Contributions to Zoology, 71 (4) 115-122 (2002) SPB Academic Publishing bv, The Hague Four Ponto-Caspian and one American gammarid species (Crustacea, Amphipoda) recently invading Polish waters Jazdzewski & Michal Grabowski Krzysztof ,Alicja Konopacka Department ofInvertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology, University ofLodz, 12/16Banacha str., 90 237 Lodz, Poland Keywords: Biogeography, gammarids, European waters, Poland in the Abstract (Di Castri 1989) and, case of freshwater fauna, by the construction of artificial waterways joining in the The paper discusses recent drastic changes composition formerly separate river systems (Jazdzewski 1980). of Polish gammarid fauna, that occurred at the end of 20th Central Europe is drained by the rivers discharging invasion offive alien century. This change was caused by the into the North Sea, Baltic Sea and Black Sea. The species - four ofPonto-Caspian origin(Dikerogammarus haemo- constructions of man-made canals joining these baphes, D. villosus, Obesogammarus crassus and Pontogam- different basins started in XVIIIth and marus robustoides) and one of American origin (Gammarus century during tigrinus). Probable invasion routes are presented. two next centuries these three basins were inter- connected in canals several ways. Major important to be mentioned here are those connecting the Elbe Contents and Oder (opened in 1746), the Oder and Vistula (1774) and the Vistula and Dnieper systems (1784, 115 Abstract Bug - Pripet’ canal) (Jazdzewski 1980). Introduction 115 The area of Poland belongs nearly entirely to Review of recent immigrants 116 the Baltic Sea basin, and some 90% of this terri- The present state of Polish gammarid fauna 117 to the Oder and Vistula Discussion 119 tory belongs drainage sys- tems. the minor Acknowledgements 121 Only part of northern Poland is 121 References drained by smaller rivers emptying directly into the Baltic Sea. Until recently gammarid species were usually Introduction recognised as members of the extra-large family Gammaridae. Amphipod genera ascribed to this of animals and Geographical ranges plants change family sensu Stebbing (1906) appeared to be really permanently in time, however these changes, when not related to each other, however this old familial natural, are slow from the human point of view. arrangement, especially of freshwater, Holarctic Even the formation of the Stock geologically young present Amphipoda, persisted very long. (1968, 1974), the last North-European fauna, that has begun after Karaman (1977), Bousficld (1977, 2001) and Bar- Wiirm and continues till now for some nard & Barnard made the glaciation (1983) attempts to group 15 thousands is of years, from our perspective a phyletically related „gammarid” taxa using much rather The of civi- long process. rapid development more detailed morphological analysis. lisation, and of human intercontinental from the fundamental especially Starting paper by Sars some 5 centuries have migrations commencing ago, (1894-1895) the rich, originally Ponto-Caspian am- accelerated seriously biogeographical changes by was phipod fauna usually considered to form a part intentional acclimatisations, accidental introductions of the family Gammaridae sensu lato (i.a. Carausu Downloaded from Brill.com10/06/2021 12:43:45PM via free access 116 K. Jazdzewski, A. Konopacka & M. Grabowski - Gammarid amphipods invading Polish waters and et at. 1955, Birshtejn & Romanova 1968, Mor- list of Polish gainmarids with 5 alien species, dukhaj-Boltovskoj et al. 1969), although already to recognise their most probable invasion routes. Martynov (1924) commented some special morpho- of the logical features of many “gammarids” so called Ponto-Caspian complex - the features that Review of recent immigrants he has named “pontogammarisation”. Stock (1974) named “ has distinguished a group Dikerogamma- Dikerogammarus haemobaphes (Eichwald, 1841) such rus-Pontogammarus complex” encompassing For the first time in the Baltic Sea basin, the spe- Steno- cies recorded in Poland in 1997 genera as Dikerogammarus, Pontogammarus, was (Konopacka and several others as well The of this gammarus,Niphargoides 1998). range expansion Ponto-Caspian This as a newly erected Obesogammarus. group invader in European waters and in Poland was al- & was formally named“family Pontogammaridae” by ready presented by Jazdzewski Konopacka (2000). D. Bousfield (1977) who has distinguished tentatively Recently, we discovered large population of 10 family-groups or families (i.a. Gammaridae, haemobaphes in the Vistula Lagoon, Gruszka (2000) Pontogammaridae, Anisogammaridae etc.) form- and Muller et al. (2001) found this species in the ing together the superfamily Gammaroidea. Barnard lower Oder river. & Barnard (1983) have put Gammarus-like genera in the “Gammaroid-group” (that could be possibly Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky, 1894) in this Oder situated at the supra-familial level); group The species was recently recorded in the river, these authors formally distinguished family Gamma- in 1999 (Gruszka 2001, Muller et al. 2001, Jazd- ridae with genus Gammarus and several Caspian zewski and Konopacka 2002) downstream of the of and Baikalian genera, and 13 groups, possibly canal connecting the Oder river with the Elbe ba- such Echino- into the Oder familial level with master genera as sin. The penetration of D. villosus and since it has used first gammarus,Dikerogammarus Pontogammams, basin is especially interesting others. Until solid cladistic of so-called southern i.e. Danube among any analysis the corridor, river, the all “gammarid” generais done, we follow Bous- for westwardrange expansion (Bij de Vaate et al., classification of Ponto-Cas- reach Danuberiver villosus field’s (1977, 2001) 2002). In the upper of D. in in pian gammarids the family Pontogammaridae, was first recorded by Tittizer et al. (1994) 1992, the and it has into the Rhine river via leaving genera Gammarus, Echinogammarus soon penetrated and Chaetogammarus in the family Gammaridae the Main - Danube canal (Bij de Vaate & Klink s.str., and retaining the widely used vernacular name 1995). From the Rhine river D. villosus continued for both the Gammaroidea eastward the Mittelland- “gammarid” superfamily range expansion by using the sensu Bousfield (1977) and a “Gammaroid-group” canal joining Rhine, Weser, Elbe and Oderbasins & sensu Barnard Barnard (1983). (Grabow et al. 1998, Zettler 1998, Rudolph 2000). Our department has studied for several decades In the lower Oder river, the species co-occurrs with the gammarid fauna of Poland. We have collected other alien gammarids, like D. haemobaphes, P. and determined altogether some 60,000 individu- robustoides and G. tigrinus (Miiller et al. 2001, in 1200 taken in the whole als about samples country. own unpubl. data). 1990 The data obtained till were summarised in two monographs by Jazdzewski (1975) and Jazd- Pontogammarus robustoides (G.O. Sars, 1894) zewski & Konopacka (1995). At that time Polish First records of P. robustoides come from north- 15 this gammarid fauna encompassed gammarid spe- western Poland. Gruszka (1999) found species cies. in the Szczecin Lagoon and the lower Oder river in Results of our recent studies (1997-2001), fo- 1988. The species was also reported from the lower than 100 col- from cusing on large rivers (more samples Vistula river (Konopacka 1998) and the Vistula lected, altogether around 3000 specimens), together Lagoon (Jazdzewski & Konopacka 2000). Ponto- Gruszka Vistula and Oder with the results obtained by (1995, 1999, gammamsrobustoides reached the 2001) in the Oder estuary, allowed to enrich the deltaic systems possibly with ballast waters via Downloaded from Brill.com10/06/2021 12:43:45PM via free access Contributions to - Zoology, 71 (4) 2002 117 Baltic Sea from the Neman river and Curo- localities of the in system species the Vistula Lagoon are nian Lagoon, where it was introduced in the 1960s by now the easternmost ones in Europe. (Gasjunas 1972, Arbaciauskas, 2002). However, the species could also have entered the Vistula Lagoon through the river the Pregola system connecting The present state of Polish gammarid fauna Vistula river delta with the Curonian Lagoon. More details on the origins and distribution routes of the The gammarid fauna of Poland is comparatively mentioned species in Europe can be found in well known (Jazdzewski & Konopacka 1995, Grus- Jazdzewski & Konopacka (2000). zka 1995, 1999, Konopacka 1998, Konopacka & Jazdzewski 2002). Native freshwater taxa are Obesogammarus crassus (G.O. Sars, 1894) Gammarus pulex, G. fossarum, G. lacustris, G. This species is most recently discovered in Polish varsoviensis, G. leopoliensis and G. balcanicus, waters, namely in the Vistula Lagoon and in the whereas the Baltic autochthonous species are G. Dead Vistula in 1998 & (Konopacka Jazdzewski, zaddachi, G. salinus, G. duebeni, G. locusta, G. 2002). Original distribution areas of O. crassus en- inaequicauda, G. oceanians and Chaetogammarus compassed offshore Caspian Sea waters and lower stoerensis. Gammarus roeselii was recognized by of courses rivers emptying to this water body; in & Jazdzewski Roux (1988) as a species of Balkan the river the Volga species penetrated as upstream origin, possibly recently (in XIX century?) enter- far as to Volgograd (Mordukhaj-Boltovskoj 1979). ing western and northern Europe via the Danube In the Black Sea O. occurred system crassus origi- system. It has possibly used the Danube-Rheincanal nally in brackish lagoons and in the lower courses and Mittelland-canal
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