, May 28, 2015 Last day to report all remaining SBs Last day to report list of retained SBs Thursday, June 4, 2015 Last day to act on SBs Thursday, June 11, 2015 Last day to form Committees of Conference Thursday, June 18, 2015 Last day to sign Committee of Conference reports Thursday, June 25, 2015 Last day to act on Committee of Conference reports SEATING ASSIGNMENTS 2015-2016 BIENNIUM (2093 indicates Section 2 Seat 93, etc.) MEMBER SEAT NUMBER MEMBER SEAT NUMBER Abbott, Michael 4085 Bradley, Paula 4061 Abel, Richard 4087 Brewster, Michael 3082 Abrami, Patrick 5001 Bridge, Ernest 4059 Abramson, Max 4045 Brown, Chris 5021 Adams, Christopher 3112 Brown, Duane 4026 Aldrich, Glen 3037 Brown, Pamela 3030 Alicea, Caroletta 2023 Brown, Rebecca 5027 Allen, Mary 4064 Buco, Thomas 1033 Almy, Susan 5005 Burt, John 3078 Ames, Richard 4024 Burton, Wayne 1008 Ammon, Keith 4054 Bush, Carol 2088 Avellani, Lino 3109 Butler, Edward 3055 Azarian, Gary 3021 Byron, Frank 5007 Baber, William 4015 Cahill, Michael 2045 Backus, Robert 5016 Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline 3054 Bailey, Brad 3106 Cardon, G.
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