, #n Ik6 i66ue ... iC1 The" Immortal Trifles" of Gilbert and Sullivan Ann M. Lin" • Singing Patrolmen Rase Heyl6u' • There's Music in Your Piano Rowland W. Dunham • How to Plan a Rehearsal John Finley Williamson • Teaching is Selling Frank Friedrich • Sinuses and the Singer' s Voice JI10 I J • it takes more than knowledge FRANCES CLARK THE WORLD OF announces The "NEW" SHEFTE to win battles PIANO WORKSHOPS RAPID COURSE in it takes strength for MODERN PIANO PLAYING and equipment in the right TEACHERS and STUDENTS National Music Week will ental Studies, 756 Seventh • QUICKEST • EASIEST JUNE 25·30 be held this year from May 6 Avenue, New York City. place at the right time KALAMAZOO COLLEGE • MOST MODERN to 13. Keynote of the nation- Leopold Stokowski will con- KALAMAZOO. MICH. wide observance of Music Week duct the opening concert of the • MOST THOROUGH Students at Bob Jones University ac- AUGUST 13·17 will be, "Enrich Your Living Lucerne lnternational Music Festival in August. Other con- Practical PianoCoursein quire knowledge, but in addition they VIRGINIA INTERMONT COLLEGE Through Music" ... Luigi Dal- BRISTOL, VIRGINIA lapiccola, Italian composer, will ductors for the Festival are Wil- Popular Music • • • teach composition this summer helm Furtwaengler, Carl Schu- receive Christian training which not Standard Music . • • STAFF: Frances CIClrk. Louise Goss. Mrs. at the Berkshire Music Center richt and Herbert von Kara- J. M. Holland, Richard Johnson, DClvid and Semi-Classical Music only strengthens their faith but also Milliken, Dorothy Munger, Mary Jarmgn ... ETUDE contributors Guy jan ... Rafael Kubellk, con- Nelson, and Eve,-e:-t Stevens. Maier, Maurice Dumesnil and ductor of the Chicago Sym- "arms" their characters for the battles Harold Berkley ail will teach phony Orchestra, will conduct Authorities are agreed that Workshops ;n~lude: master classes this summer. the 53rd annual music festival this "NEW" SHEFTE of life. INTENSIVE REFRESHER COURSE Dimitri Mitropoulos, Paul at Cornell College this month. COURSE is SHEFTE'S best FOR TEACHERS Hindemith and Otto Kinkeldy Soloists are Raya Garbousova, work and the greatest for- Methods, materials, basic technique, were speakers at the Fifth An- cellist, and Eileen Farrell, so- ward step in the nation- If it is possible for a young man to discussion groups, repertoire classes, nual Symposium held al Yale prano. wide movement to MOD· private and group lessons, recitals, University last month ... The Jepnie Tourel, mezzo-so- ERNIZE and SIMPLIFY have only one or two years of college etc. sixteenth season of concerts by prano, is invited to sing in the piano instruction. the SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR the New "Friends of Music in world premiere of Stravinsky's before going into the armed service STUDENTS Town HaH next year will fea- "Rake's Progress" at the Venice VOLUMES 1-2-3 "WORLD'S Creative piano study, basic musician- ture concert performances of Festival in September. Miss of his country, the one or two years' MOST UNUSUAL ship, practice skills, private lessons, Each volume $1.25 in U.S.A. repertoire classes, etc. operas by Purcell and Handel Tourel also will be heard at the On sale at all music stores training in Bob Jones University will UNIVERSITY" · .. R. Lloyd Adams of Chi- second Casals Festival in Per- • Brochure will be sent on request. cago is 1951 winner of the pignan, Francelin July. WRITE US FOR LITERATURE prepare him not only intellectually IS Write: Piano Worhhop Secretary, Kimball Award offered by the This month's Iourth annual MUSI' ~16S0 WABASH AVE above addresses. FORSTER PUBLlSHEIlINC. CHICAGO but also spiritually to meet success- Chicago Singing Teachers "Music in May" Festival spon- INTERDENOMINATION L Guild. sored by Pacific University will fully the emergencies of war as well COEDUCATIONAL Alexander Hilsberg, for 20 be broadcast over the Mutual years concertmaster of the network ... Impresario S. as the emergencies which follow war. ORTHODOX Philadelphia Orchestral has re- Hurok is visiting eight Euro- CHRISTIAN BERKSHIRE signed that post to devote all pean countries to search for @I his time to conducting ... new talent for American tours Dusolina Giannini, famous for ... Gregor Piatigorsky has reo MUSIC CENTER 'f.)J~- / her singing of the title role in signed as head of the cello de- -"'0 ~ .~\ SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY, Director "Aida':' made a surprise debut partment at the Curtis Institute as Amneris when the opera was of Music. t;:') staged by the New York City New York piano teachers this TANGLEWOOD Opera in March. season have launched an unus- \\{ ~.,;\ Lenox, Massachusetts Sigmund Spaeth, lecturer, ual experiment-a series of " ," critic and radio commentator, "Composers' Concerts." The se- proud little sheep ••• NINTH SESSION will guide a group of 50 tour- ries serves the double purpose provcJ of his musical July 2-AlI.gns,. 12, 1951 ists to the six major European of presenting students in recital ancestors ... the 100% wool music festivals this summer. and bringing new works before felt that's in the Stanr/arr/ Courses in The tour is under auspices of the public. To date, 35 new Piano Hammers. Orchestra Opera the Institute for Intercontin- works have been presented. The SH hammer that Chamber Music Theory guarantees Chorus Conducting *uniformity in the finest 100 % pure wool fel ts COIUPETITIONS (For details, write to sponsors listed) GREGOR PIATIGORSKY "uniformity in texture • Setting for solo voices of texts from the New Testament. Prizes, and firmness maintained music, WILLIAM KROLL $200. Contest doses June 1, 1951. Sponsor: Avenue of American by skilled craftsmen HUGH Ross and the newest of speech, Art, Box 174,-C, Pasadena, California. AARON COPLAND machinery • Ballet score commemorating life, explorations of Columbus. and art IVERSITY BORIS GoLDOVSKY ... that produces even- Prize, $1,000. Closing date, .lune 1, 1951. Sponsor: Columbian ness in true tone from without Twenty-two Members 0/ the pianissimo to fortissimo. Centennial Committee, Genoal Italy. BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The supreme test of a additional • Choir Photo Contest. Open to non-professional choral groups only. First prize, $382.50; nine other prizes. Ends June 30, 1951. superior cost Special Program for Music ""'/J; Sponsor: Choir Guide, 166 W. 48th St., N. Y. C. Send for booklet on the 'u., '" Education under the supervision interesting story of SH -..:;:, • Four-part a cappella anthem. Prize and closing date not an- above regular of AUGUST D. ZANZIG Piano Hammers. ..' , nounced. Sponsor: Chapel Choir Conductors' Guild, c/o Ellis E. academic tuition For further in/ormation, write Snyder, Mees Conservatory, Capital University, Columbus 9, Ohio. ~~D. STANDARD • Rome Prize Fellowships, $3,000 for one year's study in Rome •• ~() PIANO HA'l\1MER CO. Registrar Symphony Hall • '. Su~ing /lmerica'J leading ACADEMY in connection of classics and the fine arts. Closing date for 1952-53 scholarships, \.-,;i ; piano monujacl.ur:erJ and Boston 15, Massachusetts January 1, 1952. Sponsor: American Academy, 101 Park Ave" \.~" ';I.:'" {uner technlCianJ ~ ""Est 3220 W. Grand Ave. N. Y. C. Chicago 51 6 _ ETUDE-MAY 1951 1 When parents put you ETUDEa,c ,n((siC ,naga:hle on the SPOT PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THEODORE PRESSERCO., PHILADELPHIA, PA, LeTTeRS :BallWin Flictronic 0Walt.- Editorial and Advertising Offices, Bryn Mawr, Pa. JRlU<'!1 FraneiJ Cooke. 1!dit~ E...eritu~ k'fflt new i&imtiolL Founded lIHl3 I>y THEODORE PHESSER find the answer in this (EditD'. J90;."~) Music Section Swanson in the March issue is JOHN BRIGGS, Etlitor most interesting. Yes, I teach popular music to my students Garretson, Managing Editor Charles J. Reed, Arl Director Sir: I look forward to each Dorothy F. when that is what they ask for. to our c£rrc£ J. Clees l\lcKruy, Music Editor ETUDE and enjoy reading and valuable FREE playing the music. Each month Thank you, Mr. Swanson! Harold Berkley Maurice DllIuefnil Eliubeth A. Gal Gny Maier Karl W. Gehrke,," Ale,.-allder McCurdy '\'I;'ilfrid Pelletier William D. Reo'elll I find a Humber that merits work- Mrs. Olive Rendell ing on. Cuba, Kansas booklet! Mrs. T. E. Webb Ada, Oklahoma IlNotes of a Violin Maker" Vol. 69 No.5 CONTENTS MAY 1951 Sir: I feel so disappointed in Sir: Congratulations to Mr. FIL4.TURES the present ETUDE. I enjoy Orr upon his fine contribution in ETUDE. (March, 19SL) It would II Grade 3 and 4 numbers. also MUSIC AT THE FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN .......•...... · - - .. be of great service to violin- lllll II piano duets, but 5th and 6th SINGING PATROLMEN ••.••••.........•....••.••.... RQ,u' U"r ' making if more people would THERE'S MUSIC IN YOUR I:>IANO _ !CQleltlml , . Oun,.n", 15 Grade numbers are lao difficult share their knowledge. I should A SINGER'S VOICE ANI) SINUSES ..•........•.• AU"'r' r, "It"",.. ,11.0. 16 to be of any interest to me ... very much like to see and try TEACHING IS SELLING .. _.....•. , •.... _ FrtJnk ,.',I,.d,.I,.II 11 Mrs. L. R. Shuster THE ll\1i\10RTAL "TRIFLES" Ann M. Un" 20 Seneca Falls, N. Y. Mr. Orr's violins sometime. BEETHOVEN-A lUasll:r LcS801l ••••••••••••••••••• •• •• {ltualtl frn",., 2ft Larry Owen WE l\IAKE A GAME OF PlfACTICING ....•..• __ .... {"f.rI-II $/,I',.",tl 51 Sir: I want to tell you how Grand Rapids, Mich. PROGRAM NOTE for "AI)PlllliChillll Sl,rin#l:" ..... __ ..• , ..• DfJrltl MorU"i 51 much I enjoyed playing through BEWARE THE EDITOR _ .. _ .... , , •.•........ _ •.• I)f/U;'·' $,,.,rl/,f'r' h2 the February ETUDE's music "Music in Stamps" GET TOUCH WITH YQUB PUI'ILS! May Woad J\l.dllllu hI section. May I urge you to pre- hI HOW "SWEET ADELINE" GOT ITS NA.\IE K. e, J,.,Ofrlt' sent more of this type of music. Sir: Very interesting article especially music like the Buxte- this month (March)-"There's Music in Stamps." However, I DEl·"JlT~'.~NTS hude "Canzonena" and the Fre- scobaldi "Canzona." And please am surprised that you omitted LETTERS TO TilE EDITOR - .
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