Page Eight ROCKETEER Friday, July 10, 1964 NOTS Man Joins SHDWBOAT Expedition to Asst. SecDef Here For. FJUDAV Mount Ararat in " KI5SIN ' COUSINS" (97 Min .) Turkey-See Page 5 Elvis Preslev. Arthur O'Connell Key Proiecls Briefings 7 p.m. (Musica l Comedy in Color) Pappy won', lease his mounlain for 0 U.S. Missile sile West Germany's INOTS Hosts so Lt. Elvis is onigned 10 persuade him. The Army moves in and so do the rnan­ jDr. Fubini, Dep. starved Kittyhowk girls. Dogpotch swings. Electronics Chief (Adults, You th and Children.) Director R&E 5horl: " Sa lt Wa ler lobby" (7 Min.) On NOTS Tour Dr. Eugene G. Fubini, Assist­ SATURDAY JULY 11 Dr. Herbert Gaertner, Direc­ ant Secretary of Defense and -MATINEE-- tor of Electronics, Division T, Deputy Director for Research " BEAUTY AND THE BEAST " (n Min.) of the Federal Republic of Ger­ Vol. XIX, No. 28 Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, California Fri., J uly 10, 1964 and Engineering, arrived at M ark Domon many's Ministry of Defense, and China Lake Thursday for an I p.m. three colleagues were distin­ overnight stay and series of con· Shorts: " Hor. Splitter" (7 Min.) guished visitors to the Station ferences today. " Jungle Dr ums No. 10" (13 Mi n.) on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Assistant Secretary of De· - - EVEN I NG-­ Dr. Gaertner, Dr. Ernst fense's party includes Colonel " 8ARA BBAS" (132 Min.) Schulze, Dietrich Golle and John R. Deane, Jr. U.S. Army. Anthony Quinn, Silvona Mangano Hans·Joachim Kindermann were executive aide, . and Fred A; 7 p.m. escorted on their trip here by Payne, Deputy Director, R&E. (Advenlur. in Color) Spectacular Biblican Lt. Col. Carl Gustafson, USA, The visit here was to include slory of the thief who was freed imleod Washington, and Ronald M. Mur­ briefings on key NOTS programs of Chrisl, of his return to crime and how he ray, Assistant Director of Inter­ and conferences with officials. miroculously thri ved in the sulphur mines. national Programs, Office of De. at China Lake. An epic of a ction. (Ad ults and Mature Youth.) partment of Defense, Research Appointed in July 1963 WINS $100 BENNY SUGG - Fireman William A. Lewis is / and Engineering. Dr. Fubini was nominated by SUN DAY·M ONDAY FLORENCE GREEN, the girl who IIcain t say no/' and Sam~ presented a $100 check by LCdr. Robert C. Clasen for his JULY 12·13 Greeted by Capt. Leon Gra­ President Kennedy on June 15, Beneficial Suggestion of a valve socket wrench set to turn " TIARA TAHITI " (98 Min .) uel Haun, who has found that " everthin's up to date in 1963 to be Assistant Secretary Kansas Ci ty," a re in a quarrelsome mood in this scene from bowsky, ComNOTS, upon their on·and·off gas and water manis. Socket set reduces need to J ames Mason, John Mills arrival at NAF late Tuesday of Defense. Following confirma. carry many individual valve wrenches on fire trucks. 7 p .m. " Oklahoma!" opening next Friday and continuing July 18, tion by the United States Senate 24 and 25. Curtain is 8:30 p.m. on the Burroughs campus. afternoon, the guests were host­ (Dra ma in Color) The ghost of a wor·tim6 ed at a social hour and dinner his appointment became effec. cour, ma rshall appears w hen two men meet at the Commissioned Officers tive July 3, 1963 with the special in beautiful Tahiti a fter many years. Mason ~Oklahoma' Set Mess. duty of serving as Deputy Di. is 0 likeable, conniving scalawag who evens College's , rector of Defense, Research and Community News Wednesday's tour began with the score. (Adult.) Engineering. introductory remarks by Capt. PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY MEETS WEDNESDAY Sh irt: " Whi, Q ui, Kid" (7 Min.) Dr. Fubini was born at Turin, The China Lake Photographic Society will meet Wednes­ For Opener Friday Nigh ~ Grabowsky in Michelson Labora­ Italy, April 19, 1913 and was TUES DAY·WED NESDAY JULY 14-15 I tory. day, July 15, at 8 p.m. in the Photo Hut, 361 McIntyre St. Fea­ The famed "Surrey with the Fringe on Top" was making the educated in Italy, attending the tured will be a color movie about Ireland, Africa, Brazil and " DR. STRAN GEL OVE" (93 Min ,) The visitors were then briefed Technical Institute at T uri n Peter Sellers, Sterling Hoyden rounds of NOTS and Ridgecrest this week to call attention to Australia, and an International PSA traveling stereosalon will Bakersfield Fjeld College Desert Division's production of "Ok\;l. on the Walleye missile program 1929-31, receiving his doctorate 7 p,m, be shown by Ted Bergman. home!" --opening next Friday evening in Burroughs AuditoriuIj:!. by J. S. Brugler of the Aviation in physics from the University (Comedy.Dra ma) Controversial, odd·ball Ordnance Dept. and the Shrike Curtain time is 8:30. of Rome in 1933. EAGLES TO HO LD CHARTER MEETING MONDAY NIGHT satire of the effects created when on air I" missile pro'gram by Leroy Riggs A charter meeting of the Fraternal Order of Eagles is to Tickets are now available for ph 0 n I n g the Hobby Shop, From 1935-38, Dr. F ubi n i wing is put on red alert ond starls on and D. J. Ru ssell of Weapons be held next Monday evening at the Moose Hall in Ridgecrest the four performances _ on FR 8-9681. Those ordered by was employed at the National alomic a ttack which will lead to talol earth Development Dept. at 7:30 p.m. Information concerning the meeting may be ob· July 17 18 24 and 25 _ in Iphon e may be picked up at the Institute of Electrotechnics in destruction. A horrendous theme done in ". box office on the nights of the tained by calling Bob Waters, FR 8-6386. front of the . Commissary, at the performances. Following luncheon, the West Rome and from 1939-42 as an comedy style. Decidedly different! (Adul' .) German dignitaries learn,ed of engineer at the Columbia Broad. DAN CE SLATED FOR EM CLUB TONIGHT Short: " MQgoo's Moos.hunt" (7 Min,) Gift Mart In Ridgecrest, and 1 Prices are $1 for adults and advancements in the Sidewinder casting System in New York. The Ramblers, most versatile of local bands, will ~e ap they also may be reserved by 50 cents for children. THURSDAY·fRI DAY J ULY 16-17 program in conferences with C. During the period 1942-45 h. pearing at the recently renovated Enlisted Mens Club tonight P. Smith and C. L. Neal of Weap­ was a research associate of the from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. In addition, there will be special steaks " BRIDGE ON THE RIVE R KWAI " (161 Min ,) ,............. Wm. Holden, Alec Guinness .. ons Development Dept. and Dr. DR. HERBERT GAERTNER (second left) of the SHRIKE missile. In background are Lt. Harvard University Radio Re. and french fries served at the snack bar. CROSSWORD PUZZLE 7 p.m , _ T. S. Amlie of the Aviation Ord­ West Germany's Ministry of Defense, and col­ Col. Carl Gustafson, U. S. Army, who accom­ search Laboratory concerned ACROSS f ·R.brew ( (Drama in Color) Multiple Academy a ward month nance Dept. league Dr. Ernst Schulze (extreme left) lislen panied the German visitors on their tour here, with the design and developo 1-Achieve I 8-Insect egg· intently as D. J. Russell of NOTS' Weapons and H. G. Wilson, Associate Technical Direc­ ment operations and planning winner' (1 957) tells of a group of prisoners· 6-Estate i 9 .. Nol"Se go<J, . The visitors departed the Sta­ 0' of-war and the ir challenge to a stern Jopa · ll-Retrea.t ! 10.Fondnesa tion Wednesday afternoon. Development Dept. explains a component of tor of NOTS. countermeasures a nd ferret ra. Vague About Credit, Unions? U-Dwelt / ll .. Bellow.!J' nese prison commonder who forces them fa it-King ot , 18 .. ProcrasU· connaissance equipment. Bashan naUon I In N. Africa-England bui ld a roil rood bridge, One of the finest 1o-Refuse from IS·Blackbird j Adm. Ashworth Going Here Are Important Facts grapes U .. South UCLA Education Course Starts Monday He was a scientific consultant films ever model Don', miss. (Adul ts, Youth 1'1 .. Baked cJa,V " AmerIcan Power Outage From Coryell, USMC, Earl Smiley, and a nd Ma ture Children.) I S-Be 111 animal The Education Office announ- The course will be conducted To Europe Command and technical observer to the Despite the recent rapid 20-Ethical 11.. The growth of credit unions, most Jim Heddell. 23 -Nothipg ... sweetsop 6 to 10 a.m. Sunday ced this week that a two-unit by Sylvia Besse r from 3:30 to Rear Admiral Frederick L. United States Army and the :(_Part in pta.7 22-Jumps , course, Education X 315.5AB, 6 p.m. every Monday, Tuesday, Ashworth, former ComNOTS United States Navy in the Eu· people still have only vague Credit Unions, such as NOTS, 21)-McmOrand& 25·Eplc poem ideas about what they are, Ken 28 .. A contlo.ODt !r·Strlkes There will be a power outage will be given under the UCLA Wednesday, and Thursday at (1955-1957), has been appointed ropean theater of operations in can apply most of their income (abbr.) SO-Gravestone in the Capehart Site B, RWTR, Martin, manager of the NOTS to dividends on savings, or put 2:9-Breaks 8Z·Cornered summer program, Ihe Richmond School cafetorium. to Deputy Chief of Staff for 1943-1944 and participated in suddenl,.
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