Environment Impact Assessment Document Stage: Draft Project Number: P47037-005 (SRI) July 2016 SRI: Green Power Development and Energy Efficiency Improvement Investment Program – Tranche 2 (SRI: 220 kV Mannar Nadukuda Transmission Line Project) Volume 1 of 2 Prepared by Ceylon Electricity Board, Ministry of Power and Renewable Energy, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 6 July 2016) Currency unit – Sri Lankan rupee/s(SLRe/SLRs) SLRe1.00 = $0.00682 $1.00 = SLRs146.60 ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank CEA – Central Environmental Authority CEB – Ceylon Electricity Board CPS – Country Partnership Strategy DoF – Department of Forest DS – District Secretary DSD – District Secretaries Division DWC – Department of Wildlife Conservation EA – Executing Agency EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment EMoP – Environmental Monitoring Plan EMP – Environmental Management Plan EPC – Engineering Procurment and Construction GoSL – Government of Sri Lanka GRM – Grievance Redress Mechanism IA – Implementing Agency IEE – Initial Environmental Examination JICA – Japan International Co-operation Agency LA – Local Authority LARC – Land Acquisition and Resettlement Committee MoMDE – Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment MPRE – Ministry of Power and Renewable Energy MSL – Mean Sea Level NARA – National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency NEA – National Environmental Act NEPS – National Energy Policy and Strategies PIU – Project Implement Unit PRDA – Provincial Road Development Authority PUCSL – Public Utility Commission of Sri Lanka RDA – Road Development Authority RE – Rural Electrification RoW – Right of Way SLSEA – Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority WEIGHTS AND MEASURES GWh – gigawatt hour ha – hectare km – kilometre kV – kilovolt (1,000 volts) kWh – kilowatt hour m – metre m3 – cubic metre m3/s – cubic metre per second masl – metre above sea level MCM – million cubic metre MW – megawatt NOTE (i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of Sri Lanka and its agencies ends on 31 December. “FY” before a calendar year denotes the year in which the fiscal year ends, e.g., FY2011 ends on 31 December month 2011. This environmental impact assessment is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 5 1.1 Background 5 1.2 Approach and Rationale 6 1.3 Scope of Work of the EIA document 8 1.4 Data Collection and Survey 10 2.0 POLICY, LEGAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 11 2.1 Applicable Environmental and other Legislations 11 2.2 Multinational Agreements 13 2.3 Ramsar Convention - Official Guidelines 14 2.4 Asian Development Bank’s Safeguards Policies 16 2.5 Other documents relevant to ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 16 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 18 3.1 The Project 18 3.2 Type of Project 19 3.3 Justification of the Project 19 3.4 Location 19 3.5 Size and Magnitude of the Operation 21 3.6 Implementation Plan 22 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF ENVIRONMENT (BASELINE DATA) 27 4.1 Mannar District (General) 27 4.2 Baseline Data for Study Area 37 4.3 Physical Resources Assessment 37 4.3.3 Water, Noise and Vibrations, Soil Quality (environment parameters) 40 4.4 Hydrological and Hydrogeological assessment in Study Area. 51 4.5 Landuse Assessment 55 4.6 Ecological Resources Assessment 59 4.7 Critical Habitat Assessment 98 5.0 ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 113 5.1 Environment Impacts and Mitigation Measures outside Vankalai Sanctuary 113 5.2 Environmental Impacts inside Vanakalai Sanctuary 126 5.3 Cumulative and Induced Impacts 135 6.0 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES 139 6.1 CEB’S Approach for Route Selection 139 6.2 Grid Substations 139 6.3 Transmission Line 141 6.4 Associated Facility – Wind Parks blocks 151 7.0 INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION, AND PARTICIPATION 155 7.1 Information Disclosure 155 7.2 Consultation Findings 156 8.0 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 160 8.1 Awareness of Stakeholders 160 8.2 The Grievance Redress Mechanism and PUCSL 160 9.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 164 9.1 Environmental Management Plan 164 9.2 Bio-diversity Management Plan (within Vankalai Sanctuary- 7 km transmission line) 168 9.3 Construction Method Statement 169 9.4 Mitigation Measures 170 9.5 Monitoring - Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) 174 9.6 Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan Budget Costs 178 9.7 Institutional arrangements 179 10.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 183 Annexure 1 Applicable Environmental Policy and Procedures 185 Annexure 2 Approval of IEE under NEA by Central Environment Authority (CEA) , Sri Lanka198 Annexure 3 Consent to IEE by Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) 205 Annexure 4 Inventorisation along the Transmission Lines 207 Annexure 5 Environment Management Plan (EMP) 211 Annexure 6 Environmental Parameters and Periodicity for Environmental Monitoring Plan 221 Annexure 7 Environmental Safeguard Monitoring Report 224 Annexure 8 Outline of Biodiversity Management Action Plan for Transmission Line 226 Annexure 9 Granting of Necessary Wayleaves for Electricity Networks in Sri Lanka - Guidelines for Licensees, Divisional Secretaries and Landowners and/or Occupiers 231 Annexure 10: Economic Analysis - Technical Options 235 Annexure 11: Consent Letters from Stakeholders to CEB’s 100 MW Wind park 238 Document Stage Version Date Sections edited Authors Remarks Version 1.0 & November 2013 Volume 2 Rajat Jain, Inclusion of GIS landuse 2.0 and January Balangoda mapping, habitat 2014 Singhakumara, mapping,Hydrogeology, Prof Devaka marine flora and fauna as well information on migratory birds Version 3.0 February 2014 Volume 1 and 2 Rajat Jain, Appropriate sections (Posted on International marine and environmental CEB website) Environment parameter added. Specialist Submitted to RSES for Prof. B M P review. Singhakumara, Request for additional bird National survey-vantage points, Flora/Habitats avian collision risk Specialist modelling etc. Prof. Devaka Weerakoon, National Fauna Sp. Dr. Daham Taranaga Jayawardana, National GIS specialist/ Geologist Dr. Kamal Ranatunge, National Marine Ecologist K.M. Prematilake, National Hydrogeologist Version 4.0 May 2016 Volume 1, 2, Rajat Jain Volume 2 contains Avian added Volume 3 Balangoda Collision Risk and Volume 4 Singhakumara Assessment Report Avian Collision Volume 3 appended with Study by Dr. Steve IEE for transmission line Percival, and EIA for wind park International Ornithologist Volume 4 Details of all public consultations at various sites, NGOs/bird clubs/Environmental Bird Survey bodies Sample data formats (2014- Version Date Sections edited Authors Remarks 2016) by Prof Devaka Version 5.0 June 2016 Revised to Rajat Jain Updates with bird data, Volume 1 and 2 Balangoda edited of Avian Collision only Singhakumara, Risk Assessment Report Devaka Weerakoon, Kamal Approval of DWC for 100 Rantunge, Daham MW windpark and Deletes Taranga, Dr. Steve the IEE for transmission Percival, Reinzie line and Masterplan for Fernandao wind park Details of public consultations appended Economic and Financial Analysis of Alternatives Version 6.0 Rajat Jain, Reinzie Critical Habitat Fernando, Han Assessment, rerun of Duo, Dr. Steve Avian Collision Risk Percival, Dr Assessment for less Devaka turbines in 100 MW wind Weerakoon, farm and inclusion of Balangoda mitigation in transmission Singhakumara lines PREFACE This document describes the environmental studies conducted for the 220 kV Mannar – Nadukuda transmission line project in Mannar, Sri Lanka. These studies were conducted between 2014 and 2016 on behalf of the Project Proponent - The Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB). This Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), prepared according to the Asian Development Bank’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 for evaluation of project impacts and mitigation measure, comprises of the following: Environmental Management Plan (EMP) including guideline for Construction Method Statement prepared to comply with the ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) (2009) and Ramsar Wetland Convention. Environment Monitoring Plan (EMoP) and Grievance Redress, including public disclosure according to ADB SPS 2009 and the Ramsar Wetland Convention guidelines. Additional Avian data - Bird Vantage Point surveys, Flight Path, and Water Hole studies conducted by Dr. Devaka Weerakoon between 2014-16; wetland ecology, and other data environmental data, data on marine flora and fauna, hydrogeology and GIS mapping collected in 2014. Avian Collision Risk Assessment Report (2016) by Dr. Steve Percival based on avian data collected between 2014-2016 for the entire Mannar island including the 7 km long transmission line area inside the designated Ramsar Wetland area and the Wind Park area on the island (which is an associated facility). Outline Biodiversity Management Plan for Ramsar Wetland area. Wind Park Master Plan and the draft Environmental Assessment of Wind Park Blocks in Mannar district in October 2013 by RMA Energy Consultants for ADB and CEB. The report comprising two volumes
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