NPI Collectie

NPI Collectie

31-7-2018 NPI collectie Alle titels in dit document bevatten een link naar de albumpagina op U kunt hierop klikken om de webpagina te openen. Catalogusnr Album titel Artiest JK156446 Get up! 10 Seconds Down JK229593 Just swallow 10 Seconds Down JK83671 100% Isis 100% Isis JK223160 Best kept secret 10PM JK224274 May I have your votes, please? 12 Points JK223762 Alle 14 goed 14CMS JK223081 Live 14CMS JK120846 Life in a fishbowl 16 Down JK73241 Daily battle 1st Avenue JK61306 Tears and triumph 1st Avenue JK224222 Groovy feelin' 2 Bass Hit JK83485 That's our cue 2 Bass Hit JK84368 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor JK76998 2 chord genius 2 Chord Genius JK224921 Black widow 2 Chord Genius JK224503 Dansen 2 Extra JK225042 Jij ; Sloeber die Jan 2 Extra JK224180 Funky feeling : Say oops 2 My T JK224198 Gimme the night 2 Nice ; Phat Butt Crew JK62901 Have a nice day 2 The Core JK224511 Life is a bitch... 2 The Core JK60555 Get ready 2 Unlimited JK80839 Jump for joy 2 Unlimited JK70293 Let the beat control your body 2 Unlimited JK69397 Maxium overdrive 2 Unlimited JK225017 Never surrender 2 Unlimited JK66995 No limits! 2 Unlimited JK73510 No one 2 Unlimited JK77305 Nothing like the rain 2 Unlimited JK66802 Tribal dance 2 Unlimited JK224844 Workaholic 2 Unlimited JK95213 No enemies 24K JK226778 Hype 2Bub JK228597 No man's land 3 Speed Automatic JK223065 Party 3D ; Jazzmen, The JK92296 Hittegolf 4 Fun JK90300 Overal 4 Fun JHX6781 No doubt about it 4 Wheel Drive Pagina 1 van 99 31-7-2018 KAX2426 Met de haven in zicht 4tuoze Matroze KAX3792 Van Rio tot Goeree 4tuoze Matroze HHX5009 Pieterøliekarre 4x Niks JK224291 Old love lies deep 5 Alive JK229410 Every time you move away 50 Lux JK226140 Back in town 505 JK229389 Buiten zonder jas 8 jaar na dato JK223358 Chaos en rust 8 jaar na dato JK223749 8Worm 8Worm JK229591 8worm 8Worm JK227709 Foolish believes 9 Days' Wonder JK225668 Drowning in what I believe A Day's Work JK108371 What's the use of crying when the wolves have arrived AA Kismet HHX4909 Gerard van Aalst and his magic saxophone Aalst, Gerard van JK223658 Abel Abel JK100143 De stilte voorbij Abel JK97906 Drie dagen zon Abel JK111124 Nooit meer bang Abel JK103795 Zonder een woord Abel JK106653 Nachtschade ABN JK224724 Vet en fonky ABN JK61171 Groove cum laude Academy Of Modern Dance HKX4345 L'imparfait du coeur Accordéon Mélancolique HKX5364 Petits fours frais Accordéon Mélancolique JK151771 Dreamly yell Acda, Chantal JK111172 Acid Junkies : live Acid Junkies JK65472 Engraved in black Acrostichon JK226167 Forgotten Acrostichon JK78069 Sentenced Acrostichon JHX2354 The wandering soul Adams [NL], John JK89820 The harmony of reality Adultery JK115749 Fooly dressed Aemen JK224740 I can't see you Aemen JK88964 The day the angels cried Aemen JK223528 Hold on Affolter, Frank JK224985 Als een kind Afslag Leusden JK109737 Decipher After Forever JK226161 Follow in the cry ; Silence from afar After Forever JK100232 And not for anyone... Against Time JK223800 Silent smile Agresión JK142566 Sur Agresión JK101401 Ahora Mazda Ahora Mazda HFX10930 Een zee van tijd : Uit de musical De Jantjes - Akker, Ryan van den ; Munk, Danny de van Herman Bouber (1984-) Pagina 2 van 99 31-7-2018 JK89400 10.000 clowns on a rainy day Akkerman, Jan JE43175 Am I losing you Akkerman, Jan JK83943 Focus in time Akkerman, Jan HKX4485 Passion Akkerman, Jan HEX14256 I wanna dance in the sun Akukwe, Queen Sandy JK60210 Earthman supersmell Alabama Kids JK62858 What goes down Alabama Kids HAX1101 Allereerste keer Alberti, Willeke (1945-) HAX1322 Er komt een dag... Alberti, Willeke (1945-) HAX3319 Kus me met je ogen ; Spiegelbeeld Alberti, Willeke (1945-) HAX0727 Toen en nu Alberti, Willeke (1945-) HHX5099 Oh Antonette Alberto [NL] HHX5101 Oranje boven Alberto [NL] HHX1252 Amsterdamse hitmedley Alberts, Koos HHX1511 Het mooiste in m'n leven Alberts, Koos HHX5016 Het wordt weer zomer Alberts, Koos HHX5005 'n Rondje zomer Alberts, Koos HHX4878 Traven van verdriet Alberts, Koos JK226356 Evenwicht ; Ik vraag me af Alderliefste JK228503 Hier komt de zomer Alderliefste JK226394 Laat me Alderliefste JK95054 Turn it around Alena HKX4368 Romantic flute melodies Alers, Kees HHX5148 Wat is 't leven toch goed ; M'n zonnebril is stuk Alex [NL] JK224225 Infinity Alexander, Remy JK227538 Waar gaat dit heen? Ali B ; Karima JK228944 The world according to... All Of A Doodah HHX1771 Halleluja Alle Vijf JK223481 Live! Alles Went JK230203 AlleyCat's songs Alley Cats Style JK226064 Now we all know Alley Cats Style KFX1348 Indiaan in de stad Allez Mama KFX3634 Kom op we gaan naar bed ; Je bent te gek Allez Mama KFX3620 Schepen die passeren in de nacht Allez Mama KFX3630 Wereldbeat zydeco Allez Mama JK224273 Over the mountains Allora JK96807 In the name of the father Altar [NL] JK102469 Until heaven forbids Altar [NL] JHX6640 The Marlstone sessions 1980-1990 Altena, Dick van ; Major Dundee [NL] JK229334 The second coming Alter Ego X HHX5091 Do wah diddy Altijd Lazerus KAX8389 Storing on the line Amadán (1993-) JK226385 De reus van Rotterdam Amazing Stroopwafels, The JK224973 Maastunnel Amazing Stroopwafels, The Pagina 3 van 99 31-7-2018 JK224935 Stofzuigen Amazing Stroopwafels, The JK106636 Fate of a dreamer Ambeon JK85409 Colour of love Amber JK224936 Across the river Ammocave JK100671 Across the river Ammocave JK228605 Fasten seatbelts Ammocave JK227880 Stomacher Amp, The KDX1064 Limonchiki Amsterdam Klezmer Band KDX0921 Mala Loka Amsterdam Klezmer Band JAX3203 Prove me wrong Amundson, Monti JK115015 The Anacondas Anacondas, The JK74411 Body o' graphic Analecta JK108359 Mysterious ways Anand HHX4839 Andres zingt niet te geloven! : Dubbel goud voor Gianni Romme de reus uit Made Andrés JK224856 Love's what I am ; Super hero Angel [NL] JK223191 Angel of the Underground Angel Of The Underground JK61612 Walking on water Angela & The Rude HHX4905 Cappuccino Angelique [NL III] JK223186 Unity Angels & Agony JK138293 Language of the world Angels In Between JK229442 Track of doom : Warrior of the world Angus HHX5072 'k Heb de hele dag aan jou gedacht Anita [NL] ; Christian, Dennie JK228936 Morning after Anna [NL] JK105810 Lost tracks Anouk (1975-) JK83956 Mood indigo Anouk (1975-) JK88638 Together alone Anouk (1975-) JK224425 Ik wil jou alles geven Ansems, Judith KAX2343 Ansja in Tirol Ansja JK227906 At dawn Antic Hay JK227904 Beneath a bloodshot moon Antic Hay JK227696 Go pogo Antidote HHX5123 Alle tranen die ik huilde Antonio [NL] JK223522 Pure Antropomorphia JK229772 7 inches of love Apemen, The JK111250 Eyes open wide Apers, The JK110221 The Apers Apers, The JK223158 De leukste luisterliedjes van Apesjit Apesjit JK227893 Dea ex machina Aphrodisiac JK229598 A fool for every reason Appeven, Rob van JK117944 Applegarden Applegarden HHX5064 Ga maar door 't lint! Apres Ski Klas, De JK226209 Cecelia Aquila [NL] JK225644 Say yeah Aquila [NL] JK223909 Mouse Aragon Pagina 4 van 99 31-7-2018 HHX5103 Op je ski's Arjen JK224403 Aranjuez : En Aranjuez con tu amor Armada JK228825 This is not a lifesaving device Army of Darkness [NL] HHX4970 De warmte van jou Arno [NL] ; Nieto, Alma JK229387 Silly in Sealand Arnold & Franka JK223096 Number one Art Mankind JK229651 One of a kind Arte.falt JK228929 Artery Artery [NL II] JK223037 Balkan underground Artery [NL] JK229660 Newtopia Artery [NL] JK229215 Inferno As It Burns JK67947 Sukiyaki Asia [NL] HHX1210 Slavenkoor Assekruus JK226910 Son of A.P. Lady Astrosoniq JK229669 At The End Of The Universe At The End Of The Universe KEX1622 Bayette Atanga, Rebecca JK229193 Another dimension Atlantrax JK223926 Fuze Audain, Courtney JK223523 Play it loud Augusto JK224331 Share the tears Aura [NL] HKX3952 Funny sounds Auratones [NL], The JK223342 Autumn Autumn [NL] JK101008 Avenging Space Avenging Space HHX4900 Op het hoekje brandt nog licht A-Vier JK223281 Tidal wave Awake [NL] (1995-) JK225064 Ya makin' me Ayel JK105201 Ayreonauts only Ayreon JK101370 Flight of the migrator Ayreon JK226933 Temple of the cat Ayreon JK101371 The dream sequencer Ayreon HHX5061 Knallen...! Aziz [NL] ; Happy Hour Crew, The JK57615 Ala li la Azor, Denis JK158605 Burnin' B.A.R.T. JK223405 Birth control patrol B.C.P. JK90459 Vleugels B.E.D. JK223490 Watching the clouds B.S.U.R. JK229570 Strong enough Baars, Daniel JK96903 No soap Baartmans, BJ JK86391 Babette Babette JK52498 I present Johnny Baby Baby, Johnny JK102768 Still dedicated Backfire! JK110858 The war starts here Backfire! JK83450 The tale Backside Boots JK88500 Sidesteppin' Backspin HHX5052 Shake shake shake laat je kont zien Bad Brothers Pagina 5 van 99 31-7-2018 JK228192 Black tears ; Rock 'n' roll nurse Bad To The Bone JK52331 Whirlwind on fire Bad To The Bone JK227895 Still feeling Badly Preserved JK229996 Bharata Bag Lady 6 JK204444 Silence at Romney Marsh Bagheera JK223187 Under construction Bagus JE15978 Bais 7 Bais, Coen JE13353 Blue age Bais, Coen JK224950 Paloma blanca Baker Selection, George JK117936 The complete collection Baker, George (1944-) HDX3473 The very best of Baker, George (1944-) HKX7914 My heart wil go on Bakker, Cor ; Metropole Orkest JK225039 Alleen niet op maandag Bakker, Frans ; Kadanz JK151762 Autopilots Ballerina Liberation Front JK223479 Het begin Ballins, Anouk HHX2261 Après-ski party Bamba, La HHX5092 Oos clubske Bamba, La JK223039 El flaco Bambi Davidson JK105967 What's in a name Bambix JK216847 Spherics II Banabila JK96369 Voiznoiz : Urban sound scapes Banabila JK91758 A living thing Banabila ; Saka, Yasar JE22442 Voiznoiz 3 : Urban jazz scapes Banabila ; Vloeimans, Eric (1963-) LAX1274 Andere koek! Band Krijgt Kinderen, De LAX1727 Kierewiet Band Krijgt Kinderen, De JK224999 Every one's a winner baby Band Of Glory JK88142 De baksteen van de samenleving Band zonder Banaan JK100499 Eeuwig duurt het langst Band zonder Banaan JK96308 'k mag niet klagen Band zonder Banaan HAX3267 Harry Bannink zingt! Bannink, Harry (1929-1999) HAX1161 Harry Bannink zingt! : Teksten van Annie M.G.

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