Vol.V No.24 *University Community's Weekly Paper* Thurs. Apr.19, 1984I Preston' Plan Announced ' Freshmen onMeal Plan 7in Fa1i Firht Buildings on in Two Years by Joe Caponi Vice President for Student Affairs Fred Preston announced .:.:..:today the recommendations he would make to President Mar- burger about the Dorm Cooking Program. The proposal includes of placing all freshmen and transfer students on the meal plan as this fall, and making at least eight buildings mandatory meal plan by the fall of 1986. The seven-point recommendation was announced at a meeting Preston held with Polity President David Gamberg, Polity Presidential , candidates Belina Anderson, Rory "Hawkeye" Aylward, and Barry Ritholtz, and representatives from the Press, Statesman, and Newsday at noon today in his office. The seven specific points are: 1. All freshmen and transfer students in Fall 84 will have to be on the meal plan for one year. 2. One quad, which Preston said would most likey be Kelly, would only have one building open to dorm cooking. 3. One quad (Stage XII, probably) would have half its buildings open to dorm cooking and the other half closed. 4. Two quads (Tabler and Roth) would have at least one building off tMu i(lents r 1ig t ;the mealplan. (continued on page 3) To Save R.H.D.. Dallas Says "NO" t ........ page3. Student Conduct Code Rights page 5 Demonstration Elvis Costello page 7 page 16 .... ..... The Clash Polity Election: IPa g e 15 S. T minus 8 days. .'.° - .-.-'.' " .i•. - Editorial m Fire Bauman, Not Heyman Residence Life's stand on the dismissal of Kelly D In the absence of any information to the contrary, RHD Bill Heyman has grown to ridiculous extremes, re believe Heyman's explanation that he is being let and all indications make it likely that it will grow o because Bauman doesn't like his attitude towards considerably more extreme before sanity prevails. lauman's efforts to centralize and increase Resi- Essentially, Residence Life has decided to not ence Life control over the dorms and that Bauman renew the contract of Heyman past the end of the ist doesn't like Heyman personally. summer, without giving any reason publically, These are bad reasons. There are very few claiming that "legally and ethically" they cannot uildings on this campus where the RHD is so well discuss personnel information. Heyman wishes to ked and respected that students would demonstrate remain RHD, and so, apparently, does the over- >save his/her job. Instead of firing Heyman, Res Life whelming majority of students in his building. Last hould be proud of the job Jeymanis doing, which has Friday, about 50 of them went to Residence Life's ;sulted in educational programming for the buil- office in Administration to protest the decision, and ing, a high returning student rate, and a sharp last night at least one hundred appeared at a Le- ecrease in the vandalism of the building. gislature meeting to argue the matter with Residence Perhaps the only thing that was accomplished at Life Director Dallas Bauman and Assistant Director ist night's meeting was to cause another hundred Harold Mendelson. The residents are justifiably rudents to hate Residence Life. Bauman was annoyed with the answers they are not receiving. )rrectly perceived as being completely unrespon- At last night's meeting, one student after another ve and uncaring about the student's concerns. "He testified to the quality of Heyman's work in Kelly D, iould be shot," one student muttered. Another in terms of settleing suite disputes, helping with aggested tarring and feathering. Residence Life personal problems and reducing the vandalism in the uould realize that these are riot positive opinions, building sharply. The job evaluation of the Quad nd should take action to do things that will change Director was reviewed and was generally positive. iem, rather than anger studeats more by not lis- Bauman was unimpressed with this outpouring of ning to them. student feeling at the two hour meeting, saying that Unless Residence Life has some evidence of some nothing that he had heard would convice him to What could it be? Bauman won't say. Does Bill awesome atrocity commited by Heyman, they should change his decision. Eventually, under questioning Heyman rob banks or molest children? And if he does announce their intention to rehire him immediately. from students, Bauman was forced to admit that iwhy hasn't he been reported to the police? Heyman The opinion of a building full of people shouldn't be there was something he knew about Heyman that himself feels he has nothing to hide--he urged ignored. made him right in firing him while a hundred students Bauman to discuss the matter openly at the Leg were wronge. meeting, an offer Bauman declined. L ,I ,· r· - -1 · L PRESS PIX PRESENTS: THE ART OF POLITICKING BIG BROTHER WANTS TO WATCH I SECRET BALLOT I Cover Photos By: Scott Richter * - ... '/ A mne Stony Brook I Press Executive Editor ............. Joseph Caponi ! Managing Director ............. Daniel Hank Senior Photo Editor....... .John Tymvczvsvn Photo Editor................... Scott Richter Arts Editor .................... Kathv Esscks Business Manager ............ Pamela Scheer News and Feature: Belina Anderson, Al Bosco, Brian Cameron, Eric Corley, Brian Ehrlich, Ben Euster, Lorna Francis, Dave Goodman, Patrice Jacobson, Brian Kohn, Ken Kruger, Ron Oster- tag. Arts: Michael Barrett, Sarah Bataglia, Greg D'Auria, Philip Garfield, Hubert Moore,Jean Marie Pugni, Paul Yeats, D.J. Zauner. Photo: Albert Fraser, Mike Krasowitz, Dave Mor- rison, Mike Shavel, Haluk Soykan. Graphics: R. Gambol, Charles Lane. Production: Egan Gerrity. Office Manager: John Tom. I Mhe Stony Brook Press is published every Thursday during the academicyear by The Stony Brook Press, Inc.. a student run and studentfunded not-for-profit corporation. Advertiing folio, does not necessarily reflect editorial The opinions expressed in letters and vieupoints do not necessarny reflect those of our staff. Phone: 246-6832 Office: Suite 020 Old Biology S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook L Stony Brook, New York 11794 Aw Stn Brook, Ne-r 11794I· wy , 2 T S s Brook P e tony page I ___ I _ :Millll Pr esto n' s Pl an program would create 5. A dorm cooking improvement action their dorm b ildi s b revokin t d ki n ti i ti cooking priveliges if they do not maintain unspecified standards of upkeep, and would recommend improvements in the Dorm Cooking Program. 6. The Food Service Planning Group would continue to plan im- provements in the meal plan. 7. A decline and balance cash/point system should be set up to make the meal plan more varied and accessible. The implementation of the program would involve putting recom- mendation one in place in the fall, and all other recommendations by the Fall of 86. Preston stressed that there would be no buildings closed to dorm cooking this fall, and that mandatory measures would probably not be needed in G and H Quads both because they were best designed for Dorm Cooking and because the freshman and transfer rules would alleviate much of the problems there. Stage XII Cafeteria, which recieved a $270,000 capital allocation in the upcoming SUNY budget, will probably be opened up for for the increased number of students on the meal plan. Student reactions were strong. Gamberg said, "We expected that he would tell us about a Freshmen mandatory rule, but the rest of it is a surprise. It's a clear statement of the dismantling of the Dorm Cooking program." Gamberg stated that Dorm Cooking rights would be a major part of the Student Right's Rally scheduled for May 1. (See related story, page 7) A meeting has been scheduled for Monday morning between Presi- dent Marburger and Polity leaders to discuss their objections to the plan in greater detail. Fred Preston Students Protest to Save RHD to Bauman and Mendleson. Although that "this was not a bv Ron Ostertag Bauman claimed decision that was made lightly,"as one Stony Brook University residents student said: "we can't stand here and voiced their vehement opposition to let these impersonal decisions be the termination of Kelly D RHD Bill made." Not knowing exactly why Heyman Friday afternoon at the Re- Heyman is being terminated, students sidence Life Office, and last night at a attempted to defend him by describing college Leg meeting attended by Re- the quality of their res life ex- sidence Life Directors. emplifying how he cares about stu- Do to what Heyman fels is a "phi- dents, and showing how far he has losophical difference," he is to be brought the building from being the terminated with the end of the se- most destructive to "having the most mester in a decision of which he was diverse programs of any building." last summer. About 50 stu- notified "There was not one incident this year" dnets, mainly Kelly D residents, in an argued one student. job of an RHD At the attempt to save the Kelly D Leg meeting last cares" protested at Admini- "who night, attended by Bauman, Mendle- Friday. Harold Mendle- stration last son, and Tim Jahn, Kelly Quad Di- Director of Residence son, Assistant rector, as well as Heyman and students, students "I'm only Life said to those although Bauman claimed that he is a problem by these aware that there learned "more specifics and details," people." He could not, letters and you as did the students, nothing significant the reason for Hey- however, discuss was learned bv either side. Bauman ethical man's dismissal since due to began the meeting with the statement "never and legal restrictions that "it is very clear to me and to all of would a personnel decision be publicly us that Bill is well liked in the building." disclosed." The Res Life Di- I'Responding to a students question of rectors agreed to the protesting stu- "whether we have any say in this at all," them dents' request to meet again with 4 ,Bauman replied "It is not insignificant Wed- at their college Leg meeting ' information, however," as he continued nesday evening.
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