THE SUNDAY STAR. WASHINGTON, D. C.. MARCH 30. 1935—PART TWO. 5 steamer Sonoma route from Australia nent Communist who was killed by a STEAMSHIPS. supper will be served at fl:16 o’clock. serve program for grade school glrla en SOVIET UNION CHANGES bomb thrown in Moacow in 1919 by ao- The Blue Triangle Club will meet at : will be held at the Y. W. C. A. LAND SALE COMPLETION to Europe. of Plans for the proposed flight across cial revolutionaries. Y. W. C A. Notes 7 o’clock Thursday evening. Club sup- Les cameradea Girl Reserve Club the site of the famous per will be served 6:30 o’clock. After High School plan* to taka a IS ORDERED BY COURT the Atlantic were incomplete, said the TWO MORE TOWN NAMES Sergiev was at ¦ Eastern aviator, might monastery founded by St. Sergius. the business meeting there will be arts i hike Saturday afternoon. and the Southern Cross Twilight hour will be held to- not be used, although he was hopeful Bogorodek (Holy Becomes music and crafts work. locomotive Inginears of New York flown, he Virgin), day There is to be a "get-acquainted Dupont Chapter wtll meet tomorrow that It would be. If it were The ancient Greek boxer, we are told, at 6 o'clock, when Helen smeltser. I administration said, the crossing of the Atlantic would and Sergiev Becomes MEDITEPMHIAHI at o'clock in Hhe Noginsk, thongs soprano: i party” Friday at 7 o’clock for all Girl 1 2:45 Hudson, to Sell Florida Block to Penn- “wore on his hands leathern Louise McNemey, pianist, and alumnae. The party Is planned building Miss Helen chalr- not be started before June. studded with nails, with which fearful Helen Bury, soprano, will present a Reserve , I commit- said that after re- Zagorsk to Honor Martyr. for just one hour to enable girls to go man of the world fellowship sylvania Group for $041,000. Kingsford-Smlth blows and wounds were inflicted. program. Tea will be served from 4 tee of the Y. W. C. A. and Mrs. Elisa- turning to Australia later than June he to S o'clock the Mount Pleasant to the operetta. The party is being for the married to Miss Ry the Associated Press. by by Betty McElroy, beth Murray, hospital worker Sr the Associated Press. would be Mary Powell STEAMSHIPS. Mrs Thomas H. Mitchell, Jacobe. Sarah Churches, will be of Melbourne. MOSCOW, March 29—The central Chapter. fargaret Dimond. Jerry Whitaker, Vir> ! Federation of special TAMPA, Fla.. March 29.—Consum- president, assisted by members of the Slanned | guests. executive committee of the Soviet chapter, Hat- glnla Sherler, Helen Middleton, Elisa- mation of a land sale involving $641,000 Union decided today to change the will be the hostess. Miss beth Morrow. Ruth Nalls, Elisabeth ,! Piney Branch Chapter will have a | tie P. Anderson, general secretary, will meeting o’clock between the Brotherhood of Locomotive Liner Smuggling Suspect. name of.the town of Bogorodek. which |1 Hunter and Grace Walther. luncheon tomorrow at 1 Returns "Holy to also be hostess for the afternoon j with Mrs. oeorge W. Harsch. 836 Jes- Engineers Securities Corporation of New NEW YORK, March 29 UP).—Accused in Russian means Virgin,” At the Elisabeth Somers vesper hour, i Noginsk, after Victor Pavlovich Nogin, , ferson street. , the Brotherhood of Engineers i Idg- The operetta “Snow White and the York and of attempting to smuggle $500,000 worth head of the Soviet Textile Trust. at 5:30 o'clock today. Mrs. Prank ! Chevy Chase Chapter will hold a Corporation of Pennsylvania late ington of the New York Avenue Pres- i ] Seven Dwarfs” will be presented by the luncheon meeting Tuesday with Mrs. Securities of narcotics Into this country. Jacob At the same time the committee or- Olrl Reserves April 4. 8:15 o'clock, I yesterday by Judge Sergiev Sweden Denmark Germany byterian Church will give a Lenten at George Winchester Stone. 410 Cum- was ordered Federal Blum, alias John Bell, alias John Boss, dered the name of the town of Trondhjem Campbell April 5, at 3:30 o’clock. yesterday in changed Zagorsk memory and Stockholm exhibitions 1930 talk. will and Chevy Md. Miss Akerman. was returned to Nsjv York to in of ib Miss Barbara be Chevy mings lane, Chase. For Mifinai.rntmm «fr MMn the leader. The Girl Reserve Club at the : Mabel R. Cook. Girl Reserve executive. The order instructed Louis S. Weiss, custody aboard the French liner France. Vladimir Mikhailovich Zagorsky, proml- A Capital Outlook mailing party will Chase Presbyterian Church will meet receiver for the Pennsylvania corpora- Norwegian America | will be the speaker. U Whitehall S New line be held tomorrow from 10 am. to today at 5 o'clock In the parish house. tion. to execute an agreement with STEAMSHIPS. BTEAMSHIPS. treat. York The Adelphae Girl Reserve Club, at health edu- of rsATuwSiu 10 p m. The Spring term in the Honoree Palmer and Potter Palmer William Knowles Cooper will speak Western High School, will have a mem- cation department is under way. Al- New York, trustees under the will of the SCENIC CROSSING VULCAN!* to W, Tues- -1 bershlp tea tomorrow at 3 o’clock and though the term started the week of late Bertha Honoree Palmer of Chi- To Marselllee (French Riviera). the staff of the Y. C. A. at at Friendship || day. at 10 o’clock, on ‘ Readjusted Plans 4 o’clock the club March 17, registration in gym, gym cago. to purchase a large block of land to EUROPE Italy, Spain, Lisbon. Greece and April day clog tap to Carry Out Our Objective.” House will have an Fool's and swim combination, and near Venice. Fla., the Brotherhood sub- Annual Trieste for Oberammergau and Venice. Miss Jane Shaw Ward of the educa- party. dancing will be accepted during this division. and in Sarasota County. James BorinO tion research division of the national The Olrl Reserves at the Dennison week. The trustees had filed a claim with SATttINIA Apr. M May 80 hobby pur- staff will be in the city this week at- Vocational School will have a Weiss baaed on the contract for VCtCANIA Apr. 10 May IS tending the conference on progressive hour Wednesday at 2 o’clock. At 2:20 The K. E. Y. Club members will meet chase of the land by the Pennsylvania MIDNIGHT supper - at o’clock the two clubs at the Jefferson Wednesday for in the cafeteria corporation for $641,000. For the deed pgr education and will be the association a bowling Sail Baltimore All Expenses included for on Junior High School will have meetings. at 5:30 o'clock and will have Weiss is to obtain an insurance policy from LLOYD TBIESTINO SERVICE. conferences membership party at 6:16 o’clock. the SUM CRUISE At 3 o'clock the Girl Reserve Club at for $600,000 covering the title to WHAT A VARIETY Egypt—Holy Land—Near and Far East I There will be a meeting of the K of the Thursday Club who C AILS 28 to Iceland, North of “Spring Tonic" trips, street house committee Tuesday at 11 the Silver Spring High School and the Members land at the expense of the Palmer June in the warm spring sun and health Semper Fldelis Club of McKinley High have free time that afternoon will meet estate. Wilim Cape, Norway's Fiord*, Don- giving salt air! o'clock. a program. FLORIDA EAST COAST, A historic sight-seeing trip to An- School will have meetings. at the Y. W. C. A. for In return for the deed and policy S mark, Visby, Sweden, Danzig, Miami. Daytona, cosuucn LINE- napolis being planned by The Olrl Reserve Clubs at Macfar- The Americanize ton class la held Weiss is to pay the trustees $455,000 AS and Scotland—alio to parti moit ' ///’ etc. ,ia days, all-expense, sijß. Havant Cruise, 16 I is the educa- o’clock, tt\\ 17BATTERY tion and industrial departments for land. Powell and Langley Junior High from 2 to 3 Seventeenth and K on the principal and interest covered /fflWv convenient for continuation travel /yfl|v\ days, sll7. St. Auguatine, 9 days, only $Bl. H Schools will have hobby meetings Thurs- street*. Any foreign-speaking girl or by notes and deliver a mortgage for Eng- 'v.£> April 10. The bus will leave the lV In Russia, Germany, France, CITRUS BELT ofFlorida, to days,’slos, Miami, dsy at 2 o’clock at the schools. woman is invited. the balance. ** Y. W. C. A at 2:15 o'clock and will -71 11 land, etc. 5.5. Calgarle specially W 9 days, $lO5. And other tours, including Bok Singing leave Annapolis for the return trip at Friday st 2 o’clock the Girl Reserve 11 chartered from the White Star "f" Clubs at Paul. Hine. Stuart and Co- II our i St.Petersburg,etc. Plan a trip for EASTER. 7:15 o’clock There will be a tour of the sign Pizzardo. up, High Pope Honors Mon or IM A Line. Rates, first class $550 Naval Academy and the Maryland State lumbia Junior Schools will have KINGSFORD-SMITH PLANS expenses, •Set Sailings to Sa-vannah, and fMutmt. Capitol. meetings At 3 O'clock the Bon Secour VATICAN CITY. March 29 (&). ' fl M cover all necessary in- Jacksonville Folder. Club High Pope today appointed Mgr. Piz- ¦ eluding shore trips and stopover Girl Reserve of Central Pius EUROPE-TO-U. S. FLIGHT B & The Wohelo, K O. Premiere, Tip- School will meet in the Girl Reserve zardo, at present assistant secretary of H ¦ return ticket.
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